Teenage Dream

A/N: Woooh! Ahaha okay, so I'm going to get straight to the point in this note. Thank you so much to my best friend/assistant Caroline! Ahaha love ya! This story is named after the song, "Teenage Dream" rather than the whole album. Katy Perry is one of my favorite singers...but I only like her on record. She can't sing for shit live. I wasted my money on that fucking concert. Ahaha just sayin. Uhm, things will not start out as a threesome. It will be after like...two or three chapters. Until then it will either be Paul/Seth or Jacob/Seth. Uhm yeah, updates will be extremely weird and unpredictable from here on out. Ahaha personal reasons. Uhm, yeah. So enjoy! And yeah...wooh! ahahaha

Summary: This kinda thing isn't supposed to happen to me. They're both so perfect, and I'm just so boring. But for some reason they both love me, and I love them. I never thought I'd be living my Teenage Dream. Jacob/Seth/Paul

Disclaimer: I don't own it. If I did...trust me when I say you would only find it in the "Erotica" section of bookstores. Ahaha

Just One Touch


"How would you describe Mr. Black?" One of the two reporters for the school paper asked.

It was kinda strange really. Of all the people that they could've pulled out of class to answer this question, they pull out the geek? Apparently they were doing a piece about teacher of the month, which just happened to be my senior lit teacher, Mr. Black, and they wanted some of his students' opinions on him. Probably hoping that at least one person would say something bad, which most likely wouldn't happen since everyone loved him. He was, for lack of a better phrase, an easy A. But people didn't like him simply because he was easy to pass, oh no.

"He's really nice, and his class is really fun and easy to understand." I shrugged as I adjusted my glasses, "That's kinda...it really."

The same girl spoke up again as the other, silent, girl scribbled my response down on a note pad, "Well then thanks."

I didn't say anything more before turning in the hallway and opening the door to Mr. Black's classroom. Of course, most of the classmates turned to watch me as I made my way to my seat in the third row from the left, fifth seat down. Mr. Black was writing something on the board so of course he wasn't able to scold the nosy kids. As I settled back into the seat of my desk, I cradled my head in my hands, closing my eyes. I was so tired. I barley got any sleep last night thanks to my older sister; who, might I add, likes to drink away her problems. I mean, I get it, we've been through some shit; but she has to move on with her life. Our older brother, Sam, has tried talking to her but she won't listen to anyone.

I let out a quiet groan as I realize that I should probably start paying attention before I miss something important. I look back up at the board to realize that there is one simple insrtuction written on the board: Write 20 Notes On The Film.

Great, a movie. I mean, I am a perfectionist. I do, and turn in, every assignment on time and sometimes even early. I am the poster child for the perfect student. Really, I just want to get my scholarship for Seattle University. That's my dream school, and it's extremely close to home so I wouldn't have to spend to much money on housing and what not. Sam wouldn't care, as long as I'm happy in college. Leah just doesn't care. But, back to my classwork, I think that I can skip this and take a nap. Just this once, I conclude to myself as I take off my glasses, fold them and stuff em in my jacket pocket. As soon as my cheek touched the cool surface of the desk, I was out.

Dreams. That's all they were. Dreams. I mean, I'm not some naive little kid who thinks that all dreams do come true. I'm also not saying that I don't think any dreams come true...I'm just sure that these ones won't. Why not, you may ask. Well I'll tell you. Because sometimes, and only sometimes, I dream about having sex...with Mr. Black. But, as I've said before, they're just dreams...or rather fantasies. I mean seriously? How would it be anything more than just a fantasy? Mr. Black is really just...sexy. Even today, wearing his white button down shirt that was just a little tight so it clung to his amazingly sculpted body nicely. His black slacks showed of his ass, but no matter how much I tried, and believe me I do try, I can never find a buldge. I'll admit, majority of my hour of class with him is spent checking him out and daydreaming. But once again, these are just fantasies. I would never stand a chance with him. I mean, even if he did want to sleep with me, which I'm sure he wouldn't because he's so obviously straight, he wouldn't take the risk of losing his job. Other than that, there is just no way that a god-like creature like him would want a nerd like me. I have absolutley no physical attraction. My body is slim and non-athletic, while my baby face is ruined by the glasses that I'm forced to wear. My short and cropped black hair was just about the only thing we had in common, but his was more tamed as mine was wild.

