Chapter 1: The Beginning

Before a bucket of water splashed on my face, my alarm clock went off. But only for a few seconds, as the water shorted it out.

"Mom!" I cried angrily, "you know you have buy me a new alarm clock!"

"I have been calling you for an hour now! And you STILL aren't ready for school!" Mom replied.


"Yes. You're tardy now! You better hurry up if you want to get to school."

"'s so freaking hot!" Ryan said.

"I agree." I replied.

"OK, It's time for an assembly," Mr. Nature said. "so line up outside."

I expected the weather to be like a bazillion degrees outside, but instead, it was a bit cooler than I thought it would be. In fact, it was cloudy outside.

When my mom checked the weather forecast this morning, I thought to myself, she said we might have a thunder storm this afternoon.

And just to prove it, I could've sworn I saw a bolt of lightning during lunch recess. I was also looking at the Blacktop, but not where I was going, so I bonked my head on the wall of the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR).

I looked at the Blacktop again and something caught my eye: a small lighting bolt hit a Blacktop pole. To make me even more interested, the pole that it struck some how was glowing white.

I went away from the MPR and onto the Blacktop. I didn't touch the white pole, but I got close to it. As soon as I stopped walking towards it, a huge volt blasted me from the Blacktop to the lunch tables.

I later woke up with a crowd of kids surrounding me. Like they say in some movies, I said: "What happened?"