Disclaimer : I do not own Vampire Academy nor do I own the Vampire Knight mangas. They are in no way mine.

They belong to other people.

Chapter 1

"Right this way Ms. Hathaway and Ms. Dragamir." The chauffer directed.

As Lissa and I walked toward our new academy I glanced around and saw a really big campus. One thing became clear. I would definitely be late for classes.

The chauffer walked us to the gate that stood before Cross academy. There wewere intercepted by a small looking girl. She looked about our age and beside her was a boy with silver hair

and gray eyes.

"Hello, I am part of the Disciplinary committee. My name is Yuki Cross and this is Zero Kiryu." She said. "We will take them from here, sir."

The guy named Zero was silent and grim. And obviously a little bored. If anything he was definitely the equivalent of a Dhampir. As for the girl… I would assumethat she was just a human.

Her build wasn't like most dhampirs nor vampires. I was very curious. The chauffer left us with our luggage and I picked up both mine and Lissa's

luggage. Zero looked at me funny as if saying why are you carrying all of the luggage. That's just my life. I love Lissa to death however I can't depend on her at all.

We were taken to the Headmaster's office. And he was not what I was expecting.

The man had long blonde hair with a jubilant smile on his face. Yuki and Zero were standing behind us and just in front of the doors. This put my senses on high alert.

Lissa tuned into my feelings and looked at me funny. I kept my stoic expression as if I were doing a business deal.

I could feel that Kiryu guy was staring at me with shock and glaring at the back of Lissa's head. Headmaster Cross obviously saw Zero's glare because he shot a mean

look behind us which had Lissa turning her head to see what had caused such an annoyed look. Zero glared down at the floor for a minute.

"Hello, You must be Rose Hathaway and Vasilsa Dragomir. It is nice to have a another pureblood at our Academy. And Rose you are a…Dhampir...May I ask what that is?"

"Its alright, Dhampirs are the children born from a pureblood and a human so I guess I would be a half vampire."

"Hmmm…that is a dilemma. As I 'm sure you are aware the Cross academy is made up of two classes. The night class and the Day class. Because of your heritage I find it hard to place you in

a certain Dorm." Explained the Headmaster.

"Well I am Lissa's guardian so I would prefer to be put into the Moon dorm." I said.

"Yes, However there is your safety to think about. You are half human and otherDorm members may get hungry."

"I fully understand Headmaster Cross, still even above all the Danger from other moroi I would prefer to share the moon dorm. If you please." I said patiently even though I was getting very


"Very well Ms. Hathaway you may sleep in the moon dorm."