A/n: ok so I know im talking a long time and im sorry, its not easy. I will be adding many short chapters. Just because that way I can make sure you get your story! ASAP. Sorry here is ch7

Sora walked up to the club door with Riku, their hands bumping into each other as they did. Riku grabbed a hold of Sora's hand smiling at the brunette before him.

Sora smiled, his cheeks a light red, as he looked up from his hand to the silver haired hottie.

"Riku!" Yuffie stood in front of them, her arms crossed. "You made Sora late!" She grabbed Sora's arm, tearing him away from Riku.

"Oh no! It was- I mean-" Sora attempted to explain. Riku chuckled lightly and looked at her.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help but steal him away." He smirked causing Sora to blush once again.

Why can't I go a minuet without blushing when im around him? Sora thought.

"Riku, you should get moving. Club will be open soon, won't it?" Ansem said putting an arm around Sora. Riku looked at his brother irritated, struggling not to attack him in front of Sora.

"Alright, get a move on you two. Sora's got a job to do and you both have somewhere else to be." Tifa came between Ansem and Sora, attempting to avoid Riku getting angry.

"Always ruining my fun." Ansem pouted then kissed Sora on his cheek and stepped next to Riku.

Yuffie pulled Sora into the club, "We should get you ready!" Riku grabbed Ansem's arm.

"IF you ever touch him again!" he began.

"Control yourself Riku. You know what happens when you get mad." Ansem smirked at his younger sibling. Riku had always had a problem with his temper, it was one of the reasons he made sure to get a school far away.

"Enough you two." Their eldest brother walked up to them, "Tifa go back inside." Tifa nodded uncertain of what he would do and walked to Sora.

"This has to stop. At least for the summer, you two can't keep fighting." Seph looked at the two, knowing neither would listen.

"I won't stop until he leaves Sora alone" Riku pushed Ansem towards the wall.

"Then we have a problem because I'm going to get him." Ansem pushed Riku as he spoke, equally as angry as Riku.

"Umm. Is this the club?" a short blond asked from behind the two. "I don't mean to interrupt but I'm pretty sure I have an interview today?"

"What's your name?" Seph asked just as perplexed as his brothers. He's spoken to the boy but never met him in person, let alone seen a photo of him.

"Roxas." He looked between Riku and Ansem. Both were staring at him as if he were a ghost.

"You're hired. Tonight is your first day is that ok?" Seph smiled welcoming the young boy.

"Ye-yeah. But why are you looking at me like that?" he walked around the two towards the entrance.

"Hi. I'm Sora." The brunette said to the blond. Riku and Ansem blinked, they looked like brothers. Not brothers as in relatives, but as in equals. Like they were apart of each other.

Riku watched the two, he knew he'd seen that necklace before, but where?

"I'm Roxas." They smiled at each other. "You got some weird guys on these steps." Roxas laughed with Sora as they walked in.

"Who is he? He seems familiar." Riku stepped inside watching the two converse.

"A friend of a Friend." Seph whispered placing a hand on Riku's shoulder.

"Looks like we got more competition." Ansem sighed his hands on his side as he shook his head.

"Go to your band," Seph looked at Luke, he was obviously eyes Sora and Roxas.

"Yeah. Hey Vincent!" Riku walked over to them, they needed to practice and had less than an hour to do so.

"Check out the new blood." Luke smirked watching Roxas and Sora talking and laughing.

"Not for you to try." Vincent walked in front of him, blocking his view of the teens. "You touch them and you'll get hurt. Sora belongs to Riku, and that blond one. Well, look at the necklace. Your father wouldn't be happy to know you did that to someone of his rank." Vincent walked to Riku and continued setting up.

"Hey, since we'll be here for a week, mind if I invite a friend to come watch us play tomorrow?" Luke smirked Riku and his father did not scare him.