"Seth?" Someone's velvety smooth voice cut through my dream, as warm breath ghosted against my ear, "Seth, you have to wake up."

It was then that I realized that I was in fact still asleep in my classroom. My head shot up with the sudden realization and the back of it made contact with something hard, "Ow!" I whimpered as I moved a hand back to hold the contact site. I took in my surroundings and noticed that I was the only one left in the classroom. As I saw Mr. Black standing next to my desk holding his nose with one hand, while the other gripped the edge of my desk.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I was just...so tired and then we were...and you...you just startled me!" I rushed through my explanation skipping a few parts due to my scattered thoughts.

"No, it's fine. Don't worry about it...but class did end. And I don't think that you want to spend any more time then you have to in this place, right?" He chuckled as he removed his hand from his slightly reddened nose.

"Oh, uh, r-right." I murmured as I picked up my backpack and stood up, "Thank you for waking me up." I said as I walked past him in the slightly narrow paths between the rows of desks.

"Seth, hold on for just a quick second. I-uh wanted to ask you something." He took his bottom lip in-between his teeth which had my groin stirring to life. "What kind of dream were you having?" he began to slowly make his way to me in the front of the classroom

Oh God.

"Because while you were sleeping...you made some pretty interesting noises."

No. Oh shit, no, please tell me this isn't happening.

"And if I remember correctly, you even moaned out the words Mr. and Black."

I'm gonna die.

"Of course, you also moaned 'harder' and 'faster' as well, so now I'm just wondering what is it exactly that you want me to do harder and faster?" He asked with a smirk on his lips.

He was now standing in front of me, our bodies mere inches apart. I had to kinda tilt my head up to look at his face, but I didn't mind. Before I could speak...he had molded our lips together. I could practically melt when I felt his hands grip my hips. I brought my hands up to gently push on his chest. He pulled away from me, looking down at me with the same smirk still plastered on his lips. I felt so warm it was almost unbarable. I knew that my face had to be beet red from my shock and embarrassment.

"I-I don't kn-" He cut me off as he placed another quick kiss on the lips.

"You don't have to say anything. I know you want me. And to be completely honest," He said with a quick swipe of his tongue over his lips, "I want you too. I see all of those lustful looks that you give me while I'm trying to teach. I tried fighting the urge, but I can't."

"B-But I thought, th-that you were straight. Everyone thinks that you're straight!" I said, trying to get him to admit the fact that he was just messing with me.

He let out a low chuckle, "No. I just choose to keep that little piece of my life to myself."

He lowered his lips to mine again in another sensual kiss. He lifted me up, and turned us so that he would be able to place me down on the head desk of my row. He slowly let his hand wander up my leg, from my knee to my hip, back and forth; leaving a burning sensation in it's wake, even through my jeans. His other hand had worked it's way under my shirt and had began to play with one of my nipples. The combination of the two was becoming too much for me as I tore my lips away from his to throw my head back. Mr. Black took this as an opportunity to attack my neck with his lips. I couldn't believe this was really happening to me! No...I'm still dreaming. I'm gonna wake up any second now...any second...okay, maybe not. God, I hope not.

But as the hand that was running up and down my thigh moved to the button of my jeans, one of my own quickly moved to stop it's movements, "Wait."

"Everything okay?" He asked as he pulled away from my neck to look into my eyes.

"Amazing...but I just thought that you should know that...I-I'm a virgin." I felt all my blood rush up to the already red cheeks of my face as I looked away from him, trying to avoid his dissaprovement.

I felt his breath ghost against my ear causing a shudder to wrack through my body, "I'll be gentle."

I let my eyes drift close as I began to pray that there would be truth in his words. I felt him lift my body again, and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist because I was scared to let a distance between us grow. He gripped the underside of my thighs as he carried me; I kept my eyes clothes allowing him to take me wherever he pleased. As sooon as I felt my ass hit something solid, I let my eyes drift open. I was sitting on the edge of Mr. Black's desk, my legs still wrapped around him as he stood in front of me.

