Crazy For You 1/?
By Lazuli [[email protected]]
and Elysia [[email protected]]

Ha! We fooled you all! There ARE no AN's!!!! Just disclaimers.

We, two *very* humble authors, have created this fic in order to entertain the masses, and hope that no legal actions will be taken against them for it. It is obvious that we do not own any rights to the characters within, and even though they would very much like that, it will not happen in this lifetime.

Thank you, The Management.

Chiba Mamoru ran through the halls as a piercing shriek seemed to echo down them. Why him? Why must he get all the screaming patients? He went in front of room 402, and quickly typed in his code to let the door swing open. He saw Mika there, screaming for all she was worth. Her face was turning red, and Mamoru wondered what was the exact problem now.

Mika seemed to settle down a bit when he came near, and she leapt toward him, hugging his legs. "Dr. Chiba!! They are meanies! Mean mean mean!! They won't let me eat with my toes!!"

"Mika, what is it that you're you trying to eat with your toes?" He asked. If it was trying to eat with a fork or a spoon, then that was fine...a little strange, but fine. She smiled at him and held up her food for that day. It was Jell-O. And she didn't have a spoon. He grimaced inside. He tried to tell her *why* she shouldn't eat with her toes, but before he could, he heard his name being paged over the intercom. He gave Mika a comforting smile, and handed her a spoon. Usually, with at least one of the patients, it involved spoons.

"Here, Mika. I'm sure you have...very flexible feet. Use this before you try eating it with your toes. "

Mika smiled at him again, and hugged him tight. "Arigato!" She shouted, and went to her desert again. Mamoru went out the door, satisfied that Mika's escapade had been solved easily. Now to see why they were paging him...

He ran down the hall to the nurses' station, curious to find out why he had been paged in such a hurry. Meeting the head nurse on duty there, she handed him a new clipboard and chart. "New transfer patient in room 407. They need you to check her in."

Mamoru sighed. Another patient? That was the last thing he needed right now. He took the clipboard and quickly made his way down the hall to room 407.

Walking into the stark white room, he flipped through the sheets on his clipboard to find the name of his new patient. The only name listed was 'Usagi,' but strangely enough, there was no last name.

'Usagi, hmm?' He thought to himself. 'I wonder if she lives up to her name.'

He looked up at the young lady sitting on the edge of the bed, facing towards the window. "Usagi," he said quietly, "I'm Dr. Chiba. How are you feeling today?"

Slowly, the blonde turned away from the window. She took one look at her new doctor, then began screaming at the top of her lungs.

Mamoru leaned back against the doorframe in exasperation. Not again!

Mamoru was not happy with this turn of events. He had read that Usagi was well on her way to recovery, and that she was only with Mamoru for observation. Dr. Hongo gave Mamoru a weary smile. "I don't envy you one bit, Mamoru. This one was caught trying to 'fly' off a building, claiming that she had to get home. She said her people would save her. Someone happened to find her before she jumped, while she was screaming."

He read through the report, trying to relax before the sedatives they gave Usagi wore off. "It says here she claims to be a genie?"

Dr. Hongo nodded. " When they brought her in, she was kicking like a wild thing, and saying something like "I'll never grant you a wish! Not even if you were my master!"

Mamoru hid his head in his hands, and drank one more cup of coffee before going to rejoin his patient. Perhaps she would be more willing to talk.

Later on, as he saw her with Dr. Hikari, she seemed quite calm. Mamoru smiled. Maybe he could talk to her now without her screaming in his ears.

He noticed the look in her eyes as he walked in, and she smiled and gestured towards one of the chairs in the room. He sat down gingerly, and smiled at Dr. Hikari, mouthing that she could go. The doctor smiled at him as she walked out the door, thinking, 'I wish all my patients were as nice as that Usagi girl.'

With a sigh of relief, Mamoru took a seat in one of the hard plastic chairs, and pulled out a pen so he could take notes. If he was here to observe her, then by golly, he was going to get the most out of it.

"Usagi, are you going to talk to me today?" She didn't answer him, so Mamoru got out of his chair and moved to where she was standing by the window. When she noticed he was so close, her eyes widened. Taking in a deep breath, Usagi opened her mouth to scream again, but before she could, Mamoru clapped a hand over her mouth to silence her.

"Please, no more screaming. All I want is to talk with you and find out what's bother--OW!" He quickly removed his hand, staring at the fresh teeth marks that were imprinted in his palm.

He held his throbbing hand in shock and looked back at the blonde haired pixie, who was again calm and collected, smirking to herself. Shaking off the initial pain, Mamoru decided to call it a day, but asked her one more question as he left the room. "What do I have to do to get through to you?"

Usagi's voice was soft, but her answer was as plain as day. "You have to believe me."

Mamoru stopped in his tracks completely. "I have to what?" He asked. Usagi smiled at him, but there was almost a desperate look in her eyes. "You have to believe me. They locked me up in here, because nobody believed me. I want to get out of here!" She shouted, when he all he did was stare.

"Usagi-chan... what do you want me to believe in? Is there anything you can tell me that would help me believe you?" He started out, but Usagi only gave him a disgusted look. "Don't try that stuff on me. It won't work, Mamoru-san. I'm a little too old for that." With that said, Usagi proceeded to scream out her fury, but Mamoru couldn't help releasing one more remark before he left her room completely.

"With all that screaming you do, I'm surprised you're not with the toddlers." He then shut the door, not seeing Usagi's malicious look, and the quiet remark to herself.

"This is going to be fun."