The Good Side of the Bad.

Hey, I know I haven't updated in a while but that is because I paused this story. My other story, Secrets, Lies & Victory, needs to be adopted, so if you want it, please PM me.

Anyway on with the chapter. In case you have forgotten, this is what has happened so far:


Zoey and the gang are in Venice again, to try and face the high council. Love sparks between Zoey and Stark as Zoey realises exactly what Stark did for her.

However, trouble is brewing because Bella, Edward, Renesmee and Jacob happen to be on vacation in Venice, too.

Soon, the rest of the Cullen family joins them, and it seems like on a shopping trip gone bad, the vampyres & vampires meet. Are all things in the world Light and Dark?

Chapter 5

Zoey POV.

After the little incident at the mall, I was annoyed. Aphrodite had full out refused my warning and carried on! Didn't she care I was her High Priestess?

On the bright side, we did get some dresses. I don't know why out of all the shops Aphrodite and the Twins chose a dress shop, considering we didn't need any.

After we visited a few more shops, with casual clothes, we were on our way out.

We were walking out of the mall and towards the car, where the guys were meeting us, and when we were in the car park I noticed that the Yellow Porsche was gone.

We drove back to the hotel in silence. Aphrodite and the Twins seemed to see that I was angry, so decided not to speak.

Once we were back at our hotel – where we were staying since we only had rooms in the council castle for a little while, because of the meeting – we were tired and carrying so many bags. Aphrodite had booked us rooms so we just went straight up. Our room was on the second-to-top floor, which was great because it had an amazing view.

There were four rooms on the floor and we all of them. Shaunee and Erin were sharing a room, Aphrodite and Darius were sharing another, Damien was sharing one on his own and the last room was for Stark and I.

Once we got in our room and unpacked, I had a shower, to get all the stress out. I got dressed in the bathroom and put a towel on my head before I walked out. Stark was lying on the bed, watching TV.

I headed towards the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Stark asked.

"Out, to see Aphrodite. She totally annoyed me in mall today." I replied.

"Why what did she do?" He asked.

"I'll tell you later, but right now I really want to go see her." I said.

Stark gave me an adorable smirk. "You're really going to go out like that?"

"Like what?" I asked cautiously, looking down at my outfit. A pair of three-quarter length jeans and a t-shirt, then I spotted it. "Oh, I'm not wearing shoes!"

I walked over to my wardrobe which at the bottom had my shoes. I slipped on some socks and a pair of comfy boots before heading back to the door.

Stark rolled his eyes.

"What?" I demanded.

Stark started snickering. "You still have a towel on your head."

I felt my face go warm, and turned away. I quickly took my towel off, and let my hair loose. It was still wet.

"Happy?" I asked, rolling my eyes, turning towards the door. I could feel Stark's eyes looking at me.

"Very." I heard his reply, and I knew he was grinning. "Oh and don't go outside with wet hair!"

I rolled my eyes and carried on walking towards the room Aphrodite was staying in. She also had kept all the dresses. Why? I don't know. In fact I didn't even know why we went dress shopping considering we didn't even need dresses. Ah well. Who knows what goes on in Aphrodite's and the Twins minds.

I got to the door and knocked. Even from outside the door I could hear kissing noises, and I knew something was going on in there. I also knew they had heard the knock, but Aphrodite chose to ignore it.

"Aphrodite." I yelled. "Open the bloody door."

I heard commotion inside and then finally the door opened to reveal Aphrodite. She was wearing just a night gown, made of pink silk.

"Yes." She said, irritated.

I glared at her. "We need to talk. Now."

"Now! Can't you see I'm b –" She started but was cut off as Darius came.

"Yes, Priestess, you may." He said, looking at Aphrodite. "I will leave you two alone."

I walked into their apartment. It was pretty similar to ours, a living room, small kitchen and two bedrooms with en suites, however the colours were different.

I walked into their living room and sat down on a comfy red leather sofa. Aphrodite came and sat down next to me.

"What?" She asked.

I took a deep breath, "You totally dis-obeyed me, Aphrodite. You have to face it, I am your High Priestess, you have to listen to me."

