Izzy: Well, Hello there, readers. xD I am Izzy-Chan and this is some random story I thought of.

Izzy-Chan: Who the HELL ARE YOU!

Izzy: Why, I'm Izzy.

Izzy-Chan: You can't be Izzy, I'M Izzy!

Izzy: So am I. I am YOU. Except, I am the more polite and nicer version.

Izzy-Chan: A nice and polite Izzy? Not real.

Izzy: Annnnyyywayyy. Issy111 doesn't own Naruto.

Izzy-Chan: Damn Straight! Now, You'd better scram before I beat the manners out of you.

Izzy: *Runs away*

Sakura flopped onto her bed angrily.

How could they have been so mean? I'm not useless!

Yes you are.

What do you know, Inner? You're just some voice inside my head.

Or am I? O.o

Um, yeah...you are...

She walked over to her desk, her pink locks bouncing with each step she took. She smiled as her fingers closed around the handle and pulled open the drawer. Her hand reached inside and pulled out a piece of paper. She read it over.


Come find me if you ever feel Konoha isn't the place for you. I'm never too far away.


Her lips quirked up into a smile as she remembered her early years with Uchiha Itachi. He was the brother she never had. Believe it or not, Sakura lost her first kiss to him. But that was all in the past. Itachi had left over 5 years ago, after he murdered his Clan. Her fist clenched.

"You just wait, Itachi-nii-san! I'll find you and then we'll be together." Sakura said, grabbing random items from around her room. Once she was completely sure that she had everything she would need, she sat at her desk. Sakura picked up a pen and began to write.

Sakura crept silently through the bushes nearby the Gates of Konohagakure. She smirked when she saw the guards sleeping. She rushed past them, only to stop on the first tree she could reach. She knew that once she was here, she was home-free.

"Good-bye, Konoha." Sakura whispered quietly before dashing off into the forest.

With Naruto

"Sakura? Look, about what we said earlier…we didn't mean it." Naruto pushed open Sakura's door and peered into her room. It was empty.

"Huh? What's this?" Naruto stared at the scroll on Sakura's once-used desk. His hand trembled as he slowly unraveled it.

Dear Friends and Loved Ones,

By the time you get this, I've already left. I don't expect to come back anytime soon. So this is goodbye. I don't have anything else to say to anyone from Konoha.

Haruno Sakura

"No…" Naruto's eyes were wide. He ran out of the room, with the scroll clutched in his hand.

"Who's this? She shouldn't be in our part of the forest." A voice asked from amidst the trees. Sakura whipped around, a kunai ready in her hand. A chuckle reached her ears.

"Calm down, pinky." A blue man stepped from the shadows, a huge sword on his back. His black cloak swaying in the slow wind. Sakura would recognize those red clouds anywhere.

"Akatsuki." She hissed the organization's name coated with hatred. She had heard what they did to other villages, the way they had mercilessly murdered innocent people.

"She knows us. Wanna kill her?" Blue man asked the… tree?

"Sakura?" Her head snapped up. She knew that voice. She knew it… Whose voice is that? Sakura gasped.

"I-Itachi?" The first thing she saw was Itachi's hair, unmistakable. It was long, tied with a ribbon she had bought him when she was 5. Sakura ran to him and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her tightly. Sakura took a deep breath in, remembering his scent. Tears streamed down her cheeks, soaking his cloak.

"Itachi, you know this girl?" Blue man interrupted. Itachi nodded, closing his eyes peacefully. But they opened up quickly.

"Sakura, I told you to find me if you ever felt Konoha wasn't the home for you. What happened?" Itachi laid a hand on her shoulder.


"Sakura was so useless on the last mission." Kakashi said to Naruto and Sasuke over a bowl of Ramen. Little did they know, Sakura was standing right outside the small ramen bar, frozen in place.

"What do you mean, the last mission? She's useless on every mission!" Naruto practically yelled, "Right, Sasuke?"

"Hn." Sakura had heard enough. She stepped into the restaurant and looked at the three with her red eyes and a tear halfway down her cheek. Before they had been able to say anything, she ran home.

"Oh, Sakura." Itachi held her again, tighter. She mumbled into his cloak.


