Here it is, guys! The final chapter!

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported me throughout this story. I can't tell you what a thrill it has been for me, and I cannot wait to give you even more Aly and Zaeed once we are all engrossed in ME3.

In the meantime, I think Thane may be getting some play time from me – with a little added twist, of course! I hope you all check it out!

Again, thanks to everyone who has been so amazing! I love you all, truly!

Thanks to everyone who has read, alerted and favorited this story!

My first personal thank you with this chapter needs to go to Ghost. Valern is dead, and we can both rejoice!

The greatest of thanks always goes to Lisa – without your support, I don't know if I could have completed this! You are my muse! Thank you for showing me how to keep loving what I write, even when it's getting me down!

Oh, and Lisa? There is one more thing – guess who suggested this one! "Ha, Lisa, read it and weep. I was the smart one and killed that f**king a**hole! So now take notes!"

Thank you so much to my newest reviewers, NightAngel37 and LlroAndum! Thank you so much for spending some time with Aly & Zaeed! Your kind words mean SOOO much!

All the love I have to the members of Team Zaeed & Team Kaidan, including: voltagelisa, AlexSavard, KMN91, SO58, Steve69,

CCBug, WitchWeaver, FalynnAngel, sandradee27, KayraCousland, Constantano, Made Nightwing, tgail73,

lightan117, Nanicane, damn all good names are taken, woodledoodledoodle, thnewandrew, AdalaeAmell, Inverness, Alliel 23,OverPowered,

The Gate Builder, battybiologist, txmn1016 and TekamanBlade!

"Virmire?" Garrus repeated, his voice reflecting the shocked expression on his face. "How in the Spirits name did he end up there? We detonated a nuclear device on the surface! I can't imagine it's the most agreeable place to take up residence."

Tevos smiled and nodded slowly. "Normally, you would be correct, Officer Vakarian," she began. "If Virmire had remained untouched, there is no conceivable way that anyone would be able to live there safely for many years to come. However, the Council was approached by a group of hanar conservationists shortly after the destruction of Saren's cloning facility. They had been researching some new methods for removing radiation from a planet's atmosphere, and wanted our permission and aid to test it on Virmire."

The Councilor looked away a moment, her expression unreadable. "We discussed the hanar's proposition at length," she continued, "and eventually agreed to help the scientists in their endeavor. Looking back now, the Turian Councilor's reaction was quite out of character."

"In what way?" Aly asked.

"I am sure you are aware of how uncooperative Councilor Kryik can be with regards to any proposition that doesn't directly benefit the turian people," she said and Aly nodded, rolling her eyes. "Well, in this case, he was the first of us to agree to the plan, and he even offered to chair the committee that would oversee the procedures."

"That seems more than just a 'bit out of character' to me," Kaidan interjected. "So, I take it the process was successful?"

Councilor Inoste nodded. "It was nothing short of amazing, actually," he explained. "In less than six months, all traces of radiation gone from atmosphere. Council funded multicultural team tasked with cleanup of Saren's facility and replanting of indigenous plant life. Councilor Kryik agreed to remain on as Council liaison to the scientific team."

"How eco-friendly of him," Aly said, shaking her head. "So, let's cut to the chase, here, as I am getting one hell of a headache. Valern made Virmire his pet project and he's had over two years to do whatever the fuck he wanted with that planet. Am I correct?"

Tevos nodded silently.

"And I bet he stopped sharing the results of this multicultural planting project with you," Aly continued.

The Asari Councilor nodded once again. "The Council is responsible for maintaining the peace of the entire galaxy, Commander," she said apologetically. "The results of one project simply weren't important."

"Well, they are now," Zaeed said angrily. "That bastard has had plenty of time to build his own private little Shadow Broker base using the Council's money. I suggest you have better checks and balances in place for the next Turian Councilor. There won't be enough of this one left to put in a plastic baggie once I am done with him."

"We are already working on that, Mr. Massani," Tevos replied sadly. "I want to apologize to you and your crew, Commander, for everything that has befallen you all. You have our complete support with regards to this mission. If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let us know."

"Actually, may have one thing to offer, Commander," Inoste said, punching several keys on his omnitool. "STG had a ship in Hoc System recently. Mission completely unrelated to Shadow Broker, of course."

"Naturally," Shepard replied, winking at Mordin. It appeared that the Salarian Councilor had concerns of his own with regards to Valern Kryik…

Inoste paused a moment before continuing, "Team ran satellite images of all planets in system to update internal database. Sending you all images taken of Virmire right now. May help you to plan strategy for upcoming battle."

"Thank you, Councilor," Shepard said. "I will have my people look them over right away. In the meantime, there is something you can do to be of assistance to myself and my team."

"Of course, Commander," Tevos said quickly. "Anything you need."

Aly stood from her chair and folded her arms over her chest. "When I have dealt with Valern, I plan on taking some time off to recover from this entire fiasco," she began. "Once my vacation is over, I will be returning to my mission to prepare for the inevitable Reaper invasion. If you wish to keep the Council's dirty little secrets off the extranet, I would suggest you get on board and begin preparing your people to help me in any way I see fit. I have been dismissed too many times by you when it comes to this particular issue, and that stops now! Have I made myself perfectly clear?"

"Meant to talk to you about that when all was finished, Commander," Inoste replied after exchanging a meaningful glance with Tevos. "The asari and salarian governments always thought your claims had merit. Councilor Kryik, however, vehemently opposed any attempts we made to help you in your investigation of the Reapers. Given this new information you have received, his reasons appear clear. He knew the threat was real and planned to use the invasion to his own advantage."

"So I can expect your full cooperation from now on?" Aly asked.

She received nods of assent from both Councilors. "Once again, you have my deepest apologies," Tevos said, sighing heavily. "You have been forced to handle everything on your own until now, Commander Shepard, and yet you have proven time and again how strong you truly are. Your crew need not stand alone anymore, Shepard. When and if the Reapers do come, the Council and all its military might will stand with you."

"Forgive my crassness," Aly replied, "but it's about fucking time. Thank you for the planetary scans, Councilors. We will make good use of them. I'll contact you once Valern has been dealt with. Shepard out."

Aly drew in a deep breath as the images of the Councilors vanished and released it slowly. "Well," she began, glancing around the table at her crew, "that was fun, wasn't it? Nothing like spending time with the Council to fucking ruin my day."

"I second that one," Garrus replied, shaking his head in frustration. "So, what now, Aly? We know where to find Valern, but that's just the first step. The bastard has had two years to solidify his position there. If we fly in blind, we won't have a chance."

"STG scans far more detailed than Councilor revealed," Mordin said, smiling at Aly. "Inoste would not want such information passed to Asari Councilor; for political reasons, of course. Guarantee you will be amazed at what you find when you examine them."

"Aly," Ricci said, leaning forward in his chair, "you have an entire crew to prepare for this mission. You have allowed my people to reside on your ship, eat your food, and drink your excellent booze. I say the time has come for us to pay you back. Let me get my crew working on those satellite images. If there is one thing the Blue Suns do well, it's plan an invasion attack. By the time you get us to Virmire, I guarantee we will have a way to get you to the Shadow Broker that will minimize casualties."

Aly smiled. "I think that's a fabulous idea, Tony," she replied. "Thank you for the offer. I will leave Legion, Kasumi and Tali at your disposal. They are my experts when it comes to planning and implementation. Jacob and Thane, I need you both in the armory, preparing the weapons and armor for the attack. Upgrade everything to the highest degree possible. We're going to need every advantage."

"Kaidan, Liara," she said, glancing at each individual in turn, "I need you to get Dr. Chakwas up to speed on the upcoming mission. We are going to have injuries, and she needs to be able to handle them on a moment's notice. Make sure the medbay is fully stocked and ready. If you need any extra supplies, let me know. I'll contact the Council and make sure they are delivered before we leave port."

Taking another deep breath to calm herself, Aly addressed the remaining crew. "The rest of you should spend this time getting your gear ready and resting up. This won't be a small ground assault team. I plan on taking the whole group onto Virmire to finish Valern once and for all. Keep that in mind, Tony, when you plan your strategy. You have an entire crew of able bodies. Use them." Ricci nodded, a broad smile on his face.

"And what, may I ask, are your plans, Alyssa?" Zaeed asked. He knew she had no intention of resting until they reached the planet, and the anxiety he read in her body language concerned him.

"Someone has to tell Ashley where we're headed," she answered, gazing down at him. "And I think that should be me."

"You still think we should include her in the mission, Aly?" Kaidan asked. "This may be far more than she can handle right now."

