Title: Watcher

Fandom: Trek reboot/Push

Disclaimer: not my characters

Warnings: takes place during reboot

Pairings: none stated

Rating: PG

Wordcount: 116

Point of view: third

Notes: to the prompt McCoy wasn't fleeing from an ex-wife when he got on that shuttle, he was running away from the Earth Division. He didn't leave the Academy except for Starfleet trips for three years to keep out of their grasp and under their radar, but now that the Enterprise has started its 5-year mission and its command crew are heroes, he's been found by Division in a situation where he could be snatched up anywhere.

After a close call, he's forced to "come out" to the others, who, of course, decide they'll do anything to protect him, even if it means taking on all of Division.

Make him anything except a Stitcher. Maybe he's super powerful or something new and rare, which makes Division want him badly. Preferably Kirk/McCoy. Sex with powers at some point would be awesome, either before Kirk finds out and all the little ways Bones can sneak using them or after and have it be blatant.

Yeah, I got nothing but the crossover part.

As he walks away from Jim in the hangar, McCoy sees a glimmer of the future, of explosions and screams and the empty silence of space.

It's the first thing he's Watched in nearly four years, since he took that experimental treatment and swore to never use his 'gift' again.

On the backs of his eyelids pass a multitude of what-ifs, each worse than the last, eaching ending in death and then two planets imploding, trillions of lives gone in an instant.

He gasps for breath, eyes closed, waiting it out.

Finally, in the last version of the future, he Watches Jim on the bridge, arguing with that pointy-eared bastard.

"Damnit," he mutters and turns around.