"Can I stay with you?" She repeated, looking into his eyes. Itachi pursed his lips and threw a glance at Blue man.

"Kisame?" Kisame shrugged.

"You'll have to ask Pein." Itachi just nodded.

"You must be tired." He said to her. She nearly collapsed from exhaustion. She had traveled two days worth of ground in a matter of hours. Itachi caught her in his arms and picked her up. She felt so happy, so safe, in his arms. It wasn't long after they started running that Sakura fell asleep.

In Konoha

"Why would Sakura do this?" Sarutobi, the Third Hokage asked Team 7 as they stood in shock in his office. Naruto and Kakashi looked around nervously. The Third ignored them and rustled through some papers on his huge desk.

"It looks like you haven't had a mission in a couple days. Well here's one right now, go and find her. I don't care how you do it, as long as she comes back alive. She had potential as a Medic-nin." He commanded. They three nodded and left to prepare. Kakashi shook his head.

"I can't believe she left without waiting for an explanation. We thought she was useless because on every mission she never cooked for us!" Kakashi's eye closed in disbelief. Naruto pumped his fist in the air.

"Well, it's too late to tell her now, so the only thing we can do is rescue her. Believe it!"

"Sakura, wake up." Sakura felt someone shaking her. Her eyelids fluttered open and the first thing she saw was Itachi. Sakura smiled weakly.

"Mornins, 'Tachi." He smirked and planted a small kiss on her forehead.

"We're here." He whispered. She nodded and slowly rose. Sakura realized that she wasn't in his arms anymore, but instead on a bed. Her eyes squinted into the darkness, vaguely seeing Itachi's figure. He entwined his fingers into hers and led her down a hallway dimly lit with small candles. They reached a large room and she saw Itachi bow deeply. Sakura felt obliged to bow so she did. She heard a chuckle.

"Who is this girl, Itachi?" A masculine voice asked, clearly smiling.

"Her name is Haruno Sakura and she is from Konoha. I told her long ago that if she ever felt Konoha was not a place worthy of her home, I'd gladly take her in. She found me so I brought her here." Itachi replied respectively. A squeal almost shattered Sakura's ears.

"Oh, Pain! I've always wanted a daughter! Please, oh please, can she stay?" She sighed in relief. She was glad that she wasn't the only girl here.

No you're not. You want all the guys here to yourself.

Says who?

Says you!

Says me?

Yes! Says you!

I have Itachi, he's MORE than enough.

What he doesn't know and finds out about later will make him stronger.

Um…I think the correct quote was-

"Sakura, what are some of your abilities?" Pain wondered, pulling the girl out of her conversation with herself.

"Well, before I left Konoha, I was told that I had a bright future as a Medic-Nin. I don't know if that's true now… but I have excellent control over my chakra." Sakura smiled. The squeal came again.

"Pain, we're in need of some good Medics and she's simply adorable! Look at her hair, it matches her name perfectly! Pain, please?" A woman's voice whined. Sakura saw him nod.

"Itachi, bring Deidara in." He commanded. Itachi left for the briefest moment and returned to Sakura's side quickly.

"What is it, Leader-sama, un?" Sakura saw a blond come into the room.

"Fight this girl." Was all Pain said. She stared at the orange-haired man in horror. She wasn't nearly ready to take on a member of Akatsuki! Before Sakura had time to react, the blond came charging at her. She dodged him the best she could, only to get sliced by a kunai in her arm. She flinched. Sakura reached behind her and grabbed the staff that Tenten had given her for her birthday a year ago. He charged again but this time Sakura was ready. She swung the staff in his direction, but he avoided her hit at the last second. She smirked.

"Gotcha." Sakura said as her staff whipped back around behind her to trip the man who appeared there. He lay on the ground in surprise.

"How did you…?" He trailed off. Pain clapped slowly.

"Excellent work, Sakura. I think you'd make a fine addition to our organization." He smiled softly.

"Konan, take her to her new room and get her a cloak." Pain instructed. The woman she had heard squealing finally stepped into light. She was beautiful, with midnight blue hair and a delicate paper flower resting on her head. She had a piercing here and there, and her pink lips were curled up in a grin.