"That decision is still Mordin's to make," Aly replied, smiling at the salarian professor. "I would appreciate it if you and Samara would watch my meeting with her on the ship's security cameras. I want your opinions as to her state of mind before I agree to allow her anywhere near Virmire."

"Of course, Aly," Samara said, smiling warmly at the commander. "We will watch your interaction with her and then, with your permission, I think we should speak to her, ourselves. I should be able to have a clear idea of her emotional condition once that is done."

"You are the experts here, not me," Aly said. "If you need to meet with her alone, you go right ahead. Should I go first, or do you think it would be best if you did?"

Samara shook her head. "You need to speak with her first, Aly," she said softly. "I don't think it would be beneficial for Chief Williams to learn of the Virmire mission from anyone but you. Take as long as you need. Mordin and I will only be a com call away if you need us."

"Thank you," Aly said and rose from the table. "Okay, people, let's move," she announced. "We have a lot to do and not much time to do it. Valern will know about Udina's death soon enough and we don't want to give him too much time to prepare."

The crew was filing from the room when Kaidan felt a hand on his arm. He turned and met David Anderson's serious gaze. "I think it's time we talk, don't you?" the Councilor asked quietly. Kaidan merely nodded and turned away, headed for the medbay and the conversation he'd been dreading.

Zaeed turned to Aly as the last of the crew walked through the conference room doors. "I know this won't be easy for you," he began as he pulled her into his arms and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "But I have to agree with Samara on this one. You should be the one to tell Williams about Virmire and you need to do it alone. I will be with Tony and his men, planning the attack. I'm sure Garrus will join us once he does more calibrating on those beloved cannons of his. But neither of us will be far away. If you need me, you had better call me. Understood?"

"Understood," Aly replied, resting her head on his chest. "You know, Zaeed, you have become quite the softie when it comes to me. You probably shouldn't let that information get out. You wouldn't want to tarnish your 'badass, blood-thirsty killer' reputation, now would you?"

"Oh, I think this mission to Virmire will solidify that reputation once and for all, my Aly," he said as he rested his chin on the top of her head. "The things I have planned for Valern will no doubt curl your beautiful toes. However, I have learned to balance my rather intense need for violence with my equally intense need for you." Pulling back, he placed his fingertips under her chin and tilted her head back so he was looking directly into her eyes. "I love you, Alyssa Shepard; and if that makes me soft, then I think I can deal with that."

"I love you, too," she replied, reaching up to kiss him gently. "And I promise to keep your tender side a secret. Though my silence won't come free, you know…"

"Then you had best get this conversation with Williams over and done with," he said, turning Aly toward the door and smacking her on the behind. "I find myself quite anxious to make a payment to my blackmailer."

Aly laughed. As she stepped through the doors of the conference room, she called back, "Don't wear yourself out during your planning session, Massani. My rates are quite steep…"

Bloody woman will kill me yet, Zaeed thought as he headed for the Blue Suns' quarters.


Kaidan and Anderson passed Legion as they entered the Councilor's makeshift quarters. The geth barely registered their appearance. He wasn't fond of either human, and he was on his way to meet Ricci and his crew to go over the STG's satellite images. As the door closed behind him, Anderson shook his head.

"Don't know if I'll ever get used to the idea of Aly allowing a geth to watch her back," he said quietly, hopping up onto his bed. Kaidan took a seat on a nearby chair. "I don't understand how she can trust him."

"We both trusted you," Kaidan said angrily, "and you see where that got us. Though I don't personally care for Legion, he does seem to have Aly's best interest at 'heart', so to speak. Maybe if you'd felt the same, things would be different now."

"Kaidan," David began, his eyes filled with sorrow, "I am so sorry that I kept the truth of Aly's resurrection from you. At the time, I honestly thought the entire thing was a scheme fabricated by the Illusive Man in order to keep the Alliance off guard. Udina and Hackett suggested as much, and I agreed."

Kaidan snorted derisively and sat forward in his chair. "That bullshit excuse might work for the time period before the rumors of Shepard sightings started," he retorted. "But I came to you when I first heard the rumblings about Aly being alive and asked you if you knew anything about it. You should have told me everything then! If you had, I may have been able to find her before she began working for Cerberus!"

Anderson rose from his bed and began pacing the room. "Could have, should have, would have… Dammit, Kaidan, don't you think I know how badly I fucked up? I did what I thought was best to protect Aly from the Alliance and the Council. I was afraid they might take her if they knew the truth of the Lazarus Project and study her in some godforsaken laboratory! As long as no one knew she had been resurrected, she could be protected from anyone who might find her condition 'scientifically valuable'!"

The Councilor's explanation temporarily stunned Kaidan into silence. He'd never thought of the possibility that the Alliance might have wanted to study Alyssa, given her rather unorthodox return to the living. Though he fought to maintain his anger, he could feel it slowly ebbing away. His constant anger was beginning to eat away at him, and he longed for some semblance of peace. Maybe now was the time to end it, once and for all.

"Fine, David," he said quietly. "I can see your reasoning, but it still doesn't excuse your actions. You knew I loved Aly, and you knew I would never do anything to harm her. Why didn't you trust me with the truth? Goddamn it, David, I lost her because of your lies! She stood before me on Horizon and begged me to come back with her and I called her a traitor! You told me she was working for Cerberus; and because I believed you, I sent her away!"

"No, Kaidan, you are wrong," Anderson said sternly. "I told you about the rumors that she was travelling with Cerberus operatives. I never said I knew for a fact that she was working for them. I will take the blame for keeping the Lazarus Project a secret from you, but your actions on Horizon were your own. Despite the things you'd been told, you knew Alyssa better than anyone. You knew her heart, and still you pushed her away. You could have easily chosen to leave Horizon with her that day, but you didn't. You made a choice based on what you believed deep inside. And you need to forgive not only me, but yourself, for that choice."

Kaidan closed his eyes and a few stray tears escaped the corners. When he opened them again, all trace of anger was gone. In its place was a sorrow so deep it broke Anderson's heart.

"She loves him, you know," Kaidan whispered. "Massani – she loves him. I heard her tell him so. I love her with every fiber of my being, and she won't ever be mine again! What am I supposed to do now, David? How am I supposed to go on now that I've lost the only thing that really mattered to me?"

David cautiously reached out and placed his hand on Kaidan's shoulder. When the Staff Commander didn't reject the show of affection, he tightened his grip.

"You are a strong man, Kaidan," Anderson said. "You were strong before you met Alyssa and that won't ever change. It may not seem like it now, but there will come a time when your heart will heal. Just give it time, son. I have been where you are now, and it does get better. Once you are back on an Alliance vessel…"

"I'm not going back to the Alliance, David," Kaidan said firmly, shaking his head. "I'm staying here, on the Normandy, with Aly."

Anderson shook his head and pulled up a chair next to Kaidan; forcing the Staff Commander to look at him. "I don't think that is such a good idea, Kaidan," he began. "You are well respected by the Alliance, and your career is only beginning. Once this mission is done, you can have your choice of postings. I will make sure of it."

"The only thing I want from you is an assurance that you will get me released from the Alliance without delay when we have dealt with the Shadow Broker," Kaidan replied. "The Reapers are still coming, David; and, despite the Council's assurances of aid, Aly will need all the help she can get to defeat them. I will be by her side when she finally sends them all to hell, even if I can't be with her as I want."

"Forget the Reapers for a moment, Kaidan," Anderson said. "I am strictly talking about you. How can you hope to get over your feelings for Alyssa if you are living on the same ship with her; watching her with her new lover each and every day? That will be torture! And will Massani even allow such a thing? He doesn't seem to me to be the kind of man who tolerates competition."

Kaidan chuckled softly before replying. "First of all," he began, "Massani doesn't have to allow it. As someone reminded me not long ago, this is Alyssa Shepard's ship; and her word here is law. Even Massani knows that. And I have already made my intentions quite clear to him. He knows I intend to stay. Though he isn't thrilled with the decision, he understands it. After all, he has practically surrounded himself with men who have feelings for Alyssa. What's one more, in the grand scheme of things?

And," Kaidan continued, "I never said I wanted to rid myself of my feelings for Alyssa, at least not yet. I love her; and though I may hate the position I now find myself in, I won't leave her side now that I have found her again. When the day comes that I do decide to move on, I will know what path I should take. For now, the Normandy is my home. I want to stay here and make it a real home, as long as Aly allows it."

"I think the Normandy is exactly where you should be," Aly said and both men jumped at the sound of her voice. She stepped into the room and leaned back against the door. "Sorry if I eavesdropped. I just wanted to stop in and see how David was doing before I meet with Ashley."

