Disclaimer: So I don't get to own any of the fun characters from Inuyasha. I asked but I was denied…so sad.

I am sorry to say that this will be the last chapter of Binding Hearts; I just can't seem to decide where I want this to go. I am horribly stuck, if anyone would like to take over the story please be my guest but I can't write this anymore. I am very sorry and would like to thank everyone who favorite, followed, and reviewed. I really appreciate it. Maybe later on down the line I will pick up this story again but for the foreseeable future this story is ABANDONED. Thank you.


Kagome pasted a smile on her face and turned to greet Houjo. "Hello Houjo-kun. How have you been?" She tried to keep the smile on her face as she felt Sesshomaru's demonic aura grow in strength.

"I should be asking you that. You were always getting sick back in school." Houjo smiled in what Kagome assumed was to be a flirtatious manner but really it just looked like he was in pain.

"Well I can assure you I am doing much better now." Kagome fidgeted nervously as Sesshomaru appeared to be getting angrier by the second.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie with me on Saturday." He didn't even seem to notice Sesshomaru standing right behind Kagome. He also didn't really pay any mind to her nervousness.

"Oh you know I would love to Houjo but I am going out of town on Friday with my…fiancée!" Kagome mentally slapped herself as she felt Sesshomaru and Houjo's anger spike.

"Oh you have a fiancée? What's his name and how come he isn't here with you right now?" Houjo smirked smugly as Kagome flushed and began to fidget even more, still ignoring the Daiyoukai standing behind her.

"Well, he is with me." She reached behind her and grabbed Sesshomaru's hand pulling him closer so his arms wrapped around her.

Sesshomaru smirked with masculine pride and held Kagome tightly.

"Him? He's your fiancé?" Houjo pointed at Sesshomaru in disbelief.

Kagome nodded blushing slightly. "Houjo this is Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru this is Houjo, we went to school together."

"…It's very nice to meet you!" Spat Houjo glaring at Sesshomaru who began to nuzzle Kagome's neck.

Sesshomaru merely nodded and turned his attention back to Kagome who was blushing furiously now. "Koi shouldn't we be going now? Your mother is expecting us back for dinner." Sesshomaru placed a small kiss on the side of her neck and pressed her tightly against his chest, smirking with masculine pride as Houjo seethed.

"Oh yeah you're right. Bye Houjo it was nice to see you." Kagome smiled and began to follow Sesshomaru trying not to laugh at what just happened. When they were around the corner Kagome finally gave in and started laughing so hard that Sesshomaru had to support her so she wouldn't fall.

Sesshomaru waited until Kagome could breathe again before setting her on her own feet. "What is a fiancee?"

Western Lands

Sango and Miroku stared at the scene before them in disbelief; there was simply no logical way to explain what was happening. Kouga had finally woken up and now he was acting like he was a woman and was flirting with every male guard that passed him. They both blanched when Kouga approached Miroku and started to flirt with him and rubbing his hand up his chest. Sango tried not to laugh at the look of horror and revulsion on Miroku's face but she was struggling as it was a hilarious sight to behold.

"So what do you say we get out of here and go somewhere a little more private?" Kouga winked at Miroku who managed to smile slightly albeit uncomfortably as Kouga continued to flirt with him. It took his entire monk training not to vomit, his training and the promise of a long and painful death by Sesshomaru also helped him keep his lunch down.

"As appealing as that sounds I am going to have to decline for I am due to take this lovely-" He pulled Sango close to him. "woman for a walk in Sesshomaru's miraculous gardens. I am so sorry." He carefully extricated himself from Kouga's hold and vanished as quickly as he could dragging an astonished and breathless Sango behind him.

Kouga sighed in disappointment as he watched the gorgeous monk disappear and adjusted his flowery kimono. "Oh well, I wonder where all of Sesshomaru's guards went? They were here just a second ago."

All of the guards had fled when he was flirting with Miroku and were now hiding in various places throughout the castle. They were only spotted when they occasionally looked around fearfully for Kouga and his wandering hands.

With Inuyasha and Kikyo

Inuyasha sped through the forest near Kaede's village, making his way to the bone eater's well with Kikyo in his arms. He held the dead miko to his chest and growled possessively against her throat, trying to ignore the scent of his brother that permeated the air all around him.

