Me: OMR! 10 reveiws! THANK YOU! I love the reviews, shiny reviews, super shiny like the moon...=bites on one=

Readers: O_O...=backs away=

Me: NO, Don't go! We still have something to read here!

Ayume: Yeah, cause everyone LOVES your fics. -_-'

Bakura: Really? Then why did this get more hits then your horror story, "Darkness Falls"?

Me; O_O It did? =looks at the hits thingy=...YOUR RIGHT! =falls over= No one like's horror anymore.

Marik: Quit your crying and get up. Didn't you say you got a surprise for everyone?

Me: Oh Yeah! =sits up and smiles= I MADE AN APPLE!

Readers: T_T =throws an apple at me=

Me: OW!...oh yeah, it's called a lemon! XD

Marik: =sighs= The insane chick doesn't own the charaters...yeah, that's it.

Bakura: Enjoy the hot lemon she made...and you didn't do this before why?

Ayume: Cause she's to lazy!

Me; NOT! Now everyone SHUT UP before they all leave! =ties the readers to chairs= ENJOY! ^o^


Malik smiled, "Thank you, honey!"

Ryou scowled crossing his arms over his chest and huffing. "Really, Malik, Sometimes I wonder if you get high just to torture me."

Malik titled his head, "I don't get high."

"Well, you act the part perfectly!" Ryou waved a finger at him. "hell, you can be the lead role in the whole play!"

The Egyptian kept his head in an angle, his face still looking like one of a confused puppy. "When did we start talking about plays? Well, while at that topic, Can we role play? I always wanted to try that."

Ryou's face was struck with horror. "No way in Shadow realm!" He shouted wrapping the blanket around his small frame. "I know your ways; first, we'll play it. Then, I'll start liking it which will get me too into it. Last, You go BOOM all over me!"

"…what's with the boom?"

"Cause you make that noise when you glomp someone!"

Malik blinked and giggled, his blonde hair bouncing with his shaking head. "Your weird, when have I ever done that to anyone?"

Ryou glared. "Every morning when I come to school. You glomp me and scream, 'BOOM!'"

"But it's fun glomping the kitty!" Malik smiled inching a little closer. "Plus, the squeal you do makes me feel so good."

The blush on Ryou's face darken as he covered more of his body under the blanket. "Well, it doesn't feel that good to ME!" He yelled pointing a finger at Malik which in returned smirked. "Why the hell are you smirking at me?"

Malik held up his hands like claws and purred. "Your little welcome wagon is pulling me in." He jumped on the bed making it wave about filled with laughing and screaming teens.

"Malik!" Ryou yelled grabbing hold of the backboard of his bed. "Are you trying to kill us?"

The said teen stopped hopping about and sat crossed legged in the middle, his face a mask to what's he really hiding under it. "Well…" He put on a thought finger. "What if I say yes?"

Ryou's eye twitched. He grabbed his pillow and threw it directly at Malik's head. When he heard a thump and a crash he grinned. Ryou crawled over the ledge of the bed and said, mocking like, "That is what would happen."

Lavender eyes spun around as his mouth was hung open. The pillow was long gone just like his mind. After some time, he blinked and looked up. "Ryou…floor hurts."

"good!" Ryou replied. His tongue stuck out as he straighten up on the bed. "That's where you'll be sleeping if you want to sleepover."

Confusion struck his face but it quickly switched to happiness. "You mean I can stay?" Malik cheered sitting up and pumping his arms.

Ryou sighed nodding. Malik jumped up suddenly surprising the little hikari who stumbled back on the bed. "hey, what was that fo-" His voice was lost when he saw the Egyptian eyeing him. His tan fingers laying on the bed as his body hunched over. "Malik?"

Malik formed a toothy grin as he started to climb on top of the bed. Ryou's eyes widen as he scooted back. His fears rose when he realized something, Malik backed him into a corner.