Turning her full attention to her former lover, Aly smiled. "So, you really want to stay here after we deal with Valern?" she asked. "I have to admit, I am a bit surprised. Certain members of the crew have been less than welcoming to you, I'm sorry to say."

"You should know by now that no opinion but yours matters to me, Aly," Kaidan replied softly. "And things have gotten much better with the crew, actually. Just the other day I met Grunt in the elevator and he stopped growling at me long enough to say "Good morning, asshole." I think that shows real improvement in our relationship, don't you?"

"Wow!" Aly replied, laughing. "You two will be best buds in no time! Well, Kaidan, if you are serious about this, then I think the Councilor can make it happen. Can't you, David?"

Anderson's heart soared at her use of his first name. He nodded, smiling broadly at her. "As soon as we get back to the Citadel, I will make all the necessary arrangements," he said confidently. "After all, I think the Alliance owes me one after this nightmare."

"They owe you several, by my count," Aly replied. "One for each electrical shock you had to take. Those assholes should have had better security on you."

Anderson saw his opening and took it. "Aly," he said softly, "I am so sorry for everything. I never meant to cause you any pain. I only wanted to help you in any way I could." He felt his face flush and looked down at the floor. "In hindsight, I could have done a much better job."

Aly slowly crossed the floor and stopped before Anderson. Both men quickly rose from their seats. "We've all made mistakes in this situation, David," she said softly. "And I think we will be apologizing to each other for a long time to come. But for now, let's just call it even and move on, okay? I think we could all use the peace of mind before we reach Virmire. God knows that will be hard enough on those of us who've already been there."

Anderson wrapped his arms around Aly and squeezed her tightly. "Thank you," he whispered into her ear, "for everything. You saved my life, Aly, and I will never forget it."

"You saved mine, as well, if you'll recall," she said, running her hand down his back. She gently pulled away and looked at Kaidan.

"Welcome home, Kaidan," she said quietly and moved to embrace him. "I can't tell you how pleased I am that you decided to stay."

"Would you do me a favor and tell Garrus that?" he asked, chuckling as she pulled away. "Maybe then he won't kill me the first chance he gets."

Aly turned and headed for the door. "Oh, I'll tell him," she said, laughing heartily. "But I can't say it will make a difference. He seems to have his protective mode set to 'instant kill' where I'm concerned. He really needs to loosen up." Shaking her head, she headed for Ashley's bed.

Anderson looked at Kaidan when the door closed behind her. "Vakarian is one of those men you spoke about earlier, huh?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," Kaidan replied, nodding emphatically. "I feel sorry for anyone who tries to hurt Aly with him around."


"So, Commander," Ashley said, smiling brightly as Aly sat down next to her bed, "when can you spring me from this prison? I love Dr. Chakwas, but I'm getting a bit tired of being prodded and poked."

"Well, Ash," Aly replied, "you look good. I am sure we can get you settled into a real room once Mordin gives the word." Speaking of rooms, Aly thought briefly. Fuck! I'm gonna need to get some areas remodeled and fast if I keep picking up people!

"Wanna tell me what's going on?" Ashley asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "You have that 'I don't want to talk about this' look on your face. You know, the one you always try so pathetically to cover up?"

Aly laughed. "You must be feeling better, Chief," she replied. "We're not even five sentences into our conversation and the insults are flying!"

"Now you're attempting to divert the conversation," Ashley said, her eyebrow raised questioningly. "Spill it, Al! What's got you so worried?"

"I know Kaidan has explained to you why we are currently docked at the Citadel," Aly began. "We discovered that Ambassador Udina was working for the Shadow Broker under the name Asset. I took several of my men to have a 'talk' with the ambassador and he gave me the identity of the Shadow Broker."

"Who is it, Aly?" Ashley asked, her heartbeat racing.

"It's Councilor Valern Kryik, the Turian Councilor," Aly replied. Ashley gasped in surprise and Aly continued. "I know. I was shocked, too; as were the Asari and Salarian Councilors when we told them last night. Don't get me wrong. I always thought that particular turian was a complete asshole and that he hated me, but I never imagined he would be working with the Collectors to take my body and give it to the Reapers for some sort of trophy."

"Tell me we know where he is, Al, please!" Ashley cried, moving closer to the commander. Chakwas, who was watching from her nearby desk, walked over and scanned her patient. She shook her head as she read the results.

"You need to try and keep calm, Chief," she said quietly. "You are still healing, remember?"

"Blast it, enough with the healing!" Ashley cried. "I will be healed when that bastard lies dead at my feet, cut into tiny pieces for everything he did to me!"

Chakwas stared pointedly at the commander and she rose, moving to sit on Ashley's bed. "I know you want him dead, Ash. I do, too," Aly said quietly. "In fact, we are making final preparations to go after him as we speak. The Council has given me full authority to deal with Valern as I see fit; not that they could have stopped me at this point. Still, it's good to know that they finally see things my way."

"So, get me out of this bed and into some armor!" Ashley insisted. "I already told you that I want to fight at your side during this one!"

"I know, Ash," Aly replied, "and you will be at my side, as long as Mordin and Samara say that you are ready."

"Wait," Williams said and her eyebrow rose once again. "I have to get permission from the asari, as well? What the fuck, Al! She doesn't even know me."

"No, she doesn't," Aly agreed. "But she does know about the effects of brainwashing, and her opinion is quite valuable to me."

Realization dawned in Williams' eyes and Aly cringed. She'd hope to avoid this particular branch of questioning, but she knew Ashley's mind as well as she knew her own. It was bound to come up, eventually.

"You think I will turn on you during the battle, don't you?" Ashley asked, her eyes filling with tears. "You are worried that I will follow you to the Shadow Broker's side and then suddenly decide to kill you. Well, I won't!" She grabbed Aly's arms and pulled her close, the tears flowing freely down her cheeks. "I know I haven't been myself since Virmire and I know that I tried to kill you and your team more than once. But I'm me again, Aly, I swear I am! Hell, I can't even remember most of the time I spent in the Shadow Broker's organization. All I know now is that I want to avenge the wrongs done to both of us by that fucking turian! Please believe me, Al! You just have to!"

"I do believe you, Ash," Aly said calmly, "and I have every intention of including you in this mission, if Mordin allows it. But you need to know all the facts before you run off half-cocked."

"What else is there, Alyssa?" Ashley asked, and Aly knew the soldier was serious by her use of the commander's full name. Aly sighed and braced herself for the impact her next statement would have on her long-time friend.

"It's Valern's base of operations," she answered slowly. "It's not located on just any planet, Ashley. It's on Virmire." She paused a moment before continuing. "We are going back to where this whole mess began, and I am concerned about how that will affect you."

Ashley fell back against her pillows, her face pale as the sheets. For the longest moment, neither woman spoke. In Mordin's lab, he and Samara watched the security footage with bated breath. Williams' reaction to the news would determine whether she was fit to join the others in the battle against the Shadow Broker.

Finally, Ashley moved. She straightened her back and gently took Aly's hands in her own. "I'm glad he's on Virmire," she said quietly. "I mean, what better way to heal the wounds he's made on my life and my soul than to destroy him on the very planet where his evil deeds began?"

In the lab, Samara and Mordin looked at each other and nodded. Though they still needed to speak to Williams, they were quite certain they already had their answer. She was ready.


"Virmire," Aly murmured as she gazed out the view port at the lush planet spinning below them. "Somehow I thought it appear more desolate; know what I mean?"

"Yep," Joker replied, checking the readings on his monitor. "After all, we did blow the hell out of it on our last visit." He snorted, pulling up yet another screen filled with planetary status updates. "Damned if the Council wasn't right on this one. There is no indication of radiation whatsoever on the planet's surface. It's as if the nuke never went off."

"Well," Zaeed said, "as much as I am enjoying the view, I do think it's time to meet the others. Don't you, commander?" Aly nodded and moved to Massani's side.

"Joker, take care of my baby while I'm gone," she teased, rubbing her hand over the nearest bulkhead.

The pilot looked back, rolling his eyes dramatically at her before he spoke. "Don't worry, Commander," he purred. "I'll watch out for my baby while you're gone. You just watch out for yourself, do you hear me? I don't want to have to make another Hagalaz pick-up, got it?" Joker had been quite shaken by Aly's near death injuries on the Shadow Broker base, and he hated to let her leave the ship as a result.

Zaeed pulled Aly into his body as they rode the elevator to the launch bay. Aly leaned back against him, memories of the previous night filling her mind.

They'd made love all evening, both of them feeling a desperate need to be connected before the final battle. If one of them didn't return, they would make sure their last night together was one the surviving partner would never forget.

