Stephanie Meyer owns Twilight and the characters contained in this story...I own nothing same with I'm Your Man lyrics

**This story is rated M and will contain Mature content: ~ Sexual content, language, & violence ~ if you are underage or that isn't something you wish to read - please be forewarned!**

I'm Your Man
If you want a lover
I'll do anything you ask me to
And if you want another kind of love
I'll wear a mask for you
If you want a partner
Take my hand
Or if you want to strike me down in anger
Here I stand
I'm your man

Paul's POV

For the first time in a long time Paul's sleep was undisturbed by the nightmares that had plagued him since he was old enough to realize the real reason his mother had left. The sound sleep he had been enjoying was rudely interrupted by an insistent ringing sound. Having been awoken with a start, Paul sat up dead pin straight in his bed and looked around sleepily.

"What's going on?" He asked before looking down at the insanely beautiful girl lying naked under the sheet of his bed. Paul felt his heart flutter while looking at her, reaching down he ran his fingers down her face.

"Good morning Baby," he whispered.

"Your phone is going off over there," Leah mumbled as she raised her hand in the direction of the persistent ringing. Pulling away from him she went on to say, "I'll go and get it, ok?"

Watching her get up and bend over to collect one of his clean shirts from the pile on the floor, Paul could not believe that this was happening to him. Since he had joined the pack his life had changed so much! When he had first turned he had not been close to either Sam or Jared, even though he was in the same year at school as Jared. Paul had had his own circle of friends at the time so when he suddenly stopped hanging around with them and overnight became inseparable with Sam; it drew a lot of attention from most people. Since he was volatile as a human he'd had a hard time controlling himself and had frequently phased by accident. This had forced Sam to stay close to him in order to hide his transformations from attracting too much interest.

After Emily was injured by Sam, Paul began to take his anger problems more seriously and had improved somewhat, though he still at times found controlling his temper more difficult than the others. He had felt lonely since he'd stopped seeing his former friends and anger that this curse had fallen on his shoulders. When looking back none of it even mattered anymore, having Leah made him feel like none of that bad stuff had ever happened. Paul was so happy that he didn't care about anything but her.

If you want a boxer

I will step into the ring for you

And if you want a doctor

I'll examine every inch of you

If you want a driver

Climb inside

Or if you want to take me for a ride

You know you can

I'm your man

As he watched her pick up his phone and look at it, he watched her sway on her feet and lurch forward. Fighting out of sheets that were tangled around his hips, he was on her in a flash holding her by the shoulders.

"Are you ok Lee?" he questioned, trying to get her to look him in the eyes. Leah pulled herself away and thrust his phone at him.

"Who is on the phone?" Paul queried softly.

"It's Sam," her voice almost cracking. Hearing the pain in her voice almost killed him, it hurt him more than he could possibly explain.

Leah broke out of his grip and turned around walking out the door with him hot on her heels.

Raising the phone to his ear he barked into it not caring that it was his Alpha on the other end, "What do you want Sam?"

Paul watched Leah sit down on his veranda before he quickly stomped off towards the forest to talk to Sam. "What's wrong with you man? We have a situation! Leah is missing," Sam said sounding slightly disgruntled by the way his Omega had addressed him.

"Nobody has seen her since her mother told her about the baby yesterday morning! Sue and Seth are freaking out." Sam continued rapidly.

"She's not missing Sam," Paul said though clenched teeth.

"Leah is with me, where she belongs she is my imprint."

There was silence through the phone as Paul waited for Sam to respond.

"What the hell are you talking about Paul?" Sam shouted down the phone. Paul could feel himself begin to shake but tried not to phase, pushing it down and shaking his head quickly.

"Explain yourself right now!" Sam demanded.

"Leah is my imprint and that's that Sam," He replied trying to keep his voice level. His eyes narrowed as he watched Leah pull a cigarette from the pack that his Aunt Marie had left on the table after Sunday dinner.

"Look Sam tell Sue not to worry," Paul said into the phone before promptly hanging up before Sam could reply. He began making his way back towards the house and the love of his life. It didn't take him long to reach his veranda where he jumped the three small steps and walked directly over to the table and chairs that Leah was sitting.

"I thought you'd quit?" he mumbled before picking up the pack and pulling out a smoke for himself. A wonderful thought popped in to his head as he sat staring in to her eyes, "You should not be smoking Babe."

"Why? Is it going to stunt my growth?" Leah bit back at him before taking another long draw and saying "I'm a werewolf Paul. I don't think it matters till I stop phasing right?"

"What if you're pregnant?" His throat felt like gravel as he looked at his feet before stammering through the rest rather fast, "I mean… you could be… I figure that since I imprinted on you… and imprinting is there to …um...Insure that we reproduce …. And stuff then…. maybe there's a chance right?"

All the blood drained from her face and she looked like she wanted to be sick. It was not exactly the reaction he was hoping for.

