Sookie POV:*****************

"I see your earlobe grew back, Eric."

"Yes, Alice, and I see your ankle straightened as well." Eric said to the stunning pixie-like vampire who stood in the doorway next to Bill, looking at us. The harsh yellow fluorescent light of the patio gleamed against Bill and the stranger's backs illuminating them in an odd lighted halo. Both being vampires, they still looked stunning, even under the hideous fluorescents that grotesquely distorted us humans. Damn vampires and their eternal flawlessness.

She smiled, looking down while she extended her slender, dancer-like leg and moved her ankle in a circle.

"Good as new!" She said. "I'm no match for a wooden stage." Alice grinned impishly at Eric and then winked at me. Here stood a feisty but petite dark haired beauty, with a chin length hair cut, exquisitely clad in a modern wrap dress, standing on the legs of what could be a professional ballerina's, accompanying my ex boyfriend and seemingly knowing my current fling. I don't know why, but I liked her immediately.

Bill took in the sight before him. Us. Us in our Halloween costumes. Eric set me down gently back on my feet. Bill's brows furrowed and I could practically see his unnecessary breath seething out of his nostrils like a mad bull's. Eric, seeing Bill's flustered state, procured his usual smirk as Bill cringed. Shaking himself briefly back into composure, Bill spoke.

"Sookie, this is Alice. I knew a friend of hers back in the war. It seems her...," He paused. "... our friend, has gone missing." Bill said, while he gave a sideways look at Eric, clearly speculating at just how these two seemed to know each other. He went on to explain that whilst in Peru he had been passing his evenings in a small wine bar, attempting to conduct the business he was sent to attend to. He knew it was for the best that he was in Peru, though he longed for Sookie, and to be back in Bon Temps, attempting to make amends which he knew would be to no avail. What used to be the space of his guts wrenched up with regret and despair. Being away from her was agony, but being back, not being able to be with her was torturous. He knew he wronged her. He knew he deserved every bit of suffering he endured and was quite certain he would suffer with it for eternity. Her life would end in the normal human lifespan and his would continue in the same unchanging manner, his grief never to be released in the bliss of death.

Bill recounted the story of he and Alice's meeting. One evening, while waiting for his business associates to arrive, his "heart" feeling heavier than usual with memories of Sookie, the door to the establishment opened in a rush and there Alice stood. The light wind blew around her, fluttering her delicate skirt in waves of thin red silk. Her tear stained face scanned the bar and fixed on him. Gathering her composure, she walked toward him with grace and a purpose, stopping at his table, exhaling deeply, as though a huge relief had been met. He, quite conversely, felt a rise of anxiety, fear, and surprisingly, considering his emotional state, other things.

"There you are!" She spoke. "You are a hard man to track, Bill Compton." Startled at the use of his name, Bill recoiled and sat wide eyed, open mouthed, wondering what to say. Finally his words found him.

"She sent you?" He asked.

"Yes. She knew only you could help me. You had the right..." Alice paused, "...friends". She said with an air of sarcasm. Bill was completely intrigued, glad at the immediate distraction from his own grief, but guarded none the less. He knew this had something to do with Eric and felt a twinge of ice run up his already cold spine. No one used the term "friends" like that without referring to the person you cared least about.

There were a thousand reasons Bill loathed Eric. Right now the one fresh on his mind was the fact that Eric had outed him to Sookie. Informed her that Queen Sophie Anne had sent her hired employee, Bill, as a procurer for Sookie's part fairy blood. This had been the catalyst to their hasty parting. It topped the list of reasons to keep he and Eric enemies, but one, a rather important one, and the one probably corresponding to the situation that presently sat before him, that kept them linked.

"Please have a seat, " Bill gestured to the chair and she obliged. "Continue, Miss..." Bill said.

"Cullen. Alice Cullen. I'm here because my dear friend, practically my brother, has gone missing. He was searching for you when he..." The beautiful golden eyes began to well up with tears. "... disappeared." She continued, choking back another round of stifled sobs. Her eyes held him in a pleading look that screamed, "help me". He took her hand from her lap and held it gently in his own. It seemed that as of late, women always seemed to be crying in near proximity to him. He was relieved that at least he wasn't the source of this one's tears. Yet. Just wait. The night is young. He thought as he contemplated that he may be the source of more tears if he was, in fact, unable to help this beautiful creature with her mission.

He gently stroked the back of her velvet hand, enjoying the skin and sweet perfume of female skin.

"Please continue, Miss Cullen," he urged.

"Well, Jas had been scared. Sacred by... something. He said he needed to find his maker for answers."

