A/N: I'm a huge fan of this drabble business! Normally I'm a super slow writer, (which is a huge factor in my subpar updating schedule,) but I can crank one of these out in about seven minutes! :) Oh, and just so you know, this is movie based. Exactly 100 words. Enjoy! Oh, I also apologize ahead of time for my terrible disclaimer poem.


Even if I was really good

and acted like the engine the could

saying "I think I can, I think I can"

I'd still never own Ironman.

Her boss refused to wake up. Calling his name, shaking him awake, even blowing in his ear were all completely ineffective. He was out like a light.

So she took the opportunity to do something she's been wanting to for quite some timeā€¦

She kissed him.

And, of course, he woke up.

"Pepper? Whaz'a goin' on?" He mumbled sleepily. The uncomfortable proximity of her lips to his made Pepper grateful for her boss's low blood pressure. She leaned back and then dropped the stack of paperwork that needed his authorization onto his desk.

"Time to get to work, sleepy head!"