A/N: Ok, so this is set post 3x14, pre 3x15. And there was NO Pete/Addison, at all!
Reviews would be lovely :)

Accidentally In Love
Chapter 1


Sam sat staring at the blank paper in front of him, his pen tapping against it over and over, how was he supposed to make a toast about the one thing that had caused so much drama, so many complications, he didn't want it to happen, the wedding, the baby, but he had to deal with it. There was nothing he could do about it. And the one person who could help him, could stop him making himself go crazy, was the one person who he couldn't look at without feeling so much anger and resentment at her loyalty to his ex-wife, yet so much love, love that made his heart twist into knots. After a few minutes of deliberating he stood up, paper and pen in hand, and headed over to Addison's house, he knocked on the back doors, he could see her standing in the kitchen, she looked up and waved him in.

"Hey" he said quietly.

"Hey" she said with slight surprise "Everything ok?"

"I'm trying to write my toast for Maya's wedding and, nothings coming out so can, can you help me?" he asked with a sigh.

"Sure, I'm good at toasts" she said with a small smile "I was about to have some wine, do you want a glass?"

"Yeah, that'd be good" Sam nodded, he moved over to the dinner table and sat down, Addison poured out some wine and moved to sit next to him, leaving a sizable difference between them, as she took a sip of her wine Sam gulped down the whole glass.

"Woah there, slow down" Addison said with a slight laugh.

"I'm writing a toast for my 15 year old pregnant daughters wedding here Addison, trust me, I need to be drunk" he said pouring out another glass and drinking back half of it.

"It'll be ok Sam" she said reaching out and trying to touch his arm, he flinched away before their skin could touch, Addison bit her lip a little to stop tears falling from her eyes "So um, what, do you know, what kind of things you, want to say?"

"No" Sam said quietly.

"Well, what about, a memory, from when she was a little girl, you could tell them the story about the gymnastics competition, when she broke her toe, how determined she is"

"Hmm" he sighed, they sat quietly for a couple of minutes, Sam sighing every so often before it came to him "Anyway friends" he said simply.

"What?" Addison said looking up.

"She told me once, when she was little, that she wanted to marry me, because I was her anyway friend, she said, an anyway friend is the one person in your life, who no matter what they say or do, no matter what they've been through with you, you love each other, anyway"

"That's it Sam" Addison said softly "That's what you should say"

"Yeah, I guess it is" he sighed finishing his glass of wine.

"Sam" Addison said reaching her hand to his again, before they could touch he stood up and took his glass into the kitchen "When is this gonna stop?" she sighed.

"When's what going to stop?" he asked grabbing a beer from her fridge.

"This! You not being able to look me in the eye, not being able to let me touch you, I'm sorry ok! I'm sorry that you're hurting but don't you think that I'm hurting too?" she exclaimed.

"No, no I don't think that" Sam replied instantly "Because if you knew how I was feeling right now you wouldn't have done it, if you knew what it felt like to be hurt then you would've followed your heart and not your loyalty to someone who's messed us both around for months Addison!"

"She is my best friend" Addison said firmly "And yeah, she has done some stupid things over the past few months but that doesn't mean that it's ok for us to be together! This would kill her, she's a mess as it is, and I am not willing to put her through anything else"

"But you're willing to put me through it? I've been through exactly what she has, everything that's happened has happened to me too, and you're willing put me through this?"

"That's not what I'm saying" Addison said frustratedly "It wasn't easy to say no to you Sam, it was one of the hardest things I have ever, ever had to do, and I hate myself for hurting you, I do, but what am I supposed to do? Throw away my best friend for the man I love!" she yelled.

"YES!" he shouted back "Because I LOVE YOU TOO!"

