"Cooper! Where are we going?" Fiona demanded. "And what is with this blindfold?"

"Trust me, you will see. Now just be quiet and let me drive in peace. I'm not entirely sure where exactly the place I want us to go to is so…yeah, just you wait." Cooper turned on the Hummer and began driving out of the busy streets of San Fran. It was just beginning to get dark when he arrived at his destination. He pulled up to a secluded spot. He set the parking brake and turned the keys in the ignition off. It seemed to be that they were in the absolute middle of nowhere. He reached over and undid Fiona's blindfold. She looked around eagerly.

"Um…where are we?"

"Take a look at the GPS system." He smirked. She looked down at the tiny monitor that was attached to the dash board. She looked back at him and their blue eyes locked on. She smiled.

"Lover's Lane." She said rather quietly. He took the keys out of the ignition, and everything went dark inside the truck.


"I love you, Ryan."

"I love you too."

"Hey Fiona?"


"Is that a mirror I see in your pocket?"

"Um…no, why?"

"Because I can see myself in your pants."