Hey Everyone! It's be a really really long time! Sorry about that, I've been extremely busy. Yes, I am continuing all my other stories, no worries! I just need time. Thank you for your patience and support! This is a new story, a pilot chapter almost! If everyone likes it I'll continue and if not then eh, so please review so I can know your opinion! I was inspired by Teen Titans so I do hope you all enjoy this one! Well, anyways, here we go!

Disclaimer: I do not own Justice League or any of the comic book characters at all!

Lady Luck

The day in Metropolis seemed to go on normal for everyone. The sun was shining in the sky and the city was as busy as ever. Yes, things seemed to be going just fine for all the citizens, well at least most of the citizens

"Great! You've got to be. kidding me!" an alto ranged voice snapped. A few eyes of passing by strangers glanced at a lone figure as it went sprinting down the sidewalk, disregarding everyone around. "I can't believe I'm late again!" the woman snapped to herself as she dodged past people and pushed through crowds. "I mean, this day is already bad, and it's just started!" she exclaimed as she turned around a corner of the busy city. As she continued her way down the sidewalk, she had not noticed the crack in the ground and made the mistake of not looking down at the right second. Before she knew it, she had tripped and fallen to the ground, scraping her knee and scoffing her heels.

"Urgh..." Counting to ten in her head, the black haired woman took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. Wincing a bit, the woman on the ground brought her knee close to her to examine the damage. She rolled her eyes, not knowing to just give up on the day or try and fight through it.

"You look like you're having a bit of a rough day, huh."

The irritated female raised a brow as she looked up at the figure standing over her. A man with the brightest, red hair and the bluest of eyes stared down at her with a wide smile as he held his hand out to her. Although she had just met him, she could tell he was just full of life by his demeanor. He seemed to be a warm and welcoming individual, something she was definitely not used to.

"Need a hand?" the man asked as he continued to hold his hand out. The irritation from the many different accidents happening to the young lady slowly began to diminish as she felt her blood simmer down. She stared at the hand, not too trusting of it at first. That being noticed by her new companion, made the man smile a bit more.

"Don't worry, I don't bite," he assured, making the woman blush slightly. She took his hand into her own, and for a moment, the world didn't seem to be such a bad place. Her hand fit perfectly in his own and the warmth made her want to hold on for as long as she could.

"Thank you-" the moment was cut short as the sound of a phone ringing cut through the conversation. The raven haired woman pulled her phone out, flipping it open.


"Where are you? You're late and the banker's are not happy!" The hazel eyed woman's memory came flying back as she hit her forehead.

"Crap! I'll be right there!"

Hanging the phone up, the woman ran past her new companion, giving him a glance back. "Sorry, but I've got to run! Thank you so much!" she called out as she waved over her shoulder. The man watched without saying a word as he just waved. He smiled as he shook his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He turned in the other direction and made his way down the sidewalk, making sure to lock her face into the banks of his memory, just incase.

"I was right," he mumbled to himself, "This is going to be a good day."

"Hm hm hmmm." A man dressed in all red, with a bit of yellow, hummed his way down the halls of the Watch Tower, his mood as good as it had ever been.

"Hey, Flash." Said hero stopped as he glanced over his shoulder and stopped.

"Hey GL, what's up?" he asked curiously as the man approached his teammate with a question in mind.

"Bat…Why are you in such a good mood?" the Green Lantern asked curiously as Wally raised a brow.

"What are you talking about? Aren't I always in a good mood?" he asked as the dark skinned man shook his head.

"It's a different kind of 'good mood' for you today," he pointed out as the fastest man rubbed the back of his head. He couldn't disagree with his friend. For some strange reason, today had somehow been one of the best days of his life so far. He couldn't quite put his finger on why, but did it really matter?

"You think so?"

"I know so." The hero shrugged as he and the Lantern made their way down the hall.

"Anyways, I'm guessing you were looking for me for a reason?" Flash asked as John nodded his head.

