Lily Evans' Hidden Obsession

"Listen, Evans, why don't you take off that button down top, let your hair down, and we'll run over to that broom closet and do some things you've been dreaming about doing since you saw my utterly handsome face." James said obnoxiously with a smirk and I looked up from my book with a roll of my green eyes.

"Potter, the first time I saw your face I was thinking about how much I wanted to slap that egotistical smirk off your face." I said with a smile before turning back to the elegant writings of Ms. Heartlife. Unfortunately, I couldn't get back to Charles professing his love to his innocent mistress, Aileen Montgomery because James wouldn't quite stop his sexual innuendoes just because I had insulted him. That guy has way too much nerve for a seventeen year old.

"Come on, Evans, you know you want to kiss these luscious lips with a passion. And I'm happy to say that I'm more than willing to let you fulfill your wants, you just have to say the word and I'll jump to your beck and call." He said with a sexy smile. Wait a minute…sexy smile? What am I thinking? Pushing behind my bewilderment at my recent thoughts, I realised that I probably wasn't going to get back to Charles and Aileen's hot love affair anytime soon. And then I thought of something genius.

I looked up from where Charles was kissing Aileen's hand and fixed James with a thoughtful gaze.

"You know what? You're right," I said slowly, with James' eyes widening as I crawled closer to him on the damp grass seductively, "I've always wanted to tear off my clothes and proclaim my love for you in a dank, and dusty broom closet. For the past year, all I've thought about is my need to wrap my arms around your neck and thrust my hands into your obnoxiously messy hair." I drawled in a slow whisper, my face becoming all the more closer to his with each word. James was sitting there, paralyzed, with a dreamy and startled expression planted firmly on his face.

With one inch between my face and his, I glanced down at his lips with real longing before peering into his eyes. "All I've ever wanted is to press my lips to your lips softly and run my hands lustily down your bare chest. But do you want to know what I've wanted the most?" I whispered and James nodded dumbly.

I moved even more forward until our lips were as close as they could without touching. "I've wanted to grab those tiny little objects you call your nuts and twist them so much to the right that you're black haired children will never be able to annoy me because they won't even exist." I whispered in an even more seductive and alluring voice despite exactly what I was saying. Before James could come out of his shocked daze, I turned my head and kissed his cheek softly before getting up triumphantly and walking away with satisfaction.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Maybe, that was a little too harsh. I mean, James was only just teasing me, maybe even flirting. And there I went teasing him with something he'll never have before threatening to make sure he'll never procreate. I winced as I thought back to the threat; it really was way too harsh for James. He'll probably never forgive me. I had dangled what he wanted right above his head before snatching it quickly and walking away before he could even object.

But then again, I hadn't insulted him since the end of sixth year and that's the longest time I've ever gone without calling him an arrogant prat or anything of the sort. And this time, I didn't call him any of my regular anecdotes. I hadn't called him an egotistical prat, or an arrogant elitist. Plus, I hadn't said I'd rather eat a live chimera before kissing his lips, and that was a bonus.

And could you blame me, really? He had bothered me at my most important moment. Hadn't he seen that you don't bother Lily Evans when she's reaching the part where Charles might finally purpose to the love of his love and, at the same time, his enemy, Aileen Montgomery? They had just come back from their night of dancing in the glow of Big Ben and picnicking in the pale smolder of the sunset. Charles had picked Aileen gently into his arms bridle style, and tenderly put her onto the soft bed in their bedroom. He had soothingly pushed Aileen's red hair away from her face and launched into a speech about his love for his innocent seductress that had stolen his heart and interest at his first peek of her. Charles had just started the juicy part of his proclamation and who should sit down next to me? James Potter. Not that I don't like his presence way more than I did last year but I couldn't help but become irritated when he started his ego boosting routine right when Charles had kissed her lips passionately before asking her a single question.

But I hadn't been able to see what the question might have been since James Potter had decided to grace me with his presence. I'm still quite surprised that this was the first time James had annoyed me since the beginning of the year. Sixth year, he had still been the same self absorbed arse that was bent on personally driving Lily Evans to the brink of insanity. But this year…he's changed. And not just physically, although I don't think I've ever appreciated Qudditch more than when I saw him step out of the shower the first week of school, but emotionally as well.