Nerves began to dance around in my body as I watched his fingers undo my button and zipper. As soon as he began to gently tug them down, along with my boxers, I braced my hands on the edge of the desk on either side of me and used it as a small boost to lift my hips in the air so he could pull them down. As soon as he pulled them past my dick, the nerves only multiplied. He eyed my erect five and a half inch dick, giving a playful lick to his lips before bringing his eyes up to meet mine. He held our gaze as he unwrapped my legs from around his waist, I accidentaly let a whimper escape from the confines of my lips. He only smirked as he continued to move my pants down my legs until they were off and on the floor, along with my boxers. He moved a bit so that he could reach down into the bag that he brought to and from school.

"You carry lube and condoms in your bag?" I asked as he set a foil packet and a bottle of lube down on the desk next to me.

"Well, let's just say that I've been waiting for this." He smirked. "And now that it's here, I'm just glad that I came prepared." He added as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt. It was done and on the floor with my pants impossibly fast. But what was lying underneath the now discarded garment was like a treasure to behold. So much muscle...it seemed unreal. I hesitantly reached out and ran my fingers down his ripped abdomen. It was much better than any fantasy that I ever had about it. "Take this off.." He said as he gently tugged at the hem of my shirt. I quickly did as he demanded, pulling the jacket off quickly and tossing it to the side of the desk, my shirt following quickly after. "Lay back." He told me another thing as he gently pushed against my chest, urging me on to follow out his order. I did so. It felt slighly uncomfortable laying, sprawled out and exposed for his examination. I closed my eyes again, scared to see his face just in case there was any disapproval written on his face.

I heard a short melody made up of different noises. None of them were recognizeable to my ears until I heard the sound of a belt being unbuckled and a zipper, slowly being pulled down. All noise came to a halt. Then I felt something press against my hole; slicked up. The slicked up mystery began to push into me, with resistance from my body.

"Relax." He cooed from his place.

I tried, and I think I preveild in the task since the object continued to sink into my body. It began to move in and out of my body, only to be joined by another object of the same size, but slightly longer. I'm not gonna lie and sugar-coat it. This hurt like a bitch. It hurt enough to make me want to stop...but then again I was hoping that the pleasure would be worth the pain. It wasn't until he began to scrissor me that I realized that the objects were his fingers. but just as the realization settled into my mind, he was slipping another digit inside of me bringing it to a total of three. Working their way in and out of my body, preparing me for what's to come next.

As his digits retreat from my body, I feel a rush of anxiety and adrenaline hit me at the same time; both equally powerful and intoxicating. At the same time, I felt something push against my now stretched hole and warm breathing against my ear.

"Are you ready for it?" He whispered to me, causing my libido to increadse with every word.

"Y-Yes." I murmured with slight difficulty as I seemed to have lost my breath. My hands moved so that they would be placed on his back.

To say that i barley felt a thing when he pushed the head of his cock inside of me because I was so excited about giving him my virginity and bringing my fantasy to life...would be a big mother-fucking lie. As he continued to slowly push inside of me, I started to feel as though I was being spilt in half or something. But I guess thats where fantasy lacks a sense of actuallity. In fantasies, everything that he does to me feels amazing, but in reality, things were bound to hurt me in the beginning. I could only hope that this would be the worst of it.

After what seemed like an hour of pain, he was finally all the way in. He took in a sharp breath as he mumbled something about how tight I was. What did he expect? I did tell him I was a virgin. He kept still as he began to gently kiss my neck. I began trying to will my body to quickly adjust to his size. With the first movement he made came a whimper from my orphice. After a few more slow thrusts, my whimpers of pain turned into groans of almost-pleasure. Apparently, I was being a bit too loud since he slipped two of his fingers into my mouth, past my parted lips.

"Suck. It'll keep you quiet." He groaned against my neck as he continued to move his hips at only a slightly faster pace than the pace at which we started.

And so I did. His fingers served as my own personal cork, keeping any and every noise from escaping; even the loud moan that was desperately wanting to escape once he hit a sweet spot inside of me. My toes curled as I lightly bit down on his fingers.

"Found it." He mumbled triumphantly before continuing to suck, nibble, and kiss the same spot on my neck.