"Apparently there's a small case Batman wants you to look at."

The young man frowned, looking at his teammate. "I'm guessing I don't get a say in this?" Wally asked as John chuckled and shook his head.

"Shouldn't be hard. It's just a small burglary of some jewels," John explained as Wally sighed and nodded his head.

"You coming with?" Flash asked hopefully as Lantern shook his head, causing a frown to appear across the red hero's face.

"Can't, Hawkgirl needs some help with a hurricane rescue."

Before he could stop himself, Flash smirked, nudging Lantern in the side with his elbow. "How's that going for you?" he asked playfully. He received no such playfulness from Green Lantern. He chuckled weakly as he cleared his throat and straightened up.

"Well then, I'll be on my way!" Disappearing down the hall, Green Lantern watched Flash and shook his head.

"Sometimes I wonder about him."

"Hey, Batty! I hear you got a job for me."

At the sound of his pet name, which was something he did not really approve of, Batman glanced over his shoulder and tried not to roll his eyes as he watched The Flash approach him. He turned his attention back to the monitor as he punched in some coordinates. "Nothing too strenuous. There's a robbery going on and I think it's by the same person that stole the painting in the museum two weeks ago," Batman explained. Wally stretched as he sighed.

"Why a painting?"

"The painting is worth more than you'd think," Batman mumbled as The Flash shrugged, nodding his head. The mysterious one of the group glanced back at his teammate and gave him a wary gaze.

"Can you handle it?" Batman asked with a bit of a serious tone to his voice. Wally frowned before puffing his chest out a bit and pounding his fist against.

"Of course I can, I'm a man after all! The fastest one at that," he added playfully as Batman just ignored his comment.

"Alright, good luck."

"Hello, beautiful," a smooth voice mumbled. The dim lights of a jewelry store created a shadow of the slim thief hovering over the case of the large diamond being held for display. A smirk appeared on the face of the villain, their hands ready to start business.

"This really wouldn't have been necessary if the bank had just given me the money I asked for!"

"Hey, hurry up! We don't have all day," a more masculine voice blurted out.

"Relax, Mammoth. Give me a second and I'll have this baby in no time."

"Che, you sure about that?"

A pair of brown eyes, hidden behind a pink rimmed mask, narrowed as a woman faced the larger man and glared.

"Are you questioning my abilities?" the feminine voice asked. The buff man felt himself shrinking in front of the presence of his partner as he quickly shook his head. The woman smiled as she turned her full attention to the diamond protected by lasers and a glass case. She glanced around the room and smirked as she found the source of the lasers.


Mammoth watched as his partner pointed her index finger at one of the lasers. A ball of pink energy formed at the tip and the larger man watched as the woman released it. It collided into the small machine and Mammoth's jaw fell open as the laser disappeared, the machine shorting out. The thief smirked as she pointed to the other laser, the same thing happening.

"Too easy," she mumbled as she approached the glass case. She cracked her fingers and placed her palm on the glass. She concentrated as she felt some energy pulse through her hand and watched as the glass shattered with ease. She reached for the diamond and shook her head.

"See, Mammoth. That was easy as-" As she turned around to face her partner in crime, her eyes widened as a gust of wind caused her to stumble back a bit. "Wh-What the-"

"Better look out!" a new voice alerted. Mammoth tried to keep up with the red blur, but his eyes seemed too slow. The more he watched, the more dizzy he felt. Soon enough, he was too dizzy to even stand on his feet and came tumbling to the ground.


"Looks like you're friends out for the count."

The dark haired woman span around, shocked, as she faced a man in all red and a bit of yellow. She glared at him as she took a careful step back. "The Flash, I assume," she mumbled as said man grinned proudly, nodding his head.

"I'm flattered, you know me."

"Sadly, I do."

He feigned sadness as he took casual steps towards the thief. "That hurts."

