rawr :)

A/N ; HEY ! So this is my FIRST OFFICIAL FANFIC :) I'm new to the writing world and I'm a newbie in writing stories . Most of the stuff I write are articles , so story making is all new to me . I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistakes . Please be nice because this is my first story . ENJOY ! ;)




I groggily woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off . I got up from bed , stretched and almost killed my clock . I hastily looked at the clock and it read 6:00AM .

"Ugh . Another stupid day ," I muttered , sighing . Well , it wasn't stupid for any of my family members or friends . When I got down to the kitchen , I looked for mom or dad . No signs of them . How weird . "Mom ? Dad ?" No answer . I searched around the house and saw no signs of them so I just gave up . 'Maybe they went out of town early or something ' I told myself . I went back to the kitchen , grabbed a granola bar , sat down on the recliner in our living room , ate the granola bar , got a glass of water , chugged it down and went back to my room upstairs to take a shower , brush my teeth and get ready for school .

School .

It was one of the worst things that ever occurred to me . Living in the small , rainy thickets of Forks , Washington , there was only one particular school in town that offered high school . And that was the school I was forced to go to ; Forks High . The home of the best and worst human beings ever . Even though school sucked , I still loved this tiny town .

As I was opening the door to my room , something didn't feel right . It was like something was about to happen but I just couldn't put my finger on it . When I finally opened my door , then that was the time my heart almost stopped beating because of shock . There in my room were my parents , Alice Brandon and Rosalie Hale – my two best girlfriends since I was born . They were all smiles as they squealed 'Happy Birthday Bella !' to me . WAIT . It's my birthday ? Shit . I think my brain is malfunctioning .


I felt tears streak down my face as I smiled and entered my room .

"Happy birthday honey ," my mom , Renee Swan , said as she walked towards me to hug me .

"Thanks mom ," I replied kissing her cheek .

"Happy birthday , Bells ," Chief Charlie Swan , better known as my dad whispered to me and enveloped me in a hug , just like what mom did . "You're growing up fast , my little girl ," he said smirking at me .

"Hey , I'm not that old . Thank you daddy ."

When Charlie finally released me , I was tackled by a little short-haired pixie and a beautiful supermodel-looking blond . "Happy birthday , sissy !" , both of them squealed as they hugged me . "Thanks guys , you two are the best sisters I could ever have ," I said with a smile . "Well , guys , as much as I want to continue with what we were doing , I'm afraid I have to excuse myself to get a shower and get ready for school ," I said laughing .

"OKAY !" Alice , my beautiful little pixie girlfriend said happily . She stood about five foot tall but as short as she was , she was a lion . She has a well-built feminine body , dressed in the latest fashion trends by Gucci , Prada , Dolce and Gabbana , you name it . She had short , black , spiky hair which stuck to every side . Her grey eyes were always full of energy . She was a fashion guru , which I kind of hated with a passion because of the fact that she would take me to shopping sessions every week , stopping to every boutique that there is . Even though she's a little annoying pixie , I still loved her .

"Sure ," Rose said with a genuine smile on her face . Her figure was to die for since she had a superb swimsuit model type of body . She had beautiful blue eyes and long , straight and natural blond hair which flowed up to her chest . She was the one who would always grab the boys' attention .Well , she was a minion of Alice .

"So , after school , we have a surprise for you . Go get ready and let's go !" Oh giddy little , Alice .

"Ali ! You know how much I hate surprises, "I said with a groan .

"Shut up and live with it , sister . Now , carry on ."

"I am so gonna kill you even though I love you ," I muttered under my breath .

"No , honey . You ain't gonna kill me and I love you too ." Damn , that girl has good hearing senses .

"Bella , baby . You should go get ready . Ali and Rose will be downstairs . Happy birthday again , honey ," mom said .

"Sure mom . Thanks again ."

And with that , my parents and girlfriends went out of my room giving me alone time to think about today , get ready and prepare for whatever Alice has in store for me .

"BELLA ! Yoohoo ! Hey Bella ! Isabella Marie Swan ! HEY !"

"Huh?" Nice . Yeah , REAL smooth .

