Ok everyone like I promised I tried to put this up as fast as I could. There might not be much Bamon in this one but that's because the finale is almost here! Damon has to save Bonnie before Katherine succeeds in her plans!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries…

Previously on the Vampire Diaries…

Stefan thought for a minute as he tried to recall the events from earlier. Then suddenly his eyes grew wide.

"Crap." Stefan said as he made his way to the door.

"What? What?" Damon said as his brother pushed past him.

"It's Bonnie she's in danger."

Damon shook his head from left to right as he intensely tried to comprehend his brother's foreign words.

"What are you saying?" He replied.

"Katherine is going after Bonnie, that was the last thing she told me!"

Damon eyes seemed like they were about to pop out of his head and he could feel his anger and fear rise in his chest. Opening the door both brothers ran out of the house and mind bottling speed not even stopping to lock it behind them.

They ran as face as they could, cutting through the woods to make a shortcut from themselves. It couldn't have been more than two minutes when they reached Bonnie's hose that was clear across town.

They didn't even seem winded as the flashed up the lawn which belonged to Bonnie.

Damon's heart dropped in his chest and he began to panic within his mind when he saw that Bonnie's door was wide open and it was dark on the inside.

The smell of blood was overwhelming. There were two…one of which he didn't recognize but the other one was as familiar to him as his own. His hands balled into a fist as he continued to stare at the home knowing that she was already long gone.





"How could this happen?" Tyler yelled at the top of this lungs as he punched a nearby car window to pieces. The glass shattered leaving on lookers in awe.

"Chill out wolf boy we'll find her." Damon said in a hush tone.

The gang decided to meet up at the high school to determine what steps they would take next. Bonnie was officially kidnapped and because she was the only witch they knew of, there were no other methods that they could use besides Tyler to find her unless they came upon another witch in some unexpected predicament. Damon was standing next to Stefan, Stefan next to Elena and Elena next to Caroline. All eyes were currently on Tyler.

Damon figured it would be a good idea to ask for his help, after all he was a werewolf and werewolves are known for their heighten sense of smell and he figured they could use that to their advantage to find his little witch. As much as he hated Tyler this was no time to hold any spiteful feelings toward the mutt time was running out, who knows what Katherine was going to do with Bonnie.

Damon was so busy being lost in his own thoughts that he didn't even recognize that the wolf was still babbling and complaining.

"And you!..." Damon heard an emphasis on Tyler's words causing him to give his attention completely to him. Tyler's face was bright red when he suddenly marched his way over to Damon grabbing him by his shirt and balling up with his fist.

"This is all you're fault! Bonnie got kidnapped because of you! You son of a-!"

"Tyler stop it." Caroline growled. "It's not his fault he didn't know."

"Please Caroline don't… spare us your oxymoronic logic. Of course its all his fault, Katherine is his ex he should've handled this a long time ago! Not only that Bonnie's father is near death, what if he dies? Bonnie won't have anyone else to rely on."

Damon stared intensely at Tyler. Usually when someone even looked at him wrong he wouldn't hesitate to put them six feet under, and here this wolf was grabbing him by the shirt and spitting accusations at him. Damon decided instead of knocking the mutt's brains out onto the pavement that he would allow him vent…Just this once.

Stefan stepped up walking in between Tyler and Damon causing Tyler's grip to loosen on Damon's shirt. Stefan glowered at Tyler for a moment before speaking.

"Whatever we do we should do it quick I have a feeling Katherine isn't working alone. Remember that mysterious guy you mentioned was with her at the Mystic grill Tyler?"

Stefan asked.

Cursing and taking a step back Tyler nodded his head.

"I think he might be working with her. If that's the case then he must not be human she would need someone that can help her put her plans into motion."

Elena interrupted. "Which means?"

"Which means Bonnie is definitely in trouble." Stefan finished.

Damon began to get annoyed he didn't want to just sit there in talk about it he wanted to go find Bonnie as soon as possible and the longer he stood there the more he felt like she would be lost to them forever.

"Then put your asses into gear and let's go find her!" Damon said. Since the conversation began he found it hard to stand still, now he found himself walking in small circles anxiously waiting to begin the hunt for that stuck up bitch Katherine.

"Damon…calm down we'll find her." Elena said.

Damon stopped in his tracks turning to Elena with a fierce look on his face.

He didn't mean for anyone to see him panic but the cat was out of the bag now.

Damon moved away from the others finding comfort at a bench nearby. Everyone eyes followed his movements but no one dared to stopped him. Following not far behind was the brunette female or otherwise known as the doppelganger Elena. When Damon took a seat at the bench there she was right next to him.

He didn't pay her no mind as she tried to gain his attention. He just stared off into space trying to think of any possible hiding places that Katherine would take Bonnie.

