A Halfa is Born: THE ACCIDENT

Danny's POV

It was my birthday, April 3 2004. I was turning 14 that day, when THE ACCIDENT happened. My parents had just finished building their ghost portal, that Jazz and I thought wouldn't work. Sam and Tucker came over for a video game show-down that we'd scheduled as a birthday party. We where just getting to the middle of Race to Armageddon when my parents walked upstairs with a gloomy look on their faces. I paused the game and asked them what' wrong.

"Danny, the portal isn't working." Mom replied. They headed upstairs to sulk. When we heard the door shut, Sam got up and looked me in the eye.

"Common birthday boy." She said as she walked down stairs toward the lab.

"SAM! I'm not supposed to have anyone down here without my parents!" I yelled running after her as Tucker followed.

When I got down there Sam was standing in front of the portal.

"Danny, you should try to fix it. I mean, if you do, maybe your parents will be so over joyed that they'll forget we're down here, and they'll reward you by leaving you out of their ghost obsession!" I looked at the portal, and back at Sam.

"What would I wear, I mean I highly doubt the clothes I have on now will withstand it." She tossed something at me, and I fumbled to catch it. I unfolded it, to find it was a jumpsuit with my dad's face on it.

"Urgh, fine." I said pulling it on over my clothes and zipping it up. I was about to step inside when Sam slapped her hand on my chest.

"What?" I asked her. She smiled and pointed at my chest, I looked down. Seeing my dad's face on my chest, I frowned and peeled it off. I stepped into the portal, and started feeling along the walls, looking around. I must have pressed something because the end of it started lighting up. I turned and tried to run out of it, but the light caught me. It was really pain full, and all I remember is screaming a lot. Then I blacked out.

Next thing I know, I'm on the tiled floor of the lab, and the portal was glowing green. I stood up, and looked around. Everything seemed fine, until they started growing. I looked down to find I was sinking through the floor! I yelped and Sam ran over, grabbed my arms and yanked me out of the ground. She pointed to a mirror that was hanging on the wall. I ran over to it and looked inside. I had snow white hair, and glowing green eyes! Also my suit had changed. It was black where it used to be white, and vise versa. Suddenly I heard my dad's voice behind me yell out,

"GHOST!" along with the hum of an ecto weapon starting to warm up. I turned around and saw my parents aiming the anti-ghost weapons at me.

"WAIT! It's me! Danny!" I yelled. They didn't falter, but they didn't shoot either.

"Prove it." They said coldly. Right, how would I prove it? I closed my eyes and thought of being human. I suddenly felt a rush of energy pass over me. I opened my eyes to see I was human again. My parent's eyes where as big as dinner plates as the put down the weapons.

"Danny?" they said at the same time.

AND THAT'S IT! I hope you liked it! I'm thinking it'll be a one-shot, but if the readers (YOU PEOPLE!) think I should add more chapters, please tell me in the form of a review! Thanks! And I think this is the most I've ever written, 707 words!