:: In Another Life ::

AU – SuzaLulu


"Now then…

which country would you like to visit this year, young prince?"

The raven-haired boy scanned the broad map, eyes gleaming with violet excitement. One small finger pointed to the curved island.

"…Japan again…?" the elder brother chuckled, shaking his head in an exasperated manner. "…you ask to see it every year, Lelouch… What is it that interests you so…?"

"The culture. Landscape. Economic acceleration." he lied, "But that shouldn't be your concern. If I will to go, you'll take me wheresoever I please."

Schneizel rolled up the map, sighing. "I suppose you're correct… Thought your infatuation is beginning to concern your mother, Lelouch… She says it's as if you were visiting a 'little friend'…"

The younger prince let out a loud harrumph, standing and sticking his nose in the air, "As if…! My victory in our chess match this evening will prove that wrong!"

…Lelouch lost the match.