"Damon…do you love Bonnie?" Elena asked in a soft insecure voice.

Damon stiffened at her question it was so sudden, he wasn't prepared for it. Not at that moment.

"Are you really asking me that question right now?" Damon replied still avoiding eye contact with her.

Elena continued to stare at Damon her eyes narrowed as she quietly began to fiddle with her fingers.

"It's just ever since this whole incident started you've been acting different…it's like you don't even have any interest in me anymore…is that true? D-do you not love me anymore Damon?"

If it wasn't for Damon being so stressed out he could've burst out laughing at this women's selfishness. He felt himself about to laugh hysterically any second but stopped himself short from doing so. Is this what he found so attractive in this Katherine look alike? If so they truly had issues to work on.

"Just like Katherine." Damon murmured.

Elena paused her fidgeting as she looked at Damon.

"I'm sorry what?" She asked confused.

Damon growing irritated from her company got up from the benched and turned around to face her.

"I said you're just like her. In every way as a matter of fact...It always has to be about you even though your best friend's life might be in danger, hell she could be dead right now and all you care about is whether I love her more than you?" Damon barked as his eyes sharpened on the girl making her feel more and more uncomfortable.

Elena was more than confused, she was flabbergasted. Still she was determined to get her answer…like always.

"What do you mean love her more? Does that mean… you already love her?"

Damon looked at her speechless; did she just say what he think she said? This girl is so…so infuriating he thought to himself. He truly wanted to kill her right then and there just because of her blind stupidity and ignorance.

"You're impossible Elena…how about you come talk to me when you get over yourself?"

With that Damon walked away, still angry as when this whole mess started to meet back up with everyone else in the parking lot. When he got there he took his place right next to his brother who eyed him wildly trying to read any signs of what he feared the most.

"Is Elena-" Stefan started but was interrupted by Damon.

"Everything is fine but just do me a favor brother…and keep her in check." Damon responded shooting his baby blue eyes in his direction.

"So its settled…" a voice interjected. Tyler will use his abilities to sniff out Bonnie's scent, we'll start where she was seen last and from there we'll split up to search the town and surrounding area, keeping in touch with our cell phone's." Caroline quickly took the role of leader since Stefan had other things on his mind. Like what he was going to do with Elena.

"There's a full moon tonight, we have to find her before then if we want to put it to good use…that is if Tyler doesn't end up killing all of us instead." Stefan added.

"Damon? Is that ok? Caroline asked in an attempt to win his approval.

Damon stood there and looked at the ground; he didn't want to give up hope. He promised to protect Bonnie and that he would be there for her. Deep down he blamed him self for her being taken away in the first place, in a way the mutt was right…if he wasn't so damn prideful this would have never happened. Bringing his head up he took one more look around at each of the stern faces of the 'official save Bonnie Bennett' team that's when he realized that if he even wanted a small hope of saving her that he would need all of their help.

"Let's hurry." Damon advised.




It was cold, dark and quiet. It felt as though she was floating but where? She couldn't see there was nothing but a dark cold abyss, never ending cold, dark and lonely abyss.

"Time to open those eyes Miss Bennett." A voice from the yonder called. Where was it coming from? She didn't know… it was somewhere close… somewhere to her left?

"I said wake up now or I'll carve your eyes out of your sockets."

That's when Bonnie's started to remember…that she wasn't where she should be. Her eyes shot open taking a huge breath of air into her lungs when she did.

She was in a sudden shock; her eyes fluttered trying to make out her blurry surroundings as well as the figure that was in front of her.

Her eyes began to clear but she just couldn't shake the uncomfortable and painful headache she had pounding through her skull.

"Good afternoon sunshine." A ridged voice said.

Bonnie set her eyes upon the person in front of her. She gasped in freight. Praying to herself that whatever was going on that it was a dream, because if it was real she was definitely in trouble this time, and by the looks of it and the old worn down building in which she was, tied so helplessly to in a steel chair she felt as though the so called nightmare which was her life…has finally come to an end.

"Hey Bonnie…its taken awhile to get to this point but this will be over before you know it…trust me." Katherine said looking down at Bonnie smiling a wicked and menacing smile.

Bonnie's eyes lowered to the floor she was still exhausted from her earlier encounter of this sadistic psycho and it was already difficult for her to stay awake. Her body ached and her face felt swollen they really did a number on her.

She started to think about Damon and wondered if he knew she was gone. She wondered whether or not he would care if she were to die today.

Damon was all she was able to think about at that time, but she couldn't help it. She needed Damon, she needed Damon's help and she needed to tell him just a little bit about how she felt.

"Damon…" Bonnie muttered aloud. "Help me."

To be continued…

Wow we're almost there guys! The finale just a few more chapters! Review if you'll please.