"Following the small path through the forest"

They thought nothing of why the small path was red.

"Having tea beneath the rosebush"

The one red flower was beautiful among the grey and blue ones.

"The invitation to the palace was the ace of hearts"

They wondered about the invitation card that came from the Palance.

It was the Ace of Hearts.

Almost ironic.


"The fourth Alice was twin children, entering Wonderland out of curiosity"

The fourth Alice was not twins, but a pair of lovers, who entered Wonderland out of curiosity as well as fear for each other.

They both had made the decision to leave, loving each other too much to want to continue living the way they had.

Their love was a forbidden one.

Which made it all the more special.

"Passing through countless doors, they had only just recently come"

With all of the missing exorcists, the Order had become more prudent with security, believing it to be the work of the Earl.

The one time that the Noah had slipped up, they were caught.

They were forced to run.

Luckily, Road was able to make a door for them to escape to.

And now they were here, were they could live together in peace- and still keep things interesting.

Living in a wonderland had to be anything but dull, right?

"A stubborn sister and an intelligent brother. They came the closest to being the true Alice, but..."

A stuborn Noah and an intelligent Exorcist, they made quite a pair.

Together they came the closest to being the true Alice, but… they loved each other too much.

They were content being just the two of them, and their love for each other was what kept them from truly becoming Alice.

Not that they minded.

As the Noah, lifted the Exorcist's head to deepen their kiss, tongues fighting for dominance, being Alice was the last thing on their minds.

"They won't wake from their dream. They're lost in Wonderland"

They won't wake from this lust and love filled dream.

As hands wandered, breathes mixed and limbs intertwined, they became forever lost in Wonderland.

The Dream grinned as it watched the two. True, it hadn't found the True Alice, but while this was entertaining…

it could always search again.

[Maybe the next Alice... is you]


That's it for AHS- DGM style. Did ya like it? Huh? Huh?

Oh, and if ya didn't already guess, it's the dream singing the lyrics.

Thanks for reading! I really appreciate this!

Read, Review, and stayed tuned for more stories!

This is Mae, signing out