A/N: I do not own

A harsh heat beat down upon Alfons; breaths that had once been hard to take were reaching impossible. He gasped desperately trying to keep enough oxygen in his blood to function he couldn't break down now. All around him was red, he was really starting to hate that color, all it reminded him was of death. This strange place, the sky, the now setting pair of suns, Alfons' train of thought stopped for a second, suns? Why were there two of them? - there should only be one, last time he checked. Shit he had better not be seeing double; fainting would not be a good idea.

Alfons turned looking over his shoulder. Nope still one burning red remains of a two-seater rocket. It at least had the decency to wait until Alfons had dragged out Edward out and away before bursting in to flames; it hadn't been the smoothest of landings. Alfons looked over his other shoulder at Edward, nope, still only one unconscious young man covered in his own red blood. Alfons had torn up his coat in an attempt to stop the bleeding - the bandages were kind of working.

If he survived and Edward didn't die either he was going to kill him, hell even if they both died he was still going to kill Edward. Okay maybe it wasn't all Edward's fault, but he was still unconscious and not helping Alfons fight off—


At the sickening noises Alfons looked down, ah yes one of the reasons Edward was dead twice over. A swarm of red, hairless and hungry looking invertebrates were gathering around the base of the rock out cropping the rocket had just barely missed when… well Alfons didn't really know what happened - when they arrived, he guessed.


Alfons swung the piece of metal he was holding, it was one of the cross pieces from the rockets wings. A satisfying scrunch and the feeling of exoskeleton shattering vibrated up his arm. He smiled grimly and swung again. The metal carved its way through the front line of creatures, shattering their outer armor and slicing through their pulsing yellow innards. Yellow. That was a nice color, it reminded him of scrambled eggs and bananas, god he couldn't remember the last time he had eaten a banana- once the war had started fresh fruit was nearly impossible to find. There was also his favorite flower, they were yellow too, he could never remember the proper name, and Edward had always called them by their Latin tag. Edward, he had always loved Edward's eyes, they were the first things that he had noticed when they had first met. The fierce gold eyes that had the look of somebody who could take care of himself and everybody he cared about, and maybe the look of somebody who had seen too much.

If only Ed would open those eyes now, Alfons need him. He swung the pipe once again making contact and sending a few of the life forms flying. Switching hands he thwacked down hard on one that had gotten ahead of the rest and a little too close for comfort.

He froze as a feeling he knew all to well began clawing at his chest, not now he had to keep Edward safe. Alfons' throat burned, desperately he tried to hold back the hacking cough and focus on the swarming red creatures. The metal clattered as Alfons brought he shaking hands to his mouth, covering his already blood stained hands with even more crimson. The coughing wouldn't stop; he backed up away from the rock edge. He swayed, head now spinning.

A noise filled his pounding head, a sort of keening. Was there something coming? - a slow flash of light out of the corner of his eye. He spun, stumbling slightly - where was Edward,? - dread filled him - what the hell was going on?- a tingling feeling washed over his body. Swirling gold and blue lights seemed to surround him almost blinding him, and then just white.

Did he just die? No, maybe not, heaven shouldn't be this noisy, there were voices crowding him. Was that English? Alfons couldn't process any of it. Where was Ed? There! He tried to take a step forward, why has everything moving towards him - the ground shouldn't be that close. He felt something around him, arms?

"Out of the way dammit!" a voice above him.

The taste of blood filled his mouth, his chest convulsed with the effort of coughing, black spots were filling his vision, getting bigger and bigger until they muted out everything. Fear for himself and for Edward closed over him as conscious slipped from him leaving nothing but darkness.

A/N: Not entirely sure when the next chapter will be up or how long it will be; but it will be up in the near future (unless I finish my time machine then expect it in the past). I hoped you enjoyed it, and if you're confused I'm sorry but this is the prologue things will get explained later.