Heyy im suffering a horrible case of Katie in love writers block soo ive had this idea for a while and im putting it down. Finally. This isn't another ff where someone just puts themselves into big time rush, I hate those!, no this story will actual have substance and switch povs of James and his sister.

BTW Katie and Skye r the same age im just making them 13 when the boys leave for later purposes.

Please r/r it's the only way I know wither to continue or not.

Disclaimer time! I don't own anything in this story except for Skye and

2 years ago... Skye POV

the song playing in the terminal was "Baby I'm Amazed By You" (by Paul McCartney)as the family members of big time rush said goodbye to their boys. I'd always liked that song but now I can't listen to it… it reminds me of that day. I hate that I remember it so clearly. All 4 families stood in the terminal, dodging angry businessmen and other families, as they said goodbye. Carlos' mom kept sobbing and muttering things in Spanish, holding tightly onto Carlos' father who was smiling proudly at his son. Logan's' parents stood rigid and firm lecturing Logan about his study's before his music and My mom and dad were smiling proudly at James…not me.

I stood below him (he had a height difference of about 2 feet at the time.) and he smiled at me after receiving all of mom and dads praise, obviously expecting something of me. I scowled at him, crossing my arms and angrily wiping a tear into the corner of my eye. James knelt down proposing style and looked at me. Mom and dad walked off to talk to Mrs. Knight.

"something's up." he said staring at me still smiling.

"no…" I said turning away. What would ever be wrong with my center of attention less talented brother living my dream? Nothing that's what I thought smugly.

"yes it is" he said standing and following my gaze then kneeling again on my other side. "you're my little sister. You can't hide anything from me" he held my shoulder firmly. "you've know since we were little that We're almost on the same wave length. Besides…you're a bad liar" he smiled again sliding his hand down and taking mine.

"why can't I come with you?" I said letting the words tumble out. "Katie gets to go and she's my best friend! and you know im a great singer James! You know that! I want to live my dream like you are!

I want to live it with you!" James' expression softened and I let a few tears of rage fall.

"Skye…." he said squeezing my hand "I wish you could come too, but mom and dad can't afford for us both to go, you know that as much as I do. I know your talented but you need to stay here until your older…" he looked at me solemnly.

"I don't want to!" I realized my pitch was changing and he quietly shushed me and pulled me into a hug.

"I need you here James" I said into his shoulder "mom and dad need you…but I need you." I pulled away.

"im 14! I'm stupid! I need your guidance!" I said, the tears falling more freely now and he was crying a little too. "I need my big brother." and he hugged me again.

"Flight 214 to California Now Boarding. Flight 214 now boarding" said a polite voice from the ceiling. I knew that was his flight.

"I promise ill write every week and call all the time" he said into my ear the rest of my head pressed into his shoulder. "Promise?" I sniffled "promise" he said. I kissed his perfect cheek and he stood up.

"Minnesota wont be the same without you" I said looking into his crystal eyes.

"Just make sure you keep the diamond name alive." he said winking and I grabbed him around the waist for a final hug. The guys came up behind him and I hugged them too.

I went up to Katie and we both bust into tears and we hugged each other until Kendall threatened to carry Katie onto the plane. We separated and swore that we'd keep in touch. I walked them all get their tickets Checked and before they stepped on the plane and they all waved. We waved back then left the airport.

Mom cried a lot and Katie texted me until the plane took off. If I learned anything that day its that my life would never be the same after it.

The Present.

At the end of the day I walked out of English10 to my locker. I dialed the combination and checked my phone that was waiting inside. One new message from Katie, 13 new messages from assorted boys but no missed calls. As usual. I answered Katie and checked off another day on my pocket calendar I hung in my locker. I don't why I even checked anymore, after 2 years I just kept getting disappointed. I slipped on my coat and started to flip through the messages from the boys.

Being a Diamond I was extremely beautiful, so I attracted boys just like my brother had gotten girls. Ugh bad thoughts. I jammed my ipod headphones in my ears and "When I grow Up" by the pussycat dolls purred into my ears, my waist length dirty blonde hair blew back angrily as I walked out the front doors. I started trudging to my house and boys watched me even though most of my flawless body was covered by my coat. I tried to tame my mane but it whipped back.

My house was right near the school so I slammed the door and trudged inside moments afterwards. I checked the house phone and the mail. Why the hell do I keep doing this to myself? He just doesn't care. I went upstairs and got my figure skating things and headed out to my car.

I got to the rink and passed the plaques my brother and his friends had won, their trophies and medals were a constant reminder of me to not think, just skate.

I changed into my practice outfit, a black velvet mini skirt and a flowy red top. The rink was relatively empty except for a hockey game between 4 little boys. I pirouetted and landed fantastic jumps as I played my music through my ipod speakers. "Cherry Cherry" by Neil diamond played and I coordinated my style to that. I laughed silently for the quiet last name coincidence.

I began to sing at the same volume as not to disturb the already distracted 8 year old hockey players. I took a breather.

I looked over to the hockey game. I saw a wild eyed little Mexican boy blew past the others to the goal where an extremely cute little boy was guarding the goal. A blonde haired boy, who hadn't quite grew into his large facial features, darted in front of the Mexican boy, who responded by scrambling and falling into a skinny black haired boy. the black haired boy started yelling large words that even I didn't know. The others stared then started laughing and they all got back up and started playing again. Ugh this was too much.

I drove home and passed my parents, too wrapped up in Entertainment tonight trying to catch a glimpse of the boy too good to call his family, to acknowledge me.

I flopped on my bed, confused and angry.

But….I got all the solos in choir. I'm one of the top figure skaters in America. I have all the latest clothes, the best shoes and the prettiest hair.. I should be happy.

I'm just not. Because I feel like an only child.

I can't remember what time it was… but I knew it was late from the dark color of the Minnesota skyline out my window, my phone buzzed on my bedside table like a hornet, while it faintly played


Make it count play it straight

don't look back don't hesitate

When you go


I didn't hear the ringtone, mostly groggy in sleep. I grabbed it

"hullo?" I said rubbing my eyes and propping myself up on my table.

"hey" I could here his smile through the phone.

"who's this?" I said groggily ready to fall back asleep.

"take a guess little sis"

Ohh cliff hanger with a 3am phone call. I hope you liked it

Please review with improvement thoughts or anything you have to say

Legit anything….

Ewh I hate that word. Legit. Ok im rambling please review!