He continued to hit that same spot inside of me, increasing the speed and power of his thrusting hips. His free hand moved in-between our close bodies to wrap itself around my neglected and aching cock; finally giving it the attention and pleasure that I had been craving. I moved one of my hands to tightly grip the wrist of the hand that was in my mouth; my other hand began to dig it's nails into his back as the sudden combination of his thrusts and his pumping fist became overwhelming. I began to feel the coil of release forming in the pit of my stomach; it was unwinding slowly, but at the same time too fast. I say this because my release was hitting me all too soon. I felt myself being practically shoved over the edge; spilling myslef out onto our stomachs and his hand. I was far to lost in my own personal bliss to keep track of how long it took for Mr. Black to cum as well.

He was quick to pull out and get us both dressed. As I picked up my bag and slung the straps over my shoulders, I felt kinda...curious.

"So...what happens now?" I asked nervously as I stood by the door.

"Well," He began as he placed the same bag that he pulled the lube and condom from on his desk, "nothing. This was a one-time thing. We go about like this never happened."

"Oh..." I tried to push down my disappointment, "what if someone finds out?"

"I won't tell anybody. And, I'm sure that a perfect student such as yourself wouldn't want to tarnish your record with this small...interaction. So yeah...I'm pretty sure that nobody will find out."

"Oh...okay then. Well...I'll see you tomorrow." I said, sounding sad much to my dismay.


Things were...weird, to say the least. It's been two school days, and one weekend since Mr. Black and I had out...encouter. That's two awkward, hour long classes with the man that popped my cherry. And then when I'm not in his class, I'm thinking about being in his class, and when I am in his class, I'm thinking about being with him. All very complicated. And plus, when I'm at home, I'm supposed to be able to just unwind, relax, and not think about school! But has that been happening? No. Not even while I'm holding Leah's hair while she vomits into the toilet bowl.

The loud rang in it's usual obnoxiously loud manner, signaling the end of sixth period as well as the end of the day. For me, this signaled my escape from Mr. Black's classroom.

As usual, I quickly gathered my things and stuffed them back in my bag. I kept my eyes down on the floor as I moved past my classmates quickly; and of course I bump into somebody.

"Oh, I'm so-" I begin as I look up to see who I bumped into. Of course with my amazing luck, it was Mr. Black. I didn't bother to finish my sentance as I shut my mouth before anything else could come out. I know that he saw the sadness in my eyes because a look of remourse crossed his face.

He shouldn't be giving the remoursful look. I should. Why? Because I'm the idiot who gave up my virginity for a hook-up. As I turn on my heel to leave the room again, I continue to think about what an idiot I am. Because really, that one hook-up was possibly the stupidest thing that I've ever done. I'm not gonna lie; it felt amazing when it happened. But the after-math of it was just...another thing to add to my shit list.

I was pulled, or rather pushed, out of my thoughts when I was shoved into the lockers that lined the hallway.

"Seriously Mike? Like, you can't just quit your bully jock bullshit for one day?" I spat out as I glare at the blond football player that pushed me. He really didn't look like he belonged with that crowd. He just seemed like the black sheep of the whole football team. I'm not really one to judge since I'm not exactly the most popular kid on the playground, but still. He just had to pull this shit while I was so close to the exit!

"Aw, what's the matter Seth? Did you start your period today?" He joked and he got a high five from Tyler Crowley who stood next to him.

I simply rolled my eyes as I tried to move away from the lockers only to be pushed back again.

"Hey!" Someone called out before either of us could do or say anything. We both turned to see Mr. Black walking towards us looking mad, "Mr. Newton, what do you think you're doing?"

"Uh, nothing Mr. Black. Just talking to, little Seth here." He plastered a fake smile on his pasty face.

"Mhm. Well, I suggest that you end your conversation with Mr. Clearwater before I let your coach know that you were talking. Again."

Mike let out a small groan at the mention of his coach. The pair of jocks quickly turned and made their way out of the school.

We both stood in an uncomfortable silence. I kept my eyes on the ground, but I could feel his eyes on me. "Thanks." I mumbled before practically running out of the building.

I, luckily, made it to the bus stop just as the bus got there. I showed the driver my bus pass and sat down close to the front exit. I pulled my backpack onto my lap and began digging in the small front pocket to pull out my iPod and my phone; both were gifts from my older brother and his wife. They worry about me a lot because they know how unstable Leah can get at times. They have even asked me to move out of her apartment and move in with them, but I always turn them down because I fear for Leah.

