
Alice stepped out of the black Mercedes and looked around. Charlie's cruiser was parked in the driveway, and the living room light was on. Her breathing was quick as she lifted her fist to knock on the heavy door. It swung open before her knuckles made contact; she dropped her hand and stared into Charlie's shocked face.

"Alice?" Charlie said after a moment, his voice was rough with grief, and his movements frantic.

"Is Bella here?" She asked, realizing that she didn't have an excuse to be showing up in Forks. Charlie's face contorted slightly in pain, "She's missing, Alice, again." He spoke the words hard, and Alice could guess that the first time Bella went missing was directly related to the Cullen's disappearance.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," He looked out past Alice at the world his daughter could be lost in, and she stepped aside, "Of course, Charlie. I'm sorry I came at such a time."

He nodded once, and jogged down the porch steps to his car. He froze, hand reaching for the door handle, "Alice,"

"Yes, Charlie?"

"So help me God, Alice, is he back? Is Bella with him?" His voice was on the edge of becoming furious, his whole body tightening.

"He's in South America, Charlie, and I wouldn't lie to you." Alice said, knowing that she would lie without a second thought, but to her knowledge that was really where Edward was.

Without another word, Charlie climbed in and yanked the door shut, driving off down the street. Alice ran to her car, sliding in and putting it into gear. The road flew by as she drove quickly to the Quileute border. In the distance, a tan figure stepped in her path. She quickly hit the brake, stopping a foot from the suicidal boy.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing, Jacob Black?" She asked, climbing out of the car.

"I don't believe it, you're back! What did you do to her, bloodsucker?" He spat, his body shaking slightly. Alice stood, stunned, gawking at the boy. He knew.

"You're a werewolf!" She exclaimed, stepping closer to examine the vibrating frame.

"And you're a leech. Where's Bella?"

"You think I hurt her? I loved her!" Alice yelled back, filling the empty lane through the thick forests with her voice. Jacob glared at her, "Loved her?"

Alice swallowed hard, "She told you, about our abilities, didn't she?" Jacob nodded stiffly, she continued, "I saw her jump from a cliff at La Push. She never came out of the water."

Jacob shook his head, "No, I mean, couldn't she have survived?"

"Jacob, her future disappeared." Alice grimaced, trying to hold her own emotions back as Jacob fell apart, pacing back and forth furiously, "This is all your fault!" He yelled, turning back to Alice, "Your filthy family-"

"I know," Alice practically screamed back, stunning Jacob into silence, "I know." She repeated, burying her face in her hands.

"I have to go." Jacob began to retreat, still facing Alice.

"Wait," Alice called out.

"What?" His voice was shaking, on the verge of crying. Alice kept her breathing steady, "You have to tell Charlie."

"No! I-I can't." Jacob sputtered, shaking his head fast, "Why can't you tell him? I just… I can't face Charlie with this."

"You have to get the things Bella left on the cliff, to give to him, or he'll always hope she's coming back." Alice couldn't see the pain that shot across Jacob's face, because she was already climbing back into the car.

"Don't hope, Jacob. I'm right." And she slammed the door shut. Jacob watched the car speed out of sight, before falling to his knees. He felt his throat constricting; tears slid down and hit the concrete road.

Alice's head was swarming, as she quickly covered the distance to her old house. She had her phone out, Jasper's number dialed, but snapped it shut. She needed more time to think.

New York

The house was empty, save Emmett in the garage. Jasper spent most of his time at college, and Carlisle had gone hunting with Esme. Alice was off doing God knows what in Forks; Rosalie was left alone. She stared at the phone in her hand, contemplating. She punched in the numbers slowly, not using speed dial, giving herself time to change her mind.

But she let it ring.

"What?" Edward's voice was bleak, possibly a little angry. She had expected him to be surprised by the call, at the very least.

"There's been a… problem." Rosalie started, reaching for words, "Alice went to Forks."

She could hear the sharp intake of breath from Edward, "Why did Alice interfere?" He spoke slowly, each word more furious than the previous.

"She had a vision, Edward. Bella…"

"What?" He yelled this time, no longer sounding like a dead man. He was laden with emotions. Rosalie flinched at his outburst, "She killed herself."

The line went dead. Rosalie took the phone from her ear and checked the screen, 'Call Ended' it said. She sighed and put it back into her pocket. Now he knew. Edward could stop torturing himself, stop living like a recluse, and rejoin the family. It was not right of Alice to keep this from him, Rosalie thought to herself. But with each tick from the clock hanging on the wall, her uneasiness grew.