All character names, quotes and situations referencing Twilight belong to Stephenie Meyer. No copyright intended with the posting of this story.

How was I supposed to react to that? I couldn't describe the way I felt to Tanya, I barely knew her and I had already learned way too much about my life today. The fact that my twin used to be engaged to Edward was just the icing on the cake. I should have known when I saw her. It just made sense. They looked like Barbie and Ken.

I started to think about how twisted it was that Edward had come onto me so strongly when I looked exactly like Tanya.

Maybe it was the alcohol…

A part of me wanted to find him in this airport and punch him, but that would have to wait. Right now, I had my sister to deal with.

"Bella… are you still with us?" Tanya was waving her hand in front of my face, but I couldn't seem to snap out of my own twisted thoughts. "Okay, well, if you're not planning on speaking anytime soon, I'm out of here."

She hesitated for a few seconds, giving me a moment to say something, but I didn't. I watched her get annoyed; slap her hands down to her sides and walk out. I wasn't too worried about it, because I was sure that wouldn't be the last of her. Once she found out I was the first to inherit our fathers company, she would probably form some kind of evil agenda.

I headed to customer service to ask for the number to a cab when my phone started buzzing in my pocket. It was Jacob.

"Hey, Jake."

"Bella... Oh sweet Jesus you're alive. Where the hell are you?" He sounded worried and exhausted. "Your dad is going to kill you. Why haven't you called him?"

"I'm in the Seattle airport. Listen, I want to talk to you, but I need to get a cab and get to the school, it's late."

"Well shit, I'm glad you're okay. Bells, seriously, Call Charlie as soon as you get there. He's a mess."

"What do you mean he's a mess?" I stopped dead in my tracks, pissing off some lady who was walking directly behind me. "What does he know?"

"Everything! He got a call from some guy named Benjamin, who apparently works for Edward Cullen. I was close by so I could hear him, but all he said was that you knew everything. Charlie was pale as hell, but he wouldn't tell me what was going on until he talked to you. "

This was bad. Very bad.

"I've been freaking out Bella, and your dad was just sitting in the living room like a statue. He knows what time the jet landed so you better call him soon, and then call me and tell me what everyone is freaking out about."

I took a deep breath. "Thanks for keeping my dad company. I'll call you first thing in the morning and fill you in."

As soon as I hung up I felt nauseous. There was no getting around this with Charlie now. He knew I found out I was adopted, and he was probably sitting at home in complete shock. I had to call him, but I needed a cab first.

The only person I saw who might be able to help me was the lady at the baggage claim. Hopefully she knows where I can get a taxi.

"Excuse me, um, I need to get a cab to Seattle University, do you have the phone number to a taxi service?"

"Actually, there are usually a few taxi's waiting right out the airport terminal doors. Just go to the end of the baggage claim, take the elevator down, and you will see what I mean. If there aren't any outside, there's a green phone to your left. Pick up and it will call them for you."

She smiled at me and went back to her computer. I started towards the exit at a decently fast pace. I was tired and I wanted to get to my room so I could call Charlie. I wasn't paying attention to anything except my own two feet until a familiar pair of green eyes brought me out of my haze. I saw him, standing over in the corner just starring at me. He was close, but too far away for me to say anything.

What the hell is Edward still doing here? Don't give him the time of day, Swan. Just keep walking.

In my peripheral vision I could see him standing there like a statue, watching where I was going. I suspected my iPhone would be ringing any second displaying some savvy plea to get me to talk to him.

I kept walking, looking down a few times trying to find the phone in my bag. Apparently, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, because I smacked head on into a tall blonde man.

"Oh… I'm so sorry sir." I looked up at his face and was taken aback by his features. He was a very muscular man, probably just turned 30, and was extremely handsome.

"It's okay dear. These things happen in airports." His voice sent chills down my spine. It was deep and intimidating, and I could have sworn he wasn't breathing at all.

He bent down and picked up something from the ground behind me. It looked like a wad of money.

"Hey, you should be more careful with your money around here. It looks like you must have dropped this when you ran into me."

Impossible. I had about 60 dollars in cash, and it was in my bag. He reached his arm out and handed the money to me. I took it to look at it and make sure it wasn't my 60 dollars. Sure enough, it was well over 100, and all in varied denominations. I only had 20s.

"That's actually not… mine." I spun my head around in all directions, but he was gone. I was in the middle of a wide open area near the airport entrance, and I had only looked down at the money for a split second. It was impossible he got away that fast and now I was stuck with a stranger's money.

The lady from baggage claim was absolutely right. As soon as I walked outside, I saw a plethora of cabs waiting for people with places to go, and I had no problem getting to the university.

"Which building, miss?" The driver looked like he was used to driving students from the airport. He knew exactly where he was going on campus. That makes one of us.

I looked down at my housing letter to make sure I had it right. "Xavier Global House, please."

I paid the driver and took a deep breath. A month ago I was worrying about getting along with my roommate, but after today it seemed like that should be the least of my worries.

