This chapter was hard to write as you'll find out soon why. I tried holding back tears but they came. I hope you guys like it. WARNING: TISSUES ARE REQUIRED!

Chapter 1: Let Me Sign

"And then it was time" The announcer's voice boomed over the large crowd "For Toronto to drown in the sweet sorrow of The Clash at Demonhead!" The crowd went nuts. Millions of crazed fans jumped up and down and screamed as the main vocalist stepped on the stage. Amongst the crowd Zane and Riley stood together enjoying the music. This was Zane's favorite band so he was going crazy jumping around, scream, and all out rocking. Riley was there watching his young boyfriend enjoy himself. Riley got the tickets two months ago for their anniversary and wanted to surprise Zane with them. So he lured Zane out of the house getting him under the illusion that they'd be going to dinner and a movie but when they took a detour on the freeway Zane knew exactly where they were going. "NO way!" Zane called out in disbelief as he tried getting ticket but they were sold out. Riley could only smile at the boy as they got closer and closer to the concert hall. Zane just giggled in excitement.

"Oh yeah. Oh Yeah. Oh YEAHHH. Hello again friend of a friend. Our common goal was waiting for the world to end. Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend. You crack the whip Shapshifting trick. The past again." The lead vocalist sang "I'll send you my love on a wire. Lift you up, every time, everyone, oOo, pulls away, oOo, from you..."

Zane excitedly turned to Riley and looked at the jock just standing there. "Here come on" Zane said grabbing Riley's hand and started dance with him seductively. Together they danced the night away to the sound of Zane's favorite band.

"Oh My god. That was AMAZING!" Zane exclaimed in the car while they drove back home. They bought a CD after the concert and played it in the car while they drove home. "Thank you Thank you Thank you." Zane said kissing the boy on the cheek. Riley swerved a bit out of his lane but quickly recovered. "Hey hey. Save it for later." He replied smiling knowing that this was the best anniversary they've ever had. "Oh sorry." Apologized Zane who was still giddy and excited from the night's events. Tonight had to be the best night of his life. He got to spend it at his favorite band's sold out concert and with the love of his life. Best night of his life.

As Riley took the first exit it took him off the busy freeway and on to the calmer streets he stopped at a red light at a deserted intersection.

"Zane I love you" Riley said turning his head to his love sitting in the passenger seat right next to him. Zane looked at his boyfriend and just smiled feeling like the man on top of the world. When the traffic light turned green Riley started driving through the intersection. He didn't see the blinding light from an oncoming car till it was too late. "RILEY WATCH OUT!" Zane said right before the car struck them at full speed. The impact was strong enough that it sent their car tumbling towards the deserted intersection. The car flipped twice then landed upside down leaving the two boys unconscious and hanging in their seat.

When Zane regained consciousness he was hanging from the car. He looked around and saw shattered glass everywhere. It hurt. Everywhere in his body hurt. His eyes then came upon Riley in the seat next to him. "Riley?" Zane called out but there was no response. He could see that blood was slowly dripping from Riley's ear. Zane unhooked his seatbelt and fell landing on the roof of the car. He then slowly inched his way towards Riley and undid his seatbelt as well. Crawling out from under the car he pulled himself and his unconscious boyfriend from the wreckage. With the last of his strength Zane pulled them both away from the car just as his vision started getting darker and darker until there was nothing but blackness.

The next time Zane woke was right as the EMT was about to shock Riley's heart. "Clear!" the EMT said as she pressed the paddles to Riley's chest and an electrical charge was sent to Riley slowly beating heart. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Zane called out getting up from the ambulance gurney but another EMT pinned him back down "It's okay were trying to help" the male EMT tried explaining to the boy. "Clear!" she shouted again before she sent another electrical charge though Riley's body. As she shocked him Riley's body twitched. Zane freaked out and fought against the EMT and tried to get to his boyfriends side but it was no use. Zane was injured so he was not match for the male EMT. The only thing he could do was cry out Riley's name "RILEY!" before everything went dark once again.

Riley was on the operating table with a tube stuck down his throat to help him breath. The monitor behind him beeped as it measured the status and health of his heart. "Scalpel" the surgeon called out while a nurse quickly handing her a size ten blade that gleamed under the light in the OR. As she made the initial incision and opened his chest cavity to expose his heart and her work began as she tried to repair it. "Forceps and 409 vicrole" the surgeon called out again as she started suturing the artery around her patients heart. BEEP BEEP the monitor sounded continuously as Riley's heart started to arrest. BUM BUMP "Dfib on the monitor" said the assisting surgeon. "Thank you for that update" she said sarcastically as she tried to repair the damaged organ. BUM BUMP She grabbed the internal paddles and ordered the nurse to adjust the voltage "Charge to 20. Clear!" she called out as a charge was sent to the heart. BUMP BUMP BUM BUMP "We're losing him" someone called out BUM BUMP BUM BUMP "Charge to 40. Clear!"BUMP BUMP was the sound Riley's heart made as it started to slowly stop. BUM BUMP BUM BUM BUMP.