Disclaimer: A new story and a new adventure! Oh, and by the way……… I wish I owned digimon and the universe! Ha, ha, ha,ha,ha! Too bad. I can't get it. (A drip went down Disclaimer's head.)

Davis: Where's Kari?

Disclaimer: Why do you want to know?

Davis: I got her flowers and while she's smelling them I'm steal a kiss.

Disclaimer: Hear that Kari?

Davis: What do you mean?

Disclaimer: I got a walky-talky with me, and Kari heard that.

Davis: Why you…! (Davis took chase after the Disclaimer)

Disclaimer: Help!

Davis: You can't run forever!

Disclaimer: Want to bet!

Davis: Yah!

After an hour Davis stopped chasing the Disclaimer.

Davis: How can you keep going?

Disclaimer: That wasn't me running. That was a cyborg that looked like me.

Davis: No wonder.

Yolie: You deserved it!

Davis: Shut up!

Yolie: You Davis!

Davis: You Yolie!

Disclaimer: Guys there's something I forgot to mention.

Armadillomon: What?

Disclaimer: I just remembered that only the season 1 digidstined are in this story.

Davis: Why?

Disclaimer: It was made that way.

Davis: I won't get to go with Kari or kiss her.

Wormmon: Are us digimon in the story?

Disclaimer: only the digimon that were in season 1.

Hawkmon: I hate that.

Veemon: I won't get chocolate.

Kari: We'll be in the story.

Gatomon: Cool!

Agumon: I love the story already!

Mimi: Story time!

Disclaimer: 3, 2, 1 action!

Ch.1: Back to the Digital World

It was in the middle of summer. All the digidestined had things to do, especially Davis, Yolie, Cody, and Ken. Ken and his family went on a cruise for three weeks straight, Davis went to a soccer camp that is for jr. high and younger, Cody and his grandpa went to a kendo tournament for kids about Cody's age, and Yolie went to Mexico with her family, but all the other digidestined had nothing much to do. One day, Izzy was playing a level ninety-four IQ game on the internet on a cite called genius.com. His game was interrupted by a message from Gennai. The message read….

"Digidestined! Your help is needed! The Dark Masters are back! And even worse, Piedmon has mode changed to ChaosPiedmon! There is a legend of this happening! The legend says. The evil that once ruled will try to rule again. Digimon at levels of massive power will stop them. But the problem is they will need a digimon to lead them, because the legend also says…. an ancient digimon that fought for courage and light will fight for them again! I don't know of any digimon like that, but maybe Tai and Kari know! Ask them! I also know that Kari and Tai encountered the digimon very early in their life. The reason I've sent you this e-mail is, because ChaosPiedmon is getting through a barrier I built over my house. It's an energy shield, but he's getting through and I have to escazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!" Gennai's message said.

The message ended.

"I have to find the others!" Izzy said to himself.

About half an hour later Izzy got all the digidestined at his house. (Including Mimi who got there from the Digital World.)

"The reason why I got you all here is, because of Gennai. The Dark Masters have returned, Piedmon has digivolved further, and he says that an ancient sort of digimon that saved Kari and Tai before will save the Digital World. Not only that, but all of our digimon must go to a powerful level and work with the ancient digimon to defeat the Dark Masters," Izzy explained.

"Me and Kari are supposed to know who this ancient digimon is?" Tai asked.

"Oh course," Izzy replied.

"But many digimon have saved us," Kari said.

"Take a pick of a very strong one or maybe the strongest one you've met. Plus, Gennai said you met this digimon long time ago, and when he said long time ago I think he ment many years ago. Maybe even before the newer digidestined joined," Izzy said.

"I don't know who the digimon could be," Tai said.

"We have to go to the Digital World now! With or without the digimon," Izzy said.

A couple of minutes later the digidestined got to Izzy's computer.

"Digi-port open!" T.K. said.

The digidestined got into the Digital World, but there was a fortress in front of the television they came out of. At the top of the fortress were Phantomon and Parrotmon.