"Not as much as this!"

Flash watched as his opponent aimed her palm at him. His curiosity spiked slightly as he watched a pink ball of energy form. His eyes widened as she released it, aiming straight for his head. He smirked and took a very quick step to the side. "What's your name?"

The woman in question stared with awe, his speed unbelievable to her. She had heard stories about The Flash's speed and had even seen it on TV, but it was nothing like seeing him in person. The villainess growled slightly as she turned and began to run away, but was stopped by colliding into a body.

"Aw, and here I am trying to get to know you." Flash stared down at the flustered woman and smirked slightly as he stood close to her. "C'mon, it's just a name," he said playfully, which seemed to only infuriate the thief more. He held in his chuckle in and watched the woman mull her thoughts over.

He took a quick moment to examine his enemy and he mentally frowned. Although her eyes were hidden from him, the rest of her face indicated that she wasn't bad looking. She had a slender body and wore a black cloak, though the cloak only covered her chest, leaving her torso for everyone to view; he was definitely not complaining. She wore a black skirt that was rimmed with pink on the sides, the same color as the streak in her midnight black hair. 'Too bad she's not on my side.'

"…Call me Jinx."

"Jinx?" the quick man repeated as the woman smirked, her eyes hidden from the man.

He raised a brow as he gave the woman a confused look. "Why?" he asked curiously. This time Jinx smirked.

"This is why." Flash raised a brow as he glanced down at Jinx's foot. His eyes widened as he watched her tap the ground once, a bit of pink energy pulsing through the tiled floor. His eyes widened as the floor began to crack down the middle, between his feet.

"Uh oh." He began to sprint away as the floor began to break apart. He leaped to the side and rolled, landing safely away from the large crack in the ground. If it had not been for his speed he would have surely fallen into the depths of the earth and who knows what would have happened to him then.

"Whew, that was lucky!"

"Your luck is out!" Flash's eyes widened as he looked up at Jinx and watched as she aimed a bolt of energy towards the chandelier hanging above his head. The chains rusted as the bolt made contact with it and he watched as it began to spiral to the ground. He quickly jumped to his feet, avoiding a painful blow to his head.

"Now that's rude," he said playfully as he ran towards the woman. He leaped over the crack dividing the jewelry store in half and skidded to a stop, right in front of Jinx. She waited for some sort of attack, but nothing came. She raised a brow and looked up at the man. Her eyes widened as she watched the super hero hold his hand out to her. She blinked a few times, stunned by the action.

"Wh-What are you…"

Flash himself didn't really know, but for some rather strange reason, he couldn't find the will to take her in by force. Something about her was different from the usual villains he had been put up against. He wanted to find out for himself, what it was.

"Don't worry, I don't bite."

Jinx's eyes widened with shock as her whole body tensed up. She stood, frozen like a statue, and stared at Flash, lost of words. 'His voice…where have I heard it?' She stared down at his hand and although she couldn't and wouldn't admit, somewhere deep inside her soul, she had felt the small urge to grab it with her own.


Said woman snapped her head towards the owner of the voice and reality quickly poured over her. She quickly flipped backwards, landing gracefully on her feet.

"Mammoth!" she called out. Her accomplice nodded his head as he pulled his fist back and slammed it into the ground. Flash quickly turned his attention towards the man and warily sighed.

"Not again." He quickly appeared behind the large man and glanced around. He grabbed a computer monitor sitting peacefully on the counter of the store and slammed it over Mammoth's head, all in a matter of seconds.

"Damn," Jinx mumbled as she glanced over at Mammoth, who seemed to be incapacitated after the blow to his head. She rolled her eyes and began to run up a staircase.

"You know what they say. The bigger they are, the harder they fall," the hero said to himself, proud of his work. He dusted himself off, but his eyes widened as he remembered the second person he had just been talking to. He ran up to the entrance of the store and looked from right to left. He caught a glance of the door to the staircase closing and decided to go out a limb.

