Here's a new story for you all.

If you like it, there's a little review button at the bottom of the page. Just saying.

Unfortunately, I don't own Twilight. Like you didn't know that.



"Bella! Get your arse over here! These drinks aren't going to serve themselves!"

I sighed and took a last drag of my cigarette before stubbing it out. "Sorry Mike. Be there in a sec."

I hated this goddamn catering job. Running around after rich snobs to serve their drinks and bring them food while they looked down their noses at me, or worse, treated me like a piece of furniture. I hated it. But it was either this, or starving. And my arsehole landlord was on my back for being a month behind on my rent again. Meaning I was trying to cram as many hours at this crappy job as possible, stealing enough food of the plates so I didn't starve, while searching the papers every night for a better deal.

Unfortunately, there aren't many ads for 'Amazing New Life For Sale' in the classifieds.

"Bella!" Mike called again.

I pushed off the wall and sloped back inside the kitchen. It was huge and looked like it hadn't been used since...forever, which was quite possibly true. We were catering for some big party that Edward Cullen was throwing.

Edward Cullen, rock star extraordinaire. He was the hottest new thing on the scene, with his soulful voice and killer looks, and a reputation to match. Since his discovery two years ago, he'd already been through a bout of rehab, and been pictured with countless skanks and groupies. Everyone wanted him, and he knew it.

And now we were here, in his giant mansion of a house, to put on a big smile and pretend we're oh so fucking happy to help cater to his every need.

"I'm here, Mike," I mumbled as I dragged myself to the other side of the kitch.

"About fucking time! Right, Angela, you're on the crab cakes, ok. There's two plates over there. Get Eric to help you." He gestured over to the other side of the kitchen. "Bella! What are you still doing here! Tanya has specifically asked for the red. So get out there. Jess, honey, you get the champagne, and Lauren, you're on white. Go, go, go!"

Lauren sighed dramatically as she loaded up a tray of wine glasses. Jessica and I followed suit.

"Can you believe this?" Jessica squealed as we pushed through the big double doors, in to Cullen's front room. "This is Edward Cullen's house. The Edward Cullen! I can't believe I'm actually here!"

"God, Jess. He's not a freaking God or anything."

"Oh, you can't fool me Bella Swan! He's a complete God. A sex God." She sighed happily. "That hair. Oh. My. God."

I smirked. "Need a change of panties there Jess?"

"Don't pretend Bella. Not even you are immune to his looks."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded, turning on her.

She shrugged, her eyes scanning the room. "Nothing. I just – Oh, there he is! I'm gonna go ask he wants some champagne! Wish me luck!" She scooted off through the crowd without a backwards glance.

Grumbling to myself, I straightened my ridiculous black skirt and white shirt combo and set off in to the room myself.


This night seemed never ending. The room was filled with some of the top names in the business and I was bored out of my mind. This was supposed to be a celebration for the success of my newest single, but no one really seemed to be paying attention. It was just an excuse to get drunk and schmooze with the people who could get you where you wanted to be.

I hated this business.

I cannot believe Alice talked me in to doing this. I am so fucking bored. I wonder where Tanya got to...

I was bought out of my musings by the sound of laughter around me. I laughed along, not entirely sure what I was laughing at.

"Excuse me, I'm just going to..." I started, but my explanation wasn't needed, as they all turned to listen to James Ryder's story about some crazy groupie. They didn't see me as I slipped in to the crowd.

"Edward," a voice purred in my ear. I looked round to see Tanya Denali. She was wearing a skin tight white dress that showed off her acres of legs. Too bad they were practically orange with fake tan. She ran her hand up and down my arm. Her fake nails scratched my arm. "Where have you been hiding yourself?"

"Tanya," I murmured, leaning closer to her under the pretence of being heard over the music and chatter. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

She moved her hand to my chest. "I could think of something I'd rather be doing."

"Really?" I asked, flashing her my famous Cullen smile. "And what might that be?"

Her fingers were tracing the line of buttons on my shirt. "I think you know."

I was fully intent on ditching the party and dragging Tanya upstairs. The party was still one would notice if I were to disappear for a while...