They both froze, their chests rising and falling heavily, it only took a second for them to step forward and crash their lips together, clothes were ripped off angrily, without realizing it they were moving towards the living area, Addison ended up perched on the arm of the sofa, her hands gripping onto Sam's back as he thrust up inside her, within minutes she was crying out in pleasure, they moved so Sam sat on the sofa, Addison straddling his lap, grinding herself against his body as they kissed, his length hitting right into her cervix, he held onto her hips as her arms rested on his shoulders, gripping onto the back of the sofa, he held her hips tightly and bounced her up and down on his length, she cried out his name, cumming for the second time as he shot his load inside her, groaning out her name huskily in her ear, Addison collapsed against his body, his length still buried inside her, their foreheads pressed together as they panted heavily, they kissed as he removed himself from her, a mixture of his cum and her juices dripped out of her onto his lap.

"Addie" he whispered.

"Don't" she whispered back, keeping her eyes closed "Just don't say anything" Sam slowly wrapped his arms around her, his fingers making patterns on her soft back, her head buried in his neck, he moved his fingers up into her hair as he felt tears fall from her eyes.

"Sshh Addie it's ok" he whispered "It's ok"

"No, no it isn't ok" Addison sniffled "It is not ok"

"I love you" he whispered against the top of her head.

"I love you too" she whispered back "We can't do this Sam" she said sighing heavily "We shouldn't, we shouldn't have done that, we shouldn't be doing this"

"You give me one good reason, other than Naomi, why we can't do this, why we can't love each other, and be together, because I honestly can't think of anything, but I can think of a million reasons why we should"

"I just, don't want, to hurt her" Addison said with a slight sob "She's my best friend Sam"

"I know" Sam said softly "We'll work it out Addison, we will, let's, let's just go upstairs, and get some sleep, and we'll, work it out, ok?"

"Ok" Addison whimpered, she slowly slipped off of Sam's body and scooped up their clothes, she threw his shirt on and slowly led them to her bedroom, they climbed into bed, his body spooning hers, they didn't speak another word, they just slowly fell to sleep.


"Hey" Addison said standing in the doorway of Pete's office "Can I talk to you?"

"Always" Pete smiled "Come on in" Addison closed the door behind her and moved over to the exam table, she jumped up onto it, her legs dangling over the edge, she looked down nervously at her hands in her lap "Addison?" Pete frowned standing up and moving over to him "What is it? What's wrong?" she looked up at him with tear filled eyes "Hey, what, what is it?" he asked squeezing her hand a little "Addison it's ok, you can tell me, whatever it is we'll work it out"

"I'm in love with Sam" she choked before breaking down into sobs, Pete instantly wrapped his arms around her and let her fight against his chest, her hands gripping on to the front of his shirt.

"Sshh Addison just breathe, just breathe, calm down" he said hugging her tightly.

"I'm, I'm sorry" she sniffled "I'm sorry I just, I don't, I don't know what to do"

"I know" he said wiping the tears from her cheeks "What exactly, how, how did this, happen?"

"I just, I started to feel things for him a couple of months ago and, I don't know why it just, happened and, we kissed, twice, and then again a couple of weeks ago and I just, I told him we couldn't do anything because of Naomi and he flipped out and it's been so, awkward since then, but last night he came over, he needed help with his toast for the wedding, and every time I went to touch him he'd completely flinch away and, we started shouting at each other, screaming at each other, and then the next thing I know we're naked and, well, y'know" she whispered "And it felt so, right and, perfect and, and now, now I don't know what to do"

"Well, well what happened this morning? With Sam"

"Not much, he had to go back to his place to get ready for work so…."

"Does he make you happy?"

"Yeah" Addison said shakily.

"And you love each other?"

"Yes" she whispered.

"Then, just, you should follow your heart Addison"

"But Naomi she, she's been through so much already, Maya's getting married tomorrow, and we don't even know if she'll show and, I can't put her through this too, and I didn't, I don't, I'd finally, I'd finally put myself back together after Noah and, Sam helped me do that, he helped me through Noah and then my crazy parents and, he tried to protect me from Mark and I wouldn't listen to him and he was right all along and, he's my best friend, and I don't want to lose him but I know, I know if I stop this, I will"

"Well maybe, maybe you could just, be with him, and wait until the Maya thing has calmed down a little to, tell everyone, you should, you should talk to Sam Addie"

"Yeah" Addison whispered "I guess I should"

"It's going to be fine Addison" he said kissing her forehead "It's all going to be just fine"

"Can I just, can I lay here for a minute?" she whispered.

