This is my first fic that I've posted though I've been reading stories on this site for years and had my own page I've never got round to posting. All constructive criticism is welcome, all flames will be ignored. Of you don't like the story don't read it as no one is making you and all you're doing is wasting time and effort. There probably won't be any AN's in each chapter unless there's something important to inform you all. I will tell you now that I suffer from anxiety and therefore have trouble with keeping on time update. I can guarantee that I will not abandon any of my writing not matter how long an absent I may have.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Harry Potter or Death Note nor do I get any financial gain from posting.

"I believe, no I know that Ray came into contact with Kira on that bus. That's why he was killed. Kira, Kira got to him...what should I do? Harry?"

"Naomi Misora, when did you ever asked for advice? Heck, even on your own cases, including the BB case that you worked on with L."

"I know, I just don't know what to do. All I know is that Kira had too of been someone Ray was investigating for L."

"So go to the Police Headquarters and see if you can talk to Chief Yagami, maybe even see if you can speak to L himself. Your theories are sound and I believe that L would be interested in them."

A sigh. "You think so?"

Dry chuckles. "No need to sound hopeful. If it makes you feel any better I'll come to Japan and help you investigate Ray's death and approach L myself."

A quick draw of breath. "Really? You'll come here for me? But, but aren't you in London? I don't want to be a hassle."

"Naomi, you can never be a hassle. You helped me in more ways than you can ever know both you and Ray. I want justice for what was done to Ray, and all of those murdered convicts. Besides, I've been looking forward to a reunion with both you and L. It's been far too long since I've seen either of you."

A giggle. "Indeed, it has been too long. When should I expect your arrival?"

"I'll be on the next flight. Meanwhile go see Yagami and tell him what you know, he may take you to L. I'll be there as soon as I can Mi-chan."

"I know you will Harri-kun. I'll go see the Police tomorrow after I organise a lift for you from the airport to the hotel I'm staying in."

"Stay safe, don't give your name to anyone until you've spoken to L, alright? I don't want to lose you too. I'll see you tomorrow night."

Don't worry, I may not be an active agent anymore but that doesn't mean I'm wet behind the ears. You take care too; I know how much you hate confined spaces."

"I'll be fine, I'll be there soon."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."




"You've reach Naomi Misora, I can't answer the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you." Beep.

"Naomi, just letting you that my fights been delayed for a couple of hours. If all goes well I'll make it for dinner. Harry."




"You've reach Naomi Misora, I can't answer the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you." Beep.

"It's me again, the flight's gone off without a hitch and I'm doing fine. By the way where are we going to eat? Just remember I'm not a big fan of red meat. Harry."




"You've reach Naomi Misora, I can't answer the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you." Beep.

"Mi-chan, just a quick update, planes about five hours away. Doing fine, the ipod's really helping. Harri."




"You've reach Naomi Misora, I can't answer the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you." Beep.

"Naomi how did your meeting go with Chief Yagami? Did you get to talk to L? Or is that why you haven't answered or returned my calls? Don't leave my hanging. Harry."




"You've reach Naomi Misora, I can't answer the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you." Beep.

"Landed safe and sound and thanks for the ride, heading over to the hotel now, might be asleep when you come in, wake me for dinner. Harri."




"You've reach Naomi Misora, I can't answer the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you." Beep.

"- answer the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you." Beep.

"- please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you." Beep.

"- the beep and I'll get back to you." Beep.

"-I'll get back to you." Beep.

- Beep.




"Potterue-san, we are sorry to inform you that Misora, Naomi has been reported missing and presumed dead. We are sorry for your lose. If you have any information that may help with our investigation please contact us."




"Watari, it's me. Kira just made a mistake and his life is now mine. Tell L I'm joining the investigation. Plus we have some unfinished business from when we're last together."