This is a story on what I think happened after the movie ended. Will it be short? Or long? Hmmm….. That's for you to decide.

Chapter 1: Problem

Sally's POV

"As it is plain, as anyone can see, we're simply meant to…be…" I sang with Jack as walked to me. His arms wrapped around my waist, and my arms wrapped around his neck. I smiled widely. This was it. I had loved him for so long, and now… Our lips met, and it was the best moment of my life. We broke off after about a minute. We stared into each other's eyes, smiling. Zero barked from somewhere near. I opened my mouth to tell him I loved him. I blushed.

"Jack, I… I love you…" I told him, blushing scarlet. He smiled and held me close. He bent down and whispered down to whisper in my ear.

"I love you too Sally. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that." He told me. I leaned against his chest and sighed in contentment. This was the happiest moment of my life. Jack Skellington, the one `11I've loved for- How long was it now? Years? But finally, we were together. A tear of joy fell down my cheek. Jack took my hands in his. I looked up at him, confused. He smiled a sweet smile- filled with love and caring…all for me.

"What is it Jack?" I asked him. He chuckled.

"I should get you home. Dr. Finklestein will get worried." He told me. I frowned. Yeah right. He wouldn't care if I never came back. Jack could tell I thought so. He looked at me, sadness in his eyes(Um, eyes? Eye Sockets? Lets just leave it at eyes.) "Sally, He really does love you. You're his creation, his daughter. He created Jewel to keep him company while your off on your adventures. And because… Well, he could tell you liked me. He knew you weren't going to live with him forever." Jack told me. I gasped. I hadn't thought of that. I thought I was a slave to brag about to him. But… Jack's words made sense. I smiled and hugged Jack close. He hugged back.

"Oh, Jack I hadn't thought of that! Thank you for telling me that. Will you walk me home? And tell my Dad that we're…official?" I asked, blushing. He smiled and nodded. We walked, hand in hand, towards my father's house. We got there in about four minutes. But, everyone who was playing in the newly fallen snow sopped and smiled at us. Jacks finally found out Sally loves him, I bet that's what they were thinking. Lock Shack and Barrel came running up to us.

"Sally! Jack! Wanna have a snowball fight? Please? It'll be fun!" Shock asked us. Barrel and Lock looked at us eagerly. Before Jack could say no, I answered.

"Of course! But only for a little while. I need to get home." I told them. Their faces lit up at that. Then, they took their hands out from behind their backs, revealing snow balls. Jack managed t duck from Barrel's, But Lock's and Shock's hit me directly. "Oh!" I gasped, then laughed and chased after them. This went on for thirty minutes, then Jack told them we had to leave. We soon arrived at Dr. Finklestein's. I was still laughing. Then, the door opened, revealing my…Creator and Jewel.

"Ah, its time you got back. You're in trouble Sally. Thank you for bringing her back Jack." The Dr was cross. Jack stepped in front of me.

"Actually Dr, Me and Sally are in love. I love her deeply, as she loves me. If anyone is to blame for Sally being late, blame me." Jack told him. I giggled at the Dr's expression. He was, quite literally, flabbergasted. He quickly regained his composure. Sadness crossed his features.

"That's…good news Jack, but… I cant allow this." Dr said. I gasped, tears already forming in my eyes. Jack was a gentlemen, and if my 'father' dint approve of this relationship, no matter how much he loved me, he would not go against my father's wishes. Jack seemed surprised too.

"Oh, well, if I may, Please tell me why not." Jack asked politely, not able to keep the surprise out of his voice. I went and stood next to Jack, the tears streaming down my face.

"Yes, why? Why…father?" I asked, calling the Dr father for the first time. He did a double take, clearly surprised at the term I had used. Then love crossed his face, and I realized he DID love me. I smiled.

"…Sally…Well its because I don't feel right about this…." Dr explained. Jack looked down sadly.

"I…understand." Jack said. I gasped and looked at Jack, tears streaming, pouring over my face. "I must be getting home now. Have a good night, Sally." He turned and walked off. He didn't even look back. But I could tell by the way he slumped over as he walked that he was heart-broken. I knew he would never stop loving me, as I would never stop loving him. I slowly walked inside. Jewel shut the door. I was numb. I walked up to my room, and broke down, sobs taking control of my body. Why? Why? Why? The question repeated over and over again. I changed into my nightgown somewhere along the line. Soon enough, sleep over came me, as did nightmares.


I stood in the falling snow, Jack in front of me. I ran towards him, but he just kept getting farther and farther. Then, I was grabbed from behind. I turned, to see Oogie Boogie smiling deviously. I screamed and screamed but there was no one to save me…


"Sally! Sally! Wake up!" I gasped and woke up, drenched in sweat. I turned and saw my father looking at me, with a worried expression on his face. He looked relieved when he saw I was alright. "You were screaming from a nightmare, so I came to wake you up." He explained.

"Oh…thank you Father." I said. He nodded and left. I looked at the clock. It read 1:27. I sighed. I missed Jack already. Determination look place of longing in my heart. I stood up, brushed my hair, and opened the window. This was a drop I did a lot. It didn't hurt when I landed; it actually felt nice. The wind through my hair…The land was always abrupt, but never, ever painful. I took a deep breath, and jumped. It felt so good to fall through the night air. But then there was the abrupt landing. My left arm had come off, and my right leg was falling off. I quickly fixed the damage, and got up. I straightened my dress and ran to Jack's door.

