Blinding light filled the small Twoleg nest. Onestar narrowed his eyes against the glare, crouching at the back of the metal cage. The Twoleg approached the table he was on, making lots of noises, barks and grunts, in its unfamiliar language. Onestar decided it must be talking to him, although he couldn't understand a word.

The Twoleg reached out a long, hairy forepaw above the cage, and Onestar let out a yowl of alarm as it was lifted into the air, swinging from the Twoleg's paw. He was carried to a monster, whose belly was open and waiting for him. He struggled in the cage, scratching at the metal with his claws, but it was no use. He shut his eyes tight as the monster loomed closed, and he sensed the darkness engulfing him. A few seconds passed, when the monster roared into life. Onestar could feel it shuddering and jerking beneath him, and he opened his eyes. He was in it's belly, but it hadn't eaten him. Letting out a sigh of relief, he edged towards the front of his cage and looked out through the bars. There were other objects in the belly with him; a large, rectangular pelt, and a long green coil that looked like a sleeping snake. But it couldn't be; it had no snake scent. Nothing in here smelt familiar.

The monster must be leaving the Twoleg nest, he realised. Where was it taking him? What would happen to his Clan? How would he escape? The questions whirled through his mind, but he couldn't answer any of them.

He bumped around for a long time, when suddenly, there was a yowl from the Twoleg and a the monster began to make screaming noises. It thrashed around. Maybe it's fighting the Twoleg! Onestar thought hopefully. But the Twoleg was screaming back at the monster. Then Onestar was thrown against the side of his cage, hard. He lay winded, his breaths coming in gasps. The monster had fallen over! The back of the monster had burst open, and his cage, along with the pelt and the green snake, had fallen out. Right before his eyes, the door of his cage sprung open. With a yowl of delight, he leapt forward into a bramble bush, only to feel a pain in his scruff and he was yanked backwards; the Twoleg had grabbed him. Spitting with rage, he was thrust straight back into the cage, leaving a chunk of his pelt behind in the brambles. The Twoleg made lots of furious noises at him, and then at the monster. He drew something out of a hole in his pelt, and put it next to his ear, and began to yowl loudly into it.

Soon, another monster approached. This was a bigger monster, and a long claw on a pole that stuck out behind it. Onestar watched as it grabbed the other monster with its claw and begin pulling it, until the monster was standing again. Monsters must be really stupid if they can't even get up by themselves! Onestar thought gleefully. He had always known monsters were dumb, but he had never realised just how dumb they were!

Another Twoleg climbed out of the monster with the claw, and began talking to Onestar's Twoleg. Then he turned and drove the clawed monster away. Onestar was shoved back into the monster's belly, and pelt and green snake thrown in beside him. The monster began roaring again, so it obviously wasn't hurt. Then they were on their way again.