But the Tanya screamed.

It was one of those moments that happened in slow motion. I watched as a brunette girl tripped, sending the tray she was carrying - and the two glasses of red wine that were balanced on it – in to the air.

The first glass landed in front of Tanya, breaking the glass and splashing the red liquid up at her dress. She screeched, sending herself crashing in to me as she tried to escape it. The second glass arced backwards towards the girl. She flinched as the glass flew towards her, emptying its contents over her shirt. It hit her on the shoulder, breaking on impact.

"Shit," she mumbled. "Shit, shit, shit."



I was officially screwed. That creepy old man had pinched my bum, and I had totally freaked and tripped. If that wasn't bad enough, I had to do it in front of the host and his girlfriend! Now my blouse was soaked with red wine and there was a sharp pain in my arm.

Shit. I was so fucked.

I did a quick sweep to assess the damage. Two broken glasses, wine stained shirt, and...

"She ruined my dress! You little bitch!" Tanya screeched, gesturing to the bottom of her dress. A few drops of the wine had caught it, leaving specks of colour.

"I'm so sorry. So, so sorry. I'll just go get something to clean up the mess and I can get the dress dry cleaned and..."

Tanya let out a hard laugh. "Like I'd let you near my dress! It can't be dry cleaned, little girl. This dress probably cost more than you make in a year. And now it's ruined."

That much for a scrap of fabric? Man, she got ripped off.

Edward Cullen was looking at me with disgust.

"I'm so, so sorry. I'll go get something to clean up this mess." I looked down. Crap, carpet. "I'll - I'll be right back."

Jess appeared at my shoulder and thrust a box of cleaning products and a dustpan at me. "Mike's seriously pissed," she said to me in an undertone, and then disappeared.

I knelt down quickly, brushing up the glass that had shattered as fast as I could. The low rumble of chatter was beginning to start up again. I pulled out a series of carpet cleaners and prayed I'd disappear.

"Come on Edward. Let's go," Tanya snarled above me. I watched their feet disappear.

When I had cleaned up the stain as best I could, I stood up. It was hardly noticeable, thank God. Returning the products to the box, I got to the kitchen again as fast as I could.

As soon as I pushed the door open, Mike was there. His face was red and the look in his eyes told me not to mess with him.

"For fuck's sake Bella! I give the simple fucking task of handing out glasses and you go and fucking mess it up! Can you do anything right? Anything at all? I told you Bella. One more fuck up and you're out! This is the last straw!"

He took a step towards me, and I took a step back, towards the counter. None of the others were here. Just him and me.

"This is the biggest fucking job of my career and I don't need some bitch like you messing it up for me! You're lucky I took your whore arse in or you'd be out on the fucking streets by now! Don't think I haven't seen you stealing food. Don't think I haven't fucking SEEN IT!"

I was backed right up against the counter now. He raised his hand to me, and, automatically, I flinched away from him, waiting for the sting across my cheek.

"I don't think you want to do that," a voice said from across the room. "I'll call security."

Mike's head swung round. The figures image was blurred through the tears in my eyes but I could tell it was a small, petite women. Mike took a step away from me.

"That won't be necessary."

The women walked across the kitchen. I wiped the heels of my hands roughly across my eyes. She was tiny, and looked like a beautiful doll. When she took my hand, her grip was surprisingly strong.

"Bella, isn't it?" I nodded. "We should go and get you cleaned up."


"Come on Edward. Let's go."

She pulled on my hand and I unthinkingly obeyed the pressure. The brunette was cleaning the spilt wine behind us.

Tanya was jabbering on in my ear about how expensive her dress was, and how it was ruined. I tuned her out.

The girl. The brunette. I couldn't get the picture of her out of my mind.

I'd been ready to fire her on the spot and demand that she replaced the damaged glasses, but when she looked up at me, all those thoughts left my head.

I was speechless. She was beautiful. Perfect porcelain skin and big chocolate doe eyes even filled with the embarrassment and anger hers had held, were still the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. And when she'd knelt down in front of me, fuck if I didn't imagine my fingers tangled in her hair as those big, pouty lips around my cock.

I was going to hell.