"I love you," Zaeed whispered softly as the elevator came to a stop in the bowels of the ship. "Please stay with me in there, okay? No heroics, no dashing off to fight countless Shadow Broker agents on your own. This time, let's do this together. Okay?"

Aly turned around and kissed him softly. "I love you, too, Massani," she replied. "I promised you I would handle myself better from now on and I meant it. No heroics, no dashing off – I swear. Now, let's go kill Valern Kryik very slowly. I think he deserves lots of time and attention during his demise. Don't you agree?"

"Without a doubt," he replied, following her from the elevator toward the waiting hammerheads.

Mordin had been correct in his assessment of the STG's planetary sweep. The images Councilor Inoste had provided the Normandy crew were nothing less than astonishing. In several cases, the crew could actually count the number of guards posted outside an entryway to the sprawling Shadow Broker base.

And make no mistake – the base was impressive. It was split into two separate complexes, each one comprised of several smaller buildings. The layout was surprisingly close to Saren's former breeding facility, with ramps being used to travel between buildings.

From the sheer number of photographs, the STG had spent several days documenting the activities of the base. These images proved invaluable to the Blue Suns team, as Ricci and his soldiers were able to ascertain the approximate location of the Shadow Broker's personal office. There was even one photo of an individual resembling Valern entering the largest building in the complex.

"Okay," Aly said as she and Zaeed reached the hammerheads, "everyone knows their job, correct? Ricci and the Blue Suns are in charge of taking down the perimeter defenses. Legion, Kasumi and Tali will be accompanying them on their mission. Once their initial task is completed, the security team will wait inside the nearby forest to provide further assistance, as needed. The rest of us will surround the two complexes and await the signal to enter.

Once we receive an 'all clear', Miranda will lead her team – consisting of Jacob, Grunt, Jack, Samara and Thane – to the southeast complex and deal with the Shadow Broker agents inside. The rest of us will attack the largest building in the complex, where we believe Valern is housed. We won't be able to make final decisions regarding plans of attack until we get a closer look at what we are dealing with.

Costa and Legion spent a great deal of time developing a series of secure channels on which we can communicate," Aly continued. "Each group needs to give an update in ten minute intervals. That way Ricci and his team can be kept apprised of any problem areas that they need to address. Are we clear?"

"Yes, ma'am," was the resounding reply.

"Then let's go," Aly said and jumped into the nearest hammerhead. Ricci approached Zaeed and the men grasped forearms.

"You take care of Aly and yourself," Ricci said, winking at Zaeed. "I intend to make sure that she sees me in that tux."

"She'll be safe with me. Make sure to keep all your fingers and toes attached as well, my friend," the mercenary replied. "I don't think she'll want you if all you have left are stubs."

"Point well taken, boss," Ricci said as he turned and walked away. Neither man was comfortable with expressing their emotions, but both knew how important it was to return, unharmed, to the Normandy.


Joker proved to be a master of piloting once more and dropped the hammerheads well behind the facility's initial security lines. The crew filed out of the machines, leaving two sets of armed guards behind to guard the vehicles.

Blue Team, the designation given to Ricci and his crew, dashed off in the direction of the security towers to bring down the remaining laser barriers that surrounded the Shadow Broker complex. Miranda and her Green Team – named by Jack because the Cerberus agent was so damned jealous of the convict's awesomeness – headed into the forest to position themselves around the southernmost collection of buildings.

That left Zaeed, Aly and their Red Team - consisting of Garrus, Ashley, Kaidan, Mordin, Liara and Feron – to silently move forward toward the center of the Shadow Broker's domain. The salarian professor had perfected his design for flash grenades, and the ones the crew now carried contained a mixture of cyanogenic gas, Mordin's famously successful hallucinogenic chemical and a specially designed anticoagulant. According to the professor, the anticoagulant insured that all bleeding caused by the grenade's shrapnel would continue, even if medigel was applied.

Jack had reacted as expected to news that she'd lost the "Creepiest Normandy Crew Member Ever" title to the professor, and she was now planning to decapitate as many Shadow Broker agents as possible in an effort to regain her position as Queen of the Creepies.

"Blue Team in position," Ricci called out through the comlink. "Approaching security tower one. Legion, can you hack into the panel for me?"

"Of course," the geth replied. A few seconds later, Aly watched a nearby bundle of laser cables flicker and then die out. The process continued for several minutes, the Blue Team spreading out over eight different security towers. Each arrival was heralded with a blast of gunfire, but the towers were situated far enough from the main facility that the sound never attracted the attention of nearby guards.

Ashley stayed close to Aly's side; and though she put on a brave face, the commander could clearly see the affect the planet had on her friend.

"You doing okay?" she asked as they waited behind a copse of bushes for the last of the security lines to disappear.

Ashley shrugged, a sad smile on her face. "I've been better," she admitted. "Being here just feels… wrong, somehow. I know I should feel some sense of triumph as I have successfully defeated the Shadow Broker's hold on me, but there's this emptiness inside that I can't seem to shake."

"Lost identity as Shadow Broker agent," Mordin interjected, moving silently toward the women. "Not real identity, but can't deny that you lived it for several years. Sense of loss only natural, and will take time to heal. In meantime, I suggest filling emptiness with visions of dead Shadow Broker. Seems to raise my spirits, anyway."

"Thank you, Mordin," Ashley said, chuckling quietly as the salarian once again vanished into the bushes. Muting her comlink, the chief leaned over to Aly. "Mordin is a strange little man, but I think I'm really beginning to like him."

"Wait till you hear him sing," Aly said, smiling brightly. "You're gonna love it."

"Blue Team here. Approaching final tower," Ricci called. "This one is all yours, Costa."

More gunfire erupted through the comlink, and then all was silent. Zaeed waved the team forward as the last of the laser fencing vanished from sight.

"Great job, Tony," he called into his mic. "Now move in and spread yourselves between both complexes. Never know where the trouble might appear."

"On it, boss," Ricci replied.

"He likes being with us, doesn't he?" Aly asked Zaeed as they cautiously approached the smallest of the buildings in their complex. "Think he'll want to stay?"

"Doesn't everyone want to fucking stay?" Zaeed mumbled grumpily, staring at Kaidan. "You know, if you are really so fond of strays, I could get you a puppy. A dog would take up less room, and I might not get so violent when it wanted to hump your leg."

"Poor Zaeed," Aly purred as she switched to her Widow and scanned the upper floors of the nearby building for sentries. "Never fear, my darling. I think you have claimed the alpha male position on the Normandy at this point. However, if I catch you pissing on the bulkheads to mark your territory, we will have a problem."

"And now that I have that lovely vision in my head," Garrus complained as he approached the couple, "I think I see our way in." He jerked his Widow in the direction of a maintenance hatch. "I know you usually prefer the 'break down the front door and start shooting' method of entry, but we may want to be a bit stealthier until we know exactly what we are dealing with."

"Party pooper," Aly pouted as she headed for the access hatch. "You do have a point, though. Red Team on my position. We are entering the facility. Mordin, there appears to be some form of locking mechanism in place. Care to destroy it for me?"

The salarian stepped forward and holstered his weapon. "With pleasure, Shepard," he said as he began working on the electronic lock. In mere moments, the party heard a soft click and the door slid open; revealing a set of stairs leading into the bowels of the building. Zaeed entered first, followed closely by Aly. Garrus stayed back, allowing the other crew members to enter before bringing up the rear. As he stepped into the darkened stairwell, they received their first update from Miranda.

"Green Team has entered the southeast complex," she announced. Aly could hear the sounds of gunfire in the background. "Our opposition consists entirely of krogan fighters thus far. Wonder if Councilor Kryik made a deal with the Blood Pack?"

"Watch yourselves," Aly replied. "It doesn't take too many krogans to decimate a team."

The stairwell opened into a deserted maintenance area. The team moved quickly toward the exit on the far side of the room, passing mechanical repair bays and countless storage bins on their way. A second set of stairs led them into the main entrance to the building. No guards could be seen patrolling the area, and a small, nagging itch began at the back of Zaeed's mind.

"Why haven't we seen even one patrol team yet?" he asked Aly as the team spread out around the room, looking for potential enemies. "You can't tell me the Shadow Broker just leaves his facility open to visitors." His answer came almost immediately.

"Commander Shepard," Councilor Valern Kryik's voice called out over the building's intercom system. "I've been expecting you. When I learned you had invaded my base on Hagalaz, I knew it was only a matter of time before you discovered my affiliation with the late Donnell Udina. I received news of his death just this morning. Unpleasant business, that. Torturing and killing an ambassador, Shepard? That's low, even for you."

