A/N: this one is another luluxshirley fanfic, inspired by my desire for them to be together, like every other luluxshirley fan out there. I've put a lot of effort in this one, (its not that I don't put a lot of effort in my other stories,) so please review this story.I'll appreciate it very much. Thank you.

disclaimer: I do not own code geass. man! why do i always forget to include the disclaimers!


"Ack, Rivalz!" the blond Ashford scolded, putting her hands on her waist, frowning. "That's not sugar you're adding; that's salt!"

"What?" the blue haired fellow looked at his president with disbelief.

"Now we're going to do it all over again!" Milly sighed hopelessly, grabbing the stainless steel bowl and dumping the contents to the sink.

"Kaichou," an orange headed girl called out, "how do you turn this thing on?"

"Press the yellow button, Shirley," she answered. "Remember, just mix on the lowest–"

"Waah!" within a blink, chocolate went flying in all directions. The hand mixer the orange head was holding slipped out of her hands, crashing to the floor.

"Shirley!" Milly called with a disciplinary tone.

"I told you I'm not good in cooking," she answered.

"Goodness!" Milly sighed once more, putting her hand on her head. "Is Lelouch the only one good in these things within this student council?"

The raven haired prince smiled, watching them; all chaotic and crazy as always.

They were going to cook a chocolate soufflé that day. Through Milly's stubbornness, they were able to finish; she made Rivalz and Shirley buy all the ingredients again, and then made them wait and watch while she demonstrated how to do the procedures properly. It was that day that she promised him not to cook for them; just because he was always the one who supplied them with good food.

But when their soufflé was done, it didn't rise. He ate it anyway.

It tasted burned.

His smile faded.

He wondered if it would taste better to him if he knew by that time that in the near future, he won't be able to see them anymore.

"Lelouch, the eggs are burning."

"Wha–" he blinked back to reality, realizing that the kitchen was beginning to fill with black smoke. He hastily turned the stove off and opened the windows, letting the smoke come out. "Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"You looked like you were thinking about something important," the green haired female answered honestly.

Lelouch removed the pan from the stove. He wondered if they were relevantly important to him now.

"Memories hurt, don't they?" she asked, walking toward him.

He stopped for a brief moment, getting hit by her statement. He turned the faucet and ran the water to the pan.

"Don't worry," she hugged him from the back, "you've got all of eternity to forget."

The very statement of eternity sent a jolt of pain to his conscious mind.

"You never run out of ironies don't you, C.C?" he said, breaking off from her embrace.

"Eternity is boring, in case you haven't realized yet." She smiled, leaning on the nearby table. "I'll be bored to death if I won't do something to amuse myself."

"And I'm that amusement of yours." he turned to her and wiped his hands dry with a worn out towel.

"Who else? You're the only one I've got." She answered.

Lelouch placed the towel on the table. "Could you cook another batch of eggs? I'm going to get some berries for our dessert." He walked past her and dropped the subject. He really didn't like where the conversation was going.

"Ok." C.C replied.

"I'll be going then." he took his coat and a basket and went out of their house. He heard her say 'take care' but he was already outside. He kept on going, walking briskly at first, and then within a heartbeat, he was racing away.

He hated the feeling of being caged.

He hated the feeling of being controlled and restrained.

But he knew he wouldn't be able to escape or fight it. It's already burned into his soul, forever changing his fate. And on his palm rests its proof.

He is the prisoner of Geass; the prisoner of eternity.

He stopped to catch his breath, falling to his knees. He sat on the thick grass, finding himself lost in the woods. But it didn't matter. Being anywhere would be fine. He lay back, breathing slowly. Then he closed his eyes. He was living far away from everything he'd known now, and it scared him. He felt lost, even though C.C was with him.

"Its wonderful, isn't it, big brother? Nature, that is."

He knew the voice that he heard, even though he knew no one was there with him.

"So many sounds that it makes. And it smells so alive – I can feel it actually! I can feel it breathe. It's living. I'm sure it looks equally magnificent. You know, big brother, I wish that someday, you and I could watch nature together. And then we'll lie on the grass all day, listening to all of its songs."

"Yes," he whispered, "I wish for that too, Nunnally." He lips quivered, tears threatening to come. "I wish that I could be there, I…" a sob came out of his lips unexpectedly, disrupting his words.

