A/N: I haven't planned on updating this too often, but look, it's another one! This is for my birthday. -laughs- I'm finally 17, and moving out of the house tomorrow. -scared our of her mind- But I'm sure it will be fun! I probably won't be able to update as much until I get settled into my new house. Thanks for all the review and love!

Disclaimer: Nothing in here is mine.

Jasper looked around, studying his newfound surroundings. He and Alice had taken a vacation to Canada, just for a well-deserved break.

A soft exhalation tore Jasper's golden eyes from the beautiful scenery to his wife smiling at him, snuggling deeper into one of Jasper's favorite sweaters. He kissed Alice, fiddling with the woolen fabric.

"So, will I be able to keep this shirt, or is it trash like the others?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe . . ." Alice trailed off coyly. "You'll just have to convince me first."

Jasper grinned wider, and pushed his wife down onto the cabin bed.

A/N: Explanation: You guys wanted some Jalice fluff, and here it is! Inspired by my vacation (hopefully!) to Canada this summer. Like it or hate it? Please review!

~Eclipse-Vamp :)