1. Jolly Ranchers

She only told him that she loved Jolly Ranchers more than any other candy.

2. Pizza

The two got together over the topic of pizza.

3. Ice Age

"I'd never gonna name a kid peaches" Abby said after her and Nigel saw Ice

Age, 9 years later she and Nigel named their daughter peaches after there first date.

4. Death

To him decommissioning was death to her it was only the beginning.

5. Tools

"Can I help?" she said seeing him on the ground trying to fix the car, getting under the car with him.

6. Glue

She sang Stuck Like Glue by Sugarland and he fell in love with her voice.

7. Baby

He knew why she tried to take the baby's back it was he maternal instincts, he only wished he could hear her sing that song again.

8. Make Up

She never wore make up except at prom and he was speechless at her beauty.

9. Colors

She was blue, He was red tighter they make purple a perfect mix of the two.

10. Talk

Every night they had a midnight talk wrapped in each other's arms and him stoking her hair.

11. Kiss

The mornings were a new days always starting with a morning kiss in the sunshine.

12. Pictures

She keeps all his pictures just so she could see him even if it was his butt.

13. Check

They would check to make sure there relationship matched the ones all the love pictures on the Internet.

14. Space

She loved space even if it reminded her of him when he had left and came back 5 years later.

15. Bald

He forgot why he was bald they all did but Abby always felt like it was her fault.

16. Jealousy

He wouldn't admit it and nether would she, that only delay them to admitting they were Jealous that they didn't have each other.

17. Flame

Love went out like a flame for everybody's at some point but theirs never did.

18. Wheel

The world is just a wheel of love, death, hope, sadness, and new beginnings they knew that and embraced it together.

19. Hidden

They hid their tears and weak points to everyone but each other, they never hid anything from each other, nothing stayed hidden.

20. Blind

They were blind to each other's love weather they admitted it or not, they knew they were blind.

21. Camera

They didn't know the photo was taken; it was of her wearing his shades him with her hat spinning her laughing and having the time of their lives.

22. Fight

There fight ended with that photo ripped and him leaving, they still have the photo and taped it back to remember each other.

23. Shoes

His shoes can in handy so many times, mainly when the two would fly together.

24. TV

The two would lay and snuggled in each others arms while they watched t.v.

25. Holiday

4th of July was there favorite holiday because not only dose red and blue be main colors, but also it's the anniversary of the day had pizza.

26. Socks

"Oh just put on some socks" Abby said toughing a pair at him after he said his feet were cold.

27. Love

There love each other inspired Wally, Kuki, Hoagie, and Fanny to get together.

28. Computer

He spent too much time on the computer, she was the only that could get him off it.

29. Candles

They lost power in the entire city so they were candles everywhere except at the tree house, were couples were kissing in dark.

30. Stress

Nigel panicked over the littlest things. Abby was okay with that, because it meant that she could take care of him.

31. Headphones

She gave him a cd with her singing and her headphones.

32. Hair

She always kept her hair in a braid and her red hat on top but every night he got to see her hair out of a braid.

33. Fly

He was scared of flies she never asked why just protected him from them.

34. Comfort

He would comfort her no matter what even if it was over a fight she started for no reason.

35. Fighting

She loved to see him fight for her, for kids, for his friends, for every thing he fights for she'll love.

36. Heaven

She made him go to heaven every time she smiled.

37. Stars

She sang looking at the stars while Nigel's arms were around her.

38. Apples

He loved apples and she loved to watch him eat apples cause she knew that he was a good kisser from apples.

39. Book

He loved to read with her even if it was a history book.

40. Pocket

Every time they kiss he would put his hands in her back pockets.

41. Holes

She would always trip over potholes but luckily for her Nigel caught her.

42. Moon

The moon was something that Abby and Nigel would look at every night wrapped in each other's arms.

43. Supernova

A supernova is something most never see happen other than pictures, but Abby and nigel saw a supernova one night.

44. Cat

Abby always wanted a cat but her dad never let her have one, until Nigel got her a cat for her birthday.

45. Tulip

Every Year for her birthday, anniversary, and any other holiday Nigel would get her tulips.

46. Play

They would play together every day since they were 5.

47. Rain

He ran to find her in the rain and as soon as he did he kissed her in the rain like every chick fick movie.

48. Flips

He loved to watch her do flips she had so much grace and skill.

49. Light

He was her light, her sun, and the only thing that kept her world bright.

50. Ring

It was the jelwry that she ever wore, and it was because he gave it to her.

That's all I hope you enjoyed. I tell this when I stated this story I thought it would be easy. It's not easy trust me but it is fun.