"You have to tell me. Who is it Jake?" Bella leaned towards him, forcing him to back up into the counter.

"No" Jacob looked down, his deep voice faint. He was filled with anger and pain. How could this happen? He thought it was impossible. He couldn't tell her.

"Why not? Don't you trust me?" Bella looked at him annoyed by his silence. No.

"No," Edward walked towards Bella, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, "I can read your mind mutt." Jacob looked towards him glaring. Edward smiled, he knew how to bother him.

"Jake?" Bella looked at her friend. How could he not trust her? "Why?" Jacob looked at her, pained at the sight before him.

"Ask your boyfriend," Jacob snatched his jacket from the table and walked next to her, "He can read minds." He pushed past Edward and walked out the back door.

Damn it. Why now? Of all days, why today! He walked over to his motorcycle and pushed his helmet on. A light wind pressed past him.

"You might want to be more specific. I can hear your thoughts, not much else." Edward stood in front of the motorcycle. He didn't like that Bella had forced him out here, but he wouldn't leave with out an answer.

"Get out of the way," Jacob warned through his clenched teeth, "I won't struggle to run you over." Though he said it, he didn't mean it one bit.

"Something tells me," Edward leaned towards him, "you don't really mean that." Jacob turned on the motorcycle and took of the break.

"Want to bet?" I think I can still control what I do, for now. Edward looked at him confused.

"Look all I want to know is who you imprinted on or at least why you don't trust Bella." Edward took his hands off the motorcycle. And what you're talking about.

That doesn't count. Jacob smirked. Which means I don't have to say anything.

"What?" Edward looked at the wolf irritated. "Tell me now and save me the trouble."

"I don't have to listen to you." Jacob smiled and roared the engine as a warning. Edward sighed looking towards the old house, Bella wouldn't let him in with out an answer.

"Tell me now Jacob." Edward looked back at the wolf, fully intent on receiving a response.

"I don't trust her, because she's with you." Jacob looked away, "Now move so I can leave." Please, before.

"Before what?" Edward cut him off short.

Jacob doubled over on his bike in pain. Edward took at step towards him, for Bella's sake. Stay away from me. You're only making it worse.

"I'm not doing anything." Edward looked at him.

That's the problem. Jacob grasped his chest in pain screaming, his eyes widened.

"What's going on? Why is this happening?"

I lied. Jacob fell to the ground, expecting his bike to fall on him, he opened his eyes to see that Edward had caught it and moved it aside.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Not allowed to lie. Imprint. Otherwise. This. Jacob panted, he knew how to make the pain go away, but he couldn't say it.

"Damn it, you stupid wolf, if it'll make the pain go away just say it." Why didn't this happen before? He's lied so many times.

Not to you.

Bella stepped out, "Jacob!" She began to run towards them.

Stop her. Jacob cringed in pain.

"Bella stay back." Edward stood. He put the pieces together. The last few weeks, Jacob had shown up more and more. For short periods of time, then leaving before he could give anything away.

"I won't tell her," Edward couldn't believe the words almost as much as Jacob couldn't, "Why'd you lie if you knew this would happen?"

You made me tell you. I thought I could still control myself. But now, I'm just as good as a slave. Jacob looked up at him, the pain was slowly going away.

"You don't trust Bella to forgive you for imprinting on me." Edward whispered.

No, I don't trust her to understand that I have no choice. And that I can't control what happens from now on.

"Bella? Looks like its time to tell you. Victoria's sister is here." Edward looked at Jacob and walked towards Bella.

Thank you.

"What? Oh Jacob, don't ride home on your bike. It's supposed to rain later on." Bella smiled lightly.

"That's not til later." Jacob got on his bike. Don't do it.

"Well, let him do what he wants, for now you and I have to talk." Edward smiled and kissed Bella.

Jacob looked away pretending he hadn't seen it.

There I didn't do order you to do it. You happy now? Edward smiling kissing Bella.

No, I'm not. I was referring to kissing her in front of me. Not ordering me. Jacob sighed and started the motorcycle. Edward stopped kissing Bella and looked towards Jacob.

"What. Is. It. Edward." Bella asked missing her boyfriend's lips. Jacob drove away, unaware that he'd had just spoken to and heard Edward without either one opening their mouths.