Ah, the moons too bright

The chains too tight

The beast won't go to sleep

I've been running through these promises to you

That I made and I could not keep

Ah but a man never got a woman back

Leah's POV

It was still dark when Leah woke. Sleepy eyes looked around before quickly realizing that she was not in her room at home but she was in fact laying in Paul's large king size bed in the small cabin that he rented. Being here with Paul like this was so unreal and amazing that she just lay there wrapped snugly in his arms and took it all in. A loud ringing alerted Leah that Paul's phone was going off its head on the desk that was pushed up against the wall near the front door. The loud noise woke Paul with a star and he sat upright violently.

"What's going on?" Paul asked sleepily looking around with a scowl on his face until his eyes landed on Leah's form under the sheets, his face softened instantly and he brought his hand up to her cheek. "Good morning baby," "Your phone is going off over there," Leah raised her hand to point in the direction of the front door. Her skin felt hot and she realised she was blushing a little under Paul's intense stare, feeling slightly uncomfortable. "I'll go and get it, ok?"

Leah stood up and rummaged around for one of the shirts that were scattered on the floor by the bed. Slipping it quickly over her head, it was so big that it fell to her knees and hung loosely from her body.

As Leah started to walk she almost fell, she was so sore from there romp last night she found it hard to make it across the room to get his phone from the desk, all of the normally unused muscles in her legs and abdomen were screaming. Picking up the phone she glanced at the caller I.D, seeing it was Sam practically brought her to her knees. Leah swayed and grabbed on to the couch to steady herself and within seconds Paul was at her side pulling her into his warmth.

Leah had thought that when she imprinted that it would end the pain she felt in relation to Sam and Emily. The pain had gotten a little better when she had joined Jacob's pack but still it had been welling in her chest like a giant black hole over her heart. Not being around Sam all the time had helped too and now wrapped in Paul's large arms the hole seemed so much smaller. The knowledge that Paul was Sam's Omega didn't sit well and she could see a lot more pain in her future.

Not by begging on his knees
Or I'd crawl to you baby
And I'd fall at your feet
And I'd howl at your beauty
Like a dog in heat
And I'd claw at your heart
And I'd tear at your sheet
I'd say please, please
I'm your man

"Are you ok Lee?" Paul asked trying to look her in the face but couldn't because she was staring intently at the floor then she pulled herself away from him and handed him the phone "Who is on the phone?"

"It's Sam," her voice almost cracked. Leah wondered why she was feeling distressed over Sam's phone call when she was now imprinted.

Pushing the phone at Paul, Leah walked slowly out the front door. She could feel Paul close behind already answering Sam's call. Leah looked around the large veranda that was attached to the front of the rather small cabin. There were several plants to her left while two seats and a small table sat at the other end of the porch. Leah moved to sit while Paul moved towards the forest. Sitting in one of the big comfy high backed chairs she noticed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter sitting on the table. Picking the pack up she opened the lid before removing one of the smokes. Leah tapped it on the table indecisively before quickly giving in and placing it in her mouth and lighting it up.

'Hell, it's been a hectic night. I need something to sooth my nerves,' Leah told herself. Not that the all night Sex-A-Thon hadn't relaxed her quite a bit she still felt rather tense. Looking up she could see that Paul had now walked about 100 metres away from the house to talk to Sam. Paul must have realized the effect Sam had on her at the moment and was trying to give her some space.

Inhaling deeply on the cigarette, she held it in for a moment in her lungs before exhaling and sending a huge cloud of smoke to bellow out in front of her. Leah could feel the buzz of the nicotine coursing through her and it felt good! She had not been a smoker before Sam had left her and it had become a terrible habit that she had only kicked recently. However, as she took another drag she really couldn't remember why she had quit in the first place.

And if you've got to sleep
A moment on the road
I will steer for you
And if you want to work the street alone
I'll disappear for you
If you want a father for your child
Or only want to walk with me a while
Across the sand
I'm your man

Looking up Leah could see Paul striding towards her with a displeased look on his face; the anger was coming off him in waves as he approached her. "I thought you had quit?" Paul said as he picked the pack up and pulled one out for himself. "You should not be smoking Babe."

"Why? Is it going to stunt my growth?" Leah said sarcastically before taking another long draw before exhaling and saying, "I'm a werewolf Paul. I don't think it matters till I stop phasing right?"

"What if you're pregnant?" Paul asked roughly looking at his feet the rest came out in a bit of a rush "I mean… you could be… I figure that since I imprinted on you… and imprinting is there to ….. Insure that we reproduce …. And stuff then…. maybe there's a chance right?"

Leah had been mid-way through her drag on her smoke when he came out with that, she stopped breathing. Smoke caught in her throat quickly turning stale and causing her to cough and splutter. In a second Paul was by her side patting her on the back.

The thought had not even occurred to her, PREGNANT….

AN: He He Cliff-hanger! LOL Sorry it took me so long to update I will try to update again soon though we must take into mind the fact the my track record updating is not so good but I get there eventually!