Thankfully, the university shipped me my keys ahead of time, otherwise it would have been nearly impossible for me to get inside the building at this hour. I made my way up the stairs and found my room, 213.

I opened the door quietly. It was extremely dark and I knew I couldn't turn the light on, so I had to rely on my phone to find my way around. I flashed my phone towards what was clearly my side of the room. It was full of boxes of stuff Charlie had sent, my bed and desk. I flashed my phone towards the other side of the room and it was like my worst nightmare. It was completely pink. I couldn't believe it. Even her stapler was covered in pink rhinestones!

I felt a twinge of guilt thinking about the day everyone else must have had, unpacking and getting to know their roommates. Hopefully this girl didn't already hate me. I went back to shining the light on my boxes until I found one labeled "bedding". As long as I could make my bed, I would worry about the rest tomorrow.

I got my sheets and comforter on without a peep from pink lady. I was about to make my way out into the hallway when my phone rang.


"What? Who's there? Is it a boy?" She sat straight up and smacked around on the desk for her pink lamp. It turned on and I gasped at the sight of how pink her side of the room really was. She was wearing an eye mask that said 'Needs Caffeine'.

"Oh, um, no….Hi… I'm Bella. I'm your roommate."

"Oh heavens, Bella, I've gone blind! I can't see anything!"

I laughed. "The mask?"

"Oh, well…. These things should come with a disclaimer!" She grabbed the mask and threw it across the room. "I thought I was seriously blind for a second. Anyways, I'm Alice!"

I walked over and sat on the edge of her bed. "Hi Alice, sorry for waking you up."

"It's okay. I was waiting all day to meet you! Wait, what time is it?" She looked at the clock and her eyes almost popped out of her head. "Why are you getting here so late? Did something happen?"

That's an understatement.

"It's a long story Alice. Listen, I hate to be rude but I really have to call my dad. It's kind of an emergency. Do you know anywhere I can go in this building?"

"Oh, that's okay." I could tell she really wanted to talk to me, but it was the middle of the night and I still had an emotional roller coaster to deal with. "There's a lobby at the end of the hallway. I'm sure there won't be anyone in there. Or, you can call him here, I don't mind!"

I smiled. "I promise I'll explain in the morning. Get some sleep." I grabbed my keys. It felt like minutes past, but I couldn't get myself to walk out the door. I was terrified of calling Charlie. This was going to be one of the most difficult moments of my life.

I locked the door behind me and headed down to the end of the hall. There was a study room with two tables and a door. It would have to do.

I starred at the word "Home" on my screen and finally forced my thumb to make the call. It didn't even ring once and he was on the line.


"Hey, dad. Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"No, honey. I have been waiting forever for you to call me. Why didn't you tell me you didn't get on your connecting flight?"

"I don't know, dad. So much happened today and I really just can't figure out how to explain it to you. I'm still trying to sort it all out."

"Bells, I never wanted you to find out you were adopted this way. I was going to tell you sometime soon, but there's never a good time for something like that."

"It doesn't matter to me. You're my dad and you always will be. I mean, I'm really still in shock. I had no idea, but it doesn't change anything."

"I know that, I just wish I could have been the one to tell you."

I tapped my fingers on the desk. "I do have a question though?"

"Anything you want to know sweetie."

"Did you know I had a sister? A twin?"

"Yes. Your birth father tried to contact me shortly after your mother and I adopted you. I'm not sure how much of this you've been told. He tried to get you back but there wasn't an amount of money in this lifetime that would have made us give up our little girl."

"He tired to buy me back from you?"

"I guess you could say that. He offered to pay for any adoption service we wanted to use to find another child, but it doesn't work that way. I told him to go to hell."

"Wow. I knew he wanted me back, but I didn't know he tried all that. That must have been terrible for you and mom."

"Wait, you knew about that?"

"He wrote me a letter. Edward gave it to me on the plane."

"What? What did it say?" There it was. Charlie's police voice.

"He told me the story about why he abandoned me, and how he wanted to make up for it. It doesn't matter, dad. I just need to know that you're okay. We can always talk about the details tomorrow."

Charlie was silent. This wasn't good.

"What is he trying to leave you, money?"

"Money and some kind of shares of his company. It's all legal stuff that I don't understand. Can I fax you a copy in the morning?"

"You better. We need to talk with his attorney and find out what it means. Bella you listen to me, don't sign anything. Apparently this Cullen character is very influential, but you need to let me talk to your fathers attorney first."

"Dad, I have a feeling I'm not going to be talking to Edward anytime soon. I'm pretty sure he's angry with me."

"That's probably best. Okay Bells, get some sleep and we can talk this out more in the morning. Try to focus on unpacking, and doing normal things. Whatever it is you college kids do."

"I love you dad. Nothing will ever change that."

"Love you too, Bella. Call me when you wake up, okay?"

"Yes. Goodnight Dad."