"Malik, what are you doing?" He whimpered, the teen only huffed and crawled closer to him. "Malik, I'm going to get mad!"

The Egyptian didn't stop his movements, instead, sped them up. His arms on either side of the pale figure as Malik was looking straight into Ryou's red face. He licked his lips and blew on the hikari's neck.

"M-Malik?" Ryou shuddered out, he winced when Malik creased his cheek and touched his nose to the pale neck. A wet muscle licked at his skin which made Ryou stiff and holding down the moan that was climbing to freedom. "S-stop-Gah!"

Malik grinned, it was either the sound or the skin, but he loved it. But he wasn't done.

Ryou's shirt started to lift causing the teen to eep. Malik ignored the sound and harshly ripped the shirt over his head and flung it in the corner. His pale chest-like his hair- was the only thing bright in the darkness.

"Malik?" Ryou whispered out, his hand clenching the sheets into balls. Before he knew it, Malik tossed him on his back and hovered over him. "Stop, are you crazy? We're friends, dude!"

The Egyptian smirked in the darkness, his fangs glistened as he crashed his mouth onto the teen's chest and began to lick again. Long and quick strokes along the pale chest.

Ryou wiggled under the feeling, he never had anyone do this to him. Hell, he was still a virgin. "Malik!"

The Egyptian stopped and looked up. Licking his lips, he smiled. "Awe, what is it? I was enjoying my snack?"

"Get the hell off me you pervert!"

Malik pouted and dropped his head. "But I was licking up the butter."

"I'm going to call the cops and say I'm being rap-…wait, what?" Ryou blinked. "What butter?"

The Egyptian lifted his body a little off the other's and pointed at the pale bare chest under him. "From the popcorn. It got me hungry and I'm a sucker when it comes to wasting good food." He commented, his smiled returning as he sat up, the glow-in-the-dark writing visible in the darkness.

Ryou blushed and stared at the Egyptian blankly. He let out a growl and kicked the teen off him. "You were licking me! And ripped my shirt off! Now I look like one of those Thunder DownUnder men!" He shouted.

Malik giggled, "Then your one hell of a girly one at that."

"Shut up and give me a new shirt! Hell, give me my blanket, it's cold in here!" Ryou shouted louder then needed. He was mad, but hidden in that madness was embarrassment.

Tilting his head in confusion, Malik asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Ryou glared at him. "What do you think is wrong with me?" He spat out the word and turned away.

Malik blinked and thought for a second. Then he looked at Ryou's black sweat pants and blushed. "Oh No, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was your time of the month."

The pale teen whipped his head around, total shook on his face. "Are you Crazy? I don't get those!"

"But your PMSing right now." Malik smiled petting his white head. "It's ok, you can tell me if you are. My sister gets them all the time and hits Marik all day long."

Ryou slapped his hand away, "Malik," he started in a stern voice. "There is a difference between your sister and me. One, she's a girl. Two, I'm not a female. Three, Do you really think I would of told you if I was a girl?"

Malik blinked and nodded. "I see it now."

"Good, how let's sleep-"

"You had a sex change! So Bakura was right!"

Trying so hard not to lock him outside his window and watch to see if he falls, Ryou sighed. "Malik, I was born a boy and grew up a boy. No change of any sorts."

The Egyptian grinned, again, his imaginary tail wagging away. "That's good, cause I don't want to sleep in the same bed with someone making it red."

Ryou glared at him, "Man, I'm pretty sure your drunk or something."

Malik grin. "I ain't enough cause your only pretty when I'm drunk." He smirked pointing at himself. "And I'm pretty bloody drunk!"

A slap was heard and Malik stumbled back. He pouted looking up at Ryou, "What was that for…" he shut up at the dark aura surrounding Ryou.

Ryou's eyes were dark and scary. "You're a prick, Malik!" He screamed making the teen flinched. "How the hell you think I'm not pretty?"