"I'm home!" I call out as I step inside of our small two bedroom apartment. It didn't take me long to realize that I was alone in the place.

I breathed a relieved sigh as I closed the door and relaxed into our couch. Why can't life always be this peaceful?


Time was ticking by so slowly. It was almost unbearable. Every day, during the last few minutes of sixth period, I sit quietly in my desk and stare at the clock. I watch the little red hand move around the clock, and then the largest black hand click once. I'm waiting to make yet another great escape from this place.

"Seth, I'd like to have a word with you after class."

And just like that, my plans are thwarted.

The bell rings and the other students rush to the door as though it were a race. Within seconds, I'm left alone with Mr. Black again.

"Seth...c'mere." He said from the chair behind his desk.

I took in a deep breath and stood from my seat to slowly make my way to him; my mind raced as it thought of the different things that he might say when I get there.

"I'm just going to be straight forward right now." He started as he stood from his chair and moved around his desk so that he would be standing in front of me. "I thought that if I had you once, I would be satisfied. But I'm not. You...have been on my mind all of the time. I try and try to focus on other things, but somehow my thoughts always run back to you. For the past week, every time you step into my classroom I want to hold you and kiss you. And yesterday when Mike Newton was pushing you against the lockers...I wanted to hold you and comfort you so badly, but I couldn't. Seth...I know this is going to sound crazy, but I'm starting to fall in love with you."

My face contorted to show my disbelief. As I collected my calm again, and re-adjust my glasses, I found myself to be at a loss of words, "I...I don't know what to say. I mean...wow. That's just so...wow. I mean, I don't know if this is even possible. I'm so...dorky and you're so...amazing."

His serious mask cracked as I smile pulled the ends of his lips up, "You're cute Seth, you're the cutest dork I've ever met."

I felt my cheeks heat up as blood rushed to them, turning them a bright pink color, "But how would we...make anything out of this? We can't be seen together without getting in trouble."

"Well, I'm usually here for an hour or two after school almost everyday. We can spend time together then. We can get to know each other better...we can spend more quality time together." He chuckled as my cheeks got impossibly redder. "Just say yes Seth. Say you'll be mine. Because just one touch isn't enough."

"Okay." I said without really thinking, or maybe I said it without really needing to think about it. I wanted this. And now I have it.

"Well then c'mere and kiss me." He smirked.

"Wait...do I still have to call you Mr. Black?" I asked with a smile as I stepped closer to him.

"Well, during class yes. But outside of class, no. You can call me Jacob."


"Seth Clearwater, right?" A tall, muscular guy asked me. I recognized him from the football team. He was one of the main guys, I guess. I don't really know much about the sport. But this couldn't be a nice visit.

"Who's asking?" I said cautiously as we stood in front of the entrance of the school.

"Embry Call!" He smiled and held out a hand.

I, just as cautiously, shook it, "Nice to meet you. So, who do I thank for this meeting?"

"Well, I guess you could thank Coach Meraz. He heard that some of the football guys were messin with ya. So! I'm here to make sure that no shit goes down." He told me as we finally walked into the school.

Embry Call, which was apparantly his name, was indeed a football player. He was popular, and I say this because as we walk down the hall, a bunch of people called out greetings to him. Embry was an attractive guy. He was what you would call: tall, dark, and handsome. He was freaking exuding coolness! It was weird. I felt weird just walking with him. I'm a nobody at this school who knows basically nobody.

"Hey, did you know that we actually have two classes together?" He asked as we both entered my first period history class, which was apparently his class as well.

"No. I didn't." Which was the truth. I couldn't really tell you who I did and didn't have classes with. I didn't pay attention to the people, only the lesson.

"Yup, this and fifth period calculus. Blegh." He said as we occupied desks that were next to each other. "Oh, and fourth period P.E., but that doesn't really count since I have weight lifting and you have an actual class."

"Yo, Embry. What's up man?" Another tall, dark, and handsome guy gave him a fist bump, which bugged the shit outta me. I mean, to me, that high-five-handshake thing was alright...but the fist bump is like saying, `I'm a douche.` And who wants to be a douche?

