Angel: Well now that Apollo is working on his poetry, I decided to bring in some one special

Zeus: How dare you introduce me as "Someone Special" I should be introduced as "Zeus the father of the sky and ruler of all the gods!"

Angel: I am sorry Zeus, please proceed with what you where going to say. (I say with my head bowed down)

Zeus: Now that's more like it. But Angel here would like to remind all of the mortals and maybe Demi-gods that she does not own Percy Jackson. She will never own it either.

Angel: You don't know that! How would you know that! I very well could! And you know what else I have to say! I think- (stops and opens eyes wide)

Zeus: I will let that slide this time, but watch your words missy.

Athena POV:

I saw Percy's eyes go a bit wide with fear and surprise. His eyes where aimed just behind my shoulder. I looked around still with a smile on my face, just to see Chiron, Percy's friend Grover, and my daughter. My smile faltered, but when Grover saw us, I had to smile again. I waved them over.

"Why'd you wave them over here, we could have snuck out before they saw us." I heard Percy breath so only I could hear.

"I called them over so they wouldn't be suspicious of us if they caught us. Well, at least Annabeth. She does know your a god right?" Percy didnt answer. "Right?" I said a bit louder, even though I knew the answer. Still no answer. I do have to say i was mad at Percy for not telling Annabeth, but that could be figured out after dinner through Iris messages.

"Hey Percy!" Grover said when they reached the table. Chiron bowed his head to both of us and quietly said hello, but Annabeth just kept her head away from Percy. She greeted me warmly though.

"Hello mother." She said to me.

"Hello Annabeth. How has your day been?"

"Its been ok, not the best day I've had, but I've been through worse." She quickly glanced at Percy, then smiled back to me. "But what has brought you here?"

"I was just going to ask you the same question." Percy replied for me.

"Oh, hello Percy. Enjoying being a god?" She asked sourly.

"Yes in fact. I have, I would invite you up to see my temple, but I'm not sure if you want to or not."

"It would be an honor to be invited into your temple." She replied without directly looking at him, more looking down at the floor looking in my general direction. "But neither of you answered my question of why your here."

"I just decided to welcome Percy to Olympus by buying him some dinner. Why are you down here?" I replied back calmly and warmly, trying not to give anything away.

"We decided to come down to Olympus for a night to see how Percy was doing, and came to dinner here."

"Ok. Well I'm doing fine. I really think that we should finish up here Athena." Percy said quickly

"I want to sit here and finish my dinner at my own pace. If that's ok with you' but I really must insist that you three go and find your own table, for we do not want to mess up the waiter with checks."

"Yes of course. We will go find another table." Chiron said, then bowed his head and rolled away in his wheelchair. Grover followed, but Annabeth stayed behind a few seconds eyeing Athena's hand, then shook her head and ran to catch up with the other two.

"Do you think Annabeth noticed the ring?" Percy asked quickly.

"Of course she did, this thing is a rock. She probably only shook it off because I have so many nice pieces of jewelry." I said back, trying to make my voice not sound worried, but inside I was. I knew I would have to face this over Iris talking to Annabeth tonight.

Percy POV:

Annabeth must be so pissed at me, we shared an amazing kiss on her standard and more, only to find out I left her to become a god and marry her mom. I'm sure I will have to talk to her tonight someway or another through Iris. I wonder if Athena is going to try to cover it up or not.

"Athena, are you going to try and cover up that we are engaged, or just tell everyone when we get back?"

"I'm sure some people will automatically know like Aphrodite, but others wont, so we'll just let it spread how it would. With Annabeth, I think we should tell her tonight. She might already know."

After that our dinner was normal, just like any mortal would have there first date. We left hand in hand, and I could feel Annabeths stare behind us, but I continued walking. When we got to the top of Olympus, I walked her back to her own temple, kissed her goodbye, then started walking towards my own temple, filled with water in which Annabeth could contact me. This wont be good. I quickly changed into a bathing suit and i dived in the water. Shortly after, Annabeths image began to come. I climbed to the surface and climbed out.

"PERCY JACKSON! HOW COULD YOU! YOU BECOME A GOD, THEN TAKE MY MOM OUT FOR A DATE! She's MY MOM! It's just weird that you decided to go out with her! Why not Aphrodite, or even try Artemis, but why my mom?" She was screaming almost the whole time, but got quiet at the last four words.

"Annabeth, I know your mad, but let me explain. I stayed back to talk to my dad that day, because I wanted to become a god. He told me to sleep on it. That night I had a dream that I was going to become a main god, up there next to my dad. So i decided that the dream meant I should become a god, so I did. Athena watched my father turn my into a god, then offered to show me around Olympus as a god. My father said it was all right and left. When we got back to her temple, I was going to go back down to you guys, but at the top of the steps, she kissed me. She then walked into the back of her temple, and I left. Grover told me later that kissing someone on sacred ground bounds them for life. So I went out and bought her an expensive piece of jewelry. You can probably guess which, and gave it to her tonight." I said, now I was waiting for her response, but it didnt come so I kept explaining; "now me and Athena are going to get married. Nobody know yet, nobody but Athena, you, and I. Soon Aphrodite when she next sees Athena. She's already started planning the wedding" I then stopped there because I started going back on my date with Athena speaking my thoughts out loud.

"Percy, why did you kiss me that night on the beach, why did you lead me back to your cabin? Why? Were you trying to mess with me?" She asked I could see the tears coming up in her eyes.

"No Annabeth, after I turned into a god, I realized that I never kissed you before then, so I felt as a good bye gift I would, but I never meant for it to go that far."

"What where you thinking while kissing me Percy? And don't lie to me."

"I was thinking about Athena." I replied. Annabeth sighed and rubbed her eyes "I'm sorry Annabeth, but I'm now officially breaking up with you. Goodnight" And with that, I cancelled the Iris message and jumped back into the pool to clear my mind.

Angel: Wow, that a bit dramatic. Jeez Annabeth, who knew you could be such a drama queen.

Annabeth: I am not a drama queen. Now shut up.

Angel: Whatever you say drama mama. (Says while turning to go run and hide from Annabeth)

Annabeth: When I get my hands on you…!

Angel: Don't worry! I'll get someone less dramatic to talk to you next time! (Yells while laughing and running)