Malik whimpered, "Ryou, I was only joking."

"That wasn't funny! Hell, this whole night was a disaster since you came." Ryou backed away when Malik tried to touch him. "Don't touch me. Just leave."

"Ryou…" Malik stood up. He held his arms open and walked forward. Every step he took the pale teen stepped back.

"Get away!" Ryou screamed, tears in his eyes. He was back against a wall with Malik standing in front of him, his face the opposite from his. "Malik, leave me alone!"

"No." Malik's tone was stern yet, gentle. He embraced the hikari, "I didn't mean it, you know. Your to damn pretty, hell, beautiful. Yes, I'm a little drunk but that doesn't mean I don't want you to get mad at me." He pulled the teen away by arms length. "I tease you for a reason, you mean so much to me."

Ryou's body shook, his tears falling while staring into lavender ones. "I do?…" When Malik nodded, he broke down wrapping his arms around Malik's neck letting his tears roll down the tan skin.

Malik sighed rubbing his hand up and down Ryou's bare shaking back. "You know what else is beautiful on you?"

Ryou shook his head. The Egyptian grabbed his chin and pulled it up to be inches away from his face. "Those eyes," He whispered. Ryou felt every beat the hearts were making; Malik's so soft and sweet while his was a wild fire.

"It's like they draw me in." He spoke again not taking his eyes off the others. "So much like an angel, yet, to good to be on a mortal body."

Before he knew it, Ryou closed his eyes and stood on his toes. Malik smiled half closing his as he moved closer. The crash of lips sent them flying into a world of no returning. Ryou tugged on the blonde hair moaning into the kiss making it deeper.

Malik licked Ryou's lips grinning at the sweet taste it held. He ran his hands up and down the teen's hips and pushing closer to the teen. He loved this feeling, but, what was it he was feeling?

Ryou groaned, his body getting squished between a wall and a hard place. His brown orbs fluttered open and widen at the lavender eyes that looked clouded at him. They blinked, their attention no where else but him.

His body was getting hot, with a cold night like this, Malik thought he would be freezing, hell, he had no shirt on. Pulling back slightly-for mostly the lost of air-Malik breathed heavily watching Ryou do the same. He smirked diving under the pale neck again, nipping and tugging on the pale skin and hearing the moan that came after it.

Now he knew what was going on.

He stopped-much to Ryou's disappointment- and looked up. "Ryou…" When the said teen looked at him, his face flushed out and panting, he continued. "What's going on? Why are we doing this?"

Ryou blinked. He winced from the tight space between them and fell on Malik's shoulders, drawing the teen closer to his body. "Cause you said it felt good." Ryou whispered out, licking Malik's cheek. "And your so right about that."

Malik pulled back, blushing at the teen's new mood swing. "Really, why? Aren't we friends? Best for the matter of fact!"

The pale teen pouted placing his hands on Malik's chest. "Weird isn't it." He said, his voice going back to normal. "You're the drunk one, yet, you sound like the sober one out of us two." He giggled resting his head on the tan chest and listened. "Your heart is fluttering like a baby bird."

"Of course it is!" Malik tugged Ryou away and looked him straight in the eye. "Ryou, I don't want to do anything that would harm our friendship."

Ryou tilted his head smiling. "You won't harm it, in fact," Again he stole those lips for a second. When he pulled away he stuck his tongue out playfully. "In fact, I wouldn't mind if it was you."

Malik sighed rustling up the white hair. "Your so innocent. Anyone could take advantaged of that." He nipped at the lips with a smirk. "Including the Keeper of Crazyness."

Ryou giggled and moaned into the kiss. His hands found their way to the blonde hair and tugged at it causing the owner to growl. Malik dug his tongue though those pale lips, tasting every inch of the cave that was sweeter then he ever thought was possible. He wanted more though, more of that taste, that feeling, the sounds. He wanted it all.

But is he willing to pay the toll for such wants?

