Author's Note:

It's a cute one-shot! Please read and review!

"Okay," I thought to myself with a mold of a shoeprint in my hand. "The print with the leaf on the back of it has no matches whatsoever. But then again, it does bring up the possibility that it could be from the slipper found in the trash." I sighed. Being a detective was tiring work. But did I regret becoming one? Of course not!

I quickly tucked a stray piece of my brown hair behind my ear while taking a seat on the park bench of People Park. I put the mold of the shoeprint down beside me, and looked at the crime scene.

Directly in front of me stood a noodle stand, the outline of a body, and a mannequin, all standing so peacefully and well organized.

With a slight smile on my face, I picked up my mold again, and stared at it intensely, wondering whom in the world could have worn this slipper, and thus committed the complicated murder of Doctor Meraktis.

Suddenly, I heard the pitter patter of hundreds of feet, and the high pitched shrieks of teenage girls.

"Oh no." I thought. "Oh no, no no!"

I rose from the bench, hoping to stop them from invading the crime scene, but I was a couple of seconds too late.

About fifty girls with hearts in their eyes came running into the crime scene, following the one figure I absolutely despised, Klavier Gavin.

Klavier Gavin is the glimmerous fop in my life that always shows up to ruin everything. Prosecutor in court by day, world famous rock star by night, and pain in my you know where everywhere in-between.

"All right my little Frauliens!" Klavier said the smuggest smile on his face. "I must thank you for following me here. You are the best fans I ever had, ja?"

His "little Frauliens" then cheered and screamed their hearts out. And while doing so, they stepped all over my footprint samples, my evidence, and, more importantly, my box of chocolate covered snackoos!

That was when I blew my top. "Okay LISTEN UP!"

All of the teenage girl's-and Klavier's- eyes were on me.

"Everyone who is NOT the dumb rock star standing in front of me GET OUT OF PEOPLE PARK NOW!"

Grumbling and muttering angrily, the teenage girls exited the park, being more careful not to step on anything this time around.

I took a couple of deep breaths, and then grabbed my cinnamon snackoos from my backpack… just in case.

I took a couple of Snackoos from my plastic bag, and impatiently began munching away, while yelling at him in the process. My side of the argument sounded pretty clear in my head, but it went a little something like this in reality:

"Klavier! MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH Why do MUNCH you con-MUNCH-stantly bring MUNCH MUNCH your stupid fan MUNCH girls to my MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH crime scene. They always mess MUNCH everything MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH up. And you don't even MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH do MUNCH anything MUNCH MUNCH to get MUNCH rid of them!"

As I swallowed my bits of food, all Klavier did was laugh.

"Ah, Fraulien. You are so incredibly adorable while munching on your little snacks."

I rolled my eyes, debating whether or not to throw a snack at him. "Just don't bring your fan girls to my crime scenes any more!"

Klavier's grin then got even bigger. "I realize you're jealous of all the attention I give them, Fraulein, but you don't need to scream at me so." He said matter of factly while crossing his arms.

Then, I exploded. "I'M NOT JEALOUS!" I yelled on the top of my lungs.

Then, I threw a snackoo or two at him, while he only laughed innocently and said, "Come on, ja! It was only a joke my sweet Fraulien detective!"

But it was too late for apologies. I put on my pink glasses, and stormed away from him, destroying what was left of my crime scene in the process.