A/N: Written for a prompt on kakairu kink meme on LJ

Disclaimer: I wish I did

Prompt: Womanizer Iruka. (He can be a hit with the men too, it's just I don't know the male version of the term 'womanizer'. 'Manizer'? Ummm...) Anyway, he's attractive, and he knows it. Simply because there ain't enough seducer!Iruka fics out there.


Iruka sauntered into the missions room with a slight wiggle to his step. He felt the eyes on him and smiled seductively.

Once he got up to the desk, Genma gulped, "Uh… Hey Iruka-sensei, what are you doing here on your day off?" Iruka smirk a look in his eyes that promised a night full of passionate sex. With a sultry voice, "I'm just checking in on my favorite senbon sucker." Iruka ran his finger across Genma's chin, "I wonder what else you could do with that mouth."

Raidou was watching on. His palms sweating and his mouth dry. The look on Genma's face read that he wanted to take the teacher right then and there. Hell, Raidou knew he should be pissed at Iruka but at the moment he wanted to take the chuunin and Iruka wasn't even looking at him.

Raidou ran over to Genma and scooped him up to take the man in the back room. Not before he got a quick glance at the seductive leer the younger man was giving him. That leer seemed to promise that Iruka was going to join them. Both men flushed before running off.

Iruka gave a sad little sigh at loosing his play thing. He noticed Anko in the corner and walked over to the snake user. Anko was looking for an escape route. She was not up to this at the moment she was feeling like crap.

Iruka leaned over the purple haired kunoichi and leaned towards her ear, with a low whisper he said, "What is a sexy girl like you mopping around for?" She flushed as he nibbled on her ear before pulling back. She gasped, "I-Iruka?" He stretched his arm around her and traced patterns on her arm, "You shouldn't be doing this!" Iruka's hand went to her hair, "Oh… You mean this?" He leaned down and planted a little kiss on a particularly sensitive spot on the woman's neck. She bit back a moan as the man pulled away.

She watched as Iruka walked out of the room with a wiggle in his step. The man was lethally sexy and he knew it. "Damn you Iruka!" She rushed off to find someone to work off this new found sexual frustration.

Iruka made it back to the hallway and swayed his hips even more as he walked towards a certain silver-haired Jounin. Kakashi felt his blood rush south. Did Iruka even know what he did to his libido with just a look? Those expressive brown eyes held lust with a promise of a night of kinky sex.

Iruka walked to the taller man and put to finger on the Jounin's chin brushing against his check as he walked by. Kakashi followed like the helpless puppy he was. "Do you know how sexy you are?" Iruka smirked, "Oh, I know Kakashi-love."

As they walked back home Ibiki passed them. Iruka couldn't help it, he shot the 'bedroom now' look at the Interrogator. Ibiki turned away from the two not wanting Iruka to see him raise a handkerchief up to his now slightly bloody nose.

Iruka smirked and thought, I still got it. He leaned up to kiss his Kakashi on the check, he may be a flirt but he only had eyes for the copy nin.


A/N: Ok this was just some pure crack and I had to do it! For the person who requested this, I hope you enjoyed!