Four months had passed. Becky was due in a week. She and Randy were both very excited. Her stomach was big but not as big as she thought. Randy went back to work a couple weeks ago. He had a match for the WWE Championship against Sheamus. Since he came back he was a fan favorite again. Becky couldn't go because of her pregnancy. So she volunteered to watch Alanna for a week while Sam was on vacation. Becky and Alanna were having a good time together. Becky was painting Alanna's nails.

"These are gonna look so pretty once I'm done." Becky said. It was a light blue color.

"This is fun I could never do this with dad."

"I think he would mess it up."

"Yeah me to."

"You don't do this kind of stuff with your mom?"

"She's usually always gone." "The nanny takes care of me mostly."

"What about your brother?"

"He's with his dad most of the time."

"Who is his dad?"

"Dad never told you?"


"My uncle Cody."

"Cody Rhodes?"

"Yeah." "Dad and uncle Cody and uncle Ted used to be in a group together on tv." "I don't remember though I was to little."

"It was called Legacy."

"I know dad told me." "I guess Cody was mom's boyfriend or something after her and dad got divorced." "Then they had Charlie." "Do you want to see a picture of Charlie?"

"Sure but be careful your nails are still wet." Alanna got up got a picture out of her suitcase and handed it to Becky. It was of Cody and Charlie. "My god he looks just like Cody."

"I know when I see him I call him mini Cody." Becky handed Alanna the picture back. "What are you gonna names the babies?"

"One I'm naming Ann Margaret and the other I'm letting your dad name."

"I like Ann it's cute." The phone rang.

"That's probably your dad." Becky answered it. "Hello?"

"Hi baby." Randy said.

"Hi honey."

"Is Alanna being good for you?"

"Yeah I just got done painting her nails." "We're waiting for the pay per view to start." "Are you nervous about tonight?"

"A little bit."

"Well all four of are gonna be cheering for you."

"Good I need the support of my girls." "Guess what?"


"Raw's in St. Louis tomorrow I'm coming home."

"I'm glad I miss you."

"I miss you to."

"I love you." "Good luck tonight."

"Thanks I love you to." "Let me talk to Alanna."

"Ok bye."


After Alanna talked to Randy they started watching the pay per view. John Cena came out Becky noticed Alanna smiling.

"Are you a fan of his?" Becky asked.

"Yeah he's cute." "Dad doesn't like him to much."

"He used to be my husband."

"You guys were married?"


"Why'd you break up?" Becky thought back to the reason and knew she couldn't tell her the truth.

"After we were married for awhile we just decided we shouldn't be married anymore."

"Have you ever been married to anyone else?"

"No but I was engaged once."

"To who?"

"Your dad."

"He never told me that." "You broke up so you didn't get married?"


Randy's match came on. It went on for almost and hour. Randy won and became new WWE Champion. Every one cheered including Becky and Alanna.

The next night Randy, Becky and Alanna were at Raw. Randy had to open the show but didn't have a match. Alanna was off somewhere Randy and Becky were alone. They were sitting on the couch. Randy rubbed Becky's stomatch.

"One more week." He said smiling.

"I know I can't wait." "Then I'll have everything I want."

"Well I gotta go I'll be back."

"Ok champ." She kissed him. "See ya."


Randy went to the ring. He was smiling something he rarely did on tv. Becky was watching with pride when all of a sudden she heard a popping sound. She heard water hit the floor and then felt the most intense pain she had ever felt in her life.

"Ahhhh!" She yelled. Melina happened to be walking by and heard her.

"What's wrong Becky?"

"It's time."

"Oh my god." "Ok lay down I'm gonna call 911." Becky laid down. Melina called 911. "Ok there on the way."

"Mel here comes another one." "Ahhh." After it passed Melina called Ted.

"Ted you have to have someone tell Randy to get back here." "Becky's in labor."

"Ok I will." Ted said.

The ambulance came and took Becky to the hospital. Ted was waiting for Randy by the curtain when he came backstage.

"Randy you gotta go to the hospital right now." "Becky's in labor."

"Oh shit." "I gotta find Alanna."

"Don't worry just go." "I'll watch her for you."

"Thanks." Randy drove to the hospital as fast as he could. He went up to the information desk. "Rebecca Brown."

"What relation are you sir?"

"I'm her boyfriend."



"Room 345.

Randy went to the room. Becky smiled went she saw him. After he arrived she was ready to deliver she was in labor for six hours. After she delivered them both she went to sleep for awhile went she woke up they were next to her bed.

"Randy?" She said.

"I'm right here." "Would you like to meet our daughters?"

"Yes." He brought one over to her. She started to cry when he gave her to her. He held the other one. They both had blue eyes and brownish blonde hair. Becky looked down at the baby in her arms. "Hi." "It's mommy." "You are so beautiful." "I think you'll be my little Ann Margaret." "I love you Ann."

"What about this one?"

"You name her."

"Ok." He looked down at her. "Do you like the name Sarah, huh?" "Yeah Sarah Rose." He looked at Becky. "Orton or Brown?"


"Becky remember how you said once the twins were born you would have everything you want?"


"Well I want one more thing." "Take Sarah." He gave Sarah to Becky. "Rebecca I love you." He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes I will." He put the ring on her finger and they kissed. "I love you."

"I love you to."

Well that's it hope you enjoyed it.