"Have you been listening ?" Alice practically spat at me .

"Um , sorry . My mind still isn't functioning well ." My brain has been drifting back and forth to the date today and what has been happening . I've lost track of day after about a week ago .We were in the cafeteria for lunch .

"Ugh . Never mind . So , later at last period you have Biology right ?"

"Yeah , why?"

"There's this new guy . Actually they're a group of 3 boys who have been best friends since their 5th grade." Oh no, here comes GossipCopAlice .

"So ?"

"So , that means the three of us," Alice whispered-yelled , pointing between her , me and Rose who was busy flipping through the pages of the latest issue of US Weekly, "- are going shopping – which is also our gift to you – to buy new wardrobe in order to attract the attention of those three dudes."

And with that , Rose dropped her magazine looking at Alice with wide eyes and literally spat at her . "What the hell , Alice !"

"What ?"

"Why on earth would you think I would flirt with some guy WE don't even know ?"

"Just shut up and live with it."

Right after Alice's statement , the doors to the cafeteria opened and almost everybody – including the three of us - stopped what they were doing to see who was entering . Being in this school since preschool , elementary , middle school and high school , I knew every face in this institution and all of those faces were in this very cafeteria . That meant the new guys Alice just gossiped about just entered the cafeteria for the first time .

The three of us sat next to each other and turned our heads at the same time .


The first one that entered had a big structure . He was very muscular , he had big muscles , maybe he was obsessed with gym . He had short , dark , curly hair . He looked like the eldest of the group and most probably was a football player . I looked over to Rosalie who looked like she just saw Johnny Depp . I bet five dollars that he's her type .

The second one who came in was a little less bulky but still was muscular . He had honey-blond hair that came up to his neck . He absolutely lookes Southern . This time , I turned my head to Ali who was staring at him like crazy . She has this thing for guys who look Southern .

And finally , the last boy came in . He wasn't as big and buff as the first two but he still had the muscles . He had familiar , beautiful , green eyes that look like shining emeralds . He also had that familiar bronze hair which was disheveled like he just got up from bed . And oh my gosh , he was HOT . A Greek God . He was beautiful and oh , so , SEXY . 'Stop it , Bella! You don't even know the poor boy!'

'Shut up , brain . You're just jealous 'cause I get to see him in person and you don't . HA!'

'Well , I am but … OH FORGET ABOUT IT! *frowns*'

'WTF ?'

'I know , right ?'




The three guys all went towards our table . Alice , Rosalie and I looked at each other confused .

When they reached our table , the boys all stood in front of us . Guy number one infront of Rose , guy number two in front of Alice , and the last guy in front of me .

"Hey … Um .. My name is Emmett McCarty. How about you, miss?" Boy number one asked Rose .

Rose unhesitantly replied, " Hey too . I'm Rosalie Hale . Nice to meet you ."

Next up was number two , " Howdy ladies . The name is Jasper Whitlock . And my I know your name young miss ?" He asked Alice .

" Hello ! I'm Alice Brandon at your service !" She replied with the biggest grin plastered on her face .

Now , it was boy number three's turn but I introduced myself first . " Hey , my name is Isabella Swan but you could call me Bella."

Boy number three just stood there , and the next second , he asked me " Bella ? Is that you ? Do you remember me ? I was the boy your dad used to bring when we used to go fishing . We used to make mud-pies together . It's Edward . Edward Cullen."

And that was the time realization hit me . I knew this guy . I just didn't know he would ever remember me after his family lest about eleven years ago .

He was the same boy who I made mud-pies with . He was the boy who made me laugh or cry . He was the boy I used to put make-up on when he was sleeping . He was the boy I used to have sleepovers with . He was the boy who was always there with me . He was the boy who I first had a crush and eventually fell in love with even at a very young age .

He came back . But I didn't know the reason .

He was back .

Edward Cullen was back .

So yeah , apparently I suck at writing . I hope you understand . Oh yeah , I don't own Twilight . Everything belongs to Stephenie Meyer . Except the plot , that is .

Please review and tell me what you think ! If I should continue or just make a new one . Thanks ! ^^

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