Tan hands rode down the spine where they played with the hem of Ryou's pants. The teen eeped when they slipped right in and poked at this backside.

"M-Malik-mynah!" Ryou moaned out braking the kiss. His head flipped back, letting out a long and husky moan causing Malik's mind to cloud over for more.

The Egyptian smirked lightly kissing a trail on the exposed skin. Every impact he made the more the teen shudder and whimper.

Pulling one of his hands out of the teen's pants Malik pushed him further against the wall not losing his pace on the skin. His mouth found a perfect place to play as it sucked the pink skin. The whole pale body moved up which he pushed back down so he could enjoy it more. With his tongue, he flicked at it.

Ryou bit his lower lip, the feeling was all to weird to him, yet, he wanted more. The hand in his pants squeezed his ass which in return cause the teen to fall backwards. Damn it Malik! He mentally screamed, his lips won't listen, he wanted to scream out but they were forbidden thanks to the Egyptian nipping at his sore nipples and tugging them so he would moan instead of speak. He searched for something to hold on to, but it was a flat empty wall, so that plan failed.

Malik smirked switching his attention away from the pink flesh and back to the trail he was making. The pale skin was like paper, a clean piece that you want to color all day long. He took the paper, now he needs to add some color.

Taking a peak at his handy work, Malik notice Ryou was either enjoying it or was in pain. If so, he can't stop, he wanted to see all of that angelic body glisten under him.

His kisses lead him to the area he wanted to save last. Lavender eyes blinked as they held a hint of amusement in them. Malik pulled up, his hand pressed against the wall to hold Ryou in place while he stole another hot hard kiss.

His mind was blank, Ryou was in a state of pure and total bliss. But, he still didn't feel the real thing.

"Ryou…" Malik whispered out, licking the pale lips as he moved away looking at Ryou's sweaty face, he really is getting turned on. A smirk danced around Malik's face as he jumped down. "Don't scream if you feel something…slippery on you, kay?" Malik warn slowly pulling down the sweatpants without the other noticing it till they were down to his feet.

Ryou looked down for a sec, "What do you me-Ah!" His head lopped backwards as his body made contact to the wall. Brown eyes closed shut at the feeling he was receiving. He whimpered, wiggling under the mouth that was enjoying it's snack.

Malik only could chuckle sending shook waves up Ryou member that was in his mouth. He loved the way the teen wiggled from the touches he made and the way he cried out his name when he sucked harder. When Malik sucked more of Ryou's member the teen coughed up a heart soaked moan before falling lower down the wall.

Malik took note of this and stopped his playing catching the pale angel. "Hey, you kay?"

Ryou laughed turning over, "What…you think?" His face was all flushed out. His bangs clung to his forehead like another layer of skin.

Malik formed a small smile brushing the bangs away, "How about we go to the bed?" He whisper right before kissing the wet forehead.

Without an answer Malik picked up the weak teen in his arms and dropping him on the bed causing him to bounce around. That smile didn't last long when he saw Ryou laying back breathing heavy with his chest exposed to him, not to mention the half falling pants that were long gone.

"Oh, Ryou." He purred climbing on top of the boy with one leg dangling off the side with Ryou's two.

Brown eyes widen staring straight into clouded lavender. "Malik…wait!"

A sly smile was plastered on his lips. "Awe, but we were having some fun." Malik dropped his groin on top of Ryou's making them yelp and sigh out in ecstasy. "See," Malik pulled up, one eye closed with pain thanks to the zipper scrapping against his own. "You still want more."

Ryou opened his mouth to protest but was silenced from his cock getting engulfed again. His head thrown back, he tried his best to control his body from lifting but he couldn't. The pale hands trickled down his stomach to the blonde locks that swayed for each tease Malik made. They tugged at the hair.

