Disclaimer: I didn't own this story when I started it a year ago, and I still don't own it now, at the end.

"HAPPILY EVER AFTER!" shouted the library kids, earning Spencer a stern look from Marge at the front desk. He shrugged helplessly at her.

"Kids will be kids!" he called, then turned back to the children. "Nowww. Who liked that story, raise your hand!" All the kids' hands shot up, and Spencer leaned forward conspiratorially. "There's something secret about that story that you don't know. Maybe if you reeeeally wanted, I could tell-"

"DADDY!" A little boy with shaggy brown hair attacked Spencer's leg, cutting him off.

"Oh, hey, squirt!" said Spencer, ruffling the boy's hair. "How was your day at the zoo?"

"It was okay," said the boy thoughtfully. "Some things were really cool, like the elephants! But some things were boring. All Danni wanted to see was the baby penguins." He pouted.

"As long as you didn't give your aunt and uncle a hard time about it," said Spencer, giving his son a meaningful look.

"Um, helloooo?" Lulu butted in. "Mr. Spencer, what was the big secret you were telling us about the story? We wanna know! We wanna know now!"

"Hey Spence," greeted a dark-haired man as he walked in with his family. His wife had long blonde hair and was toting a dozing three-year-old girl on her back.

"Bennett, why would you run away from me when I've got Danni on my back?" the woman wheezed. "Your old uncle isn't fast enough to keep up with a kid like you."

"Hey, I resent that!" the man frowned. "You're the same age as me, anyway, which is still pretty young!"

"Mentally, maybe. Physically, you didn't make it far past age fourteen," the woman snickered.

"You don't seem to have a problem with me physically," her husband replied smugly.

"Oh, shut it, Benson."

"Why don't you shut it... Benson."

"I hate when you do that!" The woman stamped like a child, then steadied herself when she remembered she had an actual child on her back.

"Well, I love when I do that," said the apparent Mr. Benson.

"Hey, Sam, Freddie?" cut in Spencer. "I've kinda got to wrap up storytime here. So if you could maybe..."

"Oh, sorry! What story are you telling?" asked Freddie.

"Princess Sam and Prince Freddie," said Spencer with a smirk.

"Ah. My favorite one," said Freddie with a wink. "We'll wait in the cooking section until you're done. Come on, Bennett."

"You'd better be picking out a gourmet dinner recipe," grumbled Sam.

Spencer turned back to the crowd of children, whose eyes had all seemed to grow as large as their heads. "M-Mr. Spencer!" gasped Lulu. "Is that... them? Is that the real prince and princess? Mr. Spencer, you didn't tell us they had a baby!"

"Yeah, what up with that, man!" Noah exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"Ditto what they said!" complained Nate.

Spencer motioned for them to quiet down. "Bup bup bup! Wasn't I just about to tell you a big secret about the story?"

"Yeeees," came the mumbled response.

"Well okay then. That's the secret. The story is real!" Spencer grinned at everyone.

"So wait," piped up a girl named Emmy. "Does that mean you're really a king? Why don't you have a big crown? Does that make Bennett a prince?" She eyed Bennett, who was tugging on Freddie's shirt to get his attention, with new interest.

"Whoa there!" said Spencer. "The only thing I'm king of is this library. And you'll do well to remember that." He waggled his eyebrows comically, gaining a few giggles from the kids. "What really matters is that it was a happy ending for everyone in real life, too, and it's been happy ever since."

"Are Carly and Gibby real too?" asked Nate.

"Yes, they are."

"Are they married?" asked Lulu, her eyes still wide from all the afternoon's information. Spencer shook his head violently. "Oh. Are they dating?"

"Yes, they are," Spencer stated with a bit of a grimace. "Thank god they're taking it slow, though. I think that's enough questions for today!"

Spencer wrapped up the reading program since it was running over time, promised another fantastic story for next week, and said his goodbyes.

"Thanks again for watching Bennett," he said gratefully as he walked over to the young couple in the cooking section. "I would have left him with Gibby, but... you know how Gibby is."

"It's no big deal," said Freddie with a smile. "Besides, he and Danielle get along great."

Sam snorted. "No they don't, you nub! He and Danni fight all the time!"

Freddie smirked at her. "That's how I know they're getting along."

"Dad, is mom gonna be done her secret doctor's appointment yet?" asked Bennett.

"Aunt Carly should be back with your mom by the time we get home," Spencer told his son.

"You still haven't told him Sasha's expecting?" whispered Sam.

"Expecting what?" Bennett inquired loudly.

"Shhhh, your mom and I will tell you all about it later. For now, what do you think about taking Uncle Freddie, Aunt Sam, and Danni out for ice cream?"

"Iiiice cweam?" stirred the little brunette girl on Sam's back. Suddenly her head shot up and her blue eyes sparkled . "I want ice cweam!"

Everyone laughed. "Always mama's girl," said Sam fondly. "That's right kiddo. Maybe we'll get some bacon-flavored this time?"

"Ewwww." Danni crinkled her nose.

"She's also my girl," said Freddie, holding back another laugh.

Spencer couldn't help but grin at the little family before him. Perhaps next week it would be time to tell the kids a sequel to the story of "Princess Sam".

The End.

(A/N: I can't believe it's over! I was such a terrible updater over the course of this story, so it feels like I've been working on it for a long time. I hope you've enjoyed it, though, and that the ending is everything you want it to be. Thank you to all my faithful readers and reviewers; you're half the reason I do what I do. Until next time! Keep the Seddie alive :)