"Udina was no ambassador," Aly replied. "He forfeited that title when he joined forces with you. I did the Alliance a favor by retiring him. And I look forward to doing the same for the Council when you lie dead at my feet." She smiled when she heard the low growl that issued forth from the com.

"Humans!" Valern cried. "You are all so arrogant; and you, Shepard, are by far the worst. Humanity has bullied its way into a seat of power in the galactic community – a community that existed hundreds of years before your petty race even learned to walk on two legs! You think you can just take what you want, and there will be no repercussions. Well, I am here to tell you that there is a price to pay for your insolence! You and your band of cutthroats will be the first to pay, but you won't be the last! When the Reapers come, humanity will cease to exist!"

The doors at the back of the room flew open and Shadow Broker agents poured through them. Aly's team dove behind nearby columns and the firefight began…

"More krogan!" Miranda's voice called out over the com. "Shepard, we have exited the first of the complex buildings and entered the main facility. Something is very wrong here. There is still no sign of Shadow Broker agents; just more krogan. And this building appears to be some sort of medical facility."

"Let me know what you find, Miranda," Aly yelled over the din of gunfire. She darted from behind the column, her Carnifax trained on a nearby Shadow Broker Heavy. One shot and the agent froze in place. Moments later he exploded into shards and Aly heard Mordin's triumphant voice.

"Combination of ice and incinerate quite spectacular, isn't it?" he asked, rushing from his column into a more centrally located position. The rest of the team followed suit, carefully maneuvering their way toward the exit in the back of the room. Now that Valern knew they were here, they needed to move fast to prevent him from escaping off-world.

Zaeed wasted no time in leading his team onto the catwalk outside once the Shadow Broker agents had been dispatched. Before beginning the walk across the long bridge, however, he contacted Ricci.

"Blue Team, this is Red Team," he began. "Ricci, are you there?"

"Of course," Tony replied. "What's the status?"

"Kryik knows we are here," Zaeed replied. "We're headed for the main building of this facility now. You may want to start heading this way. Miranda and her team haven't seen any agents yet, so I think it's a good bet that they are waiting for us inside. We may need your help."

"On our way," Ricci announced. Before he could proceed, however, Aly interjected.

"Ricci, I think you better send a few members of that team to Miranda, as well," she announced. "She's found some sort of medical facility and there are unusually large numbers of krogan milling about. I have a bad feeling about the whole thing."

"Sounds bad, all right," Ricci agreed. "Okay. I will send the Normandy crew to Miranda and bring my guys with me. We'll see you soon."

As the team stepped out onto the catwalk, the soft sounds of whirling engines could be heard. "Fuck!" Garrus called, scanning the area with his Widow. "Mech drones!"

His assumption proved correct. Five mechanical drones rose from the ground beneath the catwalk and began firing on the team. Garrus, Kaidan and Feron, located in the back of the group, dove back to the protective covering of the building's entryway and began firing their weapons. The rest of the team was too far across the chasm to make it back. Aly was hit several times and felt her shields giving way. Just when she thought it might be over, a blue shield appeared; completely encircling the small group.

"You can keep firing," Liara cried, her body glowing brightly as she used her biotics to protect the team. "In fact, I would ask that you do just that. I don't know how long I can maintain a barrier this large." Aly, Zaeed and Ashley resumed firing on the mechs and in no time at all, the drones were demolished.

Liara released the shield and fell to her knees, breathing heavily. Feron was instantly at her side, helping her back to her feet.

"Are you going to be okay?" Aly asked as she placed a hand on Liara's shoulder.

"Yes," Liara gasped out. "Just.. need… minute." Her recovery time was actually several minutes, but the asari eventually regained her breath and stood unaided on her own two feet. She took a deep breath and smiled. "Let's not do that again anytime soon, okay?"

"Got it," Aly replied, returning the smile. "No more catwalks for you. Now let's go find Valern and end this."


Ricci and his crew reached Zaeed and Aly just as they were entering the Shadow Broker's central operations building. Before the commander could punch the panel to open the door, however, Miranda called over the comlink. The tension in her voice caused the entire team to stop and listen.

"Shepard," she began, "we have a situation here and I need your direction on how to proceed."

"What is it, Miranda?" Aly answered, exchanging worried glances with her teammates.

Miranda sighed heavily. "Tali, Kasumi and Legion reached us just as we finished clearing the central chamber of this facility," she began. "Tali was able to hack into the Shadow Broker's data files, and we have discovered the reason that there are so many krogan here." She paused a moment before continuing. "It's another breeding facility, Shepard. According to the schematics Tali found, there is a chamber below the entire complex that houses no less than two thousand krogan breeding tanks."

"Oh my God," Aly replied. "He found Saren's cure and began using it? How is that even possible?"

"Actually, that isn't the case," Miranda explained. "The data Tali recovered never mentions Saren's work. It does, however, mention someone else that you and I are both familiar with – Warlord Okeer."

"He has some of Okeer's tank bred krogans?" Aly asked. "So, let me guess. That deal Okeer spoke of with the Collectors – he was aiding Valern for them in return for the information he needed to complete Grunt!"

"And that's why you're the commander," Kasumi interjected. "Precisely, Shep. Apparently Okeer set up this entire facility for Valern in return for the Collector data he needed. It's all laid out in detail in these files. Files, I may add, that Tali and I have already copied and sent to EDI."

"Phenomenal work, Kasumi," Aly said. "So, it appears our last decision is what to do with the krogans in the tanks, isn't it?"

"Kill them. Kill them all." Aly's mouth opened slightly as she recognized Grunt's voice. "They are not real krogan. Urdnot Wrex would not tolerate their continued existence, and I won't, either."

Aly looked at Zaeed, who nodded his head slowly. "Well, you heard the man, Miranda," she replied. "Kill them. Is there a way to destroy that building without using a nuclear device? I really don't fancy a repeat of that mess."

"There is a failsafe switch set into this program like the one Okeer used on the tank bred krogans he gave to Jedore on Korlus. I can trigger a release of toxic chemicals into the tanks that will kill the experiments."

"Once that is done," Tali interjected, "it should be simple to run an overload program through the central computer terminal here that will cause an explosion in the lower levels. I can't say how far the concussion will travel, though, so I would suggest waiting on that step until you have dealt with the Shadow Broker."

"Fine," Aly said. "Make it happen. If you all can set up a remote trigger for that overload, we can start it once we are safely off the planet's surface."

"If?" Kasumi asked, sounding insulted. "Please! I could do that in my sleep! You just deal with killing Valern as painfully as possible and we will handle things from here. And be careful, okay?"

"Will do," Aly replied. Checking her Carnifax to make sure it was fully loaded, she hit the panel to open the door and stepped inside…


Zaeed had been correct in his assessment of the Shadow Broker situation. Over the next hour, the team fought scores of agents as they made their way to their destination at the top of the building – the Shadow Broker's inner sanctum. Once outside the door, they took a while to rest; their guns trained on the entrance in case any agents made their way into the hall.

"Tony," Zaeed said, "I think you and your team should wait here in case reinforcements arrive. There's no telling how many Shadow Broker agents are still unaccounted for, and Kryik may try to call them here once he realizes that his death is imminent."

Tony nodded, instructing his crew where to position themselves within the large atrium. He winked at Aly as she walked by and she leaned forward, planting a light kiss on his cheek. "We'll be back soon," she said quietly. "And don't worry so much. I won't let anything happen to him."

"That obvious, huh?" Ricci replied, his gaze temporarily shifting to Zaeed, who was deep in conversation with Garrus and Kaidan, surprisingly. "You take care of yourself, as well. I don't think he could make it without you."

"He won't have to," she replied, walking toward the men who were currently conspiring against her.

Aly didn't even attempt to be the first through the door to Valern's office. Zaeed had already informed her that she was to remain between him and Garrus until they had a good idea of the layout of the area. She'd complained, of course, but the sheer number of men who were concerned for her safety eventually wore her down. Hell, the simple fact that Kaidan and Zaeed agreed on anything made it impossible for her to fight back.

Garrus pushed open the door to the office and the team stepped inside; Zaeed taking lead. The room was enormous. Computer monitors covered the vast stone walls, and turian artifacts rested in display cases scattered throughout the room. In the center of the floor, a marble desk rested atop a raised dais.

Its owner wasn't seated there, however. Councilor Valern Kryik stood behind a protective electrical barrier, high above the floor in a specially designed loft. There was no obvious mode of access to the enclosure; no stairs or elevators were visible in the room. For the moment, the Shadow Broker appeared to be untouchable.

"And you still live, Commander," Valern said quietly, his arms crossed over his chest. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. You always seemed to have the luck of the Spirits on your side. Unfortunately for you, that luck has just run out."

