Where have I been? Why don't I have any more stories? WHAT HAPPENED?
Stuff. The answer is STUFF. I fell in love with an anime x3 It's really good- it's called 'Special A'. And since I love pokemon too, I decided to combine them and...Tada~! New Fanfic! I've been watching anime, and doing my homework and projects. School. Kills. All.

S-even C-rappy H-ours O-f O-ur L-ives. Perfect description right there. Too bad I don't own THAT or SPECIAL A or POKEMON.
Now I'm depressed hahaha...haha...ha...boo hoo. What a creative thing for a disclaimer, right?

Now, what happened to my stories? I've developed new writing skills over the past (crappy) three weeks at my school, then I read my fanfictions and thought they were crappy too. There were spell fails and 'Pretend or Not' was very confusing. I might redo those later if I have some more time. Then, I've been reading too many fanfictions. Sowee x(

If you haven't watched Special A, then you'll just think that this is an awesome story with creative character traits I created.

If you have watched Special A, you'll find that the character personalities are the same when comparing (certain) characters. The plot is something different. I won't be using Special A plot, because I've read plenty of fanfictions that use the same sentences used in the anime that it's so boring to read. Well, the plot will be different.

Enjoy and please review! I wanna know if I should continue or not!



0o0o(Dawn's POV)o0o0

Dear Dawn Hikari,

This letter has been delivered to you to inform you that you will not be taking

all Pre-AP classes this year. I have received several recommendations from your

previous teachers, and have also seen your grade point average, which is simply

outstanding. This year, we have started another series of classes- where you will compete against

the other top 7 students. The arrangements are up to you and your class.

This class goes by the name of "Special P." It stands for 'Special Pokemon Class'



My eyes shined in delight. A 'Special P' class! Being in the top seven! Not like I didn't expect that...but it was exciting! This was the maybe fiftieth time I had reread the letter, and each time I finished I swelled with pride and excitement.

A figure running toward me from the left became clearer. It was May- and she looked sort of disappointed- like something really bad happened. "Dawn, I'm sorry, but I won't be attending the classes that I told you I was. With my new schedule, I'm not even sure that I can even see you-"

"What?" I shouted. "But how-"

"Bus," May said, pointing to the bus that was gradually halting in front of us. The driver motioned for us to board.

"Oh my gosh!" Drew gasped dramatically. He was sitting in the seat next to ours on the right. "It's May Maple! I can't believe she made it to the S-"

"It's not important," May scoffed.

Drew went on, pretending not to hear her. "I mean, May Maple. MAY MAPLE. In the S-"

"IT'S NOT IMPORTANT!" May screeched.

"What's not important?" I asked her.

May blushed, then poked her fingers together, embarrassed. "Dawn, I'm not looking down on you, but-"

"I can't believe May made it to the-"

"LET ME TALK!" May screamed.

"QUIET IN THE BACK!" The bus driver yelled, turning sharply to the left.

"Look, Dawn, I'm not looking down on you, but I made it to this special course of classes- the Special P." She flushed even more. "It's alright, I think we'll still maybe see each other,"

I ignored her. "The Special P? You were chosen too?"

May looked at me in disbelief. "Wow! Yay! We both made it to the Special P class!"

"You said it wasn't important," Commented Drew.

"You-" May started, her face all red. "At least you didn't make it to the Special P!"

Drew flinched, looking hurt. He pulled out a neatly folded letter identical to the one I was holding. "Well, I did, May, sorry to burst your bubble,"


I sweat-dropped, then turned to face both of them. "Wait, who else is there? The letter said that the class only has eight of the top students...That's me, May, and Drew. So who's left?"

"We're at school," May sniffed, avoiding Drew. "We'll find out."


Rank 1: Paul Shinjii

Rank 2: Dawn Hikari

Rank 3: Gary Oak

Rank 4: Misty Waterflower

Rank 5: Drew Hayden

Rank 6: Ash Ketchum

Rank 7: Leaf Green

Rank 8: May Haruka

"RANK TWO?" I screamed. "AGAIN?"


"Huh?" I looked at the board again. "Paul Shinjii? Why does his last name have two i's? HAH! I found it first! I win Paul! HA!"

Paul came up from behind me. "Rank 1, as usual," He boasted, smirking. "Oh, and you didn't win. I won by finding out that both of our names use ten characters. So I beat you by coming up with one more,"

I felt crushed. "PAUL!"

"There's nothing wrong with winning," Paul said innocently.

Drew stood next to me, observing the list. "Fifth," He said. "Oh well, at least I beat May."

May was crying waterfalls- anime style.

"Oh!" I realized, deciding to ignore Paul. "Misty's in the Special P too!"

As if on cue, Misty came up to us excitedly. "Oh, I thought I would have to deliver the news sadly!" She sighed happily, hugging May and I. "I haven't seen you two in AGES!"

"More like a day," Ash muttered.

"Hi Ash," Drew greeted him.

"Hn." Paul grunted. "Hi, I guess,"

Ash's eyes widened. "Did you guys not fight already about the Rank 1- Rank 2 thing?" He asked curiously.

"They did," May said. "You missed it.

Ash snapped his fingers, disappointed. "Darn. I had my video camera ready."

"Leaf!" I cried, seeing her getting off her bus. "Leaf, you made it too!"

"Dawn! May! And Misty too! I thought I was gonna be stuck with idiots for my Special P class!" Then, she saw Drew, Paul, and Ash and sweat-dropped. "Well, at least half my class aren't idiots!"

She studied the list. "Then the only one missing is..."

"Gary Oak is here!" He stepped out of a white limousine, looking very out of place. "Special P member- Rank 3!"

Random girls crowded around him, asking for his autograph or if he was taken. "Sorry," He apologized. "I have someone else in mind- but all of you are very special indeed,"

"Ka...wa...ii!" The girls screamed, and parted so he could go up to his classmates.

"Yup..." Leaf muttered weakly. "Half awesome people and half idiots..."

The bell dinged, and students poured into the school. The principal came up to them. "You have a special, relaxing greenhouse to study peacefully in. You will enjoy lunches in the kitchen part of the greenhouse, and have physical education directly outside. If you want, you may stay after school to socialize. This is our reward to the eight amazing students of this school. No events are currently planned, so you may socialize in there,"

I opened the door. "Wow! It's so...beautiful!"

"It's a greenhouse, duh," Paul said, walking over to the table.

"A table!" Ash exclaimed. "Food! May, you're the expert at making food! Make some for us, please!"

Misty whacked him with a random pan. "Don't trouble her like that," She snapped, looking somehow hurt.

"She's the best cook," Ash complained. "I didn't have any breakfast!"

"Well, that's your fault then," Drew muttered darkly. "But I agree- May is the best cooker out of all of us. So cook, May."

"N-no way!" May defended herself, also clearly surprised that Drew had praised her.

"I'll help!" I offered.

"Thanks!" May sighed as we walked over to the kitchen to prepare some snacks. "I don't know what's gotten into them- Misty and Drew, I mean. They looked like they could kill."

"Huh?" I asked. "Really?"

May nodded. "Well, the good thing is that we- I mean, me, you, Misty, and Leaf are in the same class. We'll just try to zoom through the year avoiding those idiots,"

I smiled. "And I promise to finally beat Paul Shinji!"

"This year is gonna be great!" We both shouted, high-fiving.

And that's how this fanfic started. ^^

I will update very soon, I promise. Once I have more free time. I might even update again TODAY!

So stay tuned! Thank you for reading- please comment what you think!


Currently: 4:15 P.M.