"I think you're going to love it here." Konan grabbed Sakura's hand and took her deeper into the Akatsuki base. There was no turning back now.

"Sakura, what's for breakfast?" Deidara grinned as he sat down at the long and impressive table. The rest of the Akatsuki were already seated, awaiting this morning's creation. Sakura skipped into the room, two huge platters balanced on her hands. She placed them easily down on the table and slowly lifted the covers. The members of Akatsuki clapped when they laid eyes on the eleven plates, all different and colorful. Sakura smiled and handed out each plate to its eater. She blushed slightly when she gave the second most delicious one to Itachi. I say second because Sakura gave the largest and prettiest plate to Pain and Konan. She set the monster breakfast between the two.

"Guess what today is." Sakura asked with a small smirk. Tobi flailed his arm in the air.

"Tobi know!" He screamed. Hidan glared at the orange mask from across the table.

"Shut the fuck up." Hidan growled. Tobi shrunk. Sakura shook her head in amusement. Pain returned his attention to her.

"What day is it, Sakura?" He wondered, smiling slightly.

"The 2-year anniversary of me joining Akatsuki!" Sakura cheered. Pain got out of his seat with Konan and they hugged her gently. Sakura sighed contently.

"I'm glad I joined, dad." She said happily. Pain nodded briefly and went to his huge breakfast. Sakura took her seat next to Itachi. When she was seated, he pulled her to him and their lips touched for a split second.

"Best decision of my life." Itachi whispered.

"It was two years ago, on this day." Naruto stared aimlessly into Sakura's old room. He was the first person to arrive. People started to filter into the abandoned house, the Hyuuga's, Yamanaka's, Nara's, Hatake's, and lastly, the Uchiha's. Ok, when I said plural, I really only meant one person, so sue me. In a once-empty corner of her room stood a cabinet. It's doors were open to reveal a picture of Sakura. Each person who had come took a turn in front of the shrine to leave a little prayer. Ino, Tenten, and Hinata all went up together. They sat quietly next to each other and in their heads said the same prayer.

Please bring Sakura bring back to us, safe and sound.

Ino stood up slowly, followed soon by her friends. Hinata wiped a tear before stealing a last glance at the picture of a smiling 12-year-old Sakura. Once almost everyone had said a little something for their long lost friend, there was only one person left. Sasuke Uchiha, of course. He knelt in front of the small cabinet.

I never told her how I feel. Please give me that chance. Just one chance, that's all I need. Then we'll see where she wants to stay.

Sasuke got up and left the house.

"Sakura, I have a mission for you, Itachi, and Kisame." Pain said when his daughter appeared before him.

"Sure, dad. What is it?" Pain looked at her. Sakura realized it.

"Oh, sorry. It's Leader-sama, isn't it? I can't get that right." Sakura pursed her lips. Pain chuckled.

"Anyway, your mission. I need you three to go to Konohagakure and check out the progress of the Nine-Tails. If its getting very strong, kill him. If not, report back." Pain dismissed her. Sakura ran to her room, where Itachi was waiting.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, pecking her on the lips. Sakura smiled.

"We have to go check on Naruto." She murmured, falling with him onto the bed. They lay there, sharing secrets with their eyes.

"I can't believe it's been two whole years since that day." Itachi smirked.

"I can't believe I didn't do it sooner." Sakura laughed. (And I can't believe it's not butter! Lol sry…) The door swung open and Kisame stood before them, a grin on his face.

"Am I interrupting?" He chuckled, showing his sharp teeth. Sakura tackled him.

"Nah, we were just planning your demise, that's all." She giggled. Kisame became serious quickly.

"What's the mission?"

"Checking up on Naruto and if he's getting strong enough to be a threat, kill him on spot. Otherwise, just report back." Kisame nodded.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Kisame flashed another sharky grin and walked out of the door. Sakura and Itachi followed closely behind, a deadly look in their eyes, but a happy smile on their lips. The three grabbed their hats and disappeared into the darkness, their cloaks blending in perfectly.

Izzy: Well? What'd u think? I know it's not leading anywhere… but in good time! I'll post chapter 2, asap! Thanks for reading, leave me a review! And I don't mind flames, I've been in this business long enough to handle them. =P Love you! Izzy out. =D