"Sure" he said softly "Want me to do some acupuncture while you're here? Help you relax"

"Ha, no" Addison said hitting him on the arm.

"Just a suggestion" he chuckled as he moved back to his desk.


"Sam, can we talk?" Addison asked quietly, knocking on the open door of his office.

"Sure" he replied looking up from his computer, she walked in, closed the door and shut all of the blinds.

"Addison…." he started.

"Wait, just let me say something" she said with a sigh "I think you know by now how I feel about all this, I love you, I don't know how that happened or when it happened but it did, I'm in love with you, and when I'm with you I feel like, like me again, but after everything that's happened I can't hurt Naomi, you know I can't do that, and I know even though you're mad at her you don't want to do that either, so if we do this, if we're, together, then it's between you and me, just for a little while, until I feel it's ok to tell her, and I know that's a lot to ask but if we're going to do this then, then, what are you doing?" she asked as he reached her, his hands on her hips.

"I'm kissing you" he whispered pressing their lips together "If, if this is what it takes to be with you then, then that's just, I'll have to deal with that, because I love you Addie, and all I want is to be able to tell you that every day"

"Thank you" she whispered wrapping herself around him "Oh and uh, Pete kind of knows"

"What?" he smirked.

"I needed to talk to someone" she sighed "And he's my friend and, he's your friend so, he, he won't say anything, he won't"

"I know, it's ok" he said stroking her hair a little "How about we go out for some dinner tonight, just me and you, I'll pay"

"Can we just curl up on the sofa and eat chinese food out of the carton?" Addison asked looking up at him hopefully.

"Sure" he smiled with a slight laugh, he moved his hands to cup her face "I love you Addison Montgomery"

"I love you too" Addison said softly.


"Tomorrow will be fine Sam" Addison said softly as they sat snuggled up together on her sofa under a blanket eating their chinese food.

"Yeah" he whispered "I hope so"

"It will" she smiled "I know it will, I know you're finding all this hard and, even, even I'm finding this hard so I can't imagine how you're feeling, but it's happening, it's happening and I know you hate it but, sometimes we just have to pretend"

"I know" he sighed.

"And you never, ever have to pretend with me" she said turning herself so she sat up on her knees next to him, her hand coming to his cheek "If you want to scream and shout and cry and, just flip out, you can do that around me, just remember that, I'm here for you no matter what Sam"

"I love you" Sam whispered kissing her softly "I wish I could stay here tonight"

"Me too" Addison said softly "But Maya's going to be getting to yours first thing to get ready and I have to get straight to the hospital so, it's more realistic for you to go home"

"I know" he said sadly "Let's just stay here a little longer though ok?"

"Ok" Addison smiled.


6 months later.

"She is beautiful Maya" Addison said softly as she rocked 1 week old Sophie Elouise Bennett-Davis in her arms, Dink had had to go to school and his Mom to work so Addison took it upon herself to look after her kind of stepdaughter, even if she didn't know it.

"She is" Maya smiled "So, when are you and my Dad going to stop hiding your relationship from all of us?"

"Wha...what?" Addison stuttered nervously.

"I'm not an idiot Aunt Addison" Maya said with a laugh "I've known for months"

"But, but how?" Addison stuttered.

"My wedding" Maya said softly "When my Dad gave his toast about anyway friends, he looked at you, it was only really brief, just a glance, and I knew" she said with a small smile "We all know"

"You, you all know? Even your…."

"Oh god no not my Mom" Maya laughed "But pretty much everyone else, I knew that Pete and Cooper knew because I heard Cooper ask how long he had to keep it a secret for, and that you should lock my Dad's office if you're going to keep making out in there" she said with a small smirk.

"Oh god" Addison groaned, remembering the day after 3 months of being with Sam when Violet and Cooper walked in on them making out on his sofa, Sam's hand up her shirt as she straddled his body "But I, I told Pete, and Cooper and Violet found out by accident and, and who else knows?"

