I don't own anything here. No infringement intended. Anything related to other matters is coincidental.

"Hello, I'm Hank Hill and I sell propane and propane accessories," is what Hank said to his next customer.

It was another busy day at Strickland Propane. After a recent propane shortage in Arlen, people have been coming to Strickland nonstop, every minute of every day. Hank had to work some overtime, not to mention he and Buck Strickland were also working hard to stop their customers from going to Thatherton. After working hard these past few days Hank was sweaty and felt like he might finally crack from pressure. He felt like his hard-pumping heart would just give out from exhaustion. And not all the customers were satisfied.

"I'm not here to chat Hank, I need propane now!" said one rude customer.

"Hurry up! This place gives crappy service!" said another customer.

"Don't worry I'm getting to you sir!" said Hank. "And you take that back! Strickland Propane offers the best service around." Hank just couldn't take anymore of this. It would probably only take a small spark to make Hank explode.

"Will you hurry up! I got a barbecue at my house in like 2 hours!" said a jerk who had been waiting for maybe 30 seconds.

"We have plenty of propane for everyone Mr. Ferd," said Hank.

"Well hurry up then or I might just cook my burgers with charcoal instead!" said Ferd.

Just then Hank stopped and angrily turned his vision to Ferd.

"What did you say there Ferd?" Hank said in an angry tone.

"I don't really see how propane is better anyway, seeing as how it takes this long to get a damn tank!" Mr. Ferd just up roared. As Hank stared at Ferd, the vein in Hank's neck started to show itself and pulse. Hank felt as though all of his anger, from all those terrible customers, that was bottled up inside him was going to burst like a soda.

Out of nowhere Hank just made a fist and punch Ferd right in the face. As Ferd got up off the ground holding his bleeding nose Hank shouted at him.

"Get the hell out of here you little b...!" Hank screamed at the top of lungs. Then Ferd along with mostly everyone else ran out of the store.

Then Mr. Buck Strickland came in. "Whoa there ol' top! Calm down!"

"Mr. Strickland I've had enough of this crap. I'm the only one working! Enrique's sick, Joe Jack's a lazy f..., and Donna's on vacation that YOU gave her!" Hank shouted to his stupid boss.

"Aw come on ol' top, things can't get worse with you around," Strickland said.

Then Hank said something to Buck Strickland that he never have to say. "I'm sorry Mr. Strickland, but I'm overworked, I can't believe I'm saying this but I need a break!"

"No way Hank! This business is still running thanks to you," Buck said.

"I said I've had enough so now I'M TAKIN A BREAK!" Hank screamed. He didn't care at all that he shouted at the man whom he formerly idolized.

"Okay, okay ol' top just go home," Buck said scared. Hank walked out (past Joe Jack sleeping on his desk) and drove his truck home.