A/N: Alright! So here's the long awaited sequel to "My Inner Struggles"! If you haven't read that, go on ahead and read it! You'll have a better understanding of this story lol. Meanwhile as usual I DON'T OWN SCRUBS (If I did Season 9 still would've have the orginal characters lol)! Anyway enjoy! Words in bold are J.D.'s thoguhts (excluding the Author's Notes aka A/N's)

J.D. entered Sacred Heart. He walked down the hallway.

Ok so it's been a week since Joe's death, and I still want to enter his room to check up on him. Everything's slowly getting back to normal for us though... well not really.

J.D. looked over at Elliot and Carla.

Elliot found out she was pregnant with Keith's child... ugh. Worst part is she hasn't even told him yet.

"You know you can't hide this forever right?" Carla asked Elliot.

"Well I can for a few months. He might start getting curious when I get fatter." Elliot replied.

Carla was still trying to pretend that Dr. Cox having Jordan's baby didn't bother her.

"Well at least you're actually the one who's having your boyfriend's baby, and not his ex wife's." Carla said.

"When are you going to get over this?" Elliot asked.

"When he gets a paternity test, and Jordan finds out the baby's dad is really Satan." Carla said.

"You don't mean that." Elliot said.

"I know." Carla said. "But it's just so unfair you know?"

Elliot nodded her head.

J.D. continued to walk down the hallway.

Speaking of Dr. Cox and Jordan, she was driving him mad. She was in her 2nd trimester, so he had 3 more months to endure before she gave birth to the demon...er baby.

Dr. Cox walked up to Jordan. He had a brown bag in his hand.

"Here's your Barebecue Sandwhich covered in.. horse radish." Dr. Cox said disgusted.

Jordan sntached the bag away from him and looked at the sandwhich. Both J.D. and Dr. Cox looked disgusted.

"You forgot the pickles jackass!" Jordan said dropping the sandwhich back into the bag.

Dr. Cox gritted his teeth, snatched the bag away from Jordan and walked off.

"Oh and bring me some curly fries next time?" Jordan shouted.

J.D. continued walking down the hallway.

And let's not forget my problems. Suddenly realizing that you have feelings for your best friend who's a guy, then realziing he likes you back, then almost hooking up with him in the on call room, and THEN pretending it never happened is NOT ok.

Turk approached J.D.

"Hey V-Bear!" Turk said putting his arm around J.D.

"Hey Turk." J.D. said.

"So I was thinking that you and I should go hit the clubs tonight eh? What do you think?"

"Uh no thanks. I'm kinda busy. Got some stuff I need to do."

Turk rolled his eyes and put his friend to the side.

"I thought you said you were just bi not gay." Turk said quietly.

"I"m not gay." J.D. said. "I just don't see the point in pretending there isn't something between us."

"When are you going to get off this?" Turk asked. "I was trying to make you feel better about Joe's death!"

"Well most of the time when you try to make me feel better, we go out! You don't kiss me!"

Turk sighed. "Whatever. I'm still going with or without you."

Turk walked off.

Turk's obviously in a state of denial about the whole situation, and it kinda makes me angry. I've been thinking a lot lately about some things too. I don't even know if I'm truly bi when the only guy I ever have and probably will have a crush on doesn't like me back? Relationships suck.

J.D. entered a patient's room.


Elliot was leaving a patient's room when Keith approached her.

"Hello!" He said with a smile on his face. He kissed her.

"Hey!" Elliot said.

"So I was wondering if you'd like to go out after work. Get a beer or something?"

"No!" Elliot quickly said.

Keith looked at her strangely.

"I mean I don't really feel like getting a beer. Maybe some... milk?"

"Milk?" Kieth asked.

"Yeah. Instead of going out, how about you come over after work and talk?" Elliot asked.

"Talk as in 'talk'?" Keith asked with a sly smile on his face.

"No. Like a real talk." Elliot said.

