Class 6

By: Silverwolf

A pen bounces back and forth in the hand of it's bored owner. Konoha High was visiting near by Shonen High. The story was Shonen High also had a few geniuses. Along with a school dope.

Though the students heard Shonen High students lived on the grounds. Built along the same lines as a college Shonen High was usually a student's introduction to college life. Many of the student also worked along campus. There were a few scholarships that had been granted from students.

Naruto sits watching other students. He isn't surprised when Sakura teases him. The blonde sighs as Neji taps him on the shoulder. "You ready to meet the crap of this school?" Naruto sighs. "I guess." The blonde ends up in Neji's hoodie. Naruto watches as another student taunts him. Silence occurs when Neji glares at one of the students taunting Naruto. Naruto smirks. His relationship with Neji had people questioning. Course Sakura and Ino were finally focused on their studies. The difference was Konoha High saying goodbye to Sasuke Uchiha.

The group comes to a stairway. "Class 6 stairway?" Shonen High's students laugh. "Class 6 is for students that are troubled but very intelligent." "Troubled but intelligent?"

Neji looks at Naruto, "Uchiha Sasuke." The blonde places his head against Neji's shoulder. "You okay Naruto?" The blonde nods. "The only time Konoha High can meet Class 6 students is during lunch. Since Class 6 students are all placed at lunch during strict supervision. Class size for students classified as Class 6 is fifteen to a room with two teachers and an assistant. All classrooms are on one floor. And students within the category of Class 6 are only allowed to participate in extracurricular activities after having a spotless record for a month, well general extracurricular activities anyway. Other than that Class 6 runs almost as if it were a boot camp. Maybe I should show you all." Several people step along with the visiting students of Konoha High. "They are going to make sure Class 6 students remain without hostility though most of the Class 6 students are enjoying a bit of a family visit." The students and teachers of Konoha High follow their tour guide up the stairs. Neji's ears notice the music coming from somewhere around.

The students notice that none of the rooms have a door. They realize these are all classes. The path takes them to where they can see into every class. The lockers of Class 6 have built in locks. The teacher giving the tour looks a bit nervous as he realizes someone is within one of the classes.

The classroom at the end of the hall has a student in it. A soda can sits along the desk the student is at. Naruto hides against Neji as raven hair is all visiting Konoha students see. Sakura and Ino point and get other girls to watch as thick muscle moves. One of the teachers steps into the room. "I should've known you would be around here. Your family doesn't visit very often, huh Uchiha?" Sasuke glances at the teacher silently. The Konoha females gasp. "That's right before you became a member of Class 6 you went to Konoha High. Maybe they should have a chance to visit with you."

The girls of Konoha High become excited. Everyone kind of stares at the teen sitting as the desk. Neji looks at Naruto. "You comfortable with this?" Naruto shrugs. One of the teachers begins to object. "Unlike most of the others the Uchiha is mainly a harm to himself." Neji realizes swiftly that Sasuke hasn't noticed the students of Konoha High. Nor is he really paying attention to the teachers. The music playing from a lap top is much to loud to hear someone over. Neji smirks as Ino and Sakura step forward. Teachers keep watch over Sasuke. A redhead female also sits in the classroom.

Ino and Sakura become jealous as the girl and Sasuke seem to be following the lyrics together. The girl grins, only to frown as the teachers ask her to leave. "unlike him, Karin is a danger." The redhead gathers her things as pouts her way out the door. Sasuke doesn't even look her way as she says 'goodbye'. One of the teachers turns the music from the speakers down. Sasuke changes the song and then returns it to the same volume as before. "How did he end up here?" The many questions go unanswered. Naruto points as Sasuke's wrists and arms as Neji's eyes follow. "I have an idea how." Neji nods to Naruto. Sakura looks at Naruto, "shut up stupid." She jumps slightly as Sasuke speaks, "if he said that then he isn't truly stupid." A teacher steps forward. His conversation with Sasuke can't be heard by Sakura and Naruto. Neji hears pieces. Something about a therapist recommending the raven haired boy stop spending so much time alone. Bits about Sasuke watching his attitude around 'visiting students'.

The Uchiha changes the song and turns his back on the others in the room. Neji realizes the song is cry for help. He wonders why none of the teachers recognize that fact. Neji watches Naruto slowly step froward. The blonde's hand falls along the other teen's shoulder. Sasuke's homework, textbooks, and supplies go everywhere as Sasuke turns pulling away. Teachers move in forcing Sasuke to clean up the mess. They escort him out of the room as soon as possible.