"Not much. Ey, this is Seth." He gestured toward me with his hand, "Seth, this is Quil."

"Hey man. So this is the guy that Coach was talkin bout?" He asked after he gave me that little head nod thing to me.

"Yeah. Quil is gonna be watchin out for ya when I'm not around. He has second with you, and during third you have class with Jared." He smirked, "Man, you must be like a bomb-ass teachers pet or somethin' cause Coach is pullin' out all the stops to keep you protected."

I shrugged just as the bell rang, "I really don't know why Coach Meraz is doing this, to be completely honest with you."

They both shrugged as well, seeming to not really care about the reason. Maybe things are just starting to look up for me or something. Either way, I was grateful that today I would be protected from any bullying; even if it was for just today.

My first three classes passed in a blur. Unfortunately, fourth period P.E. decided not to pass by so quickly. Perhaps it was partly because it had started raining and we were stuck in the gym where the indoor basketball courts were, or maybe it was because I finally saw Coach Meraz during this time; maybe it was just the fact that I hate P.E. because we have to take it all four years of high school. I let my mind ponder to think about the reasons why he would possibly have three of his players look out for me. I decided that I should probably go and thank him personally, and maybe if I'm feeling bold enough I'll ask him for a reason. And then after that, there won't be much more time left before I get to see Jacob again. I looked around for my P.E. teacher, who was no where to be found. The rest of my class was seated around in the bleachers. I picked up my bag, and threw my iPod back in it's small pocket before pulling the straps over my shoulders and making my way to the door that led to the weight room. I only knew which door it was because I saw the guys go in there, being led my Coach Meraz. And I only knew that it was Coach Meraz because he had been a sub for my history class once, maybe twice.

One of the two doors that led into the room was open. I stepped inside and my nose was attacked by the smell of sweat. Nasty. Across the room I saw Quil and Embry talking to each other while Jared ran on the tredmill.

"Can I help you?" A deep, husky, rough voice asked.

"I was looking for-ah! Coach Meraz, right?" I asked with a smile as I saw the man I had been looking for leaning up against the wall next to the open door.

He wore a tight fitted black zip-up jacket that looked like it was worn by someone who ran. It clung to his body, showing off his muscled chest and arms. His lower half was covered by a pair of black sweats that also looked like they were to be worn for running. He had a playful smirk on his rough yet smooth looking lips. His chocolatey eyes held amusement, while he crossed his arms over his chest; hugging his clip-board to his chest.

"That's me."

"Oh, I uh-I just wanted to say, uhm...what did I want to say?" I asked myself as I adjusted my glasses yet again, "Oh yeah! Thank you for having some of your football players look out for me."

"It was no problem. They volunteered, really." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh...so w-why would they do that?" I asked, trying to get the reason that would put my ever-so-curious mind at ease.

"Well...I asked them if they were cool with watchin' out for ya, and they said they would be happy to." He shrugged once again.

That doesn't sound like volunteering to me.

"Why did you ask?"

He smirked just a tad wider this time. He gave his lips one slow lick from his tongue before he spoke again, "Because someone asked me to."


"I can't really say." He let a full on smile form this time, "But I will let you know something." He stepped closer to me, and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "I know about you and Jacob."

A/N: O.M.F.G. FINALLY! Ahaha I've been working on this...for forever! Ahaha no lie! Even ask my assistant! lmao I would text her and we would talk about ideas and shit! UGH! And now I have chapter one done! Ahaha now, it's up to you guys! Please review and let me know what you thought and what your thoughts are about me continuing this, basically whether or not it's continue worthy! Ahaha yea! OH! And for those of you who are wondering whether or not I will be writing "Guilty Pleasure" or "Can't Be Tamed"...I'm writing "Can't Be Tamed". Ahaha also, thanks to Caroline! Ahaha Love you Cawine! ahahaha so yeah, review please!


I am starting to try to pull together a group of writers for a big and very fun project! So if you are a writer and you want to know the deatails or you're just curious, send me a message ASAP! I am only looking for FIVE WRITERS! Ahaha I have a few people in mind...but I am very open to know who is interested. I will post the official details and what-not as an announcement on this story, as well as I'll Kiss It Away, When I Look At You, and...other stuff. Ahaha

Notoriously Yours,