"Charlotte, Dell and Sheldon walked in on us talking about you in the kitchen but they all had their suspicions anyway"

"Maya! How could you not tell me!" Addison exclaimed frustratedly "Oh god if your Mom finds out…."

"So you're telling me" Maya said cutting Addison off "That basically, the only person you're keeping this a secret from now is my Mom?"

"Maya this will kill her" Addison sighed "This goes against one of the biggest rules of friendship, she's only just getting over everything with you and, and…."

"And don't you think if she finds out you've been keeping it a secret all this time she'll get mad anyway? And if you leave it another 6 months then she'll be even more mad, and, and what are you going to do when you want to move in together or have a family? Are you going to keep all that a secret from her too? You're taking this too far now Addie, you should've told her from the beginning, at least it would've been over and done with"

"I have to tell her don't I" Addison sighed.

"Yeah, you do"


"I'm telling her today" Addison said quietly in the kitchen at the practice the next morning, Sam, Dell, Violet, Cooper and Charlotte all stood around drinking coffee.

"Uh Addison…." Sam started glancing between Dell and Charlotte.

"They know Sam" Addison sighed "I spent the day with your daughter yesterday, who by the way knows too apparently, they've known for months"

"Oh" Sam said with surprise "Right so, so we're telling her"

"I'm telling her" Addison said firmly "She's the only person who doesn't know" she sighed "She's going to be mad at me whenever I tell her, so I might as well just do it now, rip the band aid"

"Addie I really think I should…."

"I'm telling her by myself Sam" Addison said firmly.

"Telling who what?" Naomi asked as herself and Pete walked into the room, Pete instantly passing Lucas to Violet as he reached out to her, everyone shifted nervously, Addison gave them pointed glares and they all left.

"Addison" Sam said from the doorway "I really think I should…."

"Sam, just let me do this" Addison whispered, Sam sighed and moved into the conference room where everyone tried to make it not obvious they were watching.

"What's going on Addie?" Naomi asked worriedly "Addison?"

"I've been dating Sam for 6 months" Addison blurted, Naomi froze for a second before bursting out laughing.

"Oh god, oh right, of course you have" Naomi laughed "Good one Addie" Addison just let out a sigh and looked down a little "Oh" Naomi said simply "Oh you, you're not, you're not kidding"

"No" Addison whispered "I wanted to tell you Nae I just, I didn't know how to, I didn't know what to say or….when to say it and, and I found out yesterday that everyone else knows and, I knew I couldn't leave it any longer"

"Ev...everyone else knows?" Naomi stuttered.

"I told Pete straight away, I needed some, advice so I went to Pete, Cooper and Violet found out after 3 months, by accident, and Charlotte, Dell and Sheldon walked in on them talking about it with, with Maya" she sighed "Who apparently knew all along"

"So you're telling me that, that you've been dating Sam for 6 months and I'm the last to know" Naomi said quietly.

"I'm sorry Nae" Addison said quietly "I just didn't know how to, I couldn't, you'd already been through so much with Maya and everything and, I didn't want to, upset you even more, you have a right to be mad at me, I know it's against the rules but, I don't, I don't even know how it happened, one minute we were friends and then, then we fell in love and, I tried to stop it, I really tried, but then he came over to get some help with the toast for Maya's wedding and, and we started yelling at each other over the whole thing and it just happened, and I couldn't stop it, I love him Naomi"

"I, I can't, I can't believe that you would, I can't, I just, I need, I need a minute" Naomi said backing towards the door.

"Nae…." Addison started.

"No I just, I need some, time" Naomi said slowly walking away, Addison let out a heavy sigh, holding on to the edge of the counter, Sam walked into the room and pulled her into a soft hug.

"It'll be ok Addie" he whispered "Just give her time, she'll get past this, I know she will"

"Well how come I don't?" Addison said looking up at him tearfully.


"Naomi" Addison said quietly, standing in the doorway of Naomi's office late that afternoon, Naomi looked up and stared at her expectantly "Please can we talk"

"Come in" Naomi sighed, Addison slowly walked in, closing the door behind her and sitting down in the chair opposite Naomi's desk.