He had clearly shrinked his ego by quite a bit. He hasn't dated anyone the whole year and trust me, there's more than enough people hoping he'll break that trend. He's no longer cockier than a chicken and he's…kinder, to everyone, Slytherins…and me. He hasn't asked me out in five months and he started calling me Lily this year. The past hour was the only time this year he has ever addressed me by my last name. And that had irritated me. Was he going to go back to speaking to me with a cool indifference, as if I was just another one of the girls he dates for a week before discarding easily like he hadn't even cared for her in the first place? Was he going to stop talking to me in a kind manner and with an intelligent sparkle in his hazel eyes that clearly said that he was thoroughly interested in what I was saying? Were we going to go back to the days when all I did was argue, hex, and insult him, while James would just flirt back with a cheeky grin? God, I dearly hoped we were not…in fact, I might be hoping a little too much…

I have found over the past few months that I am starting to enjoy James Potter's company a little more than I should. Instead of pestering me like it's his life duty, James started actually listening to what I have to say and talked back to me in a friendly manner. At first, I thought it was just another scam to get me to go out with him but after a while, I just stopped caring. James is so charming when he wants to be and the stories he tells are just amazing. Sometimes I wish I was as carefree and reckless as him but I am not and I cannot be. I have a reputation to uphold.

Lately, as well, I have started thinking certain things about...James, certain weird things, certain dreamy thoughts. Certain 'I want to wrap my arms around him and tell him how charming and hot I think he is,' thoughts. Those thoughts had started exactly the day that I had seen James step out of the bathroom with a only a single towel slung low on his hips with water droplets falling down his muscular chest slowly…During lessons I'd daze off and unconsciously stare at him and I had accidentally scrawled 'Lily Potter' on my Transfiguration essay two days earlier. I couldn't stop thinking about the image of James in just a towel, and it's constantly in the forefront of my mind. When I see him, wearing clothes mind you, all I can think about is unbuttoning that damn shirt and trailing my hands down that hard tanned chest and watching the muscles retract and ripple in response…See? These are the thoughts I'm constantly being plagued with!

So, despite the fact that I was really irritated with him, that little prank I had played on him had left me a little more frazzled than it seemed like I was. The whole time I was a centimeter away from his lips, my mind had been practically screaming at me to just close that damn gap and plant my lips on his. And since, I wasn't quite used to having that thought rampaging through my head I had rebelled against myself. I know crazy, right? I had said some rude things to James in a vain attempt to convince myself that I actually didn't want to do the few dirty things that I had thought about in my head.

Plus, I was terrified about what they meant. Was I starting to get feelings for him? What did they exactly mean? When had they started? If I really did like him, what was I going to do? I'd seem like the largest hypocrite if I started dating James. After years of apparently hating him, I just give in when I, myself, can't count how many times I've told him that I would never ever give into his pestering. And besides, how powerful are these feelings in the first place? Surely, I could easily get over a minor crush. But, my knowledge in the romance area has been telling me that this isn't just a measly crush I'll get over soon enough.

Usually, in the books I spend time reading, if the heroine is having lusty and pervy thoughts about the protagonist then that means she's in love with him…And although, you shouldn't believe what you read, especially books written by forty year old sex deprived divorcés, I can't help but believe that, maybe, there is more to these feelings than just a sudden attraction. I mean, Aileen had been thinking the exact same things about Charles and they are now involved in a fierce and love-filled affair. Would that happen with James and me? I thought. Despite my brief denial, I couldn't help but smirk and admit that I really wouldn't mind being involved in a passionate love affair with James Potter.