Reaching down, the Councilor pushed a button on the keypad before him. Around the room, several hidden panels slid back from their recesses, and waves of Shadow Broker agents dashed into the room. Liara and Kaidan erected biotic barriers to protect the team as they rushed for cover.

"Kaidan!" Aly yelled, "you and Liara need to lift those agents for us. We will handle the shooting!"

"Aye, Commander," the biotic replied and instantly the air was filled with Shadow Broker mercenaries, their arms and legs flying about as they sought to return to the ground below them. One by one, Zaeed, Aly, Ashley and Garrus dispatched the agents until all that was left of Valern's team was a pile of broken bodies.

Feron had removed himself from the firefight as soon as it began. Remaining on the outskirts of the room, he used his stealth to begin travelling slowly toward the loft; examining the walls as he progressed for any signs of hidden switches.

When the last of the agents fell, Aly stood once more; staring defiantly up at Valern. "Seems like those Spirits of yours have decided to continue their aid," she spat. "As you can clearly see, my team and I are still standing. Now why don't you man-up and come down here to fight me, yourself? Or did the Collectors remove your balls along with your brains?"

"Crude to the last, aren't you, Shepard?" Valern spat contemptuously. "Your people have always been uncouth, and you are the perfect example of exactly why they should all be culled from the galaxy."

The Councilor began pacing behind his barrier, gesticulating wildly as he continued his rant. "Saren saw the truth of it," he declared. "He came to me with his tales of the Reapers and their eventual destruction of the galaxy, and at first I thought him to be mad. Then he introduced me to Sovereign, and it all became clear."

"Holy fuck!" Zaeed said. "He's been indoctrinated!"

"Not at all, Mr. Massani," Valern replied. "I knew all about Sovereign's effect on those around it, and I never spent enough time in its presence to become a thrall like Saren. My own discovery was far more practical than his. I knew there was no way we could hope to defeat the Reapers when they finally arrived, and I wanted my people to survive. So, I made a deal with the Reapers through the Collectors. I offered them the one thing they wanted more than anything else in exchange for an assurance of protection for the turian people."

He stopped pacing and stared down at Aly. "You, Commander Shepard," he stated bluntly. "They want you."

Aly shook her head. "Not that I don't find all the attention flattering, Valern," she began, "but I can't imagine what a race as powerful as the Reapers could want with one human woman. They took hundreds of thousands of humans through the Omega 4 relay, and it still wasn't enough to complete their Human Reaper. What can I possibly have to offer them?"

"I was not privy to that information, Commander," Valern replied. "And I join you in your confusion. I see nothing extraordinary about you, at all. But it isn't my place to question their reasons. It is simply my mission to make sure the Reapers get what they want. In return for delivering you and the rest of your wretched species into their hands, my own people will be allowed to live.

Now," Valern continued, punching another key on the display panel, "be a good girl and die for me."

Feron had just arrived at the back of the room when the entire wall opened up and a creature unlike any he'd ever seen before flew through the opening. Once the monstrosity had passed, he could see into the darkened interior of the adjoining room. Far in the back, he saw a staircase leading up toward the loft area.

That must be it! he thought, slipping through the opening before it closed behind him.

NO! Aly thought as she gazed up at the flying construct circling the room. He can't have one of these!

"I see you recognize my pet, Shepard," Valern said, his voice filled with malice. "Before you destroyed the Collector base, my new allies provided me with this creature as payment for services rendered. It's the last of its kind, now, and I think it realizes who caused that condition. Don't you?"

The Praetorian scanned the room, its sights coming to rest on Aly. Instantly it moved in her direction, its body glowing brightly as it shot a particle beam toward her head.

"Ricci, get your ass in here now!" Zaeed yelled as he grabbed Aly and pulled her behind a nearby stone statue. The door to the hallway immediately opened and Ricci and his crew poured in; staring in disbelief at the construct chasing the commander around the room. When their initial shock dissipated, the Blue Suns soldier took up positions by the door and began spraying the Praetorian with heavy weapon fire.

Feron reached Valern's loft and silently slipped inside. The Councilor's attention was focused on the battle below on and as such, he didn't see the drell as he began hacking into a nearby computer terminal. It took him only moments to find what he wanted. Sending a quick prayer to Arashu for Shepard's safety, he punched in the codes he hoped would save her.

Far below, Aly and Zaeed were quickly losing their race against the Praetorian. Much of the surrounding statuary was destroyed and there were few places left to hide. The team had weakened the construct considerably, but it wasn't dead yet. Aly realized they may not make it and she quickly came to a decision.

Turning to Zaeed, she shoved him with all her strength. The mercenary, completely caught off guard, couldn't compensate for the change in direction and landed behind a nearby sofa. Aly turned quickly, aiming her Collector cannon at the Praetorian and pulling the trigger.

"ALY!" Zaeed cried as he struggled toward her. He saw her shields begin to flicker and fade. Suddenly, a burst of light shot forth from the ceiling and the Praetorian stopped its attack, erupting into flames as it fell to the floor. Zaeed rushed toward Aly, his body trembling as he checked her for injuries.

"What… did… I… say, A-Alyssa?" he gasped, grabbing her arms and shaking her violently. Tears filled his eyes as he stared down at the shocked commander. "Never again! Do you hear me? Never!" Garrus began to move forward, certain that Massani intended to strike Aly. Instead, he pulled her into his arms and held her, repeating his mantra of 'Never' until he gradually regained control.

Valern stared in shock at the scene below before turning toward the computer terminal in the back of the room. There was no one there.

Feron fumbled in the darkness below the loft, his hand eventually catching on a release switch behind the door. He pulled and the wall through which the Praetorian had appeared opened once more.

"This way!" he called to the team and they quickly rushed toward him. Zaeed had released Aly, but the murderous look on his face hadn't vanished. Valern was finally within reach, and nothing would keep him from tearing the turian to pieces…

The team reached the top of the stairs just as Valern was attempting to escape through a second passageway. The chased him into what appeared to be a small docking hanger. A lone hammerhead rested in the back, near an open hatch.

"Don't you fucking think you are getting away from me again!" Aly screamed, aiming her Carnifax at Valern and pressing the trigger. His right knee buckled and he fell to the ground. As the team slowly approached the downed Councilor, weapons drawn, he turned in their direction and smiled; producing a small remote device from a pocket in his clothing. He pushed a button and Ashley instantly fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

"I'd advise you to stay back, Commander," he said quietly as he pushed the button once more. Ashley screamed again, louder this time, and tore her helmet from her head; pressing her hands tightly to her temples. "As you can see, I held one more surprise in check for you. Former Gunnery Chief Williams has a self-destruct device planted in her brain. I simply have to press the right button and she dies."

"Kill… him…" Ashley cried, rocking back and forth on the floor. "Just… kill him."


Feron had vanished from the group once again; this time to contact the Green Team.

"Ms. Goto," he whispered into his comlink. "This is Feron. We have Councilor Kryik in our sights, but he appears to have one final trick up his sleeve. I think you could be of assistance with this one."

"What do you need?" Kasumi instantly replied.

"The Councilor is threatening to use a remote detonator to trigger a self-destruct device in Chief Williams' head," Feron quietly explained. "You can imagine the outcome if he is allowed to succeed. Is there any way you can jam any remote signals issuing from this building?"

"I can't," Kasumi said, "but Legion can; if he is within range of the building. Keep the Councilor talking and I will send him there immediately. I will let you know when he's in place."

"Thank you," Feron said and slowly moved back toward Liara.


"Give me the remote, Valern," Aly said, her voice chillingly calm. "Give it to me and I promise your death will be swift and relatively pain-free."

The Councilor snorted derisively as he slowly rose to his feet. Though he couldn't run on his injured leg, it would still hold his weight. "You never stop, do you?" he asked Aly. "No matter the odds, you think you can just bully your way past them. Well, that won't work this time, Commander. I know you, you see. I know that your crew and your friends are your one weakness. You would do anything to protect them. Because of this knowledge, I am positive that you won't make a move against me as long as I hold Chief Williams' life in my hands."

"She might not," Zaeed growled angrily, "but I will. After all, Williams means nothing to me. Killing you, however, is something I have been waiting to do for a long time. And I am tired of waiting."

Valern's gaze shifted to Zaeed. "I don't doubt the truth of that statement, Mr. Massani," he said. "However, you have a weakness, as well. I saw it from my loft, as I watched the Praetorian threaten the life of Commander Shepard. You can't bear to see her in pain. None of you can, for that matter."

