It was their second night in St. Louis and Alexa and Randy were sitting on the couch in his living room, they had watched about four or five movies together and after the current movie they were watching they planned to order a massive amount of food from the pizzeria down the street and pig out and watch more movies for the rest of the night.

"So let's order that food, I'm starving," Alexa said as she stood up when the movie credits started to roll.

"Okay, I'm gonna go change out of these jeans real quick. Do you want something to comfy to wear?" Randy asked as he stood up.

"Yeah, I think I left a pair of sweatpants here from last time I came over," Alexa said as she walked into the kitchen and got out the menu for the closest pizzeria. She dialed the number and placed the order, finishing the call when Randy walked into the kitchen.

"So what did you order?" he asked as he handed Alexa her sweatpants and one of his t-shirts.

"Mozzarella sticks, wings, potato skins, bacon, sausage, and pepperoni pizza, just about the whole menu," she smiled as she took the clothes from Randy.

"Sounds good," he smiled. "We are definitely spending most of the day at the gym tomorrow."

Alexa laughed, "That's fine with me. I'll be right back though, I wanna hop in the shower."

"Okay, I'll get the next movie ready," Randy said.

"The money for the food is in my purse," she said as she headed upstairs.

Randy laughed to himself; no matter where they were Alexa was always ready to pay for whatever they were doing, she never relied on him to pay the bill even though he did almost every time they were out. Randy sat back on the couch, leaning his head back this was the last night in St. Louis and Randy still had so much he wanted to say to Alexa; he just didn't know how to say it. Randy pulled out his cell phone and read a text message he had saved from two nights ago 'Doesn't matter how you do it, as long as she knows how you really feel'. The text was from Alexa's dad, Randy had been telling him about his problem expressing his feelings to Alexa and that text was what he had said back. Deciding to take Paul's advice Randy stood up as he heard the water shut off in the bathroom. He slowly walked up the stairs just in time to see Alexa coming out. It amazed him that even though she was wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants and one of his over sized t-shirts with her hair in a messy bun that she could still look like the most beautiful woman on the planet.

Sensing the awkwardness in the way Randy was looking at her Alexa spoke up, "Is the food here?"

Randy shook his head no, "There are some things I need to tell you though." Alexa stayed quiet signaling Randy to continue with what he had to say. "First, I love you; more than anything in the world," Randy started nervously. "I've been in love with from the first day we met as kids, you always amazed me. They way you run your mouth to men three times your size, the way you can fill a shopping cart up with a million things but walk out of the store with two items, the way you hate cheese on anything unless it's melted, everything about you makes me love you even more. I wish that night with the other women never happened because I broke the most important promise I ever made to you; to never hurt you. I told you I would protect you from anyone but I failed to protect you from myself. Alexa I swear if you give me one more chance I will not fuck it up, I need you with me for the rest of my life. I want you to be my best friend, my girlfriend, my wife, the mother of my children; my everything. Please give me one more chance."

Alexa looked at Randy, tears forming in her eyes. She was officially speechless so she did the only thing that she could think of right now.

Alexa walked over to Randy and wrapped her arms around his neck, Randy placed both hands on her hips and Alexa crashed her lips to Randy's. No words were needed between the two that night, the kiss said it all. They were made for each other, and nothing could ever come between them.

A/N: Well that's all folks, if you liked it maybe I could consider giving you guys a sequel? Review and let me know if you want part two!