"Inuyasha? Love what's the matter?" Kikyo wrapped her arms more firmly around Inuyasha as he ran and almost screamed when he came to a bone jarring halt by the bone eater's well that lead to Kagome's time period.

"My bastard brother's been through here. He probably went with Kagome to her time….that bitch...she is probably giving him my ramen." Inuyasha scowled and kicked the well before throwing himself down to sit against it and proceeding to pout.

Kikyo fought the urge to purify her half-demon lover and walked over to a tree and sat down at the base of it. "What does it matter Inuyasha? Aren't I enough for you? I thought you didn't want my worthless copy, you have me." She ground out, watching Inuyasha as his ears flattened against his skull and he looked sheepishly at her.

"Kikyo you know that Kagome is nothing compared to you but I still need her. She still has some of the jewel shards and I need to get them back. I am going to go to her time to get them and then I will come back and destroy the well." Inuyasha explained gently while his mate glared at him.

"I do not believe you Inuyasha; I do not think that you will destroy the well. You still want the worthless little copy and you always will. I never will be enough for you, will I?" Kikyo didn't raise her voice for there was no need to; the cold emotionless voice was enough to make Inuyasha feel like a horrible person, it was almost as bad as Kagome's tears.

Kagome and Sesshomaru

Kagome stomped up to her room determined to ignore the demon lord, who was in her kitchen with her mother gracefully chowing down on the pocky that she just bought. She slammed her door and threw herself down on her bed and sighed tiredly. She wanted to take a nap but resigned herself to packing her bag so that they could go back to Edo. Kagome stood up and searched for things to pack for Rin and Shippo, finally deciding on crayons with coloring books and some small toys as well as a doll for Rin. She went to her closet to grab some clothes and her mind flashed back to her conversation with Sesshomaru after Hojo stormed away.


"What is a fiancee?" Sesshomaru asked while Kagome fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Um...well, a fiancee is what I am to you." Kagome answer shyly.

"A way to avoid a terrible mating?"

"…No. Is that all I am to you?" Kagome tried to keep the hurt out of her voice as said this.

"Well you did help me avoid a mating and you are not just a stupid human."

"That's it?" Kagome asked sadly.


"I see." She sighed. "Let's go and get the pocky." She turned away from Sesshomaru and started to walk down the street.

End Flashback

Kagome scowled and began furiously packing her bag in an attempt to quickly leave so that she could get some distance from Sesshomaru; luckily his castle was very spacious so she didn't really see him that often unless she sought him out.

"What is wrong Ka-go-me?"

Kagome screamed and fell forward, managing to get tangled in the clothes that she was attempting to pack. She turned her head to see Sesshomaru, who was standing above her looking at her with indifference and apparently couldn't tell that he had chocolate on his face. She glared at Sesshomaru and threw a rag at him, which he easily caught.

"Why are you throwing things at my face miko?" Sesshomaru watched as Kagome attempted to free herself from the pile of clothing with veiled amusement.

"None of your damn business!" Kagome growled, finally managing to free herself from the pile of clothing. She rose to her feet and turned away from Sesshomaru, opting to instead ignore him. Which, of course irritated the demon Lord, who growled and forcibly turned her to face him again.

"Do not ignore this Sesshomaru miko!" He snarled gripping her arm tightly and pulling her closer to his chest as red began to bleed into his eyes.

"What the hell do you care?! I don't need to explain anything to you, now let go of me!" Kagome glared at the Inu in front of her, noticing his red eyes but disregarding it at the moment.

'Mate is angry.'

'Well aren't you a smart one? This Sesshomaru knows that the miko is angry but I will not stand for such insolence.'

'You angered mate! This is your fault!'

'Don't make me lock you away!'

'No, this time it is your turn!'

Sesshomaru could only observe from the sidelines as his beast forced him towards the back of his mind, taking control of his body.


Kagome froze when she hear the guttural voice and looked closely at Sesshomaru's face, noticing that his markings were jagged and his eyes were still red instead of fading back to their beautiful amber. Poor Kagome did the only thing she could. She fainted, leaving a protective and confused demon standing in the middle of her pink room.

So that's all I am able to write for this story at the moment. Hopefully I will be able to come back to it eventually but at this present time, please consider this story over. Thank you to everyone who read and followed this story. I really appreciate it, and if I do end up coming back to this story I hope that all of you will still be interested. Thank you with all my heart.