Valern shook his head, a look of disgust on his face. "You are all so wrapped up in your devotion to this fraudulent hero," he declared, gesturing toward Aly. "Somehow she has managed to convince you all that she is the Chosen One, as it were. The only one in the entire galaxy who can stop the coming of the most powerful sentient race of all time! And in your blind need for a savior, you will do as she asks without question. Mindless cattle, all of you!"

Feron stepped closer to Liara as Kasumi spoke into his comlink. "Legion is in place, Feron," she said and both he and Liara heard it. "The jammer will be active in one minute. Good luck!"

Gazing over the group, Valern's gaze came to rest on Garrus. "I understand how the rest of these fools can be so easily manipulated by a charismatic leader, but you are turian," he said, a questioning look on his face. "You come from a race of true warriors. Your father was a great man, Vakarian. He must be so ashamed to think that his son has become a puppet of the Alliance."

Garrus growled low in his throat. "You know nothing!" he spat at Valern. "You are the one without honor here! You would sell out the galaxy you are sworn to protect on the slim chance that a group of robotic monsters will offer you a place as their favorite lap dog! Shepard knows true honor, and I am blessed to be able to fight at her side."

"How pathetic," Valern retorted. "She has blinded you most of all, hasn't she? It's not enough that you follow her orders without question. You have bonded with her!"

The fury was now radiating from Garrus, and his warning growl was clear to all. "Don't act so indignant, Vakarian," Valern spat. "I can smell your protective scent all over her! If you'd remained loyal to your own kind, you could have had your choice of turian women. Yet you chose to give your devotion to this human…" He paused, looking for the right word.


Garrus roared in fury, throwing himself at Valern and dragging him to the floor. The remote control broke into several pieces and went sliding across the concrete.

Aly cried out and turned to Ashley, certain that she would be lying dead on the ground.

"Legion blocked the signal, Shepard!" Feron yelled to her. "Williams is in no danger!" Aly sighed in relief and turned to Kaidan.

"Take care of Ashley," she ordered. "She won't be in any shape to fight and I don't want her getting hurt."

Nodding quickly, Kaidan turned and ran to the downed chief, moving her out of harm's way so Mordin could examine her properly.

The room filled with the sounds of the battling turians. Blue blood shot into the air and Aly gasped, praying it didn't belong to Garrus. A moment later, a mandible flew through the air and struck the commander in the face.

"Eww," Aly said as she wiped the blood from her mouth. She picked up the discarded body part and examined it closely. Turning to Zaeed, she smiled.

"Not Garrus'," she announced happily.

Pieces of armor and tattered clothing flew into the air as the two turians continued their battle. When the frenzied fighting came to a halt, Garrus was seated on Valern's chest, broken teeth all around him on the ground. Garrus pulled his gun and started to aim it at the Councilor's head when the sound of pounding boots thundered through the room.

"Goddamn it!" Zaeed yelled. "More agents! Alenko, get Ashley out of the way and start working on those heavies!" Kaidan quickly complied, pulling Williams with him into a nearby alcove. As soon as she was covered, he stepped back out and concentrated his biotics on the incoming foes.

The Shadow Broker used the firefight as a distraction, bringing his fist up and slamming it into the side of Garrus's head. As the smaller turian shook his head to clear the ringing from his ears, Valern bucked violently with his hips; sending Garrus backwards off of his body while quickly scurrying away toward his men.

"Garrus!" Aly cried as she watched her closest companion land on his back in the middle of the battle. Rushing from cover, she grabbed Garrus' arms and pulled him to safety next to her. His armor was badly torn and he had cuts all over his body; but he appeared to be fit to fight.

"You gonna make it?" Aly asked as she leaned out and took aim at an oncoming Shadow Broker Vanguard. The unfortunate soldier had no time to wonder what had happened as his brain shot out the back of his skull.

"I'll be fine once Valern pays for his crimes," Garrus replied, sliding from cover to take a position behind a nearby tool shed. Aly briefly glanced at him, wondering which crimes he was referring to. Something told her it was his words, and not his actions, that would bring about Valern's downfall.

The bay fell silent once more as the last of the Shadow Broker agents slid to the ground following a biotic push from Liara that left his body broken.

Zaeed motioned for the team to split up, each member searching a different area of the docking bay. He'd just rounded a corner, his Carnifax held out before him, when a turian boot made contact with Zaeed's jaw and he flew backwards; his gun clattering to the ground several feet away.

Valern jumped from his perch on top of the hammerhead, landing on Zaeed and sending both men rolling across the concrete.

The rest of the team heard the impact and came running, their guns trained on Valern.

"No!" Zaeed called loudly as he balled up his fist and slammed it into Valern's face. Several more teeth flew from the turian's mouth and blue blood ran down Zaeed's forearm. "He's mine!"

"Such valor," Valern taunted, "and from a human, no less." Using his superior body strength, the Councilor once again attempted to dislodge his attacker by bucking his hips. This time, however, his opponent was prepared for such a move. Zaeed grabbed hold of the fringe at the top of Valern's head and held fast. When the turian drove his hips up, he screamed in agony. The tender flesh beneath his fringe tore away, and long lines of blue blood dripped onto his face.

"That looks awfully painful, Valern," Zaeed spat. "I'd be willing to help with that. Just one shot to the temple should do it."

"You… won't… win!" Valern cried, using his claws to rip into Massani's side. Zaeed swore angrily and released his grip on the Councilor. Valern used the opportunity to throw him aside and roll to safety.

Both men rose to their feet, awaiting their opponent's next move.

"All this violence for the sake of one useless, human woman," Valern taunted, slowly moving back toward the hammerhead. "In the end, it won't matter if you manage to save her. The Reapers will still come, and she will die, anyway. Why not spare yourself some pain and give her to me now? I may be able to make some arrangements for you with my allies."

The bay was suddenly rocked by a series of explosions. Valern turned and watched as his only means of escape broke into several large pieces on the concrete floor. Mordin stepped out from behind the wreckage, a smile on his face.

"It's over, Kryik," Zaeed declared, stepping toward the turian. "Surrender. Now."

"I am turian," Valern said, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "I never surrender." Without another word, the furious turian charged at Zaeed. His arm was raised, and the mercenary's blood still dripped from his talons.

Reaching into the scabbard on his belt, Zaeed grabbed his bowie knife and met Valern's charge; dropping to his knees and bringing the knife up over his head. The sharp blade embedded itself in the Shadow Broker's arm and he wailed in pain. Zaeed twisted his body and pulled down, using Valern's own momentum to drive him into the floor.

Instantly the mercenary jumped onto the struggling turian's chest, pinning his useless arm with his leg. He fought to avoid Valern's snapping teeth and remaining functional limb while reaching onto his back for his service pistol. Once retrieved, he used his weight to force Valern's arm to the ground and shot him through the middle of his palm.

"Now, Valern," Zaeed said, a malicious grin spreading across his face. "Let's discuss that surrender again, shall we?"

"You can kill me, Human, but the Reapers will still have their prize," Valern spat, his eyes filled with hatred. "Even if I fail, someone else will take my place."

"Let them come," Zaeed said calmly. "They'll meet the same fate as you." Reaching over, Zaeed twisted the bowie knife and yanked it from Valern's arm. Laying it across the talons of Valern's left hand, he gazed down at his defeated foe.

"This is for using air quotes to describe the Reapers when you damned well knew they were real," he said, and pushed down on the knife; cleanly slicing the talons from his hand. Valern screamed as the digits rolled away.

"This is for fucking with Ashley Williams' head just because you could," Zaeed said, resting the blade beneath Valern's fringe and yanking upward. He turned his face to avoid the blood that shot up from the open gashes in the Councilor's head.

"This is for kidnapping Anderson and putting this crew and its commander through hell," the mercenary continued, laying the blade across Valern's right talons and quickly removing them, as well. Valern was barely conscious at this point, due to both shock and loss of blood. Zaeed smacked him hard across the face to regain his attention.

"And this," he said, reaching over to lift one of the severed talons from the floor, "is for me. You threatened the woman I love. No one will ever do that and live to tell about it." With his left hand, Zaeed reached down and pried open Valern's mouth. In one quick thrust, he forced the talon down the Councilor's throat.

As the light left his eyes, Zaeed leaned forward and whispered in Councilor Valern Kryik's ear, "We'll make sure to tell the Reapers you send your best, you rotten motherfucker."

His mission complete, Zaeed Massani rose from the floor and turned toward his team; all of whom stood with expressions of pure shock on their faces.

"Let's go home, people," he said simply, taking Aly's hand and walking away; leaving the Shadow Broker far behind.