"Sorry Mammoth, but a dead weight's a dead weight," Jinx mumbled to herself as she found herself on the rooftop of the jewelry store. She pulled out the diamond from the pouch in her hand and shook her head.

"All this trouble just for you."

"I'll say."

Jinx went to turn around but Flash beat her to it. He appeared in front of her in a blink of an eye and stood with his arms crossed. The raven haired woman stood her ground, holding tightly to the gem in her hand.

"There's no point, you've got no where to go," Flash pointed out as he motioned to the rooftop. Jinx glanced around and then down at the diamond in her hands. She squeezed it tightly as she looked up at Flash.

"…Please, let me go."

The hero stared at the woman with shock; he had definitely not been expecting that to happen. He blinked a few times in silence before realizing that Jinx had not been joking. His eyes softened for a moment as he took a step towards the woman; this time she did not fidget away.

"You gotta let me in on why this diamond is so important," he started. Then he said, "I mean I'll be honest, you really don't seem all that bad to me…" The man watched as Jinx stared at the ground for a moment before turning her gaze to the side; she was obviously trying to avoid his gaze. The fastest man on earth thought for a moment before he made a rash decision.

"…Alright, here's the deal," he started off. "If you hand the jewel over to me right now, without any trouble, I'll let you off the hook."

Jinx stared at the man completely taken aback by his actions and words. Could she have possibly been delusional?

"Wh-What are you saying?" she asked as Flash scratched the back of his head.

"That's my last and only offer!" he said playfully. Jinx bit her lip as she squeezed even more tightly to the diamond.

"You must be crazy!" she finally snapped. Flash frowned as he placed his hands on his hips.

"I'm hurt," he said as he tried not to laugh at his own liveliness. Jinx shook her head, amazed at how calm and relaxed he could be in a situation like this.

"I'm a thief."

"And I'm an all around good guy that enjoys long walks on the beach." He winked at the Jinx, the single pink streak in her black hair almost cute in his eyes.

"You're an idiot."

"That's a misconception that I get a lot," Flash shot back. Jinx tried not to smirk but couldn't help but let it slip. Flash smiled a bit; he was relieved at the fact Jinx seemed to be warming up to him, even if it was just a little bit. Jinx frowned slightly as she stared at the diamond, deep in thought. She looked up at Flash and sighed as she shook her head.

"Are all of you so called heroes this stupid?"

"Hey! I resent that!" the man in red exclaimed as Jinx smiled slightly. She stared at Flash as she frowned at herself. She knew she needed to take the jewel, there was no getting around that, but the way The Flash spoke, it made her want to believe him, made her want to trust him. Flash watched Jinx think for a moment before his eyes softened.

"…We're not stupid, but we're not heartless either."

Jinx watched as he smiled sweetly at her. She scoffed as she shook her head. She stared at him for a moment and before she could stop it, a bit of a sorrowful expression appeared on her face, throwing Flash off guard. "I'll give you this," she started. "You have a way with words."

Before Flash could respond Jinx moved first.



Flash tried to keep up, but even he could not comprehend what had happened. He stumbled back as a smoke bomb went off, hindering his vision. He coughed a bit as he quickly ran forward, escaping the cloud of smoke. He looked around until his eyes finally landed on the escaping Jinx.

'…What was I thinking?' she thought to herself as she held tightly to her accomplice's hand. She glanced up at the smaller boy, who had made machine wings, and smirked as he glanced down at her and did the same.

"You got it?"

"I've got it," she replied back. She glanced back down at the jewelry roof and for a moment she felt a bit regretful.

"…Nice meeting you, Jinx." Flash stared up at the escaping villainess and he couldn't explain it, but his good mood had definitely been squashed. He frowned, confused at his weird behavior and almost forgot about the original case at hand. He glanced down at his empty hands and scratched the back of his head.

"Batman might not be happy about this..."