"I've been sitting here pretty much all day trying to wrap my head around this" Naomi said simply "Wrap my head around the fact that you've kept this from me for so long, you've all kept this from me, and, and I feel, I feel stupid, I feel like everyone's been laughing at me behind my back all this time and….."

"No, no Nae it wasn't like that" Addison said quickly "We just didn't want to hurt you, I didn't want to hurt you, you're my best friend and I'm the one who's put that in jeopardy, I just didn't want you to get anymore hurt that you already were, and, and you said, you said I'd be the worst person ever, we sat here, a couple of weeks before I got with Sam and, and I said something about us being like a couple and you laughed at me, just like you did this morning, you laughed, and you said, you said if I did that I'd be the worst person ever, which is why that night, when Sam told me he wanted us to be together I said no, I said no but then, it was just, he, he wouldn't even look at me and, and then he's in my house asking me to help him with the toast and, I flipped, I started shouting at him because he was acting like it wasn't hard for me to turn him down and, and it happened and, I am so so sorry Nae" she said tearfully "I'm so sorry"

"You should've told me" Naomi said sadly "You should have told me you were serious"

"I know" Addison sniffled.

"How long have you had feelings for him? In med school did you…."

"No" Addison asked instantly "We were just friends, and, ok, he did ask me out, before you, he asked me out and I said no, but he wasn't, he wasn't in love with me then or anything, it was just, a thing, and then he fell in love with you, and I fell in love with Derek, and he did love you Naomi, he will never stop loving you….."

"I know that" Naomi said cutting her off.

"Right" Addison breathed "And the feelings, they started around the time we had that accident, so a couple of months before, but I kind of just pushed them away because I didn't know how to handle it, but then it all got so, complicated and, I tried so hard not to love him but, I just couldn't"

"I don't know what I'm more mad at" Naomi sighed "The fact that you're with my ex-husband or that you didn't tell me"

"I'm so so sorry Nae" Addison whispered "I never meant to hurt you, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" she said tearfully "I'll do anything Nae, anything for you to forgive me, anything"

"Can I, can I have some more time?" Naomi asked quietly "I just need, I need some time Addison"

"I know" Addison said standing up and wiping the tears from her cheek "Naomi, I love you ok?"

"I love you too" Naomi whispered tearfully, she stood up and wrapped her arms tightly around Addison "I just don't know if I can still trust you, I used to think I could trust you with my life, but now, if you can keep something like that away from me for so long, I don't know who to trust"

"I'm sorry" Addison whispered.

"Yeah, I know" Naomi said pulling away from her, Addison took a beat before leaving the office, both of them bursting into tears on either side of the door.


"Addison, you need to calm down now" Sam said softly as Addison lay in the middle of her bed crying into her pillow "Addison"

"Sam just go home" Addison choked out "Get out"

"No!" Sam exclaimed walking further into the room "No you are not pushing me away again! No way!"

"I want to be on my own Sam what about that sentence don't you understand?" Addison snapped looking over to him "Go home!"

"So this is how it's going to go now huh?" he said standing at the end of the bed "Naomi's doubting her trust in you so you doubt your trust in me? You push me away because she's pushing you away? You knew exactly what you were letting yourself into when we started this, you knew she wasn't going to be happy but I thought I meant more to you than this"

"I think you'll find it's you who's doubting me if you can't understand that I don't need you to be my saviour Sam" Addison said climbing off the bed "I want, to be, alone" she said slowly "That has nothing to do with how I feel about you, that is me, and you can't seem to wrap your head around the fact that I don't need to be with you 24/7 to survive!"

"I wasn't saying that!" Sam said frustratedly "I just thought maybe I could be there for the woman I love when she's upset, but if you really want me to leave then I'll leave"

"I want you to leave" Addison said hanging her head a little "I think, I think maybe we should, cool us down a little, take a break" she said quietly.

"You are unbelievable" Sam said with a sad laugh "Fine" he shrugged "We'll take a break, and no matter how much I love you, I won't wait forever" he left the room without another word and a slam of the door, Addison numbly lowered herself down onto the bed, not knowing what the hell to do next.


Chapter 2 to follow….