Aly leaned her head on Zaeed's shoulder as the taxi touched down in front of the Hotel Azure. It had been three weeks since they'd left Virmire, and life was once again back to normal on the Normandy. Well, as normal as life on that vessel would ever be.

The Normandy was currently docked at the Citadel, undergoing several modifications and upgrades in preparation for the coming battle with the Reapers. The Council had thus far proven true to their word. They'd provided Shepard and her crew with near limitless amounts of funds and resources to be used as they saw fit. Councilors Tevos and Inoste had both been in contact several times with Shepard; introducing her to the military commanders she would be working with when the Reapers finally arrived.

Newly selected Councilor Venari Pallin also maintained a close relationship with the Normandy's commander. He'd often shared Valern Kryik's views of humanity; but when he learned of the Councilor's deceptions, he'd agreed to set aside his biases in an effort to further the relationship between humans and turians. So far there had only been a few shouting matches between the two representatives, and the Council considered that a successful record.

Councilor David Anderson was once more back on the Citadel. He had a newfound respect for his role; and though he still complained about being tied to a desk, it was clear to all that space adventure was no longer in his blood. His relationship with Alyssa and Kaidan remained strained, but civil. Only time would tell if the relationships of old would ever flourish again.

The Normandy crew had grown quite a bit since the beginning of the Shadow Broker mission. Ashley Williams and Kaidan Alenko were both relieved of their duties with the Alliance and had taken permanent positions on Shepard's vessel. Garrus still complained daily about Kaidan's presence on board, but Alyssa no longer worried that she might return to find the former Staff Commander stuffed in the trash compactor.

Ricci and his Blue Suns mercenaries had also taken up residence on board the Normandy. Zaeed would never say aloud how happy this made him, but Alyssa noticed the way he smiled whenever his former lieutenant stopped by their quarters for drinks and cigars. The two crews were melding nicely, and Aly had no doubt that they would work seamlessly as a unit when the Reapers finally made their appearance.

"Penny for your thoughts," Zaeed said as he kissed Aly on the top of her head. They'd had very little time alone over the past several weeks, and Aly had been thrilled when Zaeed suggested the trip to Illium. It would be nice to forget about the Reapers, even if it was only for a couple of weeks.

"For the first time since I can remember," she said softly, "I am not thinking about a thing. I'd forgotten what peace was like, you know?"

"Well, you need to start thinking about something," he replied. "Like where you would like me to take you for dinner tonight. Illium is a big place, you know, and I expect you to fully enjoy everything it has to offer."

As the cab came to a halt, Aly looked up and placed a soft kiss on Zaeed's lips. "I already know what I want for dinner tonight," she purred. "Room service."

"I think that can be arranged," he answered, pulling her closer and kissing her passionately before stepping out of the taxi. He helped Aly out and they waited only a moment before a well-dressed drell appeared from inside the hotel.

"Mr. Massani," the businessman said, bowing politely to the couple. "My name is Aeron and I am the owner of the Hotel Azure. We are so pleased that you chose our hotel as your vacation destination. If you will come this way, I will show you to your suite."

Aly giggled as they followed behind the drell. "The owner came to greet us?" she whispered to Zaeed. "I wonder if that's customary."

Zaeed merely smiled. With the credits he'd spent on this particular vacation, the owner had better have come to greet them!

Aeron took them through several expensively decorated hallways and stopped before an ornate door trimmed in gold. "And here we are," he said, punching a code into the door and opening it for them. He escorted them inside, bowed politely once more and left.

Aly looked around, her lips parted in shock. She'd never before seen such extravagance! The suite was huge! Every surface was gilded in gold, the sinks included. She turned back to Zaeed, her eyes wide.

"How much did this cost you?" she asked. "I know we deserve some time away, but I didn't mean for you to bankrupt yourself to do it!"

"No worries, Aly," Zaeed said as he pulled her toward him and began kissing her neck; causing chills to erupt all over her body. "You deserve to be treated to every luxury, and I intend to see that you are."

"Well," Aly began, a coy smile on her face, "maybe we should check out the bedroom first." She'd just grasped Zaeed's hand and begun pulling him toward the bedroom door when a soft cough drew their attention.

Aly turned, her mouth dropping open as Antonio Ricci and Liara stepped inside from the balcony overlooking the city. They were both dressed in their finest clothes and each carried a glass of champagne.

Liara stepped forward and hugged Aly tightly, turning her from Zaeed and Tony. Ricci quickly approached the mercenary and passed him a small box; winking mischievously as he did so.

"Li," Aly began, confusion evident on her face, "while I am thrilled to see you again so soon, I didn't think it would be in my vacation suite." Feron and Liara had taken up residence on Virmire following the conclusion of the Shadow Broker mission. After all, the galaxy did still need a Shadow Broker, didn't it? And who better to take his place than the information broker who had helped bring him down.

"So, 'I was in the neighborhood' just isn't gonna cut it, is it?" Liara asked, a bright smile on her face. "Truth is, Alyssa, I was invited; as was Tony. We won't be staying long, though; don't you worry. Right, Zaeed?"

Aly turned to Zaeed, a suspicious gleam in her eye. "Mind letting me in on the big surprise, Mr. Massani?" she asked, her heart beginning to race. "It's not my birthday or any other special occasion I can think of. Or is it?" She raised her eyebrow questioningly as she studied his face.

"It isn't a special date yet," he replied softly, stepping toward her. "But I hope it will become one." Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Zaeed produced the box from behind his back and held it up for Aly to see.

Her eyes became as big as saucers as she stared at the parcel, and Zaeed was nearly positive she would faint. "Is that… what I think it is?" she stuttered, her heartbeat pounding loudly in her ears.

Liara and Tony exchanged bright smiles as Zaeed nodded slowly. He fumbled with the box a moment before he was able to get it open. Inside, nestled in a velvet pouch, was a diamond ring. The stone was oval, with smaller diamonds surrounding it. It glittered in the light of the room, and Aly felt her knees growing weak. Zaeed, sensing her nerves, reached out and wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her.

Aly stared at the ring a moment more before turning her attention to the man before her. She remained silent, waiting for him to speak first.

"I don't know if you remember anything I said on our first night together," he began softly. "I told you I would never be the man who would bring you flowers or hold your hand. My only promise to you was that I would protect you with my life and give you pleasure like you'd never known before."

Aly chuckled, remembering the moment as though it had just happened. "Well, Alyssa, I think I've kept that promise to you ever since that first night."

"You have," Aly replied, smiling softly at him.

"At the time I spoke those words," he continued, "I really meant them. I was certain those small gestures were all I would have ever to offer you. Now I know that isn't true."

Tears slowly slid down Aly's cheeks as Zaeed took her hands in his and looked deep into her eyes. "I don't have much and probably never will. But everything I have and everything I am belongs to you; now and forever. I love you, Alyssa Shepard, more than I ever thought I could love anyone. And I want to marry you, Aly. I truly do."

He paused, taking a final deep breath before continuing, "Would you do me the honor of being my wife, Alyssa Shepard?"

Aly looked down at the ring and back up into Zaeed's unexpectedly frightened eyes. "Of course I will," she whispered, throwing her arms around him and kissing him with all the love in her heart.

Liara cheered and Tony whistled as the engaged couple kissed as if for the very first time.

When their lips finally parted, Zaeed placed the ring on Aly's finger and she stared down at it; her mind still spinning.

Zaeed took her face in his hands and kissed her gently once more. "There's just one more thing, sweetheart," he said softly. "I sort of banked on the idea that you would agree, and Liara has already arranged for an asari minister to be here tonight."

"What?" Aly cried, looking down at her street clothes in horror. "I can't get married now! I look terrible!"

Liara laughed and pulled Aly toward the bedroom. "No need to worry, Alyssa," she said and patted the panicked commander on the shoulder. "I've taken care of everything. Tony, please call Samara and let her know we are ready."

"Samara?" Aly asked as she was pushed into the bedroom by her still-chuckling asari Maid of Honor. "She can do this?"

"Justicars can do anything, honey," Liara said as the doors slid shut behind them…


The wedding ceremony was brief, but beautiful; and the couple celebrated late into the night with the trio of friends in attendance.

They spent their first night as a married couple in typical Shepard-Massani fashion - handcuffs included, of course.

As Aly lay in Zaeed's arms, she gazed down at her wedding ring and couldn't quite explain how she'd gotten to this point. She'd begun her adventure with the new Normandy crew a broken, bitter shell of her former self. Now she lay in her new husband's embrace, more complete than she ever thought she could be.

Her last thought as she drifted off to sleep was of the Reapers, wherever they may be…

Bring it on, you sons of bitches! I have everything to live for, and you will never defeat me!