Speaking of Charles' and Aileen's heated liaison, I need to find out what question Charles asked Aileen after their romantic evening together, I thought with a start. With all my reminiscing and soul searching, I had completely forgotten all about my irritation and longing to find out what was happening in my favourite book. With a satisfied sigh, I reached into my bookbag while I was walking toward the common room for a reading session. I rummaged through everything in my bookbag but when I finally pulled my hand out of my bookbag all I had grasped was air. Bewildered and a little frustrated, I dunked my hand back into the bookbag and I still didn't find the delicate pages of 'Hot bed of Seduction.' Quite a weird name but at the moment, I wasn't sniggering in hysterics at the utter cheesiness of the title, I was distressed beyond belief. Where the hell was it? I hadn't misplaced it!

And then I realised when I dumped all of my contents onto the ground and still found nothing. I had left it under the tree. I had left my kinky romance novel under the tree with James Potter. James Potter was probably, no doubt, laughing hysterically over the descriptive details of the saucy going ons of page 17! James Potter was most likely marking the pages of the most mortifying moments of 'Hot Bed of Seduction' so that he can read them aloud to the Great Hall and make sure that I will never be able to show my face to the general public. Oh god…I think I'm going to faint, I thought faintly (heh) as I marched over to the tree with wide and frightened eyes.

15 minutes earlier, James' POV:

I watched with wide eyes as Lily Evans kissed my cheek softly before scrambling up elegantly and walking away with her gorgeous head held high. Merlin, even when she's just humiliated me, I talk about how beautiful she is. What is wrong with me?

I hadn't meant to annoy her as much as I did. I just can't help but be a complete idiot every time I'm around her. Constantly, when I'm graced with her presence, the damn one liners and cheesy come ons flow consistently out of my mouth like its a faucet and someone had left it on. The words run out of my mouth before I have even a moment's notice to stop and think, only when the words have been said do I have the time to think. But by then, the only thing left to do is my smack my head and avoid Lily's glare directed specially at me. Thankfully, that has kind of lessened since the start of the term. But today…what was I thinking? I was finally getting along with Lily Evans- I swear I find her staring at me constantly in lessons- and I had to go and screw it up. But maybe, Lily shouldn't have taken it as hard as she did; I was just flirting after all. If you can call acting like a total arse flirting. At least Sirius does. But, I suppose, I shouldn't have listened to romantic advice by Sirius Black. He had just sounded so sure, and it was all really convincing. All he said was; Lily wanted to shag me, and he even explained it. For the first time, I found Sirius Black made sense.

"Lily wants to shag you, badly. You know why she keeps yelling and glaring at you and actually kicked you in the Potter jewels last year?" He had paused to chuckle. "Sexual tension, just two beautiful words. She's so terribly frightened by that tension, and the fact that every time she's near you she wants to jump your bones, that she pretends to hate you. All that 'there's a fine line between hate and sexual tension' stuff." Sirius had said. Remus had looked at him like he was crazy and had profusely expressed to me that 'under no circumstances' was I to listen to anything Sirius said. I should have believed him. I had listened to Sirius Black. Let me tell you that is the last time I'm doing that.

I had thought, 'Sirius is right, Lily Evans does want to shag me, badly.' And with that revelation, I had thought, well if she wants to shag me maybe I should go flirt with her. See if she responds and if she does, then it is on. It is on like the prime minister of Azerbaijan.

But she hadn't flirted back. She had humiliated me and now I know for certain that Lily Evans does not want to shag me badly, she does not even want to snog me. But…she did say she wanted to twist my nuts so far to the right that my black haired children will never be able to annoy her because they will never exist…Who-hoo! Lily Evans wants to touch my nuts! Yeah!

With that last brightening (and admittedly very perverted) thought, I reclined on the tree and let the resulting day dreams take over my once depressed thoughts.

Eight minutes later, I opened my eyes from the rather kinky daydream and peered around me with happiness. Ah, life was good. Lily Evans wanted to shag me; I was out in the bright sunshine. Sirius Black was going to get his arse pranked, badly.

I smirked evilly, and for the next few minutes I went over the prank logistics in my head. Suddenly, my wandering eyes caught something spread clumsily onto the ground. It seemed to be a book. Curious, I scooted closer and peered over the cover. Hm…Ridiculously muscled man in a tight pinstriped suit with a scantily clad woman gathered in his arms passionately. Hm…I don't approve.

