This is a RAPE fic, if you don't like DON'T READ


I do not own the characters from FFVII

And yes there is a LOT OF BLOOD AND PAIN

I cried while I wrote this

Bloody Ears

Zack was angry, flustered and upset. He marched through the hallways of the cadet barracks, his boots clomping heavily on the clean tile unlike his usual bounce, heading towards the place he needed to go to, his mind betraying him and his eyes burning.

It was really late.

This past week in Modeoheim had been traumatizing, saddening and disappointing. Having to kill your teacher who had turned suicidal because of the monstrous materials that had been put inside his mother, something no one should ever have to do. Running into the abandoned bath house, he came across Professor Hollander and his fat ass nearly pinned against a wall by the sharp point of Angeals sword. He advanced but quickly retreated, that same sharp angled point twisting its way to his neck almost breaking the skin. Angeal looked hurt, eyes showing confusion and hate, and as Hollander spouted complete bullshit that antagonized Angeal to the point of shouting, he dropped the tip from his neck and walked away seemingly deep in his own thoughts. Angeal looked at Zack, before calling the monsters to him, and giving Zack the X-shaped scar on his cheek. But he did it. At first he was sad, grieving, tears streaming down his face. He became frustrated, upset because of the reason his mentor wanted to kill himself.

Remembering it now, Zack huffed under his breath, continuing quickly on his way, eyes burning at the painful memory. He was angry now, still not understanding the reason of his mentor's suicidal ways and he clenched his fists, the scuffs of his boots on the tile quickening.

Almost there.

Not only was that upsetting him, the fact that he had killed the first class SOLDIER Genesis only days before was festering on his mind. He hated the man, his reasoning for abandoning the company selfish, and disgusting. It made him want to throw up. His degrading body had come to meet him as he ran down into the mako reactor, and came across a sword swinging past his face. His body was slowly destroying itself, his face had grown pale and his hair had thick grey streaks, his abnormally red attire showing signs of wear and faded color. It disgusted him. Zack never even got the chance to murder him, the last he saw of the disgusting man was when he had thrown himself over the bars and deeper into the mako reactor supposedly killing himself.

He had reached the door.

He didn't bother knocking, stepping into the apartment-like threshold with a aura of anger and confusion. Closing the door behind himself he marched into the bedroom, finding a sleepy-eyed blonde sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

He wanted to cry.

He walked over, and, not waiting for the boy to stand up, leaned down and crashed their lips together harshly, teeth clicking painfully. The blonde, still not fully awake, wrapped his sinewy arms around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss slowly, and lovingly, smiling softly in the way that only Zack knew.

The boy would never understand.

He was only 16, his life full of death and sadness, painful memories and disgusting misunderstandings. He hurt. His body ached from exhaustion, his heart swelled with anger and sadness. He was angry, and upset. He ran his hands up the boy's neck twisting his fingers tightly and painfully into the blonde bed-head hair that could be seen as his insignia. A shaky moan reached his ears as the blonde pushed into the kiss, pulling him closer and reaching up, running his hands through soft black locks that surrounded his head.

He hurt.

He pushed into the kiss more, bruising lips and biting tongue, hands gripping tighter into the coarse golden locks. He pushed the fourteen year old roughly into the bed and straddled his hips. In turn, Cloud ran his hands lightly down his chest, intent on taking his shirt off and gazing at those hard, lean muscles.

He wanted Cloud to understand.

Pulling back for just a second, he pulled off his shirt before leaning down and attacking his neck. Fully awake now, Cloud leaned his head to the side, moaning softly and clutching to the back of Zack's head. Zack growled and bit down harshly, causing a yelp and a small stream of blood. He continued downward with his assault, leaving harsh bruises mixed with trails of blood.

"Zack….you're hurting me…" The younger protested weakly, panting lightly clutching at his back.

He didn't care.

