This was so unlike him. Why the hell was Seifer sitting in front of OUR apartment door with a guitar in hand? Well I'll tell you why, he's insane.

There he was, a god in human skin, sitting on that disgusting carpet in only his jeans singing at five in the morning. His lips were moving, his fingers were playing, But what I couldn't get past was the fact that here he was sitting outside half naked in the hall while he could be lying next to me in bed ravishing me!

Enough was enough; I've been standing in the door way staring at the bastard long enough for him not to notice me by now. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked, hands on my hips.

He smirked up at me, "I'm wooing you with my love song" the god said with a purr. "Is it working?" his eyes glimmered with emotion. Did I mention that Seifer is romantic? He's mostly like that in the morning, or late at night- any time between that he's an ass.

"No." I sighed, resting my head against the door frame. "Now get in here before Stacy sees you." I added, walking back into the dark apartment. Stacy was our neighbor, and she's madly in love with Seifer- one day I'm thinking of taping us have sex and sending it to her just so she gets the point.

In a moment Seifer waltz though the door, placing his guitar (that I didn't know he had) against the wall. "Can you explain to me why my serenading didn't work?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"Because I don't want music, I want early morning sex."

He chuckled, kissing my forehead. "I wanted to do something different for our anniversary this year…" he began.

"Well we can do those things later; I want sex… now Seifer!" I shouted.

He grinned, "Deal."

M.B.C.R say: Wrote this dear for E.T.G for her deviantart group. It's Camobeanie's first birthday!