Aphrodite turned towards me, "Look, Zoey, I know I didn't listen to you. But there was something strange about those girls, I had a bad feeling. And I didn't want to back down and let her have the satisfaction."

"I get it. I know those girls didn't seem… right, but that doesn't mean that you should go arguing with people over a dress! A dress that you don't even need!" I replied back.

I could see that Aphrodite wanted to retort something back but she managed not to, "Okay, fine. I'm sorry Zoey. It won't happen again."

I nodded, then remembered what I had thoughts about those girls in the mall. What were there names again? Oh, Bella, Alice, Rosalie and Nessie. They had some kind of dark aura around them and were all strikingly beautiful. Almost out-of-this-world beautiful. They moved around with such grace it was almost like they were dancing.

However, out of all of these things, one thing different about them struck me the most. I didn't feel blood-lust when around them. Instead, I felt fear. However, the younger girl, Nessie, did not seem to have as much of a dark aura around her, and I still had felt a little blood-lust, but not as much as usual.

"Did you notice anything about those girls?" I asked Aphrodite.

"Yeah! I don't know why, but they weren't right, Z. They seemed… different. Very different. It wasn't right. And I kept on getting a bad feeling about them, like they were… not real." Aphrodite said the last bit carefully, like she didn't want to believe it.

I sighed. "Well, their gone now. What are the chances we will see them again, eh? Besides we have important things to do, and thinking about them won't help."

Bella POV.

After the disastrous trip to the mall, we all decided to go out on a boat ride together, and since it was dark, it would be perfect.

After the boat ride Edward, Jacob and I took Renesmee back to our room because Nessie was tired.

Nessie POV.

This holiday was turning out to be amazing! The trip to the mall was great, Alice picked me out a whole new closet and I got a few nice stuff of my own choice, too. However, the trip to the dress shop had to be the most awkward, since there was an argument between Aunt Rose and another pretty blonde woman, over the dress that I didn't want.

"So did you enjoy today, Nessie?" Jacob asked me as I walked into his room.

"Yeah, 'course, bit awkward at the mall though," I replied.

"Why? What happened?" He asked, worried.

I laughed. "Nothing happened. Just Aunt Rosalie and another lady got into an argument about some dress," I answered.

Jake rolled his eyes. "Typical Blondie, getting annoyed about stupid things,"

I could hear mum and dad laughing in the next room as Jacob said this.

I yawned, and suddenly realised how sleepy I felt. "I think I'm going to go sleep now. Ask mum about what happened, she knows more than I do." I said.

"Okay, 'night Nessie," Jake said.

"'Night," I replied, walking back to my room.

In the morning.

Zoey POV.

In the morning, we went down to breakfast which was being served as part of the 'all inclusive' deal, and there were loads of different foods to choose from, bacon, eggs, toast, omelette, various types f meat and fruit. But I only wanted one thing for breakfast.

Finally, after hunting and hunting through the mini cereal boxes which were in a corner, away from the hot food, I finally found what I wanted. Count Chocula cereal, my favourite.

As I made my way to the table Aphrodite, Darius, Stark, Damien, Shaunee and Erin were sat, I saw that they were in deep conversation about something. As Stark saw me he smiled and moved up a bit, making space for me.

"What you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Shhh!" They said.

I gave them a confused look, and Aphrodite rolled her eyes, jerking her chin to something behind me.

I turned around to look what it was, and finally my gaze found what Aphrodite was talking about. On the other side of the room sat the most beautiful nine people I had ever seen, and together they made quite the sight. Most of them were pale, with amber eyes, with the except of a tall, bulky, yet hot guy sitting next to a pale girl with blushing cheeks.

"Could you make it more obvious you're staring!" Aphrodite hissed.

I turned back towards the others and then glanced casually behind me.

Among the beautiful people sat the four girls we had seen yesterday at the mall, and again I saw that dark aura around not only them, but every single person on that table.

Not much happened, I know, but I didn't know what to write. Anyway, second encounter and maybe soon they will find out what everything means.

Thanks for reading and please review.