"Alright. I'm here. But what do I do? Knock…But what will I tell him? I'll let my heart do the speaking." I sighed. I rang his scream-door-bell. I heard him come down his stairs moments later. Then, the door opened and revealed a tired looking Jack. His eyes widened at the sight of me. I quickly remember I was in my night clothes. A yellow tank top that was patched up with short blue shorts, also patched up. His mouth hung open for a second I realized that I was cold in the night breeze. He realized it too.

"Sally? What are you doing? No, don't answer that until you've come inside and gotten warm. You looked freezed!" Jack said in a very worried, and caring tone. He motioned for me to come in, and I did. He sat me down in a comfy chair, and sat a warm gray blanket on me. He sat down next to me, smiling encouragingly. He knew I had run away. But he didn't know what I knew. I sighed, and looked him in the eye.

"Jack…I cant live without being with you! I love you! And when you walked away without even saying… That hurt! I love you more than anything! I've decided to run away…permanently." I told him. Shock crossed his features. Then we were hugging. He held me close and I hugged back.

"Sally! You cant! I couldn't live without you! I'm sorry I hurt you! I love you! Sally, your on everyone of my thoughts. I would run away with you but I cant just drop my Pumpkin King duties!" He exclaimed. He was pained. I pulled back and looked him in the eyes.

"You don't have to. I want you…forever…But my dad…Why wont he let us love each other?" I asked, tears streaming down my face. Jack looked torn. Between giving me the love I need and being a gentleman. I looked away. How could I make him choose. Then our lips connected. I was surprised by the kiss at first but then I kissed him back. Suddenly, the window was shattered and a hooded dark figure stood in the house. Jack immediately jumped in front of me protectively. I gasped. Red eyes illuminated from the hood of the figure. The figure just stood there.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Jack asked him. The figure chuckled, and I could tell it was a male.

"Sally. To kidnap her and torture her. To hear her scream. To laugh as she bleeds and dies before my very eyes. In other words, avenge Oogie Boogie. Perhaps even enjoy her female body before I kill her." The hooded figure said. By now Jack was fuming. He was REALLY mad. He was going to kill this man, I knew. But I was scared. The man was looking at me…he scared me. Jack could tell.

"Don't worry Sally. He wont hurt you. As for you-"-he turned to the hooded man- "-you're going to pay for scaring and threatening the love of my afterlife." Jack threatened. The man laughed. He smiled, revealing sharp pointy teeth. I gasped and stumbled back.

"Be careful Jack!" I whispered. He heard me, and nodded.

"Call me Tony." The hooded figure-Tony, said. Then he lunged forward they were fighting so fast I could barely catch the movements. After five minutes of this, Jack was thrown against the wall, HARD. I gasped. Tony threw a black ring thing that I had never seen before at Jack, and it turned into a rope that held Jack to the wall. He struggled, and then, we both realized Tony was advancing on me. I screamed and ran to Jacks side, trying to undo the black thing from the wall.

"Sally, no! Run! Leave me here!" He said, all his love for me shining in his voice. That was why I couldn't just leave him. I loved him so much…TOO much.

"No! I wont leave you! I love you!" I sobbed. I hugged him, deciding removing the black thing was impossible. I turned to face Tony. He was a foot away.

"Aw, how touching." Tony mocked us in a gooey voice. I hugged Jack closer. Well, here comes my final death. I had known I would die eventually, for Jack probably, but I hadn't thought it would be so soon. Tony grabbed my hair and pulled me towards him.

"Ouch! Aaauugh!" I screamed. Jack struggled harder at the sight of me in pain, but it was no use. I cried.

"Lets go up to the bedroom, shall we?" Tony asked. My eyes grew wide, and I became pale. Jack looked like wanted to rip his heart out, the agony in his eyes was too much.

"No! Please! Leave me alone…. Please! Please! Please!" I begged. I tried to resist, I pulled back the whole time he pulled me up the stairs. I took one more look at Jack. He was horrified. He was struggling but…to no avail. I was dragged into the guest bedroom upstairs. Tony picked me up an threw me on the bed. He took 4 of the black things he had used on Jack and put them around my wrists and ankles, tying me to the bed. Tony stood back and pulled his cloak off, revealing himself. He was a zombie, just like the mother father and small kid from across the road. I feared my life. This man was about to take more than my life though. My virginity, which I had planned for Jack to have on our wedding night if we were ever married, was also being stolen. I was sobbing and crying, begging for him not to do this. He climbed on my bed , and began tearing at my dress. I screamed. Just then, the door burst open, and Jack burst in. Tony turned around, very surprised.

"But my black ring-" He began. Jack interrupted.

"I'm a skeleton, remember? I can dislocate my bones then relocate them. Step away from Sally, and I'll kill you quick." Jack growled. I looked at Tony. Amazingly enough, he was melting…into the shadows.

"We shall meet again Jack. Oh, and you have quite the competition for this rag doll. Three people like her. You, Oogie, and Me. Let the best man win…" Tony faded into a shadows as these words rang in the room. Jack rushed to my side and used a rib bone to cut the black rings around my wrists and ankles. I immediately hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Oh, Jack I was so scared!" I sobbed. He brought my head up and kissed me gently. I looked into his eyes and I knew that no matter what my Father told me, that Jack would always love me. No matter what, underneath everything, Jack loved me and that was all that mattered to me.

"I love you Jack." I whispered.

"As I love you, Sally." He whispered back. And THAT was the best moment of my life.


Did you like it? I worked hard on this! Hope ya liked. If you want me to continue, review