Malik winced and glared at the hikari. You want to play games, fine, let's play games. Malik pulled back, and chuckled at Ryou's whimper. He leaned foreword licking at Ryou's lips but backing off when Ryou reached in for a kiss. He did this a couple of times before the other got smart and wrapped his arms around his neck bringing him down for the kiss he played with and tasted himself.

It felt so good to him. But why was it painful? He finally has Ryou more closer then he ever wanted and they were right there, sharing kisses and losing themselves, but, why was he feeling this…this…Oh My Ra, have I really fallen for him?

The Egyptian pulled back right when Ryou nipped at his ear lope. Malik shuddered and stood up. Pushing the wet bangs out of his face, he blushed looking down. Yup, he really fallen for him. And his mind was finally following another's.

Ryou sat up, his head titled to one side watching Malik looking down at himself. When he looked up at the pale teen Ryou blushed and shifted under the stare. But it wasn't long till he felt his body getting lifted up and set upon the tan's lap. He yelped from his sensitive skin against the hard zipper that was holding back the beast.

Malik wrapped his arms around the waist and his hands trailed down to Ryou's ass. The little fingers went between the cheeks and pulled them apart. The teen whimpered digging his nails into the tan shoulders. Malik winced, but he continued pulling them apart far enough where he knows his hand can go in, but he needed something.

One hand disappeared from the pale's body and up to his face. The fingers tapped on his lips. "Suck." Malik instructed. Ryou did as he was told taking the fingers in his mouth and coated them as much as he could before Malik pulled them back out. "Good." He cooed returning his hand back with the other.

Already, he could feel the one in his lap tense. He knew this was going to hurt, he knew Ryou would be sore after this, but, he also knew the pale angel would love it.

The first finger slid right in without a problem. But when it came for the second Malik kissed the teen to distract him from the pain that already was showing on his face when it went in. The nails digging in his shoulder blades was becoming a bothersome.

Ryou began to whimper when another was pushed inside. Little tear buds formed in the corners of his eyes as he laid his head on Malik's while biting his lower lip from the pain in his lower half. He screamed out when Malik pushed through his last one and started to scissor.

The Egyptian tried his bet to make it less painful then needed but it was harder then he thought. After while, Malik peaked at the teen in his arms and sighed. He licked Ryou's neck as he pulled his fingers out with a pop.

The feeling of nothing felt weird. Ryou pushed himself back a little as he noticed the blonde reaching down to his jeans and zipping open the zipper and revealing his pulsing cock. Ryou eeped. Malik pulled him closer to him positioning him over his member.

"Don't worry," Malik whispered out. Grabbing his own member, Malik pointed it at the opening. "It won't hurt long." With that, he slammed upwards at the opening sending Ryou foreword on his chest. The teen was silently screaming into his skin.

It hurt! It was like his whole insides would rip apart. He wanted it to end, End all this and never feel it again.

His screams turn to soft whimpers when the pain decreased. The staff inside him pulsed and begged to be moved.

"Ryou," His voice was rough and hoarse. The arms around the other's waist tighten. He was getting impatient. He wanted to move, he wanted to go in the frenzy his mind was screaming for him to do. "Can I move?" He said in Ryou's ear that the teen shiver, which, made his member harden.

The white head nodded slowly on Malik's shoulder. His nails digging deeper in the skin as he felt his body lift up…

And then, it slammed down right on a spot that made him howl out in pure pleasure.

What a feeling! It was total bliss, no, ecstasy to the max! He wanted more, he wanted that spot to be hit over and over again till he was in a wheel chair rolling on Heaven's clouds.

Ryou purred, yet, his nails were still lodged deep into Malik's skin. He wanted him to move, damn it.

Malik's face was twisted from the hard space he was in and the blood that dripped down his shoulder like rain on glass. That sudden howl startled him but the purring was making him harder. The feeling was so good on him, even with the pain he still couldn't stop moaning at the hot cave over his member.