"Jas, you mean Jasper Hale, I assume?" Bill broke in.

Alice nodded.

"Jas said he was coming to Bon Temps to seek his maker's counsel on a ...situation." She hesitated slightly.

"What is the situation?" Bill encouraged, absorbing the fear and anxiety that Alice was exuding.

As she continued her story Bill watched in fascination as her carefully drawn rose bud of a pout mouthed the words. He then thought of Sookie's full lips and what they had felt like on his own. On his skin. On his neck. On his bare shoulders. On... everything. He sighed, appropriately enough at just the right time to seem sympathetic to Alice's recount.

"You know I'm not his maker, correct?" Bill questioned Alice.

"Yes. I do. I do know the story though," she answered.

Bill exhaled with a breath long held and smiled, "Of course I will help, Miss Cullen."

She looked at him, obviously relieved, cocked her head to one side raised an eyebrow and stated with more than a hint of flirtation, "I guess that makes us partners, Mr. Compton." She toyed as her lips drew up into a sly smile and her delicate foot bobbed slightly over her crossed leg.

Bill's Adam's apple began to bob, nervously. What in the world? He doesn't swallow. Or does he, that'd be a new aspect to Bill I didn't know about. I snickered to myself. He looked at me with glassy eyes armed with remorse and something... hesitation? What else did he mean to say. Flickering from me to Eric, his emotion filled eyes started to tell more of the story, even before he spoke the words.

"Seeing you two, t...together, makes this even harder to say," Bill began.

Oh God, what is it now. Is he going to give me a lecture on being with Eric, how Eric is evil and Bill is the good vampire? I don't think so, Buddy. You abandoned this ship the minute you met me. I never stood a chance, being I was just your pet project. Bill Compton could Suck It!

But a reproach wasn't what followed.

"Eric," Bill paused, and breathed? Then started again. "Eric, I need to tell you something. Something about your maker, Godric."

Eric held his features like a cold slab of granite, but I saw a flicker of curious shock flutter through his blue eyes.

"How would you know anything about my Godric? You are not worthy to speak of him to me and I forbid it. Leave. Now." Eric said coldly through clenched teeth..

"Wait, Eric," Bill interrupted.

Oh no, Bill, you didn't just interrupt and defy Eric. You're soo dead. Ass.

"Out!" Eric seethed in a quiet rage, coming toward Bill and grasping him by the shoulder harshly.

Bill was clearly in pain, Eric's vice grip hands tend to have that effect on people, er, all creatures. And I awaited Bill to be torn apart in the middle of Fangtasia. But that's not what unfolded.

"Godric made another."

Eric froze, I could see his fingers pressing into Bill's flesh so that, if he were human, Bill would be raked with holes.

The words hung in the air and everything stood still. Even the marble like vampires seemed to remain more still than usual. The tension enveloped us like a velvet fog as I watched Eric's eyes take in the horror that Bill knew more than he.

All of a sudden there was a scramble as bodies, vamp and human bolted for the doors.

"Fools. It's just a raid," Pam appeared and broke the silence. "We should get out of here though." She continued casually. "After all, we wouldn't want to spend the night locked in a jail cell." She said with her eyes warmly on Alice. Interesting.

"Pam's right, even the vampire sector of Shreveport jail is a hideous excuse for a coffin. We need to exit Fangtasia immediately. I smelled spilled human blood and we do NOT want to be associated with the incident. Let's continue this conversation back at your house, Bill. I trust you have accommodations for Pam and Miss Alice?" Eric asked while looking coldly at Bill. "I'll be staying at Miss Stackhouse's home, if she'll have me." He shot me a glance filled with smug happiness, adoration, and sex. I smiled back.

"Of course, Eric," Bill answered with revulsion." But why don't we go to your dwelling? It's closer and it seems we need a quick escape." Bill asked with the familiar lump in his throat, hearing the carnal remark regarding the Viking and I.

Eric explained further. He was the proprietor of a large quantity of V infused TruBlood, traded solely on the black market. Eric kept the stash at his house, and some in his car for VIP's, er VIV's. Should the police detain him and possibly search the house, we all didn't need to be there as witnesses to the cops disposal.

"Pam, you drive Bill and Alice, back to Bon Temps. We need my car out of Shreveport. I'll fly Miss Stackhouse back."

"Of course, Eric." Pam replied. Your car is a two seater, though, won't it be a little, cozy?"

"Bill will drive, you ladies can share the passenger seat." Eric replied while Pam and Alice looked at each other with smiles. Good. Bill gets cock blocked by a chick. I love where this is going. Ass.