"Are... you mad at me?" Keith asked.

"What? No! Of course not!" Elliot said. "It's just that I want to have some alone time with you ok?"

"Ok." Keith said. "Had me worried for a second."

"Ha... yeah." Elliot said.

Kieth continued down the hallway.

"So!" A voice said out of nowhere.

Startled, Elliot turned to see Dr. Kelso.

"Sir you scared me." Elliot said.

"You're going to tell him tonight?"

"Yeah it'll probably be for the best." Elliot said.

"Well have fun being a single parent!" Kelso said.

"What? Keith would never do that!"

Dr. Kelso laughed. "Guess we'll find out tonight."

Dr. Kelso walked off, and Elliot began to panic.

"CARLA!" She screamed running down the hall.


Dr. Cox entered a resturant and ran into J.D.

"Ariel!" Dr. Cox shouted.

J.D. turned around. "Oh hey Dr. Cox! Didn't see you as much of the burger joint kind of guy."

"That's because I'm not." Dr. Cox responded. "I'm here to get Jordan her lunch."

"Which would be?"

"A Barbecue sandwhich covered in horse radish. Oh and some curly fries this time as well."

"I'm guessing Jordan has you going crazy?" J.D. asked.

"Yes. But there is one thing that still keeps me going." Dr. Cox said.

"And what would that be?"

"Knowing that the intern will be going through this stuff months from now with blondie."

"Well that's true. So are you excited for the arrival of the new baby?"

"Surprisingly yes. Having kids for some reason has made me..."


"That's the word."

"Well that's good! How does it feel to be a likable person?"

"Quite tolerable actually."

"Maybe we could finally become friends now?"

"Don't push it newbie."


There was an awkward silence.

"So... how's Carla taking this whole situation."

"Fine... yeah fine."

"Not what I've been hearing." J.D. said quietly.



"No newbie what did you say?"

"I didn't say anything thing. Just uh... That's hot what she's wearing."

J.D. pointed to an elderly woman in a tank top and booty shorts. Dr. Cox stared at J.D.

"Uh... oh look it's my turn to order something!" J.D. quickly said.

I wonder how long it'll be before Dr. Cox reealizes how unhappy Carla is with the whole baby situation.


It was after work and Elliot and Carla were together.

Elliot was looking at Carla.

"And... go!" Carla said.

"Keith, this time spen with you has been wonderful. We've gone through some tough times together and we've pulled through..."

Elliot paused for a brief moment. "What's the next line?"

Carla rolled her eyes. "And I know we can pull through-"

"This tough time too!" Elliot said remembering. "Well Keith... looks like you and I are going to be parents."

"Then wait for the shock to go away. Then that's when you guys talk about the baby's future."

"Thanks Carla for the help. Sometimes I don't know where I'd be without you!"

"Aw it's no problem."

Keith began to apporach the two.

"Well there he is." Carla said. "I better get going."

Elliot gulped.

"Don't worry Elliot. Things will be fine." Carla said.

"Ok." She said.

Carla quickly left as Keith walked up to Elliot. He kissed her.

"Ready to go?" Keith asked her.

Elliot smiled at him. "Keith I'm pregnant."

Keith's smile slowly turned into a frown. "You're what?"

(Later on...)

J.D. entered his apartment when he saw Turk there.

"Hey." He said.

"Uh hey?" J.D. said. "What are you doing here?"

"Janitor's key that opens everything." Turk showed J.D the key. "Remind me NOT to give this back to him tomorrow."

J.D. smiled. "I thought you were hitting up a club?"

"That would just put me more in denial about what's going on with us." Turk said.

"You... want to talk about this?" J.D. asked.

Turk nodded.

J.D. sighed from relief.

Well at least the denial phase is over. Something tells me this is going to be a long night...

A/N: Ok, so this was a setup chapter for what is to come! Hope you enjoyed it! See you next chapter!