I hung up and let out a huge sigh. The conversation wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. It just proves that nothing can change what we have.
I couldn't help but wonder how much my dad knew about my day. I had a feeling he would be much angrier if he knew I went out to dinner with a stranger and got drunk on a private jet. I would have to thank Benjamin some day for leaving that out.

I stood up and nearly had a heart attack. I saw the reflection of a man standing behind me in the glass window. It was something straight out of a horror movie. I spun around and nearly collapsed with relief that it was Edward.

"Are you kidding me? You scared the shit out of me." I needed a moment to catch my breath. He didn't say anything. "How the hell did you get in here?"

"That's no way to talk to someone, Isabella. You're lucky I don't wash your mouth out."


"Excuse me? What in the world would you expect? Why would you scare me like this?"

"I didn't suppose much could frighten you after the day you've had. Taking over a company, that's a big job you know, but I'm here to make sure you make the right choices."

"Did you seriously come here to talk shop? Do you know what time it is?"

He walked right up to me and got in my face. "I don't care what time it is, ISABELLA." He spat my name like I was the most disgusting person on the planet. "You need to sign over your rights to Alec, or you won't be seeing much more time pass at all."

At no point during the day was I frightened of Edward, until now. His eyes were pools of bright angry green. It was so unlike him.

He pulled some fancy looking papers out of his pocket "Well? Is that a yes? You'll do it if you know what's good for you. Sign this now or I have no problem making your life a living hell."

"What is WRONG with you Edward? Are you drunk or something?"

He pushed me up against the wall. "Don't talk to me like that young lady. You WILL sign this damn company over to me, or you can rest assured I will kill you. Emotionally, first, when I rip out your best friend Jacobs's heart, secondly when I kill your dad, and third when I lock you in my basement so you can rot with the incorrect choices you make."

He grabbed me by the shoulders, sat me back down at the table and threw a contract out in front of me. "You sign this by tomorrow morning, and no one dies."

I looked down at the papers. The stack was at least an inch thick. I had no idea what to do, and I was terrified. My eyes became foggy with tears, my body trembled with fear, and I couldn't help but feel completely pathetic and used.

I looked up at the glass and his reflection was gone. I didn't hear the door open, or footsteps, or anything. He was just gone.

I knew I needed to get to the room and maybe even call the police, but I was unable to move.
I reached for my phone. The angry girl inside of me wanted to call Edward and cuss him out, but I was terrified. He couldn't be far, and I didn't want him to come back for me. I made the impulse decision to send him a text.

01:22am: What the fuck has gotten into you, Edward? I could have you arrested for assault and threatening my life.

I had barely hit send when my phone was ringing. It was him. I didn't want to answer, but I knew I had to.

"I have nothing to say to you."

"JESUS Bella. I just got your text. What the hell is going on?"

I couldn't hold back, I was angry and I was probably going to wake up half the people in this hall but it didn't matter.

"How do you act like you did earlier and then do this to me? HOW?"

"Bella, you need-"

"JUST TELL ME! How does a person do this and live with themselves? If all you wanted was the damn company you could have just avoided this whole act you put on."

"Okay. I have no idea what you're talking about. You need to calm down."

"Oh, so now you're magically experiencing memory loss? Did you hit your head on the bricks of my dorm building?"

"Your dorm? What… Bella stop being obtuse and explain what you're talking about."

"Okay, we can play these games Edward, if you insist. How do you not remember? You just basically threatened to kill me if I didn't sign ALEC over to you."

"Bella, where are you? I don't know what's going on, but you need to tell me how to get there. I'm worried about you."

"Aren't you still here?"

"I was never there! I'm at my apartment and I was asleep!"

"You were…. Never here? Oh, okay. So you're evil doppelganger paid me a visit? Or maybe I am hallucinating? Sure."

"No! I'm at my home in Seattle. Now tell me where you're at because I'm seriously concerned."

In the glass, I could see Edward coming back down the hallway.

"Yeah, that explains why I can see you walking towards me right now." I stood up, opened the door and put the phone back up to my ear. "Game over! I can see you. I'm hanging up and calling the cops."

He stopped walking about halfway down the hallway and just starred at me.

"Bella, whatever you do, do NOT hang up."

The person in front of me was not using a cell phone at all. In fact, his lips never even moved. I dropped the phone and felt every last drop of blood leave my face. I could hear Edwards voice in the distance coming from my phone on the ground, but I had no idea what he was saying. In one swift movement, the man in the hallway was directly in front of me, with his hands on either side of my face.

He tilted his head to the side, his green eyes turning a dark black.

"You won't remember this at all, Isabella."

Before I could even think, he tilted my head opposite his and two sharp teeth pierced my skin.

Holy hiatus! I can't even tell you how excited I am to be writing again.

Thanks to my twi-wifey for pushing me get back on the bandwagon despite everything.

Much love to the Skype girls, the LGR and those in my personal life who inspire me everyday to be something better.

Vampire? What?