BILL POV- *************************

We arrived. That car ride was something I never wish to endure again. Pam and Alice chattered like school girls the entire ride to Bon Temps. I couldn't get a word in edgewise, even if I'd had something earth shattering to say. Which I didn't. But Alice, I felt protective and sweetly affectionate towards her. Not to mention she may be the only woman since Sookie to raise my attentions. But here she was, deeply eyeing Pam and fully engrossed in feminine conversation with her. I was a little perturbed. Alice was in my care, and I didn't wish to see her tainted with the venom of Eric's progeny. My God, Eric. He wasn't a brother, but his unknowingly being related to my close friend Jasper definitely elevated him from hated nemesis status. He was almost like a step brother once removed or so. How was I to negate my hatred towards him and keep things copacetic? Especially now that he is dating, I'm calling it chaste dating for my own peace of mind, the love of my life? Blond fucking bastard.

We pulled into my driveway and exited the vehicle. The girls immediately linked arms and strolled up the stairs to my home. My home. Coming back home was bittersweet. All I thought of was her. She was my last visitor. Sookie. Sitting, and later lying on my sofa. God I missed her. With male and more importantly, vampire, pride, I choked back the ghost of a tear and fought a blank breath from catching in my throat. How can I face here without her? It would kill me, if I were able to die. Distraction was what I needed. Anything. I thought as I skulked up the porch stairs.

Attempting to play dutiful host, I offered the ladies some TruBlood . They accepted and we all sat down in the "living" room to bond over beers, I casually thought. We discussed the raid, the trip to Peru, Pam's new pumps, but then Pam spoke the loaded question we all wished to know since our re-emergence.

"Alice, so, you and Eric... How'd that happen?" Pam asked casually as she gripped her TruBlood, tilting it back, holding Alice's eyes.

"Oh that. Our paths crossed in Paris." Alice smiled almost coyly.

"Ah yes, Eric's path. I have walked down that road myself. Many many administrations ago. That's some path." Pam replied with a slight smirk which masked an inner giggle.

"Eh hmm, yes. Quite. Such a well travelled one," Alice smiled again. "Well you know Paris... and it was war time... " Alice continued. Not wanting to hear anymore about Eric's path, I took this as my cue and excused myself to search out a viable place to bide the approaching dawn. Alice and Pam's conversation hardly faded into the background as they compared notes on the bountiful plenty of Eric Road. Vomit. Now this was more than I could handle. I needed instant deafness, or at least human hearing. To my chagrin, I couldn't block them out. Then the conversation switched to Alice's talent.

Pam asked Alice, "I noticed the way you move. It's very graceful... and your fantastic legs, are you a dancer?"

"Yes". Alice replied. "Ballet, 84 years".

"It shows." Said Pam, as I imagined her eyes travelling up Alice's flawless legs,

"Thank you, Pam." Alice responded. "I see you are familiar with dancers. I noticed the beautiful human writhing around the pole at Fangtasia. She was exquisite. Where ever did you find her?"

Pam answered, "Oh Yvetta. Yes, she's a doll. Every few months, Eric and I hold open auditions for dancers. Yvetta, rather, stood out." No doubt I though recalling Yvetta's bountiful feminine wiles.

"You should audition for us, Alice." Pam said playfully towards Alice.

""Mmmm, that might be fun." Alice replied with an overly flirtatious tone.

I hated them. They were flirting with each other, clearly interested in a rendezvous, and I had to listen to it.

Their conversation continued down the same tawdry path and I was forced to put a visual with the words. Pam had switched on the stereo and was now requesting that Alice perform some of her favorite dances, in the privacy of my living room. Alice obliged.

Alone, in my bedroom, far enough away from the girl party, I pictured her sinewy form swaying to the music, I could picture Alice stroking one finger slowly up her stomach, tracing her breast and entering her mouth as she locked eyes with Pam. Stop! I told myself. But even being a vampire, I'm still male and my mind, while on this thought process, is unstoppable. If I were human, I wouldn't feel thirsty. I wouldn't get up and walk towards the kitchen, casually passing the living room and it's voluptuous contents. I wouldn't see Alice standing infront of the fire with her wrap dress untied, hanging loosely from her white shoulders. Pam would not be kissing her lightly on the neck and moving her way down, slowly. I would ignore the view of Alice's beautiful face, twisting slightly with delight as Pam sank down to her knees. Alice's scotch colored eyes would not open and meet my own, drinking them in, inviting. I'd be ignoring how her eyes held mine as Pam slowly kissed down the length of her torso. I wouldn't come as Alice beckoned me to join them, gripping her slender fingers into the beautiful tangle of Pam's blond hair. I'd ignore Pam's wonderfully round ass that hung in the hair, slighty swaying, inviting. I... go to sleep Bill, my conscience bellowed at me.