First of all, how the hell is the guy so huge? Seriously, is he trying to look like a hundred year old bear? And who would read something that had a cover like this? Did they seriously have such a lack of romance in their life that they have to read a book that has a replica of Mr. Clean on it, except with messy black hair and a fedora on his head? And why was this woman barely wearing anything except a tight white cocktail dress covering the vital parts? Despite the image of a half naked woman, I didn't like the book for some strange reason.

But still, I was curious. Who did this book belong to? And then a name popped into my head. Lily Evans. At first, I denied it. Lily would never read something as cheesy like this book. But then I thought…and it all came back.

Me, sitting down next to her, peeking over her shoulder at the book she was reading. Me, opening my mouth and flirting dangerously with her, Lily merely looking up from her book for a moment before rolling her eyes and replying with a slight smirk. Me, flirting back and Lily answering me with a deadpan tone before fully pulling a successful prank at me. Lily, getting up and leaving behind the book she had been reading before.

No, really? Lily Evans reads cheesy romance novels? No it can't be…Lily is way too confident and independent to read something like this. Or, is she? Nevertheless, I need to return this to her…Maybe if I give this book back to her she'll finally like me back? I thought with a thrill. Yes, this could work…

So with that final thought, I marked the page the book was resting on and resisted the urge to read some of it while I walked away from the scene.

Current time, Lily's POV:

I ran to the tree as fast as I could, completely ignoring all the people yelling after me to slow down in the corridors. My legs were burning and my breath was coming in short bursting pants. I'm starting to think I shouldn't have quit running last year. My tight button down had started to unbutton on my spontaneous run and my black bra was peeking out from the side, I peeked down when I heard the whistles and catcalls from the seventh years, and realised that my bra was on full display. Quickly, I gathered my top and covered Victoria's Secret before you could say 'James.'

Finally, I collapsed next to the tree, gasping for breath. James didn't seem to be here anymore and I wasn't quite panicking at the moment, I was too busy trying to breathe. I had never thought I was in quite bad shape as I am. It only took a 15 minute run for me to collapse onto the ground in pain.

When I regained my breath, I stayed lying down and crawled over to the spot where the book should have been. Oh Casanova Charles…it's not here! Dear God! I cried loudly in my head and most likely, out loud as well. Frantic, I clambered up and searched all over the premises. Still, nothing. Then I resulted to magic. I cried, 'Accio Lily's adult romance book!' but…the third year named Lily wasn't very happy when I acciod her book right out of her hands…Why is a third year reading adult romance books? I asked her but she snapped at me and ran away in a huff…Merlin, temperamental third years…

After twenty minutes of frantic searching, I finally gave up. I slumped onto the ground and sighed pitifully to myself. Who knows what James could be doing with it right now? Probably sharing every single love scene with the rest of his Marauders and photo shopping every page to the biggest size so he could hang it up in the Great Hall with 'Lily Evans reads this kinky shit' written all over it. Or, he'll put the Imperious on Snape and make him reenact one of the love scenes to me in front of the whole school…Well, I'll be damned if I don't give him a piece of my mind before he does all those humiliating things to me! I'm going to get that book back!

Meanwhile, James' POV…

I glanced nervously over at the book laying innocently on the edge of my nightstand. Look at it, acting all innocent like there isn't someone lying on their bed wanting so badly to page through those pages and find out what Lily Evans is all about. But they can't do that…

Maybe if I just read the summary…No! I slapped my hand that was reaching toward the book. I cannot read it! Lily will never trust me again…if she finds out…No! I slapped my hand again.

Quickly, I looked away from the book and tried in vain to direct my thoughts to something that doesn't involve 'Hot Bed of Seduction.' I tried thinking of pranks, but that didn't work since Lily executed a pretty successful prank against me not too long ago. Then I tried thinking of the Marauders but that reminded me of Sirius and his advice…then I admitted defeat. I started singing. I started singing anything. The White Stripes, Icky Thump. The Strokes, You Only Live Once. Justin Bieber, Somebody to Love. Anything! And even though, singing usually clears my head this time it didn't. I even tried singing a few songs I, myself, had written but those were mostly about Lily. Nothing is working.