Zack bit down on his collarbone hard, teeth sinking into the skin and creating a small gash on his neckline. A weak cry of pain reached his ears and he tore off his gloves, before moving to rip off the loose shirt the young boy was wearing as pajamas. Cloud panted, eyes closed tightly in pain. It wasn't supposed to hurt this much. Zack was never this rough.

But he was tonight.

Zack raked his nails down the pallid chest, leaving scraped skin and small spots of blood before he moved his teeth there, biting, not kissing, his way down. He dug his fingers and nails into the hips that were squirming beneath him.

"Zack…stop, please…." Cloud panted weakly. He was worried, almost scared, as the pleasurable kisses and soft touched escalated into those that drew blood and were meant to hurt. It felt good, for a time, but it was relentless, and it hurt much more than he would ever want. Sure, he liked it rough sometimes, but not to this rough, never drawing blood. He had never seen Zack like this, so possessive and angry, so primitive and upset. Cloud reached down and took the older teens face in his hands, pulling him up and looking into his eyes.

He was terrified now.

Cloud let go almost instantly and with a slight gasp tried to scramble away. His eyes were filled with outrage and sadness, the emotions overflowing in the glowing bright amythest of his eyes. He squirmed roughly underneath him, begging to get away, scrambling, terrified and hurt. Zack was bigger, and stronger, however, and held the boy down tightly, grabbing his shoulders roughly and slamming him back into the mattress.

"Don't move." Two words, filled with so much anger and confusion, Cloud didn't understand why. He kept his mouth shut and did what he was told, eyes closed tightly and tears burning at the rims of his eyes.

Zack wanted to hurt him.

He wanted to make Cloud feel pain. True pain. The pain that brought blood boiling over and bruises scarring skin, he wanted to make him understand what he was going through, make him understand what his pain felt like, the true extent, and have him understand.

Reaching over, Zack grabbed Clouds wrists painfully tight, enough to leave bruises, as he continued his assault down his chest. He moved up again biting and sucking before he reached his ear.

Cloud turned his head, tears spilling from one eye, and whispered shakily, "Zack please… stop….you don't have to do this."

But he did.

His anger flared then, and slowly, teasingly he wrapped his tongue around the soft skin of the boy's earlobe, teeth grazing the small metal stud that was there. Cloud gasped.

"No…Zack no…please!" He was practically sobbing now, tears falling down both cheeks and his arms and body flailing as he tried to free himself of the painful grip.

It didn't work.

Zack bit down hard around the earring and ripped it out of his ear. A loud, almost piercing scream came from the younger blonde who was now sobbing and crying uncontrollably underneath him. It was painful, it hurt his ears. Letting the metal fall from his mouth, he moved to quickly tie Clouds hands up against the headboard with his belt.

There was blood everywhere.

He quickly pulled down the boys pants, ravishing and biting his thighs and groin, the younger still shamelessly aroused. He pulled down his own pants, the blonde breathing heavily and fighting against his restraints. It wasn't working. Zack flipped him over onto his stomach, the blood already staining the back of his neck and dripping down the other side, and his arms twisting painfully, nearly cutting off his circulation.

His back was bare.

He reached up, slowly digging his nails into the soft shoulder blades and raked them down his back, creating long slick gashes that swelled up with blood quickly, the blonde letting out a ragged, weak cry of pain, and shuddered roughly under his touch.

There was no preparation.

Grabbing the slender hips he thrust into the tight hot passage and groaned. Cloud cried out again, gripping the restraints tightly, the only thing he could hold onto as his body was ravaged and raped. Zack was relentless, his thrusts hard and rough, tears dripping down Clouds cheek and chin as he sobbed.

Cloud came first, embarrassed and scared. It hurt, as he released, panting and sobbing. Zack came roughly after body shuddering and groaning lightly. He reached up and untied the belt before pulling out and putting on his pants, leaving the bloody shaking body of the young fourteen-year-old boy behind him, and left.

It had hurt.