I obliged, after I took matters into my own hands. Women.

SOOKIE POV-*******************

As we moved upwards through the air, my breath caught in my throat. It was difficult to inhale at this speed but after a few moments I acclimated. What a sensation, to feel the clouds at my fingertips streaking through them at incomprehensible speed.I felt the tension of the evening walled up in Eric's shoulders which my arms rested upon. I pressed my weight onto them, and into his back, tightening my legs around his waist.

"Mmmm, Sookie. You're helping," he said squeezing my hands lightly and circling the palm with his cool thumb.

"Am I, Eric? I know it's been ..."

"You are." He cut me off. "You most definitely are." He exhaled with a slight sigh. I could only imagine what was going through his head. Bill knew something about Godric. His Godric. Oh boy.

"Good," I said while pressing my thighs deeper into his hips. I was straddling him from behind, while traveling through the air at warp speed, but I had never made my movements slower. My hand drew up into his hair and gripped onto it asI told him, " I'm going to erase this evening. I'll climb into your brain..." I said as I pulled his head back slightly and gently bit the side of his neck. "I'll get the memory out of here, " I said as my hand gripped his plump left peck, my thumb brushing it's firmness. "You'll forget everything you've heard." I said while I lightly kissed his ear from tip to lobe.

"Mmmm, yes. Please do so, just like that." Eric said. "And I feel violated by Godric in the most intimate sense. Can you remedy that?" He probed.

"Hmph, how about like this?" I asked while I ground my pelvis deep onto the rise of his ass, my heels meeting each other in front of him, cupping him . I pressed my groin deeper and gripped harder, with everything. A moan escaped his tough facade and we began to steer off course.

"Sookie, you're going to make me crash." He said as his right hand grabbed one of the thighs that imprisoned his torso, giving it a firm kneading with his fingertips.

"I.. I.. .I'm landing."

"Mmm, coming in for a landing, huh?" I said with heavy breath."That's fine by me. I've been a bad girl, Father Eric. I think I my need a good throttling from your ruler."

We flopilly zigzagged and hit the ground most ungracefully. Very un-Eric like.

"What are you doing to me woman?" He said turning to face me.

"Pleasing you, I hope." I questioned as I ran my middle finger down the inside of my collar toward my chest, stopping at the low top button, pulling it down slightly exposing the delicate seam work of my burgeoning bra, then flicking the button open with my thumb, exposing more of my ample chest. I undid two more buttons with my eyes locked on Eric's brilliant, even in the dim moonlight, blue ones. He cocked an eyebrow at me and his lip curled into a sexy smirk.

"Hmm, well then, keep going" he urged.

I raised both of my eyebrows and continued. Smiling at him I placed both hands on my stomach and languidly slid them down the length of my torso, feeling my thighs down to the knee, stopping briefly as my elbows pressed the sides of my breast, plumping up my cleavage to maximum capacity. I brought one hand back up to the hem of my very short plaid school girl skirt. I stroked the hem a bit and slowly raised it higher up my leg, revealing all of my tanned thigh. I cocked my head to one side, motioned to Eric with one finger to "come here". Instantly his arms engulfed me and he was pressed hard against my pelvis pinning me to the wooden fence post behind me.

I made some sort of recognizable pleasure noise and pushed back from him, slightly.

"No," I murmured. "Come here..." While I walked a few paces in front of him.

During our landing, I noticed where we were. The Bon Temps cemetery. I knew it well after living here for my entire life.

"This way," I said. "I want you to really forget." I led him by the hand from out of the shadow of the willow tree into the moonlight. I felt his eyes blazing into the back of my head, taking in my hair, traveling South, while I moved voluptuously through the gravestones. I stopped at a familiar one.

"Here", I said with a sly smile.

"Oh God, absolutely," Eric agreed and kissed me thoroughly, with a purpose. I pushed him down to a sitting position, his back against the large elevated gravestone. Our clothes disappeared miraculously, as they often did, and I was on top of him, erasing his memory to the fullest. As I came to the glorious end I gripped the stone behind his head and held on through the wave of pleasure that passed through me. Afterwards, I looked at the stone, the marking of it's occupant, and gave it my best smirk.

Take that Bill Compton.