I just had an undeniable urge and burn to read through those pages and try to understand the infuriating being named Lily Evans. Through the years, I've always tried to understand her but she never fails to surprise me right when I believed that I had finally figured her out. And that had happened to me today. I was so sure that Sirius had been right I hadn't considered the fact that maybe Lily still hated me but was just better at hiding it. But still…I don't think she hates me, I can't count how many times she's smiled at something I've said this year! Ugh, I am so confused…But maybe, I wouldn't be if I just read that book. There must be some reason Lily reads that book and if I find it then I might just be able to crack the puzzle that's Lily.

So with that thought, I stopped my singing and reached quickly over to the book. Sighing with satisfaction and relief, I reveled over the piece of Lily Evans that I currently held in my palms. Eagerly, I read the summary on the back of the novel first and foremost.

'Is it possible to love thy enemy?' Was scrawled before the next two paragraphs and I snorted at how cheesy that sounded.

'Charles is a dangerous and dodgy man and he gets any woman he has even the slightest of an attraction toward. And today his prey is Aileen Montgomery, the daughter of a family he has every reason to despise…

Aileen Montgomery knows how much she's putting for risk by being with Charles but she cannot resist his charming but slightly cold smile. When she is around his captivating presence, she loses all self control and leaves all her inhibitions and problems with the arrangement behind. Maybe one day everything would work out and she'll be able to call Charles hers. At the moment she can only dearly hope…Too bad Charles has no intentions of keeping Aileen anywhere but where she belongs…firmly between his bed sheets!

Despite the utter rubbish I just read, I couldn't help but feel utter fascination that I just read something that Lily Evans had read and enjoyed, but nonetheless, I bursted out laughing at the last sentence. It really was far too ridiculous not to laugh at. Unfortunately, my mirth was interrupted when Remus and Sirius stepped into the dorm with laughter.

"Hey, Prongs! We heard your atrocious singing from the common room. What's happened?" Sirius cried as he walked over to me with exaggerated wide eyes. My eyes widened in panic and I hurriedly stuffed the book under my pillow in a vain attempt at being suave and unsuspecting. It didn't work.

Sirius' previous smirk widened before he stared at me with an understanding expression.

"Been reading my WizardPlay lately? Don't worry mate. I know you like October's Qudditch edition but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to take that back." Sirius said with a smirk before reaching under my pillow apparently taking back his October's Qudditch edition of WizardPlay. I quickly covered my hand with his to stop him from reaching Lily's book. Sirius' eyes widened even more and he smirked wider.

"Sorry James, I don't feel for you that way. But if you be so kind as to give me the magazine I won't mention this incident to the whole school." He said charmingly and I glared at him.

"What incident? And you wouldn't dare tell the school scandalous things about me!" I cried indignantly.

He snorted. "Uh, yeah, I would…for my WizardPlay now give it back!" He cried back.

I shoved Lily's book out from the bottom of pillow and showed it to him in his face.

"Does this look like your WizardPlay? I think not!" I said with arrogance. He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully and stared at the book in my hand before snatching it from my nervous palm.

"Now, what is so interesting about this measly book that has old Jamie all hot and bothered?" He questioned while he stared at the book with his back to me. I tried to push him toward me so I could get the book but he just held my flailing arms with one hand while he stared at the cover with awe.

"What the hell are you reading pansy material for Prongs? I always knew Lily was just you're safety beard and you really had a crush on ole Padfoot. I mean, who doesn't have a crush on me?" He said with an arrogant smirk and a toss of his immaculate hair. I glared at the back of his head.

"I don't have a crush on you! Now, give me that back!" I screeched in disgust and demand.

He snorted and shrugged, released my arms and turned around. "Okay. Here you go. Here's your favourite pansy book. But don't worry, Prongs, just come out of the closet. We'll still love you if you do." I rolled my eyes and suspiciously took the book from his hands. Who knows what he could have done with it when he had his back turned. Thankfully, the book didn't explode when I finally had it safely in my arms. I walked out of the dorm with my head held high and started my task again to find a quiet place where I could read peacefully.