It has been three years since he 'died'; three long years since he last saw his loved ones. But as early as now, he's already breaking apart.

"Such bitter tears being shed again…"

He turned his head to who spoke. Suddenly, he found a woman, not that much older than him, kneeling in front of him. Her long, flowing hair grey hair almost touched the ground. Her reddish violet lit eyes, the exact copy of his, followed a tear racing down his cheek. He noticed she has Geass marks on both cheeks.

"It's tiring isn't it? The suffering." She wiped the tear away gently.

"Who are you?" his geass activated suddenly as he backed away.

"I'm the same as you." As she answered, her geass gleamed eerily. "The one gifted and cursed."

"What do you want?" he asked out of instinct.

"The thing you don't want." She pointed to his eyes.

Lelouch blinked. "My… Geass?"

"I'll take it away, and your suffering; your eternity."

He stared at her amazed and puzzled. "That's impossible."

"C.C hasn't told you about my existence, has she?" she said, "I'm the one who holds what was in the box, and now that it has been released, I must retrieve them. I am the Geass Collector."

"Geass Collector?" he repeated. "Don't make me laugh." He stood up and wiped away his tears, feeling foolish.

"I have six hundred fifty nine codes already," she said calmly, "and yours is the six hundred sixtieth." She stood up as well, smoothing out the creases on her robe like dress. "Let me show you, young immortal." She then gently took off her robe, revealing her bare body.

"Hey," Lelouch looked away, blushing a little. "Put your clothes back on."

"Look at me." she commanded. There was something dominant in her voice that made him obey. And when he did, he was left in awe.

Every inch of her skin was covered with the Geass symbol; from her cheeks down to her feet.

"And yours will be right here;" she lifted her palm for him to see. "Your code."

The amethyst eyed prince looked at his own palm, tattooed eternally with the said symbol.

"I'm here to offer you another pact." She said effortlessly.

"Another Geass pact?" he questioned.

"Everyone has regrets." She started, picking her robe up and wearing it again. "We all have, plenty. If only we had the chance to change the things that we did. Turn back time… wouldn't you agree? What if I told you I have the power to do so?"

His eyes averted to hers immediately.

"I can give you one chance and one chance only." She walked nearer to him, staring back. "I can bring you back in time."

The notion of time travel made him think that this woman is crazy. However, a thing like that isn't far from reality, if Geass is concerned.

"Would you like to hear the conditions of my pact?"

"The only price to pay is my code and my Geass, correct?" he answered her question with another question.

"Nothing more, nothing less." She answered.

He dreamed about that a long, long time ago. There were so many wrong things that he had done; too many mistakes to correct. He had told so many lies that he can no longer take them back.

And now, in front of him lies the chance to change it all.

"Let's hear it." He finally replied.

She grinned with satisfaction from his reply. "Very well then. I can take you back to a certain time period you want to go back to, but, it can only be within your past; in doing so, you can have the chance to change the past, and so, the future." She took out a large hour glass from her sleeve, as if by magic. "This hour glass will tell you how much time you can stay within that time period. When the sand runs out, you'll be automatically sent back to this present time, whether you're finished or not. Though, I warn you, dear prince," She handed the hour glass to him, "Be careful. Even a slightest change will make a huge impact in the future. Let me give you an example. If you try to save a loved one from death, another will die in his or her place."

"Isn't that unfair?" he reasoned.

"Equality must be practiced." She replied. "Everything is fair in this world."

He wanted to argue with thought, but it wasn't the time for that.

"What will happen when I leave this time period?" he asked.

"Everything will be the same. Do we have a deal, then?"

He looked at his palm. C.C must be waiting for him now. But to him, just for today…

He'll stop caring for others.

"It's a deal."

The Geass Collector smiled once more. "Alright. Shall we get going?"

"Don't you need to know what would I want to change?"

"No," she answered, "Because I already know the answer to that." She placed her hands on her chest. "Live your greatest regret once more, Lelouch vi Britannia." she took something from her chest, and from it emerged a golden butterfly with wings glowing because of the Geass symbol on it. It flew toward him, fluttering and hovering. It landed on his nose.

"Wha –"

The butterfly opened its wings; the Geass symbol on it suddenly shining brightly.

"May your wish be granted."


A/N: okay… that's it for chapter one. Is it bad? I revised it just now, and I'm not sure if it turned out good. So please review it. Thanks a lot!