"Malik!" Ryou whined. He shifted his weight over more on the teen. Ryou swayed his hips, licked Malik's neck, and moaned into his ear. He wanted to feel more on that thrill but Malik wasn't serving him his order.

It wasn't long till the Egyptian caught on and grabbed a tight hold on the pale hips. Again, he lifted him up, and again, he slammed the teen down making him howl and cry out "More, More, More!"

Over and over, he listened to the whines and screams the other made.

Again and Again, did he hit his prostate with such force that the teen would scream out.

Little by little, Brown eyes were losing their vision and saw nothing but white.

More and more, was all he wanted when the pleasure was getting so much greater on them both.

Faster and faster, The Egyptian did when his time was running to a close.

Please and please, rang through his ears like nips in the cold.

Malik growled pushing Ryou down and thrusted at him from above. Limbs were pulled open as the inside was getting hotter and harder to move through. Ryou moaned and called out his name with every thrust that was made but, in those pleasure filled sounds was pain. His whole pale body was getting darker and wetter. The moon's light glisten off the sweat from both they're bodies as it rained onto each other from the harsh slams they caused.

Pale hands drawn up more blood on the tan shoulders making them dark brown and the crinsom rode down his fingers to his forearms. Ryou only had a second to glance at them till his head was thrown back from the rough stab at his prostate.

They were nothing but wild animals that first found out they were the only species left on earth.

Malik swore, jamming hard at Ryou's entrance. He was going to come very soon, but, he wants to go out in style.

Th Egyptian grunted as he leaned foreword to catch a long rough hard kiss before crashing into the teen one last time till all he saw was white. (And he was sure it wasn't just the pale angel's hair.)

Ryou's screamed ripped from his throat as he came all over them. The hot seed splashing over both chests and dripped down onto his. The screaming soon turned into horse panting as he laid back. His chest rising and falling in a quick pace.

Malik was still over him, his breathing coming out in nothing but gasps as he expelled all inside of the teen and collapsed on the pale chest. His blonde hair glued to his forehead making it difficult to see. Blinking, he looked up to see the angel's eyes water while his lips let out long sore air.

He tried to form a grin. Malik reached out his hand and stroked the sweaty cheek making the teen flutter his eyes open back into reality and stare at him weakly.

Ryou's face twisted in pain as Malik pushed himself up and slipping out his soft cock with a slippery 'pop'. Tired, he flopped down next to the white head and smiled petting the hair.

"Ryou." He whispered combing his fingers through the wet locks of the other.

"Yeah?" Ryou groaned in pain. His whole lower half was screaming at him! Oh, how he wished he had a ice pack with him.

Malik put his arm under his head and laid his head on top of it. He stared at Ryou with a straight face. The pale teen felt uncomfortable under that gaze and scoot back, which made him wince and whimper from the pain that shot up his thighs like bullets.


After some seconds the Egyptian smiled. "Let's do that again!" His answer was a pillow struck in his face. He pulled it off and pouted. "I take that as a maybe?"

Me: So? How you like it?

Ayume: T_T and this is why I shouldn't let you read lemon comics after drinking red bull at night!

Bakura: And you still let her why?

Marik: Cause deep down inside, Ayume was screaming, "OH YEAH! Bring on the LEMON!"

Ayume: =blushes= I may be a yaoi fan but I wouldn't say something like that-

Me: Oh, Ayume. =Holds up the comic "Crimson Spell" (Dude, read this comic and I swear you'll have a nose bleed!)=

Ayume: OoO MINE! =snatches it and reads it in the corner= Ha...OH YEAH! Bring on the LEMON! =nose bleed=

Marik: =smirks and crosses his arms= I rest my case.

Bakura: Good, cause it seems like we still have one left.

Me: T_T Meanie!...=cough= I would LOVE to THANK all the READERS that REVIEWED and made my day! XD Free doujinshi for all! =passes them to the reviewers=

Marik and Bakura: =sighs= Please review or tell her how her lemon was.