"Can we pass?" Joe asked.

"No!" Parrotmon said.

"Why not?" Matt asked.

"You have to ask our master MetalSeadramon," Phantomon said.

"We're not asking that creep!" Sora said.

"Then you can't pass!" Parrotmon said.

"Parrotmon reminds me of someone…." Kari said to herself.

Just then all the digimon showed up.

"Are we here in time?" Patamon asked.

"You sure are," T.K. said.

"Get them Gabumon!" Matt said.

"You got it, Matt!" Gabumon replied.

"Agumon, digivolve to…. Greymon!"

"Gabumon, digivolve to…. Garurumon!"

"Biyomon, digivolve to…. Birdramon!"

"Tentomon, digivolve to…. Kabuterimon!"

"Palmon, digivolve to…. Togemon!"

"Gomamon, digivolve to…. Ikkakumon!"

"Patamon, digivolve to…. Angemon!"

Ikkakumon, Greymon, and Angemon went to fight Parrotmon, while Gatomon, Birdramon, Togemon, Kabuterimon, and Garurumon fought Phantomon. Angemon shot his "Hand Of Fate" at
Parrotmon, but Parrotmon wasn't affected in the least. He shot his "Sonic Laser" at Angemon's wing and Angemon fell down on a tree and de-digivolved to Patamon. Ikkakumon and Greymon fired over and over again at Parrotmon, but he wasn't affected. Parrotmon bashed Ikkakumon in the head with his own head and Ikkakumon de-digivolved to Gomamon. After that, Greymon and Parrotmon had fist to fist, and they both pushed, but neither was winning. Meanwhile, Phantomon kept trying to hit Garurumon with his scythe, but he couldn't do it. Togemon tried to hit him, but he hit her back and she de-digivolved.

"Palmon!" Mimi said.

"Digivolve!" Sora said.

"Garurumon, digivolve to…. WereGarurumon!"

"Birdramon, digivolve to…. Garudamon!"

"Kabuterimon, digivolve to…. MegaKabuterimon!"

"Gatomon, digivolve to…. Angewomon!"

MegaKabuterimon fired his "Horn Buster" repeatedly at Phantomon, but didn't hit him. Behind Phantomon, Garudamon shot her "Wing Blade" and he was falling to the ground. Before he hit the ground, WereGarurumon used his "Garuru Kick" and Phantomon was shot back in the air again, but before he could recover, Angewomon shot her "Celestrial Arrow" at him. The arrow went through him and he disintegrated. The ultimates de-digivolved afterward. Greymon and Parrotmon were still at it. Then Parrotmon tossed Greymon into some trees. He got back up and rammed Parrotmon. Parrotmon fell back a couple steps and charged forward after that. Greymon stood his ground. When Parrotmon rammed him he didn't fall down, but the fight continued. Tai's crest started to glow. Greymon started to digivolve, but Parrotmon hit him on the ground before he could do it. Greymon kept firing his "Nova Blast", but when it hit Parrotmon's mask he wasn't hurt. Parrotmon started choking Greymon. Greymon was gathering all his energy to do a powerful blast. The energy in his mouth was blue. He fired with all his might and Parrotmon disintegrated. He then de-digivolved. Kari remembered this long time ago. When they got their first digimon he digivolved to Greymon, defeated Parrotmon, and for some reason they never saw him again. The digidestined wanted to know what was in the fortress that was so dangerous to the Dark Master's plans. They went in and found a dungeon and a Koromon in it.

"Why would they put a Koromon in a big fortress?" Mimi asked.

"Who knows," Tai said.

"Let's get him out," Tentomon said.

Tentomon and Agumon connected their attacks and broke the lock. When the Koromon got up he seemed surprised.

"Tai and Kari," Koromon said.

"How does he know us?" Tai asked.

"Remember Tai," The Koromon said.

Who is this Koromon? And how does he know Tai and Kari? Find out next time on Digimon Digital Monsters!