A/N So here is the last chapter of this story, but this tale is far from over. There is a lot going on in this chapter and it's setting up some plots for the next story. So enjoy and leave me some love!


My lover, my wife was absolutely amazing back there, but it was taking a toll on her poor little body. She was going through extreme changes very quickly, then to add to this incident on top of everything was just too much. When we get home I'm not letting her lift a finger until after the twins are born. I would do as much work from home as possible and push the coronation back until we were settled with the boys and my love was fully recovered and well rested.

I held her close to me the entire drive back to the hotel. It was still amazing to me that all of these different supernaturals had gathered together and help rescue us. I would have to make sure that all of them were well compensated for there time and trouble when we got home.

We got back to the hotel less than an hour later and I took Sookie right up to our room. Godric had been good enough to arrange the honeymoon suite for us, but I didn't really think that we would have time to enjoy it, but it was the thought that counts.

I took Sookie into the room, undressed her to make her more comfortable and tucked her into bed, then I went to check on Pam. She and Godric were sharing the room next door. It was almost dawn, so I only a time to see that she was fine and get a hug before she had to die for the day.

I slipped back into our room and headed for the bathroom to get cleaned up. It was no fun without Sookie in there with me, so I was in and out very quickly. I dried off at vampire speed and went back out into the bedroom. I put my hand on Sookie's bump and sent love to the three of them. I got love and warmth right back. I leaned in and kissed her gently on the forehead, then pulled her into my arms. I caressed her belly just enjoying these moments. I had missed them during our latest adventure, but I was glad that it was over. I wanted her home where she and the boys would be safe, but I knew even there she wouldn't be safe. She was a warrior and if trouble didn't find her she would go looking for it just like me, that's why she was my perfect mate.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep in my current position. It had been a long few days and I would be happier after this night was finally over with.

When I woke up, my Sookie was awake running her fingers through my hair. "Hello my husband."

"Hello my wife. How long have you been watching me sleep?"

"Not long. I woke up a little while ago, took care of my human needs and now I am waiting for my brunch to arrive. I literally ordered almost the entire menu. I have never been so hungry in my entire life."

"You and the boys will be fed soon enough." I sat up on my elbow and rested my other hand on her belly. "Lover, maybe it would be better for you to sit out this fight with DeCastro. You need to rest and think about what is best for you and the boys."

"Eric, I am doing that. I know that I have to help you take care of this. I really think that I should just take care of this myself, I don't want to let anybody else get hurt."

I was about to argue that there was no way that I was going to let her go in there alone, when she bolted off the bed towards the door. She came back a moment later with a tray overflowing with food. She sat down on the edge of the bed and started eating. I moved so that I was sitting next to her and it was fascinating watching her eat. It was like she couldn't get the food into her fast enough. I wanted to be angry that she had drained herself so much that she had to eat like this, but I just couldn't. "Lover, nobody is going to take your food away from you."

She chewed the bite in her mouth and swallowed before she spoke. "I know, but this body of mine that is working very hard to grow two big Viking babies right now hasn't eaten in a few days. I'm surprised that I have been able to move at all without anything in my belly." I watched her snap her fingers and a bottle of blood appeared. She drank that down in less than a minute and went right back to eating.

"Sookie, maybe I should call Dr. Ludwig and her come and check you over. You've been using a lot of energy, too much in my opinion. I don't want anything to happen to you or the boys."

"Honey, I would never do anything to hurt our babies, but right now we need to take care of DeCastro."

"Lover, I wish that you would let me take care of him by myself. I would die if anything were to happen to you."

"Ditto." She reached over and ran her thumb over my wedding band. "This right here is the symbol that we are a team. Where you go I go Mr. Northman and there is no use fighting it."

"Whatever you say Mrs. Northman."

She smiled at me. "Let me finish eating and we will plan on how to dispose of our little problem."

"Yes dear."


It took me almost an hour of non stop eating before I was finally full. I definitely wouldn't be skipping any meals for a while.

When I was done eating Eric pulled me into his arms and we started planning what to do. We didn't think that it was wise for the whole group to go in with guns blazing. I thought that it would be better for Eric and I to go in alone, but he thought it would be good to bring Godric with us and I couldn't argue with that. "Eric, who will become regent when we end DeCastro? It's going to be busy enough for us with two states. Does Godric want to become king? He would make a good king."

"He has never wanted to be king before and I don't think that has changed. I know that I may sound selfish when I say this, but I just got him back. I don't know if I could handle him living half way across the country right now. I am going to need his guidance now more than ever before."

"My childe, you can do this on your own if you had to. I have taught you well." We both looked over and saw Godric standing in the doorway. "But you won't have to. I have spoken to Alexander and he has agreed to take over Nevada. He is young, but he is wise beyond his years. He will make a good king."

I was more than fine with that since we didn't need a third state and I wanted Godric close by as well. He was grandpa to Hunter and the twins and even though he looked younger than both Eric and I, I knew that he was more than happy to fill that particular role.

The three of us talked about how we were going to pull this off. I was willing to pop us there so that nobody we notice and we could just decapitate him or put a stake through his heart to be done with it, but Godric and Eric both agreed that it would be better to chain him up and bring him back here before letting the Authority handle him. I would have been happier doing this on our own, but I knew that they knew what they were talking about, so I would do it their way.

Later that afternoon after we had cleaned up and changed clothes I popped the three of us straight into Felipe's day chamber. I threw out a little magic to make sure that he stayed down for the day, then I conjured up chains around him and a special coffin that only Eric, Godric and I could open. They got him inside, then we popped back to the hotel.

Godric headed off to his room while we left the coffin in the sitting room while Eric and I went into the bedroom to talk. Eric suggested that we pop home and I had a sneaky suspicion that I knew why, but I decided to ask him anyway. "What for Honey?"

"Well, we need to bring the tiger back her and I also want to bring Hunter back with us. I miss him and after what has happened I would feel much better with him here with us."

"I'm so glad you said that because I miss my little man like crazy, but we'll have to bring Toothless with us as well."

"Lover, what is a Toothless?"

"I know that I should have talked to you about it first, but I conjured a puppy for Hunter. I didn't want him to get too attached to Quinn since he's a person, so I gave him a puppy to compensate."

"But why does he call the puppy Toothless? That doesn't sound like a normal dog's name."

I couldn't help but laugh at my husband. "Sweetie, Toothless is the name of a dragon from and animated movie about Vikings. He thought the dog looked like the dragon, hence the name."

"Well, I guess that's okay. Does he like this movie about Vikings?"

"It's one of his favorites."

He pulled me into his arms and held me tight with a smile on his face. "You know Lover I was thinking that if you want, when we head home, that we could fill our new home up with as many animals as you like. We can get more puppies and kittens or any other kind of animals that can grow with the boys and all of our other children."

A huge smile spread across my face. "Really?"

"Of course. I want you to be happy and have anything and everything you could possibly dream of."

I put one hand on his cheek and the other on my belly. "I already have everything that I ever wanted. Everything else is just icing on the cake, but a house filled with all kinds of cute little animals would make everyone happy." My point was made when happiness came through our bond from the boys. "See what I mean."

"You are right Lover." He set his hand over mine on my belly and be both sent love back to the twins. "Now let's go get our eldest to make our family complete." I leaned in and kissed him as I popped us home.

We landed on the sofa and as I pulled away and listened to the house it seemed too quiet. "Eric, where is everyone?"

He helped me to my feet and took my hand as he led me upstairs. He went straight to our room and as we walked in we found Lulu sitting in a rocking chair knitting and Hunter and Eden were curled up on our bed. I let go of Eric's hand and went over to them. I thought that they were just sleeping, but as I looked closer I could see dried up tears on both of their faces. "Lulu, what happened?"

"Oh Sookie, they have been worried sick about you since Miss Pam and Mr. Godric left to find you. They wouldn't say what was happening, but the children knew that it had to do with the two of you. They've been up here crying since they left. They haven't eaten anything and this is the first time they've fallen asleep. They've only been down for about an hour." She came over and pulled me into her arms. "I am so glad that you are safe. I'll go down and fix the children something to eat."

"It's okay Lulu, that won't be necessary, we aren't staying long and we'll take the kids back with us. Where's Hoyt?"

"Well, he and Miss Jessica got into a terrible fight after you left on your honeymoon and he left and hasn't been back since."

"Thank you Lulu." I went over to the bed and laid down so that I was facing the kids. I gently reached and stroked their cheeks. "Hey my sweeties, can you wake up for me?" Eric sat down behind me and it didn't take long for them to wake up.

Hunter was the first to fully wake up. When he saw me he launched himself into my arms. "Momma, you're okay!"

I held him as tight as I could. "Yes we are baby. Nobody and nothing is ever going to take us away from you." I could see in his mind as I was holding him and he was viewing his mother's murder over and over in his mind like it would never stop. I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. This made me want to bring Bill Compton back to life and kill him over and over very slowly as well as torturing that son of a bitch DeCastro for making my boy go through this.

I had a feeling that this would continue to be a problem for a long time until I did something about it. I was not going to let him suffer this for a second longer. I pushed a little magic into Hunter and whispered in his ear. "Forget." He wouldn't forget that his mother was dead, but he would forget how it happened so he wouldn't have to relive that horror again.

I felt him relax against me and he kissed my cheek before scrambling over into Eric's lap. Eden was quick to take his place. "How are you doing sweet girl?"

"I was worried about you too Sookie. After you left the reception the other night there was a strange man who came up to me and Hunter. He wanted us to go with him, but Lulu came to find us and that scared him away."

Panic started to build inside of me. We are just getting rid of one threat and now there seems to be another one on it's heels. "Can you remember what he looks like Eden?" I slipped into her mind and he was not someone that I recognized, but even through her mind I could still tell that he was a fairy. He was attractive like most fairies are, but I could see that he had negative intentions when it came to the children. Even just seeing him in Eden's thoughts I knew that he had planned to take them to get to me. But even if he couldn't get to me like he wanted he would still have two part fairies that would be ready to breed in a few short years. That thought made me want to throw up, but I was able to hold it together. "You don't have to worry about anything. That man is never going to get near you again."

I was definitely going to have to tell Eric about this and see if Niall knew who this fairy was. But I couldn't worry about that now. I wiped away my tears and the dried tears from Eden's face and kissed her cheek. "Okay you two, Eric and I need to take care of a couple of things, then we are heading to Vegas where you guys can pig out on room service." There was a collective Yay from both of them.

I got up and took Eric's hand as I led him out of the room. "Will you go down and tell Lulu about are plans?"

"Sure. Where are you going?"

"To wake Jessica up." Before he could respond I popped down to the light tight room that Jess was in. I looked down at her still form and sat next to her on the bed. I focused my powers on her and gently set my hand on her chest. This was the first time that I was knowingly and own my own made a vampire a day walker. I didn't really know how I had done it, so I just focused my will on what I wanted and within seconds Jess was sitting up in bed, wide awake.

She looked around and was surprised when she saw me sitting there. "Sookie, oh thank God you're okay." She threw her arms around me. "I wanted to go with them and help find you, but Pam wanted me to stay behind and watch out for Hunter and Eden, at least at night."

"Well, now you will be able to watch over them all day all on your own." Before she could ask any questions, I took her hand and popped us out in the backyard.

When she noticed where we were she started to scream. She pulled on my arm to get me to let her go so she could get inside, but I wouldn't let her go anywhere. "Jess, it's okay. Look, you're not burning."

She looked down and her arm and realized that I was right. I watched a smile spread across her face and she pulled me into another hug. "Oh Sookie, thank you so much." She was hugging me tight and I slipped into her mind without thinking about it. I saw Hoyt when he was here the other night. He had purposely picked a fight with Jess. There was something off about him, but Jess had been too angry at him to notice. I wanted to ask her more about what had happened, but the kids were starving and we all needed to get back to Vegas.

I took Jess's hand and headed for the door. We stopped short when we noticed Eric, Hunter, Eden, and Toothless gathered at the door waiting on us with smiles on their faces. Eden and Hunter came running over and threw themselves at her. I let them have their moment while I went over and snuggled up with my husband. I felt so safe and loved in his arms that I could stay there forever. I couldn't ever imagine being anywhere else.

"Lover, we need to be heading back soon. I called Godric and Nan and the head of the Authority, the Ancient Pythoness will be meeting us tonight at the cave where we were being held."

"Okay. Come on guys we've got to go now. Quinn, come here boy." It was very strange watching a 700lb Bengal tiger come running when I called, but he had to come with us, so I let it go.

Hunter picked Toothless up into his arms and I made sure that I was touching everyone around me. "You guys ready to go?" They all nodded and in seconds we were back in the suite in Vegas.

Hunter put Toothless down and he and Eden were dragging Jess around to check out every little thing in the room. I left them too it and headed for the bed with Eric right behind me. He helped me onto the bed and helped me get comfortable. "Thank you Sweetie. I think that I am going to take a nap, but can you order room service for me when you order for the kids please?"

"Of course my love. Are you sure that you should go tonight? You've used a lot of magic in the past couple of days. You are still exhausted and you should rest."

"And I will, but I need to be there tonight to take down my magic. I'll be fine after a nap and some more food."

"I am going to make sure of that. When we are done here the whole family is going back to the island for a couple of weeks. We are all going to relax and recharge before we have to take over our states."

"That sounds wonderful baby. Can Pam come with us?"

"Of course she can."

"Eric, I want her to be like you and Jess. She should be able to enjoy the sun and the beach with Hunter, with all of us." I knew that I was playing dirty mentioning Hunter, but Pam deserved this gift that I could give her.

He gave me the look that he was trying to be unhappy with me, but I knew that he really wasn't. "Alright Lover." He leaned in and kissed me. "You play dirty."

I slid my hands up his chest to his neck. "If the kids weren't in the next room I would show you just how dirty I could be right now." I tried to pull him close to get another kiss, but he stopped me.

"As much as I had to say this, our fun is going to be waiting a few days. You don't need to do anything to overexert yourself. You're lucky that I'm not calling Dr. Ludwig right now to come here and check on you."

"You are mean."

"But you still love me."

"Of course I do."

"Good, now get some sleep. The sooner you do, the sooner this day will be over and we can move on to more relaxing and fun things." I got comfortable on the bed and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep for, but when I woke up I was surrounded by my family. Eric was spooning behind me while Hunter, Eden and Jessica were curled up by my tummy. I had never been so happy before in my life.

After I got everyone up, took care of my human needs and ordered room service since the kids wanted to stay close and not eat without me, (they had found a fruit basket to snack on so they would be tided over), I realized that I hadn't seen Jason since the night before. "Eric, where is Jason?"

"He's in a room down the hall. I checked on him a little while ago. He slept for awhile, then he went down to the casino. I made sure that he had plenty of money to keep him entertained. Apparently he had been very lucky at the tables."

"Well would you mind going down and getting him. I know that he needs to eat and then he can stay here with the kids while were gone."

"Actually Lover the Ancient Pythoness wants to meet them and you as well."

"Who is this vampire anyway? You said that she was the head of the Authority. How old is she?"

"Very old and very powerful as well. She was a seer in the times of Alexander the great. She was old and blind when she was first turned and still looks that way to this day, but her visions are very accurate, at least when she'd not being cryptic about them."

"Why do you think that she wants to meet all of us?"

"I don't know my love, but we'll find out soon enough." He leaned down and kissed me before disappearing out the door to get my brother.

After Eric came back with Jason time just seemed to fly by until it was actually time for us to go. I wanted to pop everyone there, including Jason since I didn't feel right leaving him behind, but Eric was adamant about me resting, so he arranged for limos for us. Godric and Alexander where taking DeCastro in one limo along with Pam, while the rest of the motley crew was going in the other limo.

As we were on our way downstairs to the limo I changed Quinn from his tiger form into a St. Bernard. He didn't look impressed, but Toothless seemed to enjoy that he could have a friend to play with.

When we were loaded into the stretch limo and on our way Hunter, Eden and Jason were looking over everything they could finding everything fascinating. Jason even helped them stand and look out through the open sun roof which they loved, but that made me too nervous and I made them sit down.

While they were sitting down and playing with all of the dials and buttons I looked around the limo and saw that Quinn was giving me the evil dog eye. I leaned down and rubbed his head. "Don't give me that look. At least I turned you into a St. Bernard. I could have been really mean and turned you into a Chihuahua and put you into a dress and a little pink bag."

Toothless barked and jumped around at that while Quinn growled at me. That was a mistake since Eric growled right back at him. "Watch it tiger or I will find a vet in the area and glamour him into having you neutered." That got Quinn to hush up.

"You wouldn't really do that, would you Eric?" I looked up at him and he had that sexy smirk on his handsome face.

"What do you think Lover?" I didn't need to answer that. I knew that he would, so I just rested my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the rest of the ride in peace.

When we got there everybody got out and I made Quinn happy by turning him back into a tiger. The kids, Jess and Jason went off to play tag while Godric and Alexander unloaded our special guest.

It wasn't long before everyone else around and we all gathered at the entrance to the cave. I released my magic on them and made sure that they were all bound and gagged so they wouldn't get away. I turned back to the other vampires that had arrived and I saw an elderly vampire being led over to us by what seemed to be her handmaidens. I watched as my vampires bowed down to her and I tried to do the same to show my respect, but I couldn't manage it with my bump.

I looked up at the Pythoness and she was smiling at me as she headed my way. I grabbed Eric's hand hoping that I had done something wrong. He sent calm to me as she stepped in front of us and spoke. "Do not trouble yourself young one. You and the Viking have no reason to bow before me. A Fae princess and a demi-god should bow to no one." Wow, she really was good.

She stepped closer and held her hand out over my belly. "My I?"

"Yes of course." I was happy that she had asked and as soon as she touched me I could feel that my mind was open to her and I could feel her power. It was warm and comforting like my Gran's hugs used to be. I wanted to cry at the thought, but I managed to hold myself together.

"You are a very powerful young lady, but you must not let that got to your head. Let your blessings help you in any way that they can." Now I understood Eric's warning that she was cryptic.

She let go of my belly and moved over to Hunter. She wasn't speaking out loud, so I guessed that she was speaking to him telepathically. I wanted to sneak a peek at what they were talking about, but I had a feeling that wouldn't go over well, so I kept to myself.

I watched her moved down the line to talk to Eden and Jess and even Jason, but she never spoke loud enough for me to hear. When she was done she went ever and stood next to Nan. She motioned for me to open Felipe's coffin and I did. Two of Nan's bodyguards came over and hauled him out. I knew what was coming and I didn't need to see it. I'd seen enough death lately, so I buried my head against Eric's chest until it was over.

When it was done and Quinn and the rest of the Weres and vamps were taken into custody and I made it so that Quinn could turn back into his human form we were free to go. "Are you ready to go Lover?"

"Definitely." Everyone gathered around us and we held each other tight as I popped us to the island. It was now time for us to get rested up before I next adventure begins.

The sequel to this story is going to be called Becoming Regents, Becoming Parents. I want to finish up Meant to Be before I start that, but we'll see what happens. I have been sick for a